CORD-19:065b4479aa47cf07a1955ffd52ec2985a2a16a02 / 2918-3018 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T19 0-100 Sentence denotes The genus Cryptosporidium currently comprises 19 valid species and over 40 genotypes (Fayer, 2010) .


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T19 0-100 Sentence denotes The genus Cryptosporidium currently comprises 19 valid species and over 40 genotypes (Fayer, 2010) .
TextSentencer_T19 0-100 Sentence denotes The genus Cryptosporidium currently comprises 19 valid species and over 40 genotypes (Fayer, 2010) .