PMC:1892049 / 20788-21234 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9717 0-8 VBG denotes Breeding
T9718 9-20 NNS denotes experiments
T9720 21-25 VBD denotes were
T9719 26-35 VBN denotes performed
T9721 36-43 IN denotes between
T9722 44-47 CD denotes two
T9724 48-54 JJ denotes female
T9723 55-59 NNS denotes mice
T9725 60-72 JJ denotes heterozygous
T9726 73-76 IN denotes for
T9727 77-80 DT denotes the
T9729 81-88 JJ denotes current
T9728 89-97 NN denotes mutation
T9730 98-99 -LRB- denotes (
T9732 99-106 NN denotes Itpr1wt
T9733 106-107 HYPH denotes /
T9731 107-110 NN denotes Δ18
T9734 110-111 -RRB- denotes )
T9735 112-115 CC denotes and
T9736 116-117 DT denotes a
T9738 118-122 JJ denotes male
T9737 123-128 NN denotes mouse
T9739 129-141 JJ denotes heterozygous
T9740 142-145 IN denotes for
T9741 146-149 DT denotes the
T9743 150-158 NN denotes Itpr1opt
T9742 159-167 NN denotes mutation
T9744 168-169 -LRB- denotes (
T9746 169-176 NN denotes Itpr1wt
T9747 176-177 HYPH denotes /
T9745 177-180 NN denotes opt
T9748 180-181 -RRB- denotes )
T9749 181-182 . denotes .
T9750 182-446 sentence denotes This resulted in two litters of mice with a total of four affected Itpr1opt/Δ18 pups (from a total of 15; two of seven from first mating; two of eight from the second mating) with a phenotype indistinguishable from that of the Itpr1Δ18/Δ18 and Itpr1opt /opt mice.
T9751 183-187 DT denotes This
T9752 188-196 VBD denotes resulted
T9753 197-199 IN denotes in
T9754 200-203 CD denotes two
T9755 204-211 NNS denotes litters
T9756 212-214 IN denotes of
T9757 215-219 NNS denotes mice
T9758 220-224 IN denotes with
T9759 225-226 DT denotes a
T9760 227-232 NN denotes total
T9761 233-235 IN denotes of
T9762 236-240 CD denotes four
T9764 241-249 VBN denotes affected
T9765 250-258 NN denotes Itpr1opt
T9767 258-259 HYPH denotes /
T9766 259-262 NN denotes Δ18
T9763 263-267 NNS denotes pups
T9768 268-269 -LRB- denotes (
T9770 269-273 IN denotes from
T9771 274-275 DT denotes a
T9772 276-281 NN denotes total
T9773 282-284 IN denotes of
T9774 285-287 CD denotes 15
T9775 287-288 : denotes ;
T9776 289-292 CD denotes two
T9778 293-295 IN denotes of
T9777 296-301 CD denotes seven
T9779 302-306 IN denotes from
T9780 307-312 JJ denotes first
T9781 313-319 NN denotes mating
T9782 319-320 : denotes ;
T9783 321-324 CD denotes two
T9784 325-327 IN denotes of
T9769 328-333 CD denotes eight
T9785 334-338 IN denotes from
T9786 339-342 DT denotes the
T9788 343-349 JJ denotes second
T9787 350-356 NN denotes mating
T9789 356-357 -RRB- denotes )
T9790 358-362 IN denotes with
T9791 363-364 DT denotes a
T9792 365-374 NN denotes phenotype
T9793 375-392 JJ denotes indistinguishable
T9794 393-397 IN denotes from
T9795 398-402 DT denotes that
T9796 403-405 IN denotes of
T9797 406-409 DT denotes the
T9799 410-418 NN denotes Itpr1Δ18
T9801 418-419 HYPH denotes /
T9800 419-422 NN denotes Δ18
T9802 423-426 CC denotes and
T9803 427-435 NN denotes Itpr1opt
T9805 436-437 HYPH denotes /
T9804 437-440 NN denotes opt
T9798 441-445 NNS denotes mice
T9806 445-446 . denotes .
R2812 T9717 T9718 amod Breeding,experiments
R2813 T9718 T9719 nsubjpass experiments,performed
R2814 T9720 T9719 auxpass were,performed
R2815 T9721 T9719 prep between,performed
R2816 T9722 T9723 nummod two,mice
R2817 T9723 T9721 pobj mice,between
R2818 T9724 T9723 amod female,mice
R2819 T9725 T9723 amod heterozygous,mice
R2820 T9726 T9725 prep for,heterozygous
R2821 T9727 T9728 det the,mutation
R2822 T9728 T9726 pobj mutation,for
R2823 T9729 T9728 amod current,mutation
R2824 T9730 T9731 punct (,Δ18
R2825 T9731 T9728 parataxis Δ18,mutation
R2826 T9732 T9731 compound Itpr1wt,Δ18
R2827 T9733 T9731 punct /,Δ18
R2828 T9734 T9731 punct ),Δ18
R2829 T9735 T9723 cc and,mice
R2830 T9736 T9737 det a,mouse
R2831 T9737 T9723 conj mouse,mice
R2832 T9738 T9737 amod male,mouse
R2833 T9739 T9737 amod heterozygous,mouse
R2834 T9740 T9739 prep for,heterozygous
R2835 T9741 T9742 det the,mutation
R2836 T9742 T9740 pobj mutation,for
R2837 T9743 T9742 compound Itpr1opt,mutation
R2838 T9744 T9745 punct (,opt
R2839 T9745 T9742 parataxis opt,mutation
R2840 T9746 T9745 compound Itpr1wt,opt
R2841 T9747 T9745 punct /,opt
R2842 T9748 T9745 punct ),opt
R2843 T9749 T9719 punct .,performed
R2844 T9751 T9752 nsubj This,resulted
R2845 T9753 T9752 prep in,resulted
R2846 T9754 T9755 nummod two,litters
R2847 T9755 T9753 pobj litters,in
R2848 T9756 T9755 prep of,litters
R2849 T9757 T9756 pobj mice,of
R2850 T9758 T9755 prep with,litters
R2851 T9759 T9760 det a,total
R2852 T9760 T9758 pobj total,with
R2853 T9761 T9760 prep of,total
R2854 T9762 T9763 nummod four,pups
R2855 T9763 T9761 pobj pups,of
R2856 T9764 T9763 amod affected,pups
R2857 T9765 T9766 compound Itpr1opt,Δ18
R2858 T9766 T9763 compound Δ18,pups
R2859 T9767 T9766 punct /,Δ18
R2860 T9768 T9769 punct (,eight
R2861 T9769 T9763 parataxis eight,pups
R2862 T9770 T9769 prep from,eight
R2863 T9771 T9772 det a,total
R2864 T9772 T9770 pobj total,from
R2865 T9773 T9772 prep of,total
R2866 T9774 T9773 pobj 15,of
R2867 T9775 T9769 punct ;,eight
R2868 T9776 T9777 quantmod two,seven
R2869 T9777 T9769 dep seven,eight
R2870 T9778 T9777 quantmod of,seven
R2871 T9779 T9777 prep from,seven
R2872 T9780 T9781 amod first,mating
R2873 T9781 T9779 pobj mating,from
R2874 T9782 T9769 punct ;,eight
R2875 T9783 T9769 quantmod two,eight
R2876 T9784 T9769 quantmod of,eight
R2877 T9785 T9769 prep from,eight
R2878 T9786 T9787 det the,mating
R2879 T9787 T9785 pobj mating,from
R2880 T9788 T9787 amod second,mating
R2881 T9789 T9769 punct ),eight
R2882 T9790 T9763 prep with,pups
R2883 T9791 T9792 det a,phenotype
R2884 T9792 T9790 pobj phenotype,with
R2885 T9793 T9792 amod indistinguishable,phenotype
R2886 T9794 T9793 prep from,indistinguishable
R2887 T9795 T9794 pobj that,from
R2888 T9796 T9795 prep of,that
R2889 T9797 T9798 det the,mice
R2890 T9798 T9796 pobj mice,of
R2891 T9799 T9800 nmod Itpr1Δ18,Δ18
R2892 T9800 T9798 nmod Δ18,mice
R2893 T9801 T9800 punct /,Δ18
R2894 T9802 T9800 cc and,Δ18
R2895 T9803 T9804 compound Itpr1opt,opt
R2896 T9804 T9800 conj opt,Δ18
R2897 T9805 T9804 punct /,opt
R2898 T9806 T9752 punct .,resulted