BB-norm@ldeleger:BB-norm-15293611 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue NCBI_Taxonomy OntoBiotope
T1 0-87 Title denotes Clonal strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in paediatric and adult cystic fibrosis units.
T3 18-40 Microorganism denotes Pseudomonas aeruginosa 287
T5 44-54 Habitat denotes paediatric OBT:003188
T7 59-64 Habitat denotes adult OBT:003245
T6 59-86 Habitat denotes adult cystic fibrosis units OBT:000097
T4-1 44-54,65-86 Habitat denotes paediatric cystic fibrosis units
T2 88-1551 Paragraph denotes Despite recent reports of clonal strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis (CF) units, the need for routine microbiological surveillance remains contentious. Sputum was collected prospectively from productive patients attending the regional paediatric and adult CF units in Brisbane, Australia. All P. aeruginosa isolates were typed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Spirometry, anthropometrics, hospitalisations and antibiotic sensitivity data were recorded. The first 100 sputum samples (first 50 patients at each clinic) harboured 163 isolates of P. aeruginosa. A total of 39 patients shared a common strain (pulsotype 2), 20 patients shared a strain with at least one other patient and 41 patients harboured unique strains. Eight patients shared a strain identical to a previously reported Australian transmissible strain (pulsotype 1). Compared with the unique strain group, patients harbouring pulsotype 2 were younger and had poorer lung function. Treatment requirements were similar in these two groups, as were the rates of multiresistance. In conclusion, 59% of patients harboured a clonal strain, supporting the need for routine microbiological surveillance. In contrast to previously described clonal strains, the dominant pulsotype was indistinguishable from nonclonal strains with respect to both colonial morphology and multiresistance. The clinical significance of clonal strains remains uncertain and requires longitudinal study.
T8 132-154 Microorganism denotes Pseudomonas aeruginosa 287
T9 158-184 Habitat denotes cystic fibrosis (CF) units OBT:000097
T10 257-263 Habitat denotes Sputum OBT:001335
T11 297-316 Habitat denotes productive patients OBT:003220
T14 340-350 Habitat denotes paediatric OBT:003188
T15 355-360 Habitat denotes adult OBT:003245
T12-1 331-339,355-369 Habitat denotes regional adult CF units
T13-1 331-350,361-369 Habitat denotes regional paediatric CF units
T16 398-411 Microorganism denotes P. aeruginosa 287
T17 522-544 Phenotype denotes antibiotic sensitivity OBT:002675
T18 579-585 Habitat denotes sputum OBT:001335
T19 604-612 Habitat denotes patients OBT:003220
T20 621-627 Habitat denotes clinic OBT:002694
T21 655-668 Microorganism denotes P. aeruginosa 287
T22 684-692 Habitat denotes patients OBT:003220
T23 734-742 Habitat denotes patients OBT:003220
T24 783-790 Habitat denotes patient OBT:003220
T25 798-806 Habitat denotes patients OBT:003220
T26 839-847 Habitat denotes patients OBT:003220
T27 985-993 Habitat denotes patients OBT:003220
T28 1045-1049 Habitat denotes lung OBT:000716
T29 1138-1153 Phenotype denotes multiresistance OBT:002674
T30 1177-1185 Habitat denotes patients OBT:003220
T31 1416-1435 Phenotype denotes colonial morphology OBT:000064
T32 1440-1455 Phenotype denotes multiresistance OBT:002674