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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 13-184 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the term "cloud computing" has already been used elsewhere in this publication, for ease of understanding, in this chapter I follow the model used by Quick et al.
T2 679-773 Epistemic_statement denotes Windows and Linux) and an underlying database so that they can create or acquire applications;
T3 774-890 Epistemic_statement denotes Cloud SaaS: This allows clients of the CSP to utilize software and applications running on the cloud infrastructure.
T4 1096-1232 Epistemic_statement denotes However, describing cloud computing crime in simple terms has been a challenge ever since the early days of the Internetwork revolution.
T5 1479-1582 Epistemic_statement denotes These terms tend to be used interchangeably, which makes it difficult to provide universal definitions.
T6 1841-2059 Epistemic_statement denotes For example, in most Western common law countries, if a female posts topless beach holiday "selfies" on Facebook via a smart mobile phone to share among friends, the act would be considered a harmless private activity.
T7 2060-2293 Epistemic_statement denotes In many Muslim countries, and certainly those in the Middle East, however, the act would be considered a criminal offense; the woman would be subject to criminal prosecution in court and the act would be punishable by public lashing.
T8 2294-2495 Epistemic_statement denotes Both polity and invested interests are at play, and the novelty of the "risk" or "threat" posed by new forms of technology-associated crimes can be used to support a larger share of government funding.
T9 2663-2831 Epistemic_statement denotes The growth and development of cloud computing crime has largely been a consequence of the expansion of cloud computing environments capable of facilitating criminality.
T10 3164-3476 Epistemic_statement denotes The popularity of smaller mobile computing devices such as smart phones, which have resulted from advancements in Internet technologies, has been combined with the nature of cloud computing, which provides faster, easier access to files in remote locations, to allow users to access and update files on the move.
T11 3477-3681 Epistemic_statement denotes Although cloud computing technologies offer efficiency in terms of users' hardware requirements and access barriers, they also create challenges for both law enforcement authorities and individuals alike.
T12 5367-5589 Epistemic_statement denotes These perceptions are largely dependent on the level of technology each country relies on to generate wealth, and sometimes on how much a given government sees technology as a threat to its political structure and systems.
T13 5668-5959 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the same UNITU 2012 report stressed that the digital divide had closed significantly between developed and developing nations, particularly in South East Asia and numerous African countries due to the increase in portable devices such as smart phones and the decrease in their cost.
T14 6171-6258 Epistemic_statement denotes Despite the downward trend, prices remain relatively high in many low-income countries.
T15 7037-7277 Epistemic_statement denotes The increased ownership of smart phones in these countries has not only narrowed the gap between them and traditional fixed-location devices such as desktop computers, but also shifted the information and communication technology landscape.
T16 7639-7778 Epistemic_statement denotes On the other hand, to enhance the user's smart mobile phone experience, service providers must design their services based on users' needs.
T17 7779-8044 Epistemic_statement denotes This can result in compromised safe-guards and security, which in turn create opportunities for criminal activity, and authorities have yet to catch up to these technologies, especially when perpetrators can be located overseas or in different police jurisdictions.
T18 8045-8147 Epistemic_statement denotes The increase in mobile smart phone use has also been rapid and significant in Singapore and Hong Kong.
T19 8632-8864 Epistemic_statement denotes While this growth is expected to begin levelling out, consumers' use of connected devices will continue to evolve and expand, presenting vast opportunities for organisations to engage with consumers on an almost ubiquitous platform.
T20 9060-9061 Epistemic_statement denotes 4
T21 9062-9271 Epistemic_statement denotes There has been an ample and growing opportunity for smart phone commerce in fields such as mobile banking, games and videos, and advertising in the Asia Pacific region, particularly in Hong Kong and Singapore.
T22 9272-9424 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the rapid increase in smart phone use and penetration has greatly increased the potential for corresponding growth in smart mobile phone crime.
T23 9722-9890 Epistemic_statement denotes 5 Although the actual level of smart mobile phone crime is not known, and what is known is probably just the tip of the iceberg, the potential for problems is sobering.
T24 11419-11510 Epistemic_statement denotes The device was low-tech and could be bought cheaply in the Sham Shui Po electronics market.
T25 11818-11973 Epistemic_statement denotes Smart mobile phones have become the tool of choice for cybercriminals in Singapore, as viruses can migrate from Personal Computers (PCs) to mobile devices.
T26 12736-12928 Epistemic_statement denotes He asked the woman if she would transfer 2000 Singapore dollars to a certain bank account under his name, so that when he landed in Germany the next day he could withdraw the cash from an ATM.
T27 13054-13137 Epistemic_statement denotes For some time, she did not hear from the man and could not contact him on Whatsapp.
T28 13383-13547 Epistemic_statement denotes We only know about these cloud computing-enabled smart mobile phone crimes because they were in the public domain, but the true level of such crime remains unclear.
T29 13548-13706 Epistemic_statement denotes The lack of reports on cloud computing crime is probably related to the fact that cloud computing is a relatively new concept for law enforcement authorities.
T30 13751-13975 Epistemic_statement denotes Victims of cloud computing crime might not even realize their status as such, or they may choose not to report it, as the police are sometimes unable to recognize it as such and instead record it as traditional street crime.
T31 13976-14186 Epistemic_statement denotes Even when the police recognize and record an event as cloud computing crime, they may have difficulty following up, especially if the servers and data involved are located overseas or in multiple jurisdictions.
T32 14336-14445 Epistemic_statement denotes individual files may be distributed across multiple disks and storage systems across multiple jurisdictions."
T33 14446-14715 Epistemic_statement denotes 13 Securing and preserving a chain of evidence for prosecution in court involves significant police resources, and even if the culprit is deported to face justice, the case may not pass the prosecution's test of public interest and the perpetrator could escape justice.
T34 16158-16320 Epistemic_statement denotes 14 Entrepot is a term use to describe a place where merchandise can be imported and exported without paying duties or tax, therefore the profit is being maximize.
T35 16321-16625 Epistemic_statement denotes Without other industries to generate wealth for Hong Kong, what is left is its status as an international financial center and its professional service-based industry, both of which are highly dependent on modern ICT to operate from, protect, and maintain the integrity of Hong Kong's ICT infrastructure.
T36 16776-16934 Epistemic_statement denotes This is partially due to the fact that most new technology is manufactured in Asia, and thus the closest source of production is relatively cheap to purchase.
T37 16935-17196 Epistemic_statement denotes Hong Kong's per capita income is also relatively high (at US$38,124 in 2013), and that wealth and purchasing power means the general population can afford to buy newly marketed technology rapidly, and as such they have become increasingly technologically savvy.
T38 17501-17900 Epistemic_statement denotes Although there is currently an ongoing debate in Hong Kong over the democratic election (supposedly one man, one vote) of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Government Special Administrative Region in 2017, things remain uncertain because Beijing is wary about democracy in Hong Kong out of a fear that it might become a base for subversion to undermine the communist party rule in mainland China.
T39 19370-19423 Epistemic_statement denotes Some events have been cause for concern in Hong Kong.
T40 19752-20031 Epistemic_statement denotes Article 23 is similar to the national security laws in many Western countries, but the very idea of such a law was new to postcolonial Hong Kong, and given the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government's track record, it sent chills down the spines of many in Hong Kong.
T41 20352-20572 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the "mainlandization" of Hong Kong has accelerated, especially since 2003, after a series of crises including the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the avian flu and severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreaks.
T42 20789-20951 Epistemic_statement denotes Politically, it is in Beijing's interest to help Hong Kong, as it would be seen as a failure for Beijing if Hong Kong failed only a few years after reintegration.
T43 21398-21702 Epistemic_statement denotes The Commissioner of Police, government officials, and the Chief Executive can be called before the Legislative Council to explain their decisions on issues relating to policing, but because Hong Kong is not a democratic society, the priorities for policing in Hong Kong are not set by election manifesto.
T44 21703-21855 Epistemic_statement denotes Thus, policing priorities are more likely to reflect the interests of the officials at the highest level of government than those of the general public.
T45 22465-22582 Epistemic_statement denotes However, unlike Hong Kong, Singapore gained independence from Malaysia in the late 1960s as a fully sovereign nation.
T46 23971-23995 Epistemic_statement denotes As Connie Carter put it:
T47 23996-24106 Epistemic_statement denotes Few can doubt that Singapore is a successful example of a growth-oriented, interventionist, capitalist state .
T48 25066-25232 Epistemic_statement denotes Despite being capitalist and unlike Hong Kong, whose government is not directly involved in the economy, the Singaporean government is deeply involved in the economy.
T49 28046-28286 Epistemic_statement denotes However, unlike Hong Kong, Singapore is recognized by its government as a multiracial society with different ethnicities (Chinese is the majority at almost 70%, with the rest of the population comprising those of Malay and Indian heritage).
T50 28586-28836 Epistemic_statement denotes This has transformed Singapore from a society once characterized by sharp contrast between ethnic groups who spoke different dialects and were separated by a large wealth gap into an affluent, English-speaking, middle-class industrialized metropolis.
T51 29567-29643 Epistemic_statement denotes However, in practice, there is a similarity between Hong Kong and Singapore.
T52 29787-29931 Epistemic_statement denotes 22 Democracy in Singapore, however, is "Singapore style" or "Asian democracy" whereby political power is in the hands of few Singaporean elites.
T53 30712-30909 Epistemic_statement denotes Policymaking is largely pursuing economic growth, and anything else is a secondary consideration for the PAP government, as they believe that economic growth would benefit most segments of society.
T54 31241-31442 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the foundation of Singapore's penal code is different from that of Hong Kong's, as the former was taken from India's penal code in its exact entirety 25 and gradually developed a local flavor.
T55 32482-32602 Epistemic_statement denotes The prison system is designed to be as degrading as possible, and public caning is not a rare punishment for wrongdoers.
T56 32603-32909 Epistemic_statement denotes Although Singapore's prison system has been reformed in recent years with the introduction of concepts such as restorative justice, rehabilitation, education and training, the police, courts, and other regulatory agencies still take a hard line on crimes by "nipping them the bud" as a deterrent to others.
T57 34003-34210 Epistemic_statement denotes Businesses that worry about data integrity and that fear losing their sensitive data have questioned whether their data are protected from outsiders and from other tenants sharing the same cloud data center.
T58 34541-34684 Epistemic_statement denotes As a result, tenants might crossing the shared virtual machine segment and accessing the data of other tenants using shared physical resources.
T59 34685-34986 Epistemic_statement denotes More importantly, the same research has identified that small business is more vulnerable because they operate in highly financially constrained environment when compared with larger "global multinational" business, yet they are induced by the promise of cloud computing to save on their ICT overhead.
T60 35007-35305 Epistemic_statement denotes said "However, in adopting cloud computing, it is this distinct operating environment that also renders small businesses vulnerable to criminal and security threats [once attack happened some small businesses might not able to recover from it and the business could possibly come to abruptly end]."
T61 35446-35534 Epistemic_statement denotes Interestingly, users also wonder whether the data are protected from the cloud provider.
T62 36108-36128 Epistemic_statement denotes As Zhiyun Qian said:
T63 36129-36346 Epistemic_statement denotes The assumption has always been that these apps can't interfere with [each] other easily, but such assumption was wrong, one app can in fact significantly impact another and result in harmful consequences for the user.
T64 36347-36349 Epistemic_statement denotes 31
T65 36350-36625 Epistemic_statement denotes Although in theory Hong Kong and Singapore are exposed to similar risks and threats in the cloud, their level of readiness depends on how they perceive risk, as each individual jurisdiction interprets and responds to risk differently according to their unique policing needs.
T66 37416-37785 Epistemic_statement denotes In Nevertheless, the current setup of TCD, with limited manpower and as a division within the CCB, is not able to meet the challenges of the increasingly sophisticated technology crimes and cyber security threats, not to mention the constant support provided by TCD to other formations of the Police in various cases, such as death inquest and locating missing persons.
T67 37937-38133 Epistemic_statement denotes With a high mobile phone penetration rate of 237% which is expected to grow further, individuals, corporates, and critical infrastructure are prone to technology crimes and cyber security threats.
T68 38426-38663 Epistemic_statement denotes Given the rapid advancement in information technology and the transnational nature of technology crime, there is a pressing need to strengthen the overall capability of the HKPF in combating technology crime and cyber security incidents.
T69 38993-39230 Epistemic_statement denotes Given the rapid advancement in information technology and the transnational nature of technology crime, there is a pressing need to strengthen the overall capability of the HKPF in combating technology crime and cyber security incidents.
T70 41841-42140 Epistemic_statement denotes Singapore is a democratic and a sovereign state with self-determination, even though its democratic process is regarded as a "controlled" democracy because the PAP has been in power since the first day of independence from Malaysia more than 50 years ago, with little or no opposition in parliament.
T71 42661-42881 Epistemic_statement denotes The sensor boxes can be designed to detect air pollutants, heavy rainfall, or traffic jams, or to report how full rubbish bins are, paired with cameras that can detect litter and remind litterbugs to pick up their trash.
T72 43754-44063 Epistemic_statement denotes Therefore, if the PAP responds and wants to increase the resources provided to the Singapore police to further increase their ability to fight the growing threat of technology-related crime, doing so will be relatively easier than it would be in many other democratic societies in Western developed economies.
T73 44064-44267 Epistemic_statement denotes Singaporean voters may not necessarily agree with the PAP's decisions regarding finite public resources being transferred from other more pressing social needs, as when they voted to form the government.
T74 44268-44527 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the PAP's manifesto may not mention anything about resources being earmarked for fighting technology-related crime, rather they may prefer to say that they will tackle traditional street crime and other forms of crime important to Singaporean voters.
T75 44528-44852 Epistemic_statement denotes Even if both Hong Kong and Singapore have the resources to respond to the potential risk of surging smart mobile phone crime, cloud computing-related crime is relatively new, and what worked in the past for less mobile devices such as personal computers may not work for the constant connectivity inherent in mobile devices.
T76 45090-45107 Epistemic_statement denotes As Gray explains:
T77 45108-45217 Epistemic_statement denotes Cloud technology offers wonderful potential for users in terms of convenience, ease of obtaining updates etc.
T78 45218-45268 Epistemic_statement denotes However, it presents significant legal challenges.
T79 45269-45560 Epistemic_statement denotes Our laws, largely based on notions of territoriality, struggle to respond to technology in which lines on maps are largely irrelevant 35 Therefore, providing the financial resources is an important first step for law enforcement agencies to build up their policing capabilities in the cloud.
T80 45787-46018 Epistemic_statement denotes For example, in cloud data environments, it is often not possible to access the physical media that stores a customer's data, because cloud data are likely to be stored overseas and outside the investigating officer's jurisdiction.
T81 46036-46255 Epistemic_statement denotes noted: Even if the data is stored within jurisdiction, data distribution technologies [in cloud] may split a user's data across a number (potentially thousands) of storage devices within the cloud computing environment.
T82 46256-46459 Epistemic_statement denotes LEAs would need to rely upon the cloud technology and the cloud service provider to gain access to the data that is stored by a customer and this can introduce issues with chain-ofcustody best practices.
T83 46460-46462 Epistemic_statement denotes 36
T84 46463-46559 Epistemic_statement denotes Another problem facing the investigating officer is the preservation of the cloud data evidence.
T85 46560-46646 Epistemic_statement denotes The integrity of the data is important, so potential data evidence cannot be modified.
T86 46647-46793 Epistemic_statement denotes However, when exporting cloud data evidence for examination by the investigating officer, there is a high chance of modification, as Hooper et al.
T87 46794-46802 Epistemic_statement denotes explain:
T88 46803-46943 Epistemic_statement denotes Preserved (to ensure that the potential evidence is not modified) function which many cloud computing environments do not currently support.
T89 46944-47153 Epistemic_statement denotes Consequently, this could result in accidental modification of data as it is exported from the cloud computing environment for LEA [Law Enforcement Agency] use or intentional destruction of data by the suspect.
T90 47154-47402 Epistemic_statement denotes Once the LEA has secured access to the cloud computing data, the format of the data is still not guaranteed and most of the prevalent digital forensic analysis tools have not yet been updated to decode the major cloud computing data export formats.
T91 47403-47824 Epistemic_statement denotes While many IaaS data exports will likely mimic the data format that is currently supported as virtual machines, SaaS instances are more likely to use proprietary data formats and as such are unlikely to be supported by current tools 37 Finally, even if the police in Singapore and Hong Kong do increase their policing capabilities in smart mobile phone and cloud-related crime, the legal limitations 35 Gray (2013, p. 1).
T92 47872-47967 Epistemic_statement denotes remain a key factor in whether the perpetrator faces justice for the crime they have committed.
T93 48383-48448 Epistemic_statement denotes ), but the task remains problematic due to jurisdictional issues.
T94 48642-48806 Epistemic_statement denotes In short, it is clear from this chapter that lots of catching up need to be done for Hong Kong and Singapore in order to beef-up their policing capability on cloud.
T95 49685-50175 Epistemic_statement denotes However, at the international level, it seems there is little that Hong Kong and Singapore can do to alter the current situation, except to participate actively within the international bodies and convention on technology-related crime, and to learn from other jurisdictions around the world on what they are doing and, at the same time, tap into latest information on cloud computing crime to get a head start in fighting the emerging technology-related crime for themselves in the region.