PMC:7029448 / 8607-9374 JSONTXT 5 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T67 0-31 Sentence denotes Level of specificity validation
T68 32-252 Sentence denotes Only 11 laboratories of the 38 laboratories that had implemented testing indicated having validated the specificity of the implemented test against the six additionally known HCoVs and other common respiratory pathogens.
T69 253-350 Sentence denotes For 15 laboratories, specificity validation was still in progress at the time of data submission.
T70 351-500 Sentence denotes Seven laboratories indicated to have only partially validated the implemented test(s) while five laboratories had not (yet) performed any validation.
T71 501-689 Sentence denotes The questionnaire was send out before the first 2019-nCoV cases appeared in Europe (Figure 1) and positive clinical specimens were assumed to be not available to the European laboratories.
T72 690-767 Sentence denotes Therefore, the level of validation for clinical sensitivity was not assessed.