CORD-19:1d825b62269d880d74b9c86622ebd565e3a15df8 JSONTXT 9 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 1568-1620 Epistemic_statement denotes To interpret skin biopsies, pathologists must have a
T2 1621-1706 Epistemic_statement denotes We gratefully acknowledge the contributions to prior editions of this chapter by Drs.
T3 2387-2487 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition to causing undo suffering, severe skin disease may interfere with the human-animal bond.
T4 2644-2795 Epistemic_statement denotes The protective barrier of the skin is complex, and much of this function is provided by the stratum corneum (SC), the outermost layer of the epidermis.
T5 3058-3160 Epistemic_statement denotes They have a complex structure that includes cadherin proteins of 2 types-desmocollins and desmogleins.
T6 3909-4019 Epistemic_statement denotes This layer is much thicker in nonhaired skin and may be up to 20 cells thick in the footpads and nasal planum.
T7 4020-4134 Epistemic_statement denotes • The stratum granulosum is variably apparent on light microscopy in haired skin and appears only 1-2 cells thick.
T8 5298-5429 Epistemic_statement denotes In doing so, keratinocytes must lose a large amount of water volume (from 70% water in nucleated layers to 15% in stratum corneum).
T9 5430-5565 Epistemic_statement denotes Minor injuries to the corneal layer from tape stripping or applications of solvents will result in increased transepidermal water loss.
T10 5566-5828 Epistemic_statement denotes Several steps must occur for cornification to proceed normally: (1) bundling of keratin to establish the corneocyte core, (2) replacement of the cell membrane with a thick cornified envelope, (3) formation of lipid lamellar bilayers, and (4) active desquamation.
T11 5829-5930 Epistemic_statement denotes Alterations in any step can lead to hyperkeratosis, clinical scaling, and decreased barrier function.
T12 6581-6806 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the architecture of the skin is conserved across most mammalian species, the pathologist must be aware of differences between species and site differences within the same species, to interpret normal versus abnormal.
T13 9039-9153 Epistemic_statement denotes Commitment to differentiation in suprabasal keratinocytes is associated with induction of keratins 1 (K1) and K10.
T14 10883-11043 Epistemic_statement denotes There has been a long-standing debate over whether Merkel cells originate from epidermal or neural stem cells, but current studies indicate an epidermal origin.
T15 11663-11856 Epistemic_statement denotes Merkel cells form Merkel cell-neurite complexes with axons in tylotrich pads and sinus hairs that are thought to function as gentle touch receptors that initiate slow-adapting type 1 responses.
T16 11857-12051 Epistemic_statement denotes Their exact function in these structures is uncertain, but they are thought not to act as sensory cells but rather to function as abutments for deformation of the mechanosensitive nerve endings.
T17 12052-12169 Epistemic_statement denotes Merkel cells are also thought to have various neuroendocrine effects and to be involved in control of the hair cycle.
T18 12170-12291 Epistemic_statement denotes The basement membrane zone (BMZ) is the structurally and biochemically complex junction between the epidermis and dermis.
T19 12846-13001 Epistemic_statement denotes The BMZ has a crucial role in anchoring the epidermis to the dermis, and abnormalities of the BMZ result in serious and potentially fatal bullous diseases.
T20 13002-13160 Epistemic_statement denotes The BMZ also influences growth and differentiation of keratinocytes and acts as a selective barrier for passage of molecules between the epidermis and dermis.
T21 14855-15093 Epistemic_statement denotes Melanocytes are located in the basal layer of the epidermis and outer root sheath of hair follicles; and in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) sections, they appear as clear cells with a small dark-staining nucleus because of shrinkage artifact.
T22 15141-15196 Epistemic_statement denotes The dendritic processes can be seen with silver stains.
T23 15719-15848 Epistemic_statement denotes Most melanin pigment in skin is in the basal layer, but in dark-skinned animals, melanin may be present throughout the epidermis.
T24 16407-16574 Epistemic_statement denotes They appear as clear cells on routine H&E sections and may be distributed from the stratum basale to the stratum spinosum, depending on species and region of the skin.
T25 16575-16632 Epistemic_statement denotes They are usually less numerous than melanocytes, however.
T26 17170-17344 Epistemic_statement denotes The ground substance is usually not visible in normal H&E sections; however, a fine granular to fibrillar basophilic material is occasionally evident between collagen fibers.
T27 18250-18352 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin is supplied with sensory and autonomic nerves that are usually associated with blood vessels.
T28 20142-20270 Epistemic_statement denotes SCF is thought to home mast cells to the dermis as well as regulate the synthesis of mast cell mediators and secretory function.
T29 20608-20920 Epistemic_statement denotes Degranulation of both canine and human mast cells is thought to involve breakdown of their secretory granules located on the basal aspect of basal keratinocytes, and they consist of a cytoplasmic plaque that connects to the cytoskeleton and a transmembrane portion that binds to the underlying basement membrane.
T30 24305-24484 Epistemic_statement denotes Fibronectins are glycopro-has been suggested as a more appropriate term to encompass the skin-specific immune response-associated cells and humoral factors present in normal skin.
T31 24819-24972 Epistemic_statement denotes • Langerhans cells are thought to trap antigens in the epidermis, migrate out to regional lymph nodes via lymphatics, and present the antigen to T cells.
T32 25636-25840 Epistemic_statement denotes • E-selectin is thought to act as an adhesion molecule or vascular addressin for a specific subset of skin-homing memory T cells, which have the ligand cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA) on their surface.
T33 25983-26241 Epistemic_statement denotes Thus it appears that the proinflammatory, upregulating effects of keratinocytes prepare the dermis for specific immunologic activity, whereas migrating antigen-presenting Langerhans cells induce expansion of specific lymphocytes in skin-draining lymph nodes.
T34 26609-26737 Epistemic_statement denotes In general, however, hair follicle density is greatest over the dorsolateral aspect of the body and least on the ventral aspect.
T35 26817-26995 Epistemic_statement denotes Primary hairs have a large diameter, are rooted more deeply in the dermis or subcutis, and are associated with sebaceous and epitrichial sweat glands and an arrector pili muscle.
T36 26996-27169 Epistemic_statement denotes Secondary hair follicles are smaller in diameter, are more superficially rooted, and may be accompanied by a sebaceous gland but lack a sweat gland and arrector pili muscle.
T37 28341-28576 Epistemic_statement denotes A subpopulation of mast cells that does not exhibit metachromasia following formalin fixation has been demonstrated in the skin of dogs and cattle, and heterogeneity of protein content has been identified in dermal mast cells of sheep.
T38 29123-29413 Epistemic_statement denotes Mast cells also function in persistent chronic inflammatory reactions, tissue repair and remodeling, pathologic fibrosis, angiogenesis, hemostasis, hematopoiesis, antibody production, protection against bacterial infections, response to neoplasms, and possibly in control of the hair cycle.
T39 29901-29991 Epistemic_statement denotes Contraction of arrector pili muscles may also be involved in emptying of sebaceous glands.
T40 30075-30138 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be vacuolated in normal animals, especially aged dogs.
T41 30429-30485 Epistemic_statement denotes The functional significance of this muscle is uncertain.
T42 30486-30572 Epistemic_statement denotes Skeletal muscles may be present in the muzzle, forehead, eyelid, and perianal regions.
T43 30705-30787 Epistemic_statement denotes Skeletal muscle fibers also are associated with the large sinus hairs of the face.
T44 30788-31120 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin has been proposed to function as an immunosurveillance organ, and the term skin-associated lymphoid tissue (SALT), analogous to gut-associated and bronchial-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT, BALT) , has been suggested to describe those cellular elements of the skin that deal with antigenic challenges at the skin surface.
T45 31121-31269 Epistemic_statement denotes However, this concept has been disputed because of presumed differences in immune function between the common mucosal immune system and normal skin.
T46 31270-31410 Epistemic_statement denotes The alternative name, skin immune system (SIS), activity is thought to be an adaptive response to seasonal variation in ambient temperature.
T47 31647-31728 Epistemic_statement denotes The hair cycle in the remaining follicles could not be assigned a specific stage.
T48 33142-33388 Epistemic_statement denotes In rodents, the bulge region of the follicle appears to be the site that contains slowcycling relatively undifferentiated cells from which arise a population of transient amplifying cells that become the matrix keratinocytes of the new hair bulb.
T49 33678-33831 Epistemic_statement denotes Hair growth in many animals has been shown to be regulated by photoperiod, ambient temperature, various hormones, nutritional status, and general health.
T50 33832-33913 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the exact mechanisms that control the cycle are incompletely understood.
T51 34327-34467 Epistemic_statement denotes Factors from the papilla mesenchymal cells are thought to act on a stem cell population in the permanent upper portion of the hair follicle.
T52 34608-34763 Epistemic_statement denotes Transition between anagen and catagen appears to be regulated by The histologic appearance of the hair follicle changes considerably during the hair cycle.
T53 35233-35334 Epistemic_statement denotes Goats have primary follicles in groups of 3, with 3-6 secondary follicles associated with each group.
T54 35539-35603 Epistemic_statement denotes As many as 15 hairs may emerge from a single follicular orifice.
T55 36283-36857 Epistemic_statement denotes In longitudinal section, the fully developed hair follicle consists of 3 segments: • The lower or inferior portion, from the base of the follicle to the point of insertion of the arrector pili muscle • The isthmus, the short section from the attachment of the arrector pili muscle to the entrance of the sebaceous duct • The infundibulum, extending from the entrance of the sebaceous duct to the follicular orifice The inferior segment can be considered temporary because it disappears during the involution stage of the hair cycle and reforms again during the active phase.
T56 39326-39483 Epistemic_statement denotes They are usually largest in areas with lowest hair follicle density, such as mucocutaneous junctions, interdigital spaces, coronet, and dorsal neck and rump.
T57 39731-39875 Epistemic_statement denotes The footpads and nasal planum are devoid of sebaceous glands, and they are rare in glabrous skin, where they empty directly to the skin surface.
T58 40162-40307 Epistemic_statement denotes The anal sacs are squamous epithelial-lined cystic cavities containing odoriferous secretions, presumably with some territorial marking function.
T59 41031-41114 Epistemic_statement denotes Larger ducts, lined by stratified squamous epithelium, may be evident in neoplasms.
T60 41115-41221 Epistemic_statement denotes These ducts are thought to regress during embryonal development, which leaves the glands largely ductless.
T61 41309-41442 Epistemic_statement denotes Their function is uncertain, but they may have a role in steroid metabolism, in production of pheromones, and in territorial marking.
T62 41585-41722 Epistemic_statement denotes Two types of sweat glands are present in the skin of mammals; they differ in origin, distribution, and possibly in the mode of secretion.
T63 41723-41982 Epistemic_statement denotes These glands have been called apocrine and eccrine glands, but because of questions concerning the mechanism of the secretory process of these glands, the names epitrichial and atrichial glands have been proposed for apocrine and eccrine glands, respectively.
T64 42158-42459 Epistemic_statement denotes Epitrichial glands are associated with primary hair follicles only, and they tend to be largest in areas with lower hair follicle density, such as mucocutaneous junctions, interdigital follicles have a well-developed, flame-shaped, plump dermal papilla (DP) that is capped completely by the hair bulb.
T65 42688-42867 Epistemic_statement denotes Catagen, the intermediate remodeling stage, is short-lived and very difficult to assess on routine histology as it requires a perfectly sectioned follicle in a longitudinal plane.
T66 43432-43617 Epistemic_statement denotes Telogen may be further described as "haired telogen," which has retention of the hair shaft, and "hairless telogen" or "kenogen," in which a telogen follicle rests without a hair shaft.
T67 45334-45511 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous glands also appear to be involved with normal hair development, because, in the absence of sebaceous glands, the hair shaft fails to separate normally from the sheath.
T68 46173-46270 Epistemic_statement denotes In other species, the secretion may contribute to scent that is involved in social communication.
T69 46271-46413 Epistemic_statement denotes Epitrichial secretion may also provide a means of excreting waste products and secreting immunoglobulins that are present on the skin surface.
T70 46711-46841 Epistemic_statement denotes The duct empties into the pilary canal, usually above the entrance of the sebaceous duct or, rarely, directly to the skin surface.
T71 46842-46983 Epistemic_statement denotes The name apocrine refers to the mode of secretion, which was originally thought to involve pinching off (apo = off) of a portion of the cell.
T72 46984-47223 Epistemic_statement denotes The existence of an apocrine secretory process has been questioned; however, ultrastructural examination of these glands in humans, pigs, horses, and dogs indicates that several modes of secretion are involved, including the apocrine type.
T73 47586-47630 Epistemic_statement denotes The function of eccrine glands is uncertain.
T74 47631-47757 Epistemic_statement denotes The secretion may be involved with scent signaling, and in the footpad of cats, it may improve frictional capacity of the paw.
T75 48285-48310 Epistemic_statement denotes granulomas may be formed.
T76 48311-48461 Epistemic_statement denotes Flame figures may be seen in eosinophilic granuloma, insect-/arthropod-bite reactions, and other eosinophil-rich conditions, such as mast cell tumors.
T77 48835-49013 Epistemic_statement denotes Crusts should be examined closely for dermatophyte spores and hyphae, Dermatophilus congolensis, and acantholytic keratinocytes, which can be indicators of superficial pemphigus.
T78 49249-49399 Epistemic_statement denotes The dilated lymphatics and widened perivascular and interstitial spaces may or may not contain lightly eosinophilic, homogeneous, proteinaceous fluid.
T79 49465-49700 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe edema of the superficial dermis may result in subepidermal vesicles and bullae, necrosis of the overlying epidermis, and predisposition to artifactual dermoepidermal separation during handling and processing of biopsy specimens.
T80 49701-49887 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe edema of the superficial dermis may result in vertical orientation and stretching of collagen fibers, producing the "gossamer" (web-like) collagen effect seen in severe urticaria.
T81 50214-50348 Epistemic_statement denotes Dyskeratosis may be seen in a number of dermatoses, including lupus erythematosus, erythema multiforme, and graft-versus-host disease.
T82 50349-50415 Epistemic_statement denotes It can also occur in neoplastic dermatoses, especially papillomas.
T83 50655-50755 Epistemic_statement denotes It is an abnormal but nonneoplastic change; however, it can accompany or precede neoplastic changes.
T84 50912-51112 Epistemic_statement denotes Dystrophic mineralization of the hair follicle basement membrane can be seen in hyperglucocorticism, in dogs receiving exogenous glucocorticoids, and as a senile change in dogs, especially in Poodles.
T85 51206-51496 Epistemic_statement denotes They are found within the epidermis as well as the hair follicle outer root sheath, and are most commonly found in diseases associated with tissue eosinophilia, such as feline eosinophilic plaque and feline eosinophilic granuloma, and thus are associated with allergic skin disease in cats.
T86 51703-51960 Epistemic_statement denotes Exocytosis of neutrophils implies an infectious process, whereas exocytosis of eosinophils suggests a hypersensitivity reaction, such as ectoparasitism and feline Dermal atrophy is thinning of dermal collagen fibrils resulting in decreased dermal thickness.
T87 52423-52500 Epistemic_statement denotes Clefts may be caused by acantholysis or hydropic degeneration of basal cells.
T88 52501-52562 Epistemic_statement denotes However, clefts may also result from handling artifacts (Fig.
T89 53214-53316 Epistemic_statement denotes Festoons can be seen in mechanobullous disorders, such as epidermolysis bullosa or bullous pemphigoid.
T90 53481-53605 Epistemic_statement denotes The fibrinoid change results in loss of structural detail and may be accompanied by necrotic cell debris or leukocytoclasia.
T91 53859-54035 Epistemic_statement denotes These can be seen in endocrinopathies, hair cycle arrest, and are also prominent in normal haired skin of plush-coated breeds of dog, such as the Nordic breeds and Pomeranians.
T92 54473-54572 Epistemic_statement denotes It can further be divided into mural folliculitis (inflammation of the follicular epithelium) (Fig.
T93 54956-55097 Epistemic_statement denotes This can be seen in any process that is destructive to hair follicles, such as bacterial infection, dermatophytosis, demodicosis, and trauma.
T94 56067-56226 Epistemic_statement denotes By definition, hamartomas are congenital lesions; however, they may not be detected until later in life, and the term is often used interchangeably with nevus.
T95 56372-56528 Epistemic_statement denotes Hamartoma is the term preferred in veterinary dermatopathology; however, there are a few conditions where "nevus" is ingrained in the veterinary literature.
T96 57673-57759 Epistemic_statement denotes Hypergranulosis may be seen in any dermatosis in which there is epidermal hyperplasia.
T97 57829-57921 Epistemic_statement denotes It can be either orthokeratotic (without nuclei) , or parakeratotic (nuclei retained) ( Fig.
T98 57997-58113 Epistemic_statement denotes Orthokeratosis can be divided into basket weave (the normal pattern in the stratum corneum), compact, and laminated.
T99 58518-58691 Epistemic_statement denotes Diffuse parakeratosis can be seen in many chronic dermatoses, especially zinc-responsive dermatosis, dermatophilosis, superficial necrolytic dermatitis, and thallotoxicosis.
T100 58808-58929 Epistemic_statement denotes Hyperpigmentation may be focal or diffuse, and confined to the stratum basale or present throughout all epidermal layers.
T101 59075-59176 Epistemic_statement denotes Hyperpigmentation must always be cautiously assessed with regard to the animal's normal pigmentation.
T102 59472-59920 Epistemic_statement denotes Epidermal hyperplasia may be further specified as irregular (in which the hyperplastic rete ridges are uneven in shape and height), regular or psoriasiform (in which the hyperplastic rete ridges are of even thickness and length), papillated (digitate projections of the epidermis above the skin surface), and pseudocarcinomatous (extreme, irregular hyperplasia that may demonstrate increased mitotic activity and branched or fused rete pegs) ( Fig.
T103 59928-60057 Epistemic_statement denotes The process may resemble squamous cell carcinoma; however, there is no cellular atypia, and the basement membrane remains intact.
T104 60121-60529 Epistemic_statement denotes It may be associated with congenital or acquired idiopathic defects in melanization (leukoderma, vitiligo), toxic effects of certain chemicals on melanocytes (e.g., mono benzylether of dihydroquinone in rubbers and plastics), inflammatory disorders that affect melanization or destroy melanocytes, hormonal disorders, and dermatoses featuring hydropic degeneration of basal cells (e.g., lupus erythematosus).
T105 60706-60838 Epistemic_statement denotes Intracellular edema of the epidermis may affect cells in a laminar fashion, leading to horizontal layers of edematous keratinocytes.
T106 60839-60931 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe intracellular edema may result in reticular degeneration and intraepidermal vesicles.
T107 61184-61323 Epistemic_statement denotes Hydropic degeneration may result in intrabasal clefts or vesicles, or subepidermal clefts or vesicles because of dermoepidermal separation.
T108 62060-62243 Epistemic_statement denotes They are seen most frequently in conjunction with immune-mediated dermatoses, dermatoses associated with tissue eosinophilia, and in panniculitis, such as injection-site panniculitis.
T109 62309-62598 Epistemic_statement denotes Mucinosis (myxedema, myxoid degeneration, mucoid degeneration) is an accumulation of dermal ground substance that appears as slightly granular, basophilic material that separates, thins, or replaces dermal collagen fibers and surrounds blood vessels and appendages in H&E-stained sections.
T110 63028-63128 Epistemic_statement denotes It may be seen with any acute or subacute inflammatory dermatosis, such as acute contact dermatitis.
T111 64286-64412 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe intercellular edema may lead to rupture of the intercellular bridges and the formation of intraepidermal vesicles (Fig.
T112 64422-64542 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe spongiotic vesicle formation may disrupt the basement membrane zone in some areas and form subepidermal vesicles.
T113 64629-64801 Epistemic_statement denotes Diffuse spongiosis, which also involves the hair follicle outer root sheath, may be seen in other inflammatory disorders, including feline eosinophilic plaque or granuloma.
T114 65108-65228 Epistemic_statement denotes Mucinous degeneration may be seen as a focal process in numerous inflammatory, neoplastic, and developmental dermatoses.
T115 65304-65455 Epistemic_statement denotes Multinucleated keratinocytes can occasionally be seen in infections by viruses, such as herpesvirus, canine distemper virus, and feline leukemia virus.
T116 65879-65994 Epistemic_statement denotes Apoptosis is often used synonymously with individual keratinocyte death that may occur from a variety of processes.
T117 65995-66114 Epistemic_statement denotes Individual keratinocyte necrosis can occur in erythema multiforme, graft-versus-host disease, and interface dermatoses.
T118 66115-66250 Epistemic_statement denotes Necrosis of the epidermis or dermis may be more extensive due to physical and chemical injury, or to interference with vascular supply.
T119 66484-66697 Epistemic_statement denotes It can occur without significant involvement of the overlying dermis and epidermis (e.g., sterile nodular panniculitis, feline nutritional steatitis), or can be involved by extension of inflammation of the dermis.
T120 66698-66871 Epistemic_statement denotes Fat micropseudocyst formation and lipocytes containing radially arranged needleshaped clefts can be seen with subcutaneous fat sclerosis and idiopathic sterile panniculitis.
T121 67045-67165 Epistemic_statement denotes Papillomatosis is associated with epidermal hyperplasia and is seen with chronic inflammatory and neoplastic dermatoses.
T122 67479-67510 Epistemic_statement denotes It can result from any process
T123 67511-67642 Epistemic_statement denotes Used commonly in the diagnoses of neoplasms, a system of pattern analysis is also applied to inflammatory/nonneoplastic dermatoses.
T124 67643-67738 Epistemic_statement denotes Most dermatologic lesions can be grouped into 1 of 10 histologic patterns on low magnification.
T125 68772-68850 Epistemic_statement denotes It can be difficult to gauge the importance of each pattern within the biopsy.
T126 68851-69002 Epistemic_statement denotes Some patterns are more specific than Transepidermal elimination is a mechanism by which foreign or altered constituents can be removed from the dermis.
T127 69003-69137 Epistemic_statement denotes This can be illustrated by the elimination of mineralized collagen across the epidermis and follicular epithelium in calcinosis cutis.
T128 69193-69280 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be subcorneal, suprabasilar, subepidermal, or immediately below the epidermis.
T129 69281-69387 Epistemic_statement denotes When these lesions contain large numbers of inflammatory cells, they may be referred to as vesicopustules.
T130 69653-69923 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be caused by severe intercellular or intracellular edema, ballooning degeneration, acantholysis, hydropic degeneration of basal cells, subepidermal edema, or other factors resulting in dermoepidermal separation, such as the autoantibodies in bullous pemphigoid.
T131 70404-70510 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe spongiotic vesiculation may disrupt the basement membrane zone, resulting in subepidermal vesicles.
T132 70788-70961 Epistemic_statement denotes When the hair follicle outer root sheath is also involved, feline allergic dermatitides, such as feline eosinophilic plaque and feline eosinophilic granuloma, are suggested.
T133 70962-71124 Epistemic_statement denotes • Perivascular dermatitis with epidermal hyperplasia is characterized by various degrees of epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis with little or no spongiosis.
T134 71485-71615 Epistemic_statement denotes The presence of parakeratosis suggests zincresponsive dermatosis, chronic ectoparasite hypersensitivity, or Malassezia dermatitis.
T135 71805-72016 Epistemic_statement denotes This pattern can be divided into interface cell poor (interface changes with minimal superficial dermal inflammation) or interface lichenoid (interface changes with a lichenoid band of mononuclear inflammation).
T136 72095-72326 Epistemic_statement denotes • The cell-poor interface pattern can be seen in diseases such as dermatomyositis, ischemic dermatopathy, erythema multiforme, drug eruptions, graft-versus-host reactions, bovine viral diarrhea, and bovine pseudolumpy skin disease.
T137 72976-73084 Epistemic_statement denotes Caution should be exercised in differentiating interface lichenoid inflammation from lichenoid inflammation.
T138 74133-74407 Epistemic_statement denotes The primary cause of superficial perivascular dermatitis is a hypersensitivity reaction, although chronic bacterial infections, viral infections, cornification disorders, and metabolic disease can all demonstrate this pattern at some point during evolution of the condition.
T139 74408-74557 Epistemic_statement denotes Perivascular infiltrates containing eosinophils should first be suspected of representing dermatitis, such as ectoparasitism, food allergy, or atopy.
T140 74558-74665 Epistemic_statement denotes Focal areas of eosinophilic exocytosis and necrosis ("epidermal nibbles") are suggestive of ectoparasitism.
T141 74666-74843 Epistemic_statement denotes Other perivascular dermatitides that may contain eosinophils include zinc-responsive dermatosis, equine multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease, and chronic pyoderma.
T142 75131-75160 Epistemic_statement denotes rarely in cutaneous lymphoma.
T143 75161-75246 Epistemic_statement denotes It can also reflect a chronic stage of a vasculitis that was originally neutrophilic.
T144 75247-75281 Epistemic_statement denotes • Eosinophilic vasculitis is rare.
T145 75282-75537 Epistemic_statement denotes It is seen most commonly in lesions induced by arthropod insult, drug eruptions, food hypersensitivity, equine axillary nodular necrosis, idiopathic nodular eosinophilic vasculitis in horses, feline eosinophilic granulomas, and rarely in mast cell tumors.
T146 75695-75848 Epistemic_statement denotes Nodular and diffuse dermatitis may be characterized by the predominant cell type present (neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes, eosinophils, or mixed) .
T147 75849-75960 Epistemic_statement denotes The inciting antigen may be an infectious agent, noninfectious material, or the inflammation may be idiopathic.
T148 75961-76084 Epistemic_statement denotes Neutrophils predominate in dermal abscesses associated with infectious agents such as bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa.
T149 76571-76665 Epistemic_statement denotes It can be accompanied by fibrinoid necrosis, thrombosis, hemorrhage, and evidence of ischemia.
T150 76666-76710 Epistemic_statement denotes Vasculitis can be immune mediated or septic.
T151 77193-77280 Epistemic_statement denotes Vasculitis can also be locally induced by bacterial antigens deposited in vessel walls.
T152 77281-77385 Epistemic_statement denotes Vasculitis can further be classified on the basis of the dominant inflammatory cell within vessel walls.
T153 77454-77595 Epistemic_statement denotes It should be noted that the inflammatory cell involved often reflects the stage of the disease rather than characterizing a specific disease.
T154 77596-77778 Epistemic_statement denotes • Neutrophilic vasculitis is by far the most common type and may be leukocytoclastic (associated with karyorrhexis of neutrophils resulting in "nuclear dust") or nonleukocytoclastic.
T155 77995-78190 Epistemic_statement denotes • Lymphocytic vasculitis may be seen with dermatomyositis, malignant catarrhal fever, vaccine-induced panniculitis, and dant finely granular, eosinophilic cytoplasm with ill-defined cell borders.
T156 78575-78780 Epistemic_statement denotes In general, these 3 forms of giant cells have little diagnostic specificity, although the Touton variety is strongly indicative of xanthomas, and the Langhans type suggests the need for an acid-fast stain.
T157 78781-79022 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophils may predominate in feline, canine, and equine eosinophilic granuloma; in certain parasitic dermatoses (habronemiasis, elaeophoriasis, parafilariasis, dirofilariasis, dracunculiasis); in furunculosis, and in hairy vetch toxicosis.
T158 79346-79436 Epistemic_statement denotes They may contain eosinophilic, intracytoplasmic inclusions that are called Russell bodies.
T159 79437-79547 Epistemic_statement denotes These accumulations of glycoprotein are largely globulin and may be large enough to displace the cell nucleus.
T160 79548-79752 Epistemic_statement denotes Reactions to ruptured hair follicles are a common cause of nodular and diffuse pyogranulomatous dermatitis in domestic animals, and any such lesion should be examined for keratinous and epithelial debris.
T161 79753-79901 Epistemic_statement denotes All other nodular and diffuse dermatitides should be cultured, examined in polarized light for foreign material, and stained for bacteria and fungi.
T162 79902-79996 Epistemic_statement denotes In general, microorganisms are most likely to be found near areas of suppuration and necrosis.
T163 79997-80209 Epistemic_statement denotes Intraepidermal vesicles and pustules can be caused by intercellular edema that can be seen in any acute or subacute dermatosis, viral infections, hydropic degeneration of keratinocytes, and by acantholysis ( Fig.
T164 80218-80334 Epistemic_statement denotes It can be useful to subdivide this category on the basis of the site of the vesicle or pustule within the epidermis.
T165 80335-80524 Epistemic_statement denotes • Subcorneal pustules and vesicles are most commonly seen in pemphigus foliaceus, pustules associated with superficial pyoderma, and eosinophilic pustules resulting from hypersensitivities.
T166 80758-80914 Epistemic_statement denotes • Intrabasilar vesicles can be seen in lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, erythema multiforme, graft-versus-host disease, and toxic epidermal necrolysis.
T167 81006-81261 Epistemic_statement denotes Subepidermal vesicles and pustules may be formed through hydropic degeneration of basal cells, dermoepidermal separation, severe subepidermal edema and/or cellular infiltration, and severe intercellular edema with disruption of the basement membrane zone.
T168 81262-81478 Epistemic_statement denotes Caution is warranted when examining older lesions, as re-epithelialization may result in subepidermal vesicles and pustules assuming an intraepidermal location as re-epithelialization forms a pseudobase to a vesicle.
T169 81762-81971 Epistemic_statement denotes Ulcers limited to the upper portion of the superficial dermis do not usually result in scarring, whereas virtually all ulcers that extend into the deep dermis result in fibrosis and clinical signs of scarring.
T170 82385-82466 Epistemic_statement denotes Likewise, the panniculus can be secondarily involved in deep dermal inflammation.
T171 82467-82820 Epistemic_statement denotes Panniculitis may be caused by infectious agents, foreign bodies, vitamin E deficiency, trauma, pancreatic nant), orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, follicular keratosis, decreased numbers of hair shafts in follicular infundibula, epidermal atrophy, sebaceous gland atrophy, and dermal atrophy (this can be difficult to assess without site-matched controls).
T172 82821-83002 Epistemic_statement denotes Atrophic dermatosis is rarely diagnostic for a specific condition but can suggest a group of diseases such as the endocrine dermatoses, the most common cause of atrophic dermatosis.
T173 83003-83114 Epistemic_statement denotes It will almost always be necessary to confirm the identity of the endocrinopathy with endocrine function tests.
T174 83115-83311 Epistemic_statement denotes Other causes of atrophic dermatoses include ischemia, feline acquired skin fragility, and alopecia X. Follicular and adnexal atrophy can also be secondary, rather than the primary disease process.
T175 83736-83780 Epistemic_statement denotes However, it is often sterile and idiopathic.
T176 83781-83979 Epistemic_statement denotes Panniculitis can be divided into lobular (fat lobules are primarily involved), septal (interlobular connective tissue septa are primarily involved), and diffuse (both anatomic areas involved) types.
T177 83980-84036 Epistemic_statement denotes Septal panniculitis is often associated with vasculitis.
T178 84037-84114 Epistemic_statement denotes However, all 3 patterns may be seen in a single lesion from the same patient.
T179 84115-84332 Epistemic_statement denotes The majority of inflammatory conditions of the panniculus are granulomatous or pyogranulomatous, and the histologic appearance of panniculitis caused by an infectious agent can be very similar to sterile panniculitis.
T180 84658-84718 Epistemic_statement denotes It can also refer to atrophy of the epidermis or the dermis.
T181 84719-84842 Epistemic_statement denotes Evaluation of atrophy of the epidermis and dermis should always take into account the site from which the biopsy was taken.
T182 85594-85769 Epistemic_statement denotes The literature on ichthyosiform disorders in human medicine is extensive and complex, and, not unlike veterinary medicine, molecular tests are not available for all disorders.
T183 87168-87260 Epistemic_statement denotes Neither ichthyosis vulgaris nor X-linked ichthyosis has been documented in domestic animals.
T184 87453-87620 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans, ARCI may manifest as 1 of 3 clinical forms: lamellar ichthyosis (LI), nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (CIE), and harlequin ichthyosis (HI).
T185 87621-87736 Epistemic_statement denotes The phenotypes of LI and CIE are often overlapping, and some patients may switch phenotypes with age and treatment.
T186 88073-88193 Epistemic_statement denotes Although LI is often associated with the transglutaminase 1 (TGM1) gene, it is by no means specific for a TGM1 mutation.
T187 88194-88390 Epistemic_statement denotes To date, 8 genes have been associated with ACRI: TGM1, ABCA12, ABHD5 (CG158), 2 lipoxygenases (ALOXE3 and ALOX12B), a NIPA-like domain containing 4 (NIPAL4 or ICTHYIN), LIPN, CYP4F22, and PNPLA-1.
T188 88391-88630 Epistemic_statement denotes The diagnosis of ichthyosiform disorders is based on the following: signalment, history, character and distribution of the scale, presence or absence of extracutaneous lesions, and skin biopsy analysis, perhaps including molecular testing.
T189 88631-88722 Epistemic_statement denotes For breeding dogs, molecular testing, if available, may be needed to identify carrier dogs.
T190 88723-88938 Epistemic_statement denotes A pathologist should be able to narrow the mutational causes by determining if the disorder is epidermolytic (rare but uniquely associated with keratin mutations) or nonepidermolytic (more common and less specific).
T191 89015-89113 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be hereditary or result from other factors that were present during development in utero.
T192 89114-89375 Epistemic_statement denotes Various environmental influences, such as infectious agents, nutrient imbalances, toxic chemicals and plants, and ambient temperature, present during gestation, can bring about abnormalities in the skin and hair that are present at birth but are not hereditary.
T193 89480-89581 Epistemic_statement denotes Congenital abnormalities of the skin may be associated with abnormalities of other tissues or organs.
T194 89582-89786 Epistemic_statement denotes In contrast, although they are genetically determined, some hereditary abnormalities of skin (genodermatoses) are not apparent at birth and may instead be manifested later in life, that is, tardive onset.
T195 89787-89865 Epistemic_statement denotes For example, color-dilution alopecia may not be evident until early adulthood.
T196 90097-90238 Epistemic_statement denotes New genetic disorders are being recognized at an increasing rate as the degree of diagnostic sophistication of veterinary medicine has grown.
T197 90386-90637 Epistemic_statement denotes Once an analogous genetic disease is identified in animals, affected animals may be used to gain new knowledge regarding the genetics, pathogenesis, or treatment of the condition, thereby producing reciprocal benefits for both human and animal health.
T198 90903-91002 Epistemic_statement denotes The gene is thought to play a role in lipid organization and metabolism within the outer epidermis.
T199 91076-91169 Epistemic_statement denotes Unlike the Golden Retriever, the Bulldogs consistently develop clinical signs before weaning.
T200 91590-91632 Epistemic_statement denotes Malassezia yeast overgrowth may be severe.
T201 91763-91846 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical presentation may be misinterpreted as nonseasonal atopic skin disease.
T202 91847-91901 Epistemic_statement denotes Occasional adult dogs may have footpad hyperkeratosis.
T203 91902-92055 Epistemic_statement denotes The disorder has been linked to ICHTHYN, and similar to the PLPLA1 mutation in Golden Retrievers, is likely related to lipid metabolism in the epidermis.
T204 92763-92988 Epistemic_statement denotes A number of other breeds have been diagnosed with NI on light microscopy and clinical examination (Soft-coated Wheaten Terriers, West Highland White Terriers), but further molecular characterizations have not been documented.
T205 92989-93070 Epistemic_statement denotes Many cases are likely confirmed on skin biopsy and do not receive further workup.
T206 93071-93267 Epistemic_statement denotes A congenital and familial form of keratoconjunctivitis sicca with scaling has been documented in Cavalier King Charles Epidermolytic ichthyosis is also referred to as epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.
T207 93698-93783 Epistemic_statement denotes The biochemical basis is most often associated with a defect in the K1 and K10 genes.
T208 94123-94279 Epistemic_statement denotes To date, the nonepidermolytic forms of ichthyosis, which have been characterized in dogs, have been documented or presumed to be autosomal recessive traits.
T209 94280-94511 Epistemic_statement denotes Nonepidermolytic ichthyosis (NI) is not necessarily recessive (e.g., X-linked ichthyosis and autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris are also nonepidermolytic); however, these disorders have yet to be documented in domestic animals.
T210 94512-94643 Epistemic_statement denotes Veterinary pathologists currently label these ARCI disorders by their breed predilection, a practice that may change in the future.
T211 94763-94938 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical presentation consists of large, soft, white-to-gray adherent scale that is prominent on the trunk and may be associated with ventral hyperpigmentation (eFig.6-2).
T212 95185-95290 Epistemic_statement denotes Golden Retrievers are typically diagnosed at <1 year of age; however, adult-onset cases are not uncommon.
T213 95291-95420 Epistemic_statement denotes Some dogs develop secondary bacterial folliculitis, which may lead to pruritus and clinical confusion with allergic skin disease.
T214 95421-95500 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease may wax and wane with periodic bouts of exacerbation and remission.
T215 95501-95542 Epistemic_statement denotes Golden Retriever ichthyosis is caused by
T216 95543-95642 Epistemic_statement denotes Wattles (tassels), similar to those seen in goats, occur occasionally in swine and rarely in sheep.
T217 95868-95924 Epistemic_statement denotes They are 5-7 cm long and may be unilateral or bilateral.
T218 98179-98229 Epistemic_statement denotes A recessive mode of inheritance has been proposed.
T219 98346-98498 Epistemic_statement denotes An X-linked dominant mode of inheritance has been suggested in Rottweilers because the 5 reported dogs were female, and no male relatives were affected.
T220 99089-99225 Epistemic_statement denotes In Labradors, the condition may be confused with a presumably immune-mediated adult-onset form of mural folliculitis with parakeratosis.
T221 99489-99537 Epistemic_statement denotes The mode of inheritance has not been determined.
T222 99659-99776 Epistemic_statement denotes Ichthyosis has been reported in many breeds of cattle, and the mode of inheritance appears to be autosomal recessive.
T223 99914-100099 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the underlying molecular defect(s) is unknown, and it is uncertain whether the forms are distinct diseases or merely represent variations in expression of a single abnormality.
T224 100660-100746 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin is dry, hard, and inflexible like old leather, and may be prominently folded.
T225 101151-101380 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic changes in the skin are mild to moderate perivascular dermatitis, moderate to marked acanthosis that may be accompanied by pallor of the superficial epidermis, and marked diffuse parakeratotic hyperkeratosis (see eFig.
T226 101388-101534 Epistemic_statement denotes There may also be neutrophilic exocytosis, intraepidermal neutrophilic pustules, and serocellular crusts containing bacterial cocci and/or yeasts.
T227 101610-101774 Epistemic_statement denotes If this information is not available, differential diagnoses include superficial necrolytic dermatitis, zinc-responsive dermatosis, and generic dog food dermatosis.
T228 101775-101911 Epistemic_statement denotes However, parakeratosis is less severe in these diseases, and superficial epidermal necrolysis is not a feature of lethal acrodermatitis.
T229 101912-102175 Epistemic_statement denotes Much of the older literature uses the term epitheliogenesis imperfecta (EI) to describe congenital mechanobullous conditions in many species; however, many of these conditions would be more appropriately termed epidermolysis bullosa in the current classification.
T230 102316-102460 Epistemic_statement denotes In swine, aplasia cutis congenita (also called epitheliogenesis imperfecta) is very rare and a clinically distinct, recessively inherited trait.
T231 102577-102662 Epistemic_statement denotes Piglets with small focal lesions may survive but are smaller than normal littermates.
T232 102898-102948 Epistemic_statement denotes Piglets may have fluid-filled subcutaneous bullae.
T233 102949-102982 Epistemic_statement denotes An underlying cause is not known.
T234 102983-103228 Epistemic_statement denotes Epidermolysis bullosa is divided into 3 broad groups based on the ultrastructural level of the skin cleavage: epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS; epidermolytic epidermolysis bullosa), then appear around the eyes, ears, and intermandibular space.
T235 103386-103454 Epistemic_statement denotes The flanks, perianal area, and ventral abdomen may also be affected.
T236 103455-103599 Epistemic_statement denotes The hair may lighten in color, a change that may be especially prominent around the eyes and resemble the spectacle lesion of copper deficiency.
T237 103600-103671 Epistemic_statement denotes Affected calves are lethargic, drool, and may have difficulty suckling.
T238 103912-104067 Epistemic_statement denotes This disease is associated with impaired intestinal zinc absorption caused by abnormal function of a protein belonging to a family of zinc-uptake proteins.
T239 104068-104153 Epistemic_statement denotes Acrodermatitis enteropathica and HZD are associated with defects in the gene SLC39A4.
T240 104154-104287 Epistemic_statement denotes Oral zinc supplementation effects a complete reversal of clinical signs and may restore thymic morphology if instituted early enough.
T241 104567-104720 Epistemic_statement denotes A cysteine-rich intestinal protein (CRIP) has been identified in the liganddependent pathway and has been suggested as being defective in this condition.
T242 105168-105241 Epistemic_statement denotes Neutrophilic exocytosis and superficial bacterial cocci may be prominent.
T243 105242-105434 Epistemic_statement denotes Lethal acrodermatitis of Bull Terrier dogs is also thought to be caused by an abnormality in zinc absorption or metabolism; however, zinc supplementation fails to produce clinical improvement.
T244 106734-106913 Epistemic_statement denotes Extracutaneous postmortem lesions consist of a small or absent thymus and may also include a high, arched palate and 533.e1 eFigure 6-5 Lethal acrodermatitis of Bull Terrier dogs.
T245 107466-107658 Epistemic_statement denotes Whereas hemidesmosomes may be normal or reduced in size and number in the non-Herlitz type, they are markedly reduced or absent with an absent sub-basal dense plate in the Herlitz type of JEB.
T246 107995-108147 Epistemic_statement denotes Affected animals usually develop lesions shortly after birth; however, in some cases, the disease is not evident until the animal is several months old.
T247 108148-108264 Epistemic_statement denotes Initial lesions consist of vesicles and bullae, but they quickly rupture, and only ulcers may be evident clinically.
T248 108571-108716 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be induced accidentally by rough handling of an affected animal or intentionally for diagnostic purposes by gentle frictional trauma.
T249 108987-109150 Epistemic_statement denotes Even in the epidermolytic form of epidermolysis bullosa, the cleavage is usually so low in the epidermis that the vesicle appears subepidermal in routine sections.
T250 109151-109319 Epistemic_statement denotes PAS staining to visualize the basement membrane zone may be helpful in determining the level of cleavage, but definitive diagnosis requires ultrastructural examination.
T251 109320-109493 Epistemic_statement denotes Basement membrane antigen mapping by immunofluorescence or immunohistochemistry may be a diagnostic adjunct or alternative to electron microscopy to establish the diagnosis.
T252 110075-110275 Epistemic_statement denotes In calves, epidermolysis bullosa (termed EI) has been reported in many breeds and appears to be an autosomal recessive trait, and it is seen most often in herds in which there is extensive inbreeding.
T253 110494-110557 Epistemic_statement denotes JEB may be further classified into Herlitz or non-Herlitz type.
T254 110901-111073 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical presentation may range from minimal localized involvement of hands and feet to severe, life-threatening generalized blistering with extracutaneous involvement.
T255 111270-111398 Epistemic_statement denotes In animals, epidermolysis bullosa has been reported rarely and, in most instances, has led to the death of affected individuals.
T256 112052-112285 Epistemic_statement denotes • In junctional epidermolysis bullosa, clefting occurs within the lamina lucida because of abnormalities of the anchoring filament-hemidesmosome complexes, which may be reduced in number and poorly formed or may be completely absent.
T257 113193-113351 Epistemic_statement denotes The PASpositive basement membrane zone remained attached to the epithelium and formed the roof of the vesicle, suggestive of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa.
T258 113433-113609 Epistemic_statement denotes Ultrastructural examination of skin from the Swiss lambs indicated that the splitting was below the lamina densa and that anchoring fibrils were absent or rare and rudimentary.
T259 113610-113848 Epistemic_statement denotes Antigen mapping of the lesion identified laminin and type IV collagen at the roof of the cleft, which confirms sublamina densa blistering; and no type VII collagen, the major structural component of anchoring fibrils, could be identified.
T260 113849-113929 Epistemic_statement denotes These findings are consistent with the dystrophic form of epidermolysis bullosa.
T261 114126-114325 Epistemic_statement denotes The unaffected twin brother of this buck was bred over 5 consecutive years with the dam and produced 12 kids, 4 of which were affected with DEB, suggesting an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.
T262 115115-115185 Epistemic_statement denotes The proximal esophagus may also be affected and hooves may be lacking.
T263 115430-115535 Epistemic_statement denotes Extracutaneous lesions are rare, and included ocular lesions in one foal and dental dysplasia in another.
T264 115713-115834 Epistemic_statement denotes Ultrastructurally, the separation is located within the lamina lucida, indicating that hemidesmosomes are underdeveloped.
T265 115900-116160 Epistemic_statement denotes The mutation responsible-a cytosine insertion in exon 10 of the LAMC2 gene-has also been identified in JEB phenotype horses in 2 commonly; however, any portion of the body may be affected as well as the squamous epithelium of the muzzle, lips, and oral cavity.
T266 116161-116219 Epistemic_statement denotes Hooves and dewclaws may be missing or incompletely formed.
T267 117404-117548 Epistemic_statement denotes Three animals kept under laboratory conditions showed gradual improvement in severity of lesions, but rough handling could still elicit lesions.
T268 119380-119658 Epistemic_statement denotes A congenital bullous disease suggestive of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa has been described in Suffolk and South Dorset Down lambs in New Zealand, Scottish Blackface lambs, and lifelong history of trauma-induced ulcers and scars over pressure points of limbs and on footpads.
T269 120289-120343 Epistemic_statement denotes Epidermolysis bullosa appears to be very rare in cats.
T270 122573-122731 Epistemic_statement denotes A mutation in the collagen VII encoding gene COL7A1 was suggested as the cause, because this gene is mutated in all subsets of DEB in affected human patients.
T271 122793-122866 Epistemic_statement denotes In American Saddlebred horses, the mutation has been identified in LAMA3.
T272 122951-123124 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the initial cases reported as epidermolysis bullosa simplex in young Collies are now thought to represent a mild form of dermatomyositis with unrecognized myositis.
T273 123424-123500 Epistemic_statement denotes Non-Herlitz (nonlethal) JEB has been documented in a 4-year-old mongrel dog.
T274 123974-124083 Epistemic_statement denotes Junctional EB in German Shorthaired Pointers is autosomal recessive and has been proposed as an animal model.
T275 124300-124434 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease is associated with reduced expression of laminin 5 and is caused by a mutation in the LAMA3 gene for the laminin α3 chain.
T276 124435-124597 Epistemic_statement denotes Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB), associated with mutation in the gene encoding type VII collagen (COL7A1), has been characterized in Golden Retriever dogs.
T277 125614-125721 Epistemic_statement denotes Further studies have shown that keratinocytes in lesional and nonlesional skin have depleted SERCA2 stores.
T278 125722-125852 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the precise mechanism is not known, depletion of calcium stores may delay exit from the cell cycle and enhance apoptosis.
T279 125853-125986 Epistemic_statement denotes Thus the clinical appearance, histologic features, and SERCA2 abnormality suggest the disease in dogs is more similar to DD than HHD.
T280 126415-126589 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition is associated with a PKP1 mutation and loss of plakophilin-1 in desmosomal attachments as well as an abnormal arrangement of desmoplakin and keratins 10 and 14.
T281 128068-128263 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the clinical presentation of these cases was typical of epidermolysis bullosa, the histologic and ultrastructural features were unlike those of the common forms of epidermolysis bullosa.
T282 128264-128504 Epistemic_statement denotes However, some variants of epidermolysis bullosa simplex in humans are characterized by cleft formation with acantholysis in the middle or upper epidermis, and in some instances, cells contain round clumps within their cytoplasm produced by
T283 128505-128597 Epistemic_statement denotes A dominantly inherited epidermal acantholytic disease has been described in English Setters.
T284 128598-128986 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease was initially compared to Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD) in humans, but current thought is that the disorder is more likely a form of Darier disease (DD) In humans, autosomal dominant mutations in genes that encode calcium pumps are responsible for both HHD (SPCA1: secretory calcium/magnesium ATPase isoform) and DD (SERCA2: sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase isoform 2).
T285 130461-130633 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical appearance of the lesions was not typical HHD, but the histologic and ultrastructural features were thought to be similar to benign familial chronic pemphigus.
T286 131296-131354 Epistemic_statement denotes Animals may not grow well and may have a wild temperament.
T287 131729-131828 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition appears to be inherited as a simple autosomal recessive trait in all breeds affected.
T288 132282-132424 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic changes include small, inactive hair follicles, deformed dermal papillae lacking a vascular network, and degenerative sweat glands.
T289 132425-132682 Epistemic_statement denotes A HAD syndrome, with hypotrichosis, almost complete lack of teeth, and complete absence of eccrine nasolabial glands, has been observed in a family of German Holsteins; similar anomalies in humans are known as X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (ED1).
T290 133211-133245 Epistemic_statement denotes Calves may become normal with age.
T291 133405-133580 Epistemic_statement denotes Inherited epidermal dysplasia, also called baldy calf syndrome, is a lethal disease of Holstein-Friesian calves that is likely inherited as a single autosomal recessive trait.
T292 133581-133703 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease causes loss of condition and skin, horn, and hoof lesions that can be confused with inherited zinc deficiency.
T293 133704-133958 Epistemic_statement denotes Calves appear normal at birth, but at 1-2 months of age, they begin to lose condition despite normal appetite, and develop generalized hair loss and patchy areas of scaly, wrinkled, thickened skin over the neck, shoulders, flanks, and on pressure points.
T294 134406-134507 Epistemic_statement denotes Congenital hypotrichosis of Hereford cattle is thought to be due to a simple autosomal dominant gene.
T295 134549-134735 Epistemic_statement denotes Calves have thin, pliable skin, extremely curly facial hair, and may have sparse pelage of thin soft curly, easily broken and epilated hairs, or they may be aggregation of tonofilaments.
T296 135017-135114 Epistemic_statement denotes It is usually sparse, short and fine, or coarse and wiry, brittle, and easily broken or epilated.
T297 135115-135229 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic changes are variable, likely a reflection of the different mutations responsible for the hypotrichosis.
T298 135494-135577 Epistemic_statement denotes Iodine deficiency can cause goiter and hypotrichosis in piglets, lambs, and calves.
T299 135578-135741 Epistemic_statement denotes Adenohypophyseal hypoplasia in Guernseys and Jerseys, and maternal ingestion of Veratrum album by Japanese cattle, has been associated with hairlessness in calves.
T300 135742-135917 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, alopecia of various degrees has been associated with intrauterine infection with bovine viral diarrhea virus in calves and classical swine fever virus in piglets.
T301 136636-136735 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous glands and arrector pili muscles appear normal; sweat glands undergo cystic degeneration.
T302 137126-137237 Epistemic_statement denotes Although initially healthy, all affected kittens in one report died by 13 weeks of age from various infections.
T303 137238-137453 Epistemic_statement denotes Postmortem examination of some of the affected Birman kittens revealed thymic aplasia and lymphoid depletion of paracortical regions of lymph nodes, spleen, and Peyer's patches, suggesting an immunologic deficiency.
T304 137582-137707 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous glands were normal, but sweat glands were hypoplastic and in decreased number, and arrector pili muscles were rare.
T305 137708-137810 Epistemic_statement denotes Hereditary hypotrichosis is recognized in piglets, and there may be both dominant and recessive forms.
T306 137811-137970 Epistemic_statement denotes The dominant form is thought to be lethal in homozygotes; it is characterized histologically by a decreased number of hair follicles, and most appear atrophic.
T307 137971-138071 Epistemic_statement denotes Congenital hypotrichosis is thought to be a simple autosomal recessive trait in polled Dorset sheep.
T308 138235-138317 Epistemic_statement denotes Congenital hypotrichosis has been described in a Percheron, but is rare in horses.
T309 138318-138360 Epistemic_statement denotes Congenital hypotrichosis is rare in goats.
T310 138361-138638 Epistemic_statement denotes Drögemüller C, et al Hypotrichosis associated with pigmentary alterations Generalized or regional alopecia attributed to follicular dysplasias that include histologic evidence of pigment abnormalities have been frequently described in dogs and less frequently in other species.
T311 138693-139058 Epistemic_statement denotes The first of these 2 categories is color dilution alopecia, described in color-dilute animals of breeds such as the Doberman Pinscher, Irish Setter, Dachshund, Chow Chow, Poodle, Whippet, Italian Greyhound, Boston Terrier, Chihuahua, Saluki, Yorkshire Terrier, and mongrels, in which the onset of alopecia can be tardive, generally ranging from 4 months to 3 years.
T312 139059-139139 Epistemic_statement denotes Puppies are born with normal hair, but develop slowly progressive alopecia (Fig.
T313 139148-139264 Epistemic_statement denotes Pedigree analysis in colordilute Dachshunds suggests this disorder may be inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.
T314 139562-139656 Epistemic_statement denotes There can be some hair follicle atrophy in chronic cases; however, this is a secondary change.
T315 140000-140091 Epistemic_statement denotes Arrector pili muscles are reduced in number and frequently not associated with hair shafts.
T316 140092-140223 Epistemic_statement denotes Ultrastructural examination indicates that the giant trichohyaline granules lack normal microfilament and macrofilament structures.
T317 140841-140933 Epistemic_statement denotes Affected calves also have nonregenerative anemia and fail to grow despite a normal appetite.
T318 141811-141939 Epistemic_statement denotes X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XHED) has been documented in dogs and the inheritance confirmed by breeding studies.
T319 142158-142243 Epistemic_statement denotes The lack of hair is apparent on the dorsal head, ventrum, and dorsal tail base (eFig.
T320 142406-142500 Epistemic_statement denotes Hairless areas may have decreased adnexal density as well as partial to complete adnexal loss.
T321 142699-142821 Epistemic_statement denotes This protein is thought to control some epithelialmesenchymal cell interactions that regulate development of the ectoderm.
T322 142945-143099 Epistemic_statement denotes A semidominant form of ectodermal dysplasia has been documented in congenitally hairless breeds (Mexican and Peruvian hairless dogs, Chinese Crested dog).
T323 143100-143292 Epistemic_statement denotes The disorder has been associated with a member of the forkhead box 539.e1 eFigure 6-7 Patterned hairlessness on the dorsum of the head of a dog with X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia.
T324 143472-143602 Epistemic_statement denotes Coatcolor-linked hair follicle dysplasia has also been described in buckskin Holstein cows (color-dilute tan-and-white Holsteins).
T325 144055-144248 Epistemic_statement denotes Black hair follicular dysplasia is thought to be an autosomal inherited disorder in mongrel puppies, and is thought to have a genetic component in some purebred animals such as Bearded Collies.
T326 144369-144472 Epistemic_statement denotes A difference in the appearance of the melanin clumps in whole mounts of hair shafts has been suggested.
T327 144473-144658 Epistemic_statement denotes In Greater Musterlanders, the hair shaft defect appears to be associated with inadequate and disorganized melanosome transfer to keratinocytes, with resultant melanin clumping (see Fig.
T328 144667-144828 Epistemic_statement denotes There are other follicular dysplasias associated with pigment abnormalities that do not fall easily into these 2 categories, but have similar histologic changes.
T329 144951-145053 Epistemic_statement denotes These are not color-dilute dogs, and the onset can be tardive, generally between 3 months and 5 years.
T330 145681-145847 Epistemic_statement denotes Follicular dysplasia has been described in Weimaraners, in which affected young adults had progressive alopecia of the trunk with recurrent folliculitis/furunculosis.
T331 145848-145962 Epistemic_statement denotes similar to color-dilution alopecia in dogs has been described in cattle as cross-related congenital hypotrichosis.
T332 145963-146116 Epistemic_statement denotes This has been reported in crosses involving Simmental, Gelbvieh, and Charolais cattle, most common in the Simmental-Angus and Simmental-Holstein crosses.
T333 146117-146198 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition appears in calves that have color-dilute (gray or chocolate) coats.
T334 146199-146282 Epistemic_statement denotes The affected Dermatomyositis has been identified in Shelties in the United Kingdom.
T335 146283-146429 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease has not been characterized as well in this breed; but it appears that myositis is a less prominent feature of the disease in Shelties.
T336 146730-147147 Epistemic_statement denotes The histologic changes of ischemic dermatopathy can be categorized into 5 subtypes: (1) canine familiar dermatomyositis, (2) juvenile-onset ischemic dermatopathy (similar to canine familial dermatomyositis except for the breed predispositions), (3) focal postrabies vaccination reaction, (4) generalized vaccine-induced ischemic dermatopathy, and (5) adult-onset non-vaccine-induced generalized ischemic dermatopathy.
T337 147148-147206 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause and pathogenesis of dermatomyositis are unknown.
T338 147207-147339 Epistemic_statement denotes The primary target is thought to be capillary endothelium, although histologic evidence of vessel wall inflammation is often absent.
T339 147443-147617 Epistemic_statement denotes Variation in expression of dermatomyositis in dogs suggests that factors other than simple autosomal dominant inheritance are involved in the etiopathogenesis of the disease.
T340 147618-147780 Epistemic_statement denotes Immunologic mechanisms are thought to be involved in this disease in humans, and both cell-mediated and humoral immunity have been implicated in the pathogenesis.
T341 147781-148138 Epistemic_statement denotes In Collies with dermatomyositis, serum levels of circulating immune complexes were found to be increased above normal before clinical disease was evident; the onset and severity of dermatitis and myositis correlated with the serum levels of circulating immune complexes and IgG, and circulating immune complex levels decreased to normal as disease resolved.
T342 148139-148240 Epistemic_statement denotes These findings suggest that the immune complexes initiated inflammation rather than resulted from it.
T343 148241-148378 Epistemic_statement denotes IgG was identified as the immunoglobulin component of the immune complexes, but the identity of the antigen component was not determined.
T344 148379-148546 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermatomyositis has been associated with viral, bacterial, and Toxoplasma infections, but infectious agents are generally not isolated from tissues of affected people.
T345 148547-148678 Epistemic_statement denotes Crystalline structures, suggestive of picornaviruses, have been seen in endothelial cells of muscle from severely affected Collies.
T346 148679-148818 Epistemic_statement denotes Cases in humans have also occurred following immunization, therapy with various drugs, during pregnancy, and in association with neoplasia.
T347 149242-149346 Epistemic_statement denotes Mucous membranes and mucocutaneous junctions may be transiently involved early in the course of disease.
T348 149347-149373 Epistemic_statement denotes Pawpad ulceration is rare.
T349 149469-149632 Epistemic_statement denotes In mildly to In cattle, follicular dysplasia has been reported in black Angus and black Angus-Brahman crosses; the histologic changes are similar to those in dogs.
T350 149633-149814 Epistemic_statement denotes These cattle are all black animals that are not phenotypically color dilute; however, there is adult onset of alopecia that is more commonly associated with color-dilution alopecia.
T351 149815-150188 Epistemic_statement denotes In view of the dysplasias in Portuguese Water dogs, black-and-red Doberman Pinschers, and black Angus and their crosses that occur in animals not phenotypically color dilute but that can have adult onset, it is quite possible that separation of follicular dysplasias with pigmentary alteration into color-dilution alopecia and black hair follicular dysplasia is artificial.
T352 150189-150412 Epistemic_statement denotes It is likely that these histologically similar follicular dysplasias are subtypes of a single process; however, until the mechanism underlying follicular dysplasia is characterized, the classification is somewhat arbitrary.
T353 150413-150429 Epistemic_statement denotes Cerundolo R, et
T354 150430-150523 Epistemic_statement denotes Congenital hypertrichosis, a condition characterized by an excessive amount of hair, is rare.
T355 150829-150947 Epistemic_statement denotes High environmental temperature during gestation has been associated with an unusual hairy appearance of newborn lambs.
T356 150948-151074 Epistemic_statement denotes The lambs are small, and most do not survive to weaning; the histologic appearance of this abnormality has not been described.
T357 152029-152079 Epistemic_statement denotes A similar disease, referred to as dermatomyositis-
T358 152080-152183 Epistemic_statement denotes Further reading The histologic changes in the skin are variable and may be quite subtle or nonspecific.
T359 152558-152708 Epistemic_statement denotes Diagnostically useful artifactual dermal-epidermal separation may be induced at the margins of the section by the shearing action of the punch biopsy.
T360 153244-153410 Epistemic_statement denotes The most consistently present histologic abnormalities are follicular atrophy and perifollicular inflammation that may be accompanied by perifollicular fibrosis (Fig.
T361 153984-154103 Epistemic_statement denotes A defect in any one of these skin molecules can result in structural and functional abnormalities of the entire tissue.
T362 154104-154280 Epistemic_statement denotes Inherited connective tissue disorders of skin may consist of abnormalities involving only one of these components, or there may be concurrent alterations in several components.
T363 154281-154512 Epistemic_statement denotes Hereditary collagen dysplasia, the most commonly recognized connective tissue disease, is a complex group of disorders of collagen that results in decreased tensile strength of the skin and may also affect other connective tissues.
T364 154513-154834 Epistemic_statement denotes Alterations in elastic fibers and ground substance may accompany some forms of collagen dysplasia, but there moderately affected dogs, lesions may resolve spontaneously in 6-12 months, whereas in severely affected dogs, lesions may regress but do not usually resolve completely, and disease may be lifelong and extensive.
T365 155030-155105 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be exacerbated by estrus, parturition, or exposure to sunlight.
T366 155106-155344 Epistemic_statement denotes Although cases of adult-onset dermatomyositis have been reported, it is likely that at least some of these dogs had mild transient lesions that were overlooked when they were pups and subsequently developed more obvious disease as adults.
T367 155547-155668 Epistemic_statement denotes However, because of the dolichocephalic shape of the Collie head, mild temporal or masseter muscle atrophy may be missed.
T368 155897-156025 Epistemic_statement denotes Generalized symmetrical muscle atrophy, weakness, and exercise intolerance may develop in moderately and severely affected dogs.
T369 156026-156065 Epistemic_statement denotes Megaesophagus may develop in some dogs.
T370 156066-156168 Epistemic_statement denotes Various additional abnormalities may accompany skin and muscle lesions in more severely affected dogs.
T371 156238-156359 Epistemic_statement denotes Conjunctivitis may develop in dogs with severe periocular skin lesions or because of facial palsy and inability to blink.
T372 156507-156645 Epistemic_statement denotes Secondary bacterial pyoderma, septicemia, or megaesophagus with secondary aspiration pneumonia may develop in more severely affected dogs.
T373 156646-156703 Epistemic_statement denotes Demodicosis may also be present and complicate diagnosis.
T374 157619-157701 Epistemic_statement denotes Inheritance may be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked recessive.
T375 157702-157869 Epistemic_statement denotes In animals, clinical disease has been restricted almost exclusively to skin abnormalities and has been characterized in only a few breeding colonies or herd outbreaks.
T376 157870-158008 Epistemic_statement denotes Most instances of collagen dysplasia occur in single animals, and the molecular defect and mode of inheritance are usually not determined.
T377 158456-158567 Epistemic_statement denotes Extracutaneous signs, such as joint laxity and ocular abnormalities, have been reported in animals only rarely.
T378 158568-158651 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin is usually soft and velvety, hyperextensible, and may hang in loose folds.
T379 159188-159323 Epistemic_statement denotes In general, the disease tends to be most severe in sheep, less severe in cattle, followed by dogs and cats, and least severe in horses.
T380 159477-159694 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, abnormalities are evident at the light microscopic level, but frequently none are found or the differences are subtle and difficult to determine except by comparison to a breed- and age-matched control.
T381 159695-159816 Epistemic_statement denotes The dermis may be normal, thinner than normal, or thicker than normal because of an increased amount of ground substance.
T382 159817-159912 Epistemic_statement denotes Collagen fibers may be widely separated, finer and paler than normal, and haphazardly arranged.
T383 159913-159986 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, increased numbers of elastic fibers are seen with elastic stains.
T384 160064-160154 Epistemic_statement denotes Abnormal collagen fibers may stain unevenly with collagen stains such as Masson trichrome.
T385 160155-160254 Epistemic_statement denotes Instead of the uniform blue staining of normal collagen, the abnormal collagen may have a red core.
T386 160255-160403 Epistemic_statement denotes This staining feature is not unique to collagen dysplasia, however, as uneven collagen staining also occurs with degenerative disorders of collagen.
T387 160558-160642 Epistemic_statement denotes In longitudinal sections, collagen fibrils may be loosely wound and flat or helical.
T388 160643-160756 Epistemic_statement denotes In crosssection, they may have several irregular thin projecting arms that give them a "hieroglyphic" appearance.
T389 160757-160879 Epistemic_statement denotes This appearance are also diseases in which an abnormality of the elastic fibers or ground substance appears to be primary.
T390 161683-161902 Epistemic_statement denotes In Border-Leicester-Southdown crossbred lambs, the biochemical abnormality was not determined, but it did not appear to be a procollagen peptidase deficiency because there was no increase in dermal procollagen detected.
T391 162102-162222 Epistemic_statement denotes Gross examination of the skin indicates that the dermis is moist and thicker than normal, with a jelly-like consistency.
T392 162545-162631 Epistemic_statement denotes No skin hyperelasticity or joint hypermobility are associated with the skin fragility.
T393 163992-164068 Epistemic_statement denotes Collagen dysplasia has been described in many purebred and mixed-breed dogs.
T394 164316-164501 Epistemic_statement denotes Ocular abnormalities and joint laxity, associated problems commonly seen in humans with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, have been reported infrequently in dogs, and bone abnormalities are rare.
T395 164637-164879 Epistemic_statement denotes The biochemical abnormality has not been identified in any cases of collagen dysplasia in dogs; but the skin of Springer Spaniels with is typical of dermatosparaxis of sheep and cattle and has also been described in a Himalayan cat and a dog.
T396 165005-165166 Epistemic_statement denotes They may all be uniformly larger or smaller, or there is a mixed population of fibrils that extend beyond the range of normal minimum and maximum diameter sizes.
T397 165756-165900 Epistemic_statement denotes For unknown reasons, the same biochemical defect may produce different clinical abnormalities in different individuals and in different species.
T398 166994-167177 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermatosparaxis in cattle is recessively inherited as is the biochemically analogous condition in humans, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VII C, although clinical signs are not identical.
T399 167274-167339 Epistemic_statement denotes Associated joint laxity and soft bones have been reported rarely.
T400 167534-167649 Epistemic_statement denotes Individual collagen fibers are smaller in diameter than in normal skin, and their arrangement appears disorganized.
T401 167650-167719 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be an increase in dermal elastin and number of fibroblasts.
T402 169233-169276 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis.
T403 169277-169406 Epistemic_statement denotes The exact pathomechanism is unknown; however, it is thought to be related to an effect of glucocorticoids on collagen production.
T404 169407-169569 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, many of the associated conditions have moderate to severe liver involvement, which suggests that hepatic dysfunction may play a role in pathogenesis.
T405 170027-170132 Epistemic_statement denotes An abnormality of dermal proteoglycan is a rarely documented cause of fragile skin in humans and animals.
T406 170494-170624 Epistemic_statement denotes However, levels of dermatan collagen dysplasia has been found to have more uncross-linked α-chains than collagen from normal dogs.
T407 170625-170751 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic changes may be subtle and consist of dermal thinning evident only in comparison to a section from a normal control.
T408 170752-170957 Epistemic_statement denotes In other cases, a decreased amount of dermal collagen, collagen disorganization, variation in collagen staining, increased number of elastic fibers, or increased amount of extracellular matrix may be seen.
T409 170958-171022 Epistemic_statement denotes The abnormal collagen fibers may stain red with trichrome stain.
T410 171185-171249 Epistemic_statement denotes A mixture of normal and abnormal collagen fibers may be present.
T411 171250-171379 Epistemic_statement denotes Collagen dysplasia in cats is usually referred to as cutaneous asthenia, although in early reports it was called dermatosparaxis.
T412 171380-171544 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition has been reported in a number of breeds; in the majority of the cases, neither the biochemical defect nor the mode of inheritance has been identified.
T413 171730-171814 Epistemic_statement denotes This cat could not be bred, however, and the mode of inheritance was not determined.
T414 172790-172980 Epistemic_statement denotes Ultrastructural examination indicates that normal and abnormal collagen fibers may be present in of weeks, the lesions continue to expand and develop a dry, horny, papilloma-like appearance.
T415 173934-173991 Epistemic_statement denotes Coronary band changes, however, diminish as the pig ages.
T416 173992-174115 Epistemic_statement denotes At birth, affected piglets seem otherwise normal, but over a period of weeks they gradually decline in growth and vitality.
T417 174588-174631 Epistemic_statement denotes The mode of inheritance was not determined.
T418 174918-175056 Epistemic_statement denotes The hyaluronan accumulation is related to a higher expression of hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2) mRNA and HAS2 protein by dermal fibroblasts.
T419 175271-175375 Epistemic_statement denotes In some dogs, large lakes of mucin form nodules or cysts that may rupture and drip clear, stringy fluid.
T420 175809-175972 Epistemic_statement denotes Special stains can be used to better visualize the mucin; these include Alcian blue at pH 2.5, which stains mucin blue-green, and mucicarmine, which stains it red.
T421 176497-176620 Epistemic_statement denotes The economic impact of the disease may be considerable because virtually all homozygotes die before reaching slaughter age.
T422 176621-176781 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin lesions may be present at birth, but more commonly, they develop during the first 3 weeks of life, and in rare cases may not arise until 2-3 months of age.
T423 176909-176974 Epistemic_statement denotes They may extend up the sides and back but do not affect the head.
T424 178168-178335 Epistemic_statement denotes Basal keratinocytes are the only cells in the epidermis that can undergo mitosis, and once mitosis occurs, the basal cell proceeds to undergo terminal differentiation.
T425 178645-178704 Epistemic_statement denotes The intercellular and cell substrate adhesions are complex.
T426 178705-178910 Epistemic_statement denotes Hemidesmosomes and desmosomes are stable junctions that associate with cytoplasmic keratin filaments, whereas focal adhesions and adherens junctions connect to actin filaments and are transitory adhesions.
T427 179857-179973 Epistemic_statement denotes The molecular structure of keratin is very important, and genetic mutation(s) can affect keratin filament formation.
T428 180657-180826 Epistemic_statement denotes In chronic cases, epithelialization and interstitial fibrosis are evident, and multinucleated giant cells may be infrequent when the condition has lasted several months.
T429 180827-180893 Epistemic_statement denotes Typical pulmonary changes may be obscured by secondary infections.
T430 181341-181489 Epistemic_statement denotes Although present at birth, dermoid cysts are usually asymptomatic and may not be noticed until they become distended or infected in an older animal.
T431 181490-181652 Epistemic_statement denotes The cyst usually contains hair, keratin, and sebum, and this material may produce progressive enlargement of the structure so that it becomes clinically apparent.
T432 181822-182086 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, dermoid cysts have been reported most commonly in the Rhodesian Ridgeback, a breed in which the lesion appears to be inherited as a simple recessive trait; development of a cyst is predisposed to by a dominant mutation in 3 fibroblast growth factor genes.
T433 182150-182233 Epistemic_statement denotes It is unknown whether the lesion is an inherited condition in other breeds of dogs.
T434 182234-182367 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermoid cysts have been associated with multiple vertebral and spinal malformations and hindlimb neurologic deficits in several dogs.
T435 182368-182578 Epistemic_statement denotes The rare condition of nasal dermoid sinus cyst results in a discharging sinus over the external nares in dogs; the cyst may extend into the cranial vault and cause cerebral abscessation or recurrent meningitis.
T436 182690-182774 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermoid cysts are rare in cats, and both cases reported were in domestic shorthairs.
T437 182775-182815 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermoid cysts may be single or multiple.
T438 182967-183058 Epistemic_statement denotes A tuft of hair may protrude through this pore, and it may be surrounded by a whorl of hair.
T439 183059-183273 Epistemic_statement denotes The cyst may end blindly in the subcutis; it may connect to the dorsal spinous process of vertebrae directly or by a fibrous cord; or rarely, it extends down to be continuous with the dura mater of the spinal cord.
T440 184202-184410 Epistemic_statement denotes In the 1980s, this designation was potentially useful for treatment purposes, but it antedated the discovery of numerous hyperkeratotic conditions, with sebaceous adenitis and ichthyosis being prime examples.
T441 184587-184801 Epistemic_statement denotes Primary idiopathic seborrheic skin disease is reported in many breeds and has been suggested to have an inherited basis; however, the breed predilections and clinical lesions overlap those of allergic skin disease.
T442 185032-185228 Epistemic_statement denotes In Cocker Spaniels, cell proliferation kinetics indicate that seborrheic individuals have increased epithelial cell proliferation of the epidermis, hair follicle infundibulum, and sebaceous gland.
T443 185229-185379 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, recombinant grafting studies have shown that the hyperproliferative epidermis from seborrheic Cocker Spaniels remains hyperproliferative.
T444 186069-186236 Epistemic_statement denotes In Labrador Retrievers, the distribution is often strikingly ventral ("water-line disease"), which in the current literature would be interpreted as atopic dermatitis.
T445 186237-186424 Epistemic_statement denotes Thus many cases that would have been called "primary seborrhea" in the past would now be classified as pyoderma, Malassezia dermatitis, sebaceous adenitis, allergic dermatitis, and so on.
T446 186425-186517 Epistemic_statement denotes Therefore "seborrhea" should be used only as a clinical descriptive, not an etiologic, term.
T447 186989-187093 Epistemic_statement denotes The parakeratosis is typically found overlying the shoulders of follicular ostia (parakeratotic "caps").
T448 187260-187347 Epistemic_statement denotes Spongiform or Munro's microabscesses may be seen in conjunction with the parakeratosis.
T449 188773-188863 Epistemic_statement denotes Keratinocytes forming the SC are dead and can be sloughed when desmosomes are broken down.
T450 188864-189053 Epistemic_statement denotes Hydrolytic enzymes, such as cathepsin B-like, carboxypeptidase, and acid phosphatase, are thought to be responsible for this desmosomal degradation and subsequent keratinocyte desquamation.
T451 189829-189946 Epistemic_statement denotes Seborrhea literally means "flow of sebum," and it has been loosely correlated with abnormal sebaceous gland function.
T452 190029-190161 Epistemic_statement denotes Scaling (i.e., seborrhea) is a common reaction of the skin to normalize a damaged skin barrier and can occur with almost any insult.
T453 190316-190427 Epistemic_statement denotes Acne is usually asymptomatic, although some cats may develop secondary bacterial folliculitis and furunculosis.
T454 190428-190540 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical lesions appear on the chin and lips and include comedones, papules, alopecia, crusts, and erythema.
T455 190831-190908 Epistemic_statement denotes Either sex may be affected, and the condition usually develops early in life.
T456 190909-191019 Epistemic_statement denotes The disorder may represent a form of inherited follicular dysplasia or a follicular disorder of cornification.
T457 191223-191299 Epistemic_statement denotes Occasionally, secondary bacterial folliculitis and furunculosis may develop.
T458 191784-191898 Epistemic_statement denotes The enlargement is usually firm to slightly spongy, and associated with partial alopecia, scaling, and greasiness.
T459 192026-192164 Epistemic_statement denotes In most instances, canine tail gland hyperplasia is associated with hormonal imbalances, especially elevated levels of blood testosterone.
T460 192305-192458 Epistemic_statement denotes The entire dorsal surface of the tail in cats is replete with large, densely packed sebaceous glands, which are proposed to be embryonal hepatoid glands.
T461 192754-192937 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause of feline tail gland hyperplasia is unknown, and the colloquialism "stud tail" is misleading, as the condition is also seen in intact females and neutered males and females.
T462 193512-193652 Epistemic_statement denotes The cases may have subordinate patterns of suppurative folliculitis, furunculosis, perifolliculitis, and intraepidermal pustular dermatitis.
T463 193653-193761 Epistemic_statement denotes Primary seborrhea oleosa, presumably of autosomal recessive inheritance, has been described in Persian cats.
T464 194253-194304 Epistemic_statement denotes Generalized primary seborrhea is rare in the horse.
T465 194697-194825 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiology and pathogenesis are unknown, and aside from an association with puberty, there is little similarity to human acne.
T466 194826-194976 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions are thought to develop from external hair follicle trauma (rubbing of face) that results in follicular inflammation and traumatic rupture.
T467 194977-195100 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions consist of follicular papules and pustules on the chin and lips that may ulcerate and ooze suppurative exudate.
T468 195278-195363 Epistemic_statement denotes Early lesions may exhibit follicular keratosis, comedones, and variable inflammation.
T469 195755-195958 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions are considered benign epidermal neoplasms and are occurs in aged dogs and is not associated with inflammation, although the development of fissures may lead to secondary bacterial infections.
T470 196273-196398 Epistemic_statement denotes Digital hyperkeratosis can occur as a congenital and presumed hereditary disorder in the Irish Terrier and Dogue de Bordeaux.
T471 196569-196638 Epistemic_statement denotes An autosomal mode of inheritance has been shown in the Irish Terrier.
T472 196639-196763 Epistemic_statement denotes This condition arises in Labradors Retrievers and their crosses at <1 year of age, and is thought to be autosomal recessive.
T473 197634-197707 Epistemic_statement denotes It occurs in many breeds; however, Quarter Horses seem to be predisposed.
T474 197996-198069 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions are usually asymptomatic, and may be persistent or permanent.
T475 198070-198186 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiology of the condition is unknown but may involve an immune-mediated attack on the wall of the hair follicle.
T476 198187-198227 Epistemic_statement denotes The reason for the linearity is unknown.
T477 198386-198450 Epistemic_statement denotes Multinucleated giant cells and eosinophils are variably present.
T478 198451-198647 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous glands can be secondarily effaced, and there is a variable amount of orthokeratotic or parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, with or without superficial perivascular nonsuppurative inflammation.
T479 198823-198932 Epistemic_statement denotes It represents a localized form of seborrheic dermatosis, can occur at any age, and has no breed predilection.
T480 199420-199493 Epistemic_statement denotes The base of the horn must be inspected for the possible underlying cause.
T481 199868-200112 Epistemic_statement denotes The term nevus implies a lesion present at birth and composed of mature elements, and therefore, because these linear hyperkeratotic lesions have in common an early age of onset, they may represent linear epidermal nevi that have tardive onset.
T482 200113-200339 Epistemic_statement denotes Equine cannon keratosis is grossly and histologically similar to linear epidermal nevi but differs from the linear epidermal nevi of Belgian horses, as it can occur at any age, and is restricted to the skin of the cannon area.
T483 200462-200655 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition has been reported in more than 50 breeds of dogs and in mongrels; however, there are breed predilections for the Standard Poodle, Akita, Samoyed, Vizsla, Lhasa Apso, and Havanese.
T484 200656-200729 Epistemic_statement denotes In Standard Poodles and Akitas, an autosomal recessive trait is proposed.
T485 200802-200916 Epistemic_statement denotes There appears to be a slight sex predilection for males in Standard Poodles, Havanese dogs, and Springer Spaniels.
T486 200917-201007 Epistemic_statement denotes very common in humans but rarely diagnosed in middle age to older dogs (mean age 9 years).
T487 201008-201091 Epistemic_statement denotes They are of unknown cause, and have nothing to do with the clinical term seborrhea.
T488 201092-201185 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions may be single or multiple and have no apparent breed, sex, or site predilections.
T489 201495-201682 Epistemic_statement denotes This proliferation of monomorphic basaloid keratinocytes undergoes abrupt cornification and surrounds impacted, hyperkeratotic follicular ostia, which may develop into keratin horn-cysts.
T490 201683-201820 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions can be confused with viral plaques and are distinguished by the lack of hypergranulosis and papillomavirus cytopathic effect.
T491 201821-201935 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans, the sudden appearance or enlargement of multiple lesions can be associated with an internal malignancy.
T492 201936-201991 Epistemic_statement denotes This association has not been made in domestic animals.
T493 201992-202179 Epistemic_statement denotes Lichenoid keratoses have been reported as single or occasionally multiple wart-like papules or hyperkeratotic plaques that may be hyperpigmented on the inner surface of the pinna in dogs.
T494 202180-202234 Epistemic_statement denotes Age, breed, and sex predilections have not been noted.
T495 202501-202817 Epistemic_statement denotes Lichenoid reaction patterns in dogs, and rarely cats, may correspond to specific diseases (e.g., uveodermatologic syndrome, discoid lupus), but an idiopathic lichenoid reaction (lichenoid dermatosis) is occasionally seen in dogs and may represent a poorly characterized form of chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus.
T496 202818-203036 Epistemic_statement denotes Idiopathic lichenoid dermatosis is characterized by usually asymptomatic, symmetrical, grouped, flattopped papules and plaques that are variably distributed, and that develop a scaly to markedly hyperkeratotic surface.
T497 203037-203130 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions have been described as self-limiting, although resolution may take several years.
T498 203357-203514 Epistemic_statement denotes Apoptotic keratinocytes can be seen primarily, although not exclusively, in the basal layer, and there is often hydropic degeneration of basal keratinocytes.
T499 203515-203698 Epistemic_statement denotes If focal areas of suppurative epidermitis and/or suppurative luminal folliculitis are present, a lichenoid tissue reaction in response to staphylococcal infection should be suspected.
T500 203699-203837 Epistemic_statement denotes A lichenoid psoriasiform dermatosis may occur in dogs on long-standing oral cyclosporine for refractory allergic skin or other conditions.
T501 203907-204032 Epistemic_statement denotes Some are of unknown cause; others originate from papillomas, basal cell tumors, squamous cell carcinomas, or other keratoses.
T502 204033-204118 Epistemic_statement denotes In cattle, sheep, and goats, cutaneous horns may arise in lesions of dermatophilosis.
T503 204119-204366 Epistemic_statement denotes In the cat, multiple cutaneous horns on the footpads have been reported in association with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infection; FeLV was isolated from the horns, and type C viral particles were seen in the lesions with the electron microscope.
T504 204367-204470 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous horns may be single or multiple, and have no apparent age, breed, sex, or site predilections.
T505 204549-204662 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be small (1-mm diameter × 5-mm length) or quite large 551.e1 eFigure 6-10 Seborrheic keratosis in a dog.
T506 204884-204950 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of this disease has not been fully characterized.
T507 205362-205557 Epistemic_statement denotes In the predisposed breeds, such as Standard Poodles and Akita, a genetic basis seems probable together with other factors that would explain the variation in onset and progression of the disease.
T508 205576-205594 Epistemic_statement denotes Histopathological
T509 205595-205732 Epistemic_statement denotes This disorders occurs almost exclusively in adult Cocker Spaniels, but has been reported in a Labrador Retriever and Miniature Schnauzer.
T510 205733-205783 Epistemic_statement denotes True vitamin A deficiency has not been documented.
T511 205927-205986 Epistemic_statement denotes The dogs may have a greasy haircoat with ceruminous otitis.
T512 207050-207172 Epistemic_statement denotes In short-coated dogs, early lesions consist of patches of scaling and alopecia that tend to appear on the ears and dorsum.
T513 207649-207749 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammation can occasionally impinge secondarily on the follicular epithelium causing folliculitis.
T514 207750-207850 Epistemic_statement denotes Orthokeratotic and/or parakeratotic hyperkeratosis together with follicular keratosis can be marked.
T515 207851-207982 Epistemic_statement denotes In the chronic stages, both active inflammation and sebaceous glands may be absent, and there may be perifollicular fibrosis ( Fig.
T516 208702-208877 Epistemic_statement denotes The base of the hyperplastic epithelium can have a scalloped appearance with crowding of basilar keratinocytes, and there is multifocal spongiosis with lymphocytic exocytosis.
T517 209101-209254 Epistemic_statement denotes The absence of Malassezia organisms in histologic sections does not necessarily exclude their presence as the organisms may be lost in tissue processing.
T518 209515-209526 Epistemic_statement denotes Congenital
T519 209527-209610 Epistemic_statement denotes Equine coronary band dystrophy is a condition of unknown etiology and pathogenesis.
T520 209880-209977 Epistemic_statement denotes Usually all 4 limbs are affected; however, the lesion may not encompass the entire coronary band.
T521 210041-210094 Epistemic_statement denotes Cracks and fissures may develop and lead to lameness.
T522 210095-210164 Epistemic_statement denotes The chestnuts and ergots are similarly affected and may be ulcerated.
T523 210321-210454 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be various degrees of neutrophilic and eosinophilic intraepidermal microabscesses (containing eosinophils and neutrophils).
T524 210455-210558 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the infiltrate may obscure the dermoepidermal junction, basal cell apoptosis is not a feature.
T525 210729-210827 Epistemic_statement denotes Lichenoid psoriasiform dermatosis can also occur in any dog on long-standing cyclosporine therapy.
T526 210893-210974 Epistemic_statement denotes An association with staphylococcal infection has been proposed for the condition.
T527 211079-211177 Epistemic_statement denotes It occurs primarily in the Dachshund, although it can be seen in other breeds with pendulous ears.
T528 211393-211550 Epistemic_statement denotes The dermatosis may be complicated by secondary bacterial infection and fissures, at which point ulceration, oozing, crusting, pain, and pruritus may be seen.
T529 211736-211749 Epistemic_statement denotes Gross TL, et
T530 211750-211836 Epistemic_statement denotes This refers to a cutaneous reaction pattern that can be associated with many diseases.
T531 211837-211930 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinically, it is characterized by scaling and erythema that can be localized or generalized.
T532 211931-212106 Epistemic_statement denotes Most cases of exfoliative dermatosis have been reported in association with thymoma, epitheliotropic lymphoma, visceral malignant neoplasms, drug reactions, or are idiopathic.
T533 212107-212350 Epistemic_statement denotes Histopathologic findings can reflect the underlying condition and can include parakeratosis, epidermal acanthosis, variable psoriasiform epidermal hyperplasia, variable lymphocytic exocytosis, and perivascular to lichenoid dermal inflammation.
T534 212726-212845 Epistemic_statement denotes It is usually postinflammatory, a result of minor or chronic irritation, and may be accompanied by mild hyperkeratosis.
T535 213133-213282 Epistemic_statement denotes It is usually associated with an accelerated melanocyte turnover with an increased number of melanosomes, as occurs following trauma and UV exposure.
T536 213283-213362 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammatory mediators likely play a role in stimulating melanocyte production.
T537 213363-213471 Epistemic_statement denotes Activation of pre-existing immature melanocytes by sunlight, estrogen, and progesterone is thought to occur.
T538 213472-213599 Epistemic_statement denotes Endothelin-1, which is produced and secreted by keratinocytes after UV irradiation, has been shown to accelerate melanogenesis.
T539 213600-213691 Epistemic_statement denotes Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) has been shown to be a mitogen for human melanocytes.
T540 213692-213875 Epistemic_statement denotes Proliferating human epidermal cells in culture produce bFGF, perhaps illustrating the mechanism behind the hyperplastic and hyperpigmented lesions that typify many chronic dermatoses.
T541 213876-213941 Epistemic_statement denotes Acquired hyperpigmentation may also involve hair (melanotrichia).
T542 213942-214132 Epistemic_statement denotes This is usually seen as a result of inflammatory skin disorders, especially those caused by biting insects in the horse and also has been described in white Merino sheep exposed to UV light.
T543 214410-214495 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions tend to start at <1 year of age and may increase in size and number with age.
T544 214875-214943 Epistemic_statement denotes Low numbers of melanophages may be present in the underlying dermis.
T545 215069-215141 Epistemic_statement denotes Merino sheep may acquire pigmented macules, particularly after shearing.
T546 215142-215220 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are concentrated on the back, suggesting a role for sunlight exposure.
T547 215901-215920 Epistemic_statement denotes Menzies-Gow NJ, et
T548 215921-216014 Epistemic_statement denotes The ichthyoses are rare disorders of cornification that result in severe generalized scaling.
T549 216541-216628 Epistemic_statement denotes Genetic mutations affecting any of these steps can lead to hereditary hypopigmentation.
T550 216629-216752 Epistemic_statement denotes Many such mutations have been characterized in the murine model, but this area has been little studied in domestic animals.
T551 216753-216997 Epistemic_statement denotes Many types of exogenous influences, such as inflammation, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, endocrinopathies, autoimmune diseases, and nutritional status can affect melanocytes in the skin, resulting in acquired hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation.
T552 216998-217223 Epistemic_statement denotes Melanin synthesis in melanocytes takes place in melanosomes, which are round or elliptical membrane-bound organelles thought to be derived from endoplasmic reticulum and containing enzymes from the Golgi and lysosomal system.
T553 218167-218438 Epistemic_statement denotes Apart from tyrosinase, the molecular role of these gene products has not been completely characterized, but it appears that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), and receptors for fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), endothelin-B, and the Steel factor (cKIT) are crucial.
T554 218439-218542 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous pigmentary disorders can be divided into disorders of hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.
T555 218544-218764 Epistemic_statement denotes Hereditary hypopigmentation can be divided into melanocytopenic hypomelanosis, characterized by the absence of melanocytes in affected areas, and melanopenic hypomelanosis, in which melanocytes are present but defective.
T556 218765-218831 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition can be localized, focally extensive, or generalized.
T557 218832-218947 Epistemic_statement denotes Melanocytopenic hypomelanosis can be extensive, as is seen in animals with Waardenburg syndromes and in piebaldism.
T558 219080-219217 Epistemic_statement denotes Melanocytopenic hypomelanosis can also be localized, as in vitiligo, in which there is genetically programmed destruction of melanocytes.
T559 219520-219682 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, this has been shown to be due to an autosomal dominant mutation with complete penetrance for loss of pigmentation and incomplete penetrance for deafness.
T560 220513-220686 Epistemic_statement denotes The defect has been shown to be a mutation in the gene encoding c-kit tyrosine kinase receptor, or a mutation in the gene for stem cell factor, which is the receptor ligand.
T561 220687-220784 Epistemic_statement denotes The c-kit tyrosine kinase receptor is associated with proliferation and survival of melanoblasts.
T562 221011-221168 Epistemic_statement denotes Vitiligo has been described in the dog, cat, horse, cattle, and the Smyth chicken (DAM chicken), which has been used as an animal model of the human disease.
T563 221334-221529 Epistemic_statement denotes It is thought to be a polygenic disease necessitating simultaneous mutations in several genes, resulting in melanocyte destruction or increased risk of immune-mediated destruction of melanocytes.
T564 221530-221892 Epistemic_statement denotes Theories regarding the pathogenesis of this disease include autoimmune destruction of melanocytes, a neurogenic theory involving release of a neurochemical from peripheral nerves that inhibits melanogenesis, a self-destruction theory that involves failure of protection of melanocytes against the toxic effects of melanin precursors, or a combination of factors.
T565 221893-222018 Epistemic_statement denotes Circulating antimelanocytic antibodies have been detected in some studies, lending support to an immunemediated pathogenesis.
T566 222712-222787 Epistemic_statement denotes Spongiosis, neutrophilic exocytosis, and serous crusts may also be present.
T567 222989-223175 Epistemic_statement denotes In view of the early age of onset (usually <1 year of age) and the strong predilection for Dachshunds, it is probable that canine idiopathic acanthosis nigricans is a heritable disorder.
T568 223176-223438 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans, some forms of acanthosis nigricans are associated with internal malignancies, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, drug administration, endocrine dysfunction, and concurrent autoimmune disease; a similar correlation has not been demonstrated in dogs.
T569 223439-223803 Epistemic_statement denotes The histologic lesions of primary acanthosis nigricans are virtually identical to the common histologic changes associated with chronic pruritic dermatitides (sometimes referred to as pseudoacanthosis nigricans or secondary acanthosis nigricans) resulting from several causes, including chronic pyoderma, atopy, seborrheic dermatitis, and some endocrine disorders.
T570 224085-224318 Epistemic_statement denotes It is a condition in which coat color can be influenced by external temperature (high temperatures producing light hairs, low temperatures producing dark hairs) and factors affecting heat production and loss (alopecia, inflammation).
T571 224633-224685 Epistemic_statement denotes Leukoderma and leukotrichia may occur independently.
T572 224686-224842 Epistemic_statement denotes They can result from a decrease in melanin (hypomelanosis), a complete absence of melanin (amelanosis), or from a loss of existing melanin (depigmentation).
T573 225885-225939 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin remains white but can develop pigmented nevi.
T574 226351-226484 Epistemic_statement denotes This results in a membrane defect leading to the formation of giant melanosomes that are passed with difficulty to the keratinocytes.
T575 228011-228037 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiology is not known.
T576 228304-228383 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease can start at any age, but is more common in horses <2 years of age.
T577 228581-228615 Epistemic_statement denotes Siamese cats may develop vitiligo.
T578 229162-229252 Epistemic_statement denotes Coat color dilution and black hair follicular dysplasia has been reported in many species.
T579 229462-229561 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, dilute coat color is thought to be due to an autosomal recessive trait (Maltese dilution).
T580 229935-230056 Epistemic_statement denotes In general, the severity of the injury determines whether an insult will result in hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation.
T581 230057-230255 Epistemic_statement denotes Mild injury results in pigmentary incontinence and epidermal hypopigmentation; however, a mild injury allows accelerated keratinocyte turnover and a subsequent increase in production of melanosomes.
T582 230497-230633 Epistemic_statement denotes Depigmenting lesions in horses may result from contact with equipment, such as rubber bit guards or crupper straps or with feed buckets.
T583 230758-230923 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, hypopigmentation can occur in immune-mediated diseases, such as lupus erythematosus, drug eruptions, bullous pemphigoid, and the various forms of pemphigus.
T584 231066-231137 Epistemic_statement denotes Microbial lesions, such as deep pyoderma, may heal with depigmentation.
T585 231437-231549 Epistemic_statement denotes Subcutaneous injection of corticosteroid or progesterone hormones may lead to focal hypopigmentation in the dog.
T586 231550-231711 Epistemic_statement denotes Canine uveodermatologic syndrome (Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada-like syndrome) is a depigmenting condition that partially resembles an extremely rare condition in humans.
T587 232763-232846 Epistemic_statement denotes Welldocumented precise descriptions of the expected histologic lesions are lacking.
T588 232847-233048 Epistemic_statement denotes Some reports indicate an interface lichenoid dermatitis may be present, whereas others suggest that a mild superficial dermal mononuclear cell infiltrate and pigmentary incontinence are to be expected.
T589 233049-233091 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiology and pathogenesis are unknown.
T590 233298-233340 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiology and pathogenesis are unknown.
T591 233573-233814 Epistemic_statement denotes Leukotrichia, also termed poliosis, has been reported in dogs in association with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada-like syndrome, tyrosinase deficiency in Chow Chows, and as an idiopathic, possibly heritable condition in a litter of Labrador Retrievers.
T592 233860-233912 Epistemic_statement denotes Leukotrichia can be associated with alopecia areata.
T593 234158-234270 Epistemic_statement denotes Copper deficiency may be simple or conditioned by other dietary substances, particularly sulfate and molybdenum.
T594 234475-234636 Epistemic_statement denotes Hip dysplasia in dogs can lead to elbow hygromas, as dogs develop an abnormal method of lying down that relies upon dropping to the olecranons to spare the hips.
T595 234914-235013 Epistemic_statement denotes The wall of the hygroma is dense connective tissue that may have a smooth or a villus inner lining.
T596 235179-235260 Epistemic_statement denotes A flattened layer of fibroblasts may give the appearance of an epithelial lining.
T597 235261-235301 Epistemic_statement denotes The cavity may contain clumps of fibrin.
T598 235596-235735 Epistemic_statement denotes Studies in Greyhounds suggest that intermittent repeated focal vascular occlusion leads to increased tissue damage from reperfusion injury.
T599 235736-235860 Epistemic_statement denotes Thromboxane A 2 and its metabolite, thromboxane B 2, are thought to contribute to vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation.
T600 236494-236586 Epistemic_statement denotes In grade III, the ulcer extends into the deep fascia, and the wound edges may be undermined.
T601 236587-236701 Epistemic_statement denotes Grade IV ulcers extend to bone, have undermined edges, and possibly underlying osteomyelitis and septic arthritis.
T602 237347-237439 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, the epidermis is hyperplastic, spongiotic, and possibly eroded or ulcerated.
T603 237440-237526 Epistemic_statement denotes Surface pustules, neutrophilic exocytosis, and pigmentary incontinence may be present.
T604 237671-237809 Epistemic_statement denotes Traumatic injury to the skin is quite common in dogs and is often associated with compound fractures sustained in motor vehicle accidents.
T605 237810-237900 Epistemic_statement denotes Post-traumatic alopecia may occur on the lower back in cats with history of pelvic injury.
T606 238025-238159 Epistemic_statement denotes A plethora of foreign bodies may penetrate the canine integument, 2 of the more dramatic examples being foxtails and porcupine quills.
T607 238441-238579 Epistemic_statement denotes Chemical toxins may exert their effect directly as in irritant contact dermatitis or envenomation or indirectly, as in thallium poisoning.
T608 239277-239455 Epistemic_statement denotes Callosities can develop in all domestic animal species, but are most common in dogs, particularly the giant breeds, and in pigs housed on concrete floors with inadequate bedding.
T609 239562-239687 Epistemic_statement denotes Dilated hair follicles may lead to furunculosis with severe suppurative to pyogranulomatous dermatitis and eventual fibrosis.
T610 239790-239811 Epistemic_statement denotes Ulceration may occur.
T611 239812-239846 Epistemic_statement denotes The pig may also develop bursitis.
T612 239938-240232 Epistemic_statement denotes Hygromas are most common in the giant breeds of dogs at pressure points such as the lateral aspect of the elbow, the greater trochanter of the femur, and of anaplastic characteristics in the lymphoid cells may differentiate these lesions, sometimes termed pseudolymphoma, from genuine lymphoma.
T613 240233-240437 Epistemic_statement denotes Vaccine administration in cats has been linked to the development of a variety of sarcomas, including fibrosarcomas, osteosarcomas, malignant fibrous histiocytomas, chondrosarcomas, and rhabdomyosarcomas.
T614 240739-240844 Epistemic_statement denotes Antigen load and degree of inflammation present at the vaccination site are possible influencing factors.
T615 240845-241037 Epistemic_statement denotes Aluminum adjuvant particles have been identified in tumor-associated macrophages; however, vaccineassociated sarcomas have also been documented to arise from the use of nonadjuvanted vaccines.
T616 241038-241264 Epistemic_statement denotes Injection of killed rabies vaccine in dogs can lead to focal mononuclear vasculitis and ischemic atrophy of surrounding follicles, resulting in a focal area of alopecia and is further discussed under Immunemediated dermatoses.
T617 241768-241901 Epistemic_statement denotes Tail tip necrosis of feedlot beef cattle is a disease in which slatted floor housing has been shown to be an important causal factor.
T618 243302-243412 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous wounds are common in horses and can be attributed largely to the flighty temperament of the species.
T619 243757-243899 Epistemic_statement denotes Retrievers or other animals wounded with steel shot may develop fistulous tracts or abscesses as steel shot corrodes when embedded in tissues.
T620 243900-244083 Epistemic_statement denotes Myospherulosis is a rare form of foreign-body reaction in which endogenous erythrocytes interact with an exogenous substance, such as antibiotics or ointments, or with endogenous fat.
T621 244235-244355 Epistemic_statement denotes These structures may resemble fungal organisms but are negative with fungal special stains such as periodic acid-Schiff.
T622 244683-244782 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions are focal patches of cutaneous atrophy and alopecia that may become eroded and crusted.
T623 244837-244930 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis is thin and may occasionally show single-cell necrosis, erosion, or ulceration.
T624 244931-245011 Epistemic_statement denotes The hair follicles are inactive and atrophic, pale staining, and appear "faded."
T625 245086-245242 Epistemic_statement denotes Pyotraumatic dermatitis or "hot spot" is a common complication of flea-bite hypersensitivity or any pruritic dermatosis that leads to an itch-scratch cycle.
T626 245895-245947 Epistemic_statement denotes The surface may be colonized by gram-positive cocci.
T627 246153-246246 Epistemic_statement denotes The predominantly neutrophilic reaction tends to be restricted to the area beneath the ulcer.
T628 246247-246448 Epistemic_statement denotes Folliculitis and furunculosis are not features of classic pyotraumatic dermatitis but occasionally are concurrent conditions as indicated clinically by scattered papules at the periphery of the lesion.
T629 246585-246663 Epistemic_statement denotes Subcutaneously administered vaccines and therapeutic drugs may be responsible.
T630 246664-246742 Epistemic_statement denotes The nodules may ulcerate or fistulate and are often suspected to be neoplasms.
T631 246910-246941 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphocytes may form follicles.
T632 247318-247446 Epistemic_statement denotes The heterogeneity of the cell population and the lack and perifollicular hemorrhage may reflect the trauma applied to the hairs.
T633 247447-247595 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin biopsies are helpful to identify an allergic reaction pattern in suspected cases; however, a normal biopsy cannot confirm psychogenic alopecia.
T634 247870-248064 Epistemic_statement denotes As pruritus in the cat is manifested in part by excessive grooming, any degree of perivascular eosinophilic dermatitis should be considered indicative of an underlying hypersensitivity disorder.
T635 248482-248557 Epistemic_statement denotes A biopsy should show evidence of the underlying hypersensitivity condition.
T636 248668-248762 Epistemic_statement denotes The gross lesions may be slight, but the superficial excoriations often develop into pyoderma.
T637 248947-248998 Epistemic_statement denotes Allergic skin disease may be a predisposing factor.
T638 249353-249394 Epistemic_statement denotes Secondary bacterial infection may result.
T639 249741-249997 Epistemic_statement denotes Superficial dermal fibrosis is usually marked, and collagen fibers in dermal papillae are often arranged perpendicular to the surface Decreased blood flow has been shown in horses with experimentally induced limb wounds as compared with wounds on the body.
T640 250096-250250 Epistemic_statement denotes These findings further support a role for decreased perfusion as well as metabolic disturbances in the development of equine exuberant granulation tissue.
T641 250251-250424 Epistemic_statement denotes The gross lesion, a tumor-like mass of red-brown tissue, must be distinguished from equine sarcoid, cutaneous habronemiasis, mycoses, pythiosis, and squamous cell carcinoma.
T642 250593-250771 Epistemic_statement denotes A superficial layer of granulation tissue may form in association with any of the above-mentioned conditions, and the entire lesion should be examined before a diagnosis is made.
T643 251220-251300 Epistemic_statement denotes Although this condition does occur, it is very rare and generally overdiagnosed.
T644 251697-251787 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition can occur in any cat, but is most common in indoor cats and oriental breeds.
T645 252469-252808 Epistemic_statement denotes Microscopic examination of skin in the alopecic form is usually normal, although wrinkling of the outer root sheath and intrafollicular deposition are complex and involve such factors as the lower pH of injured tissue, mitochondrial concentration of calcium and phosphorus, and the influx of calcium into injured cells in dystrophic forms.
T646 252986-253227 Epistemic_statement denotes Mineralization can be localized, as in inflammatory foci (granulomas), in degenerative lesions (follicular cysts), or in neoplasms (pilomatricomas), or may be generalized as in the tissue mineralization associated with chronic renal failure.
T647 253228-253376 Epistemic_statement denotes Dystrophic mineralization has been associated with hyperadrenocorticism, diabetes mellitus, local inflammation, and tissue degeneration or necrosis.
T648 253377-253489 Epistemic_statement denotes It has also been reported in association with drug injections and severe systemic disease such as leptospirosis.
T649 253683-253713 Epistemic_statement denotes Metastatic calcinosis is rare.
T650 253714-253956 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been associated with chronic renal failure; congenital renal dysfunction, including renal dysplasia; primary hyperparathyroidism; and hypervitaminosis D. It has also been reported in dogs with systemic blastomycosis and paecilomycosis.
T651 254130-254330 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs had severe granulomatous cutaneous lesions that may have been predisposed to dystrophic mineralization, but mineralizing lesions were more extensive or separate from primary inflammatory lesions.
T652 256012-256101 Epistemic_statement denotes Concurrent hyperphosphatemia was thought to predispose to precipitation of calcium salts.
T653 256102-256296 Epistemic_statement denotes Calcinosis universalis refers to widespread areas of calcinosis cutis and can be seen with hypercortisolism, percutaneous absorption of calcium-containing products, or from the epithelium ( Fig.
T654 256305-256388 Epistemic_statement denotes This "vertical streaking" of collagen is thought to result from chronic irritation.
T655 256524-256580 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous glands and hair follicles appear hyperplastic.
T656 256581-256740 Epistemic_statement denotes In horses, the equine self-mutilation syndrome can be misinterpreted as a possible cutaneous disorder as horses bite, kick, or rub the flank or pectoral areas.
T657 256848-256894 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition is thought to be stress related.
T658 256895-256982 Epistemic_statement denotes There are no primary cutaneous lesions; however, secondary excoriations may be present.
T659 257172-257291 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition is associated with udder edema and increased levels of histamine in the udder tissue leading to pruritus.
T660 257293-257625 Epistemic_statement denotes Deposition of insoluble calcium salts within cutaneous tissues can occur as a result of injury or degeneration of skin components (dystrophic mineralization or calcification), secondary to calcium/phosphorus metabolic alterations (metastatic mineralization or calcification), as an idiopathic condition, or may occur iatrogenically.
T661 257720-257850 Epistemic_statement denotes Some forms of calcinosis cutis can be indistinguishable histologically from calcinosis cutis associated with hyperadrenocorticism.
T662 257851-257994 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical presentation, concurrent abnormalities, signalment, and history should allow distinction of the various forms of calcinosis cutis.
T663 258142-258243 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may occur anywhere, but common sites are over the dorsal cervical region, groin, and axillae.
T664 258244-258326 Epistemic_statement denotes Metastatic mineralization may occur more commonly in the pawpads of cats and dogs.
T665 258882-258995 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions in dogs are most often solitary but can be multiple and occur most often in large breeds <2 years of age.
T666 259388-259508 Epistemic_statement denotes In horses, young male Standardbred horses appear to be predisposed, and lesions are most common over the lateral stifle.
T667 259575-259690 Epistemic_statement denotes Initially, the lesion may be bulging, fluctuant or cystic, variably ulcerated, and contains chalky white material .
T668 259947-260073 Epistemic_statement denotes Over time, the lesions become firm, progressively more mineralized, and associated with dense fibrous connective tissue bands.
T669 260074-260180 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammation may subside to some degree over time, and osseous or cartilaginous metaplasia may take place.
T670 260181-260282 Epistemic_statement denotes Epidermal sequestration or transepidermal elimination of mineralized material may lead to ulceration.
T671 260283-260390 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of calcinosis circumscripta is not known; it is likely that multiple factors are involved.
T672 260391-260532 Epistemic_statement denotes Dystrophic mineralization secondary to previous tissue trauma has been proposed based on the predilection for skin covering bony prominences.
T673 260533-260707 Epistemic_statement denotes This explanation is not entirely satisfactory as the lesions do not recur after surgical excision, and trauma to these sites in large dogs would be expected to be repetitive.
T674 260708-260893 Epistemic_statement denotes The name "apocrine cystic calcinosis" was previously applied to calcinosis circumscripta because it has been documented to arise from degenerating, cystic apocrine (epitrichial) glands.
T675 260894-260960 Epistemic_statement denotes A relationship to epitrichial glands is not evident in most cases.
T676 260961-261095 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions have also developed at sites of previous injections, or in association with surgical sites sutured with polydioxanone sutures.
T677 261096-261317 Epistemic_statement denotes Cases of calcinosis circumscripta have also been reported to occur in the pawpads of dogs and cats with chronic renal failure, and in the pawpads of an otherwise healthy German Shepherd dog and in another German Shepherd
T678 261318-261462 Epistemic_statement denotes Heat may be applied to the skin in a variety of forms and, depending on duration and intensity, will produce mild to severe necrotizing lesions.
T679 261562-261626 Epistemic_statement denotes The lowest temperature at which skin can burn is 44° C (111° F).
T680 261726-262033 Epistemic_statement denotes Thermal injury in domestic animals may be caused by hot liquids, steam, heating pads, hair dryers, drying cages, hot metals such as wood stoves or car engines, fires, friction from rope "scalds," electrical burns from chewing electrical wires, improperly grounded electrocautery units, or lightning strikes.
T681 262034-262118 Epistemic_statement denotes Linear burns may occur on the dorsum of dogs exposed to hot water from garden hoses.
T682 262219-262324 Epistemic_statement denotes Animals struck by lightning may show a jagged line of singed hair running down a shoulder or flank ( Fig.
T683 262408-262452 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, small animals incur microwave burns.
T684 262690-262807 Epistemic_statement denotes The epithelial cells show no morphologic sign of injury, although there may be surface desquamation after a few days.
T685 263035-263162 Epistemic_statement denotes 6 -45) can occur in the absence of substantial dermal injury and often "wicks" down to involve the follicular epithelium ( Fig.
T686 263415-263493 Epistemic_statement denotes Healing can be complete if secondary infection does not lead to deeper injury.
T687 264578-264674 Epistemic_statement denotes Well-acclimatized longhaired animals can tolerate temperatures of −50° C for indefinite periods.
T688 265078-265176 Epistemic_statement denotes In severe cases, the ischemic necrosis results in dry gangrene and sloughing of the affected part.
T689 265373-265514 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, thermally induced tissue damage is not sharply demarcated and should dissipate gradually with increasing depth of the biopsy.
T690 265691-265880 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions from thermal injury sometimes have an abnormal anatomic distribution or pattern, such as drips, angles, lines, or areas of contact that may be helpful in the differential diagnosis.
T691 266284-266387 Epistemic_statement denotes Pain perception may not occur until the damage is done and lesions may not be evident for up to 6 days.
T692 267106-267145 Epistemic_statement denotes Subcutaneous vasculitis may be present.
T693 267553-267636 Epistemic_statement denotes The degree of injury may not be evident for several days after the insult occurred.
T694 267698-267794 Epistemic_statement denotes Once lesions fully develop, the progress of injury should cease, which is helpful in making the
T695 267795-267806 Epistemic_statement denotes infiltrate.
T696 268276-268366 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis is thin, friable, and in some areas hyperplastic, and may become neoplastic.
T697 268414-268488 Epistemic_statement denotes Chronic exudative ulcers may develop but granulation tissue does not form.
T698 268489-268592 Epistemic_statement denotes The dermis is fibrotic with atypical fibroblasts, telangiectasia, and possibly deep arteriolar changes.
T699 269112-269308 Epistemic_statement denotes An abnormal skin barrier from either physical damage to the stratum corneum (e.g., excessive moisture) or pre-existing inflammatory skin disease may enhance penetration of the offending substance.
T700 269422-269556 Epistemic_statement denotes Strong acids or alkalis induce immediate and severe tissue damage, whereas mild detergents or soaps may require repeated applications.
T701 269814-269859 Epistemic_statement denotes Feces and urine are also potential irritants.
T702 270064-270141 Epistemic_statement denotes It may occur in any species, but is most frequent in the horse, cow, and dog.
T703 270418-270525 Epistemic_statement denotes An irritant reaction can occur in the ear canals of dogs being treated with topical medications for otitis.
T704 270526-270701 Epistemic_statement denotes The concave pinna and vertical canal may develop Full-thickness cutaneous burns have been reported to occur in black-haired spots of Dalmatians as a result of solar radiation.
T705 270912-271024 Epistemic_statement denotes The absorption of visible light (400-700 nm) can result in the production of thermal energy resulting in a burn.
T706 271211-271385 Epistemic_statement denotes Pain, prompting moving to the shade, was likely not perceived by the dogs as the burns were multifocal, involving only black-haired areas, and Dalmatians are primarily white.
T707 271934-272071 Epistemic_statement denotes In the acute form, lesions resemble actinic dermatosis with epidermal thinning, basal cell vacuolation, and possible epidermal dysplasia.
T708 272188-272290 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be eosinophilic, wavy elastin fibrils in the superficial dermis ("red spaghetti of Walder").
T709 272424-272588 Epistemic_statement denotes Karyomegaly of basal cells, dermal edema and mucinosis, hyperplastic sebaceous glands, dilated epitrichial glands, and mixed perivascular dermatitis may be present.
T710 272589-272717 Epistemic_statement denotes Advances in the treatment of cancer in companion animals have made the possibility of radiation-induced skin injury more likely.
T711 272718-272881 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinicians and pathologists need to be able to recognize these lesions to provide the best management options and accurate prognosis for resolution of the lesions.
T712 272882-273006 Epistemic_statement denotes The varieties of radiation modalities available have variable degrees of tissue penetration and potential for tissue injury.
T713 273195-273319 Epistemic_statement denotes The type of radiation therapy, source, dose, intensity, and duration of exposure dictate the range of possible side effects.
T714 273403-273522 Epistemic_statement denotes Some cells are not lethally damaged but sustain DNA damage to the extent that replication/replacement are not possible.
T715 273523-273599 Epistemic_statement denotes The effects of radiation damage can be divided into acute and chronic forms.
T716 273684-273760 Epistemic_statement denotes Damage is self-limiting and recovery is associated with rapid cell turnover.
T717 274450-274534 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesion can mimic ichthyosis, particularly if the reaction occurs in a young dog.
T718 275205-275350 Epistemic_statement denotes It was hypothesized that the lesions represent a severe form of contact irritant dermatitis to tiamulin or one of its metabolites in the excreta.
T719 275786-275901 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, lesions often occur on the glabrous skin of the abdomen and appear erythematous with shiny adherent scale.
T720 275902-276063 Epistemic_statement denotes Hyperpigmentation occurs in most species of domestic animals, but in horses, leukoderma or leukotrichia may be a permanent result of irritant contact dermatitis.
T721 276064-276113 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe lesions can be considered a chemical burn.
T722 276184-276347 Epistemic_statement denotes The histologic lesions of irritant contact can be complicated by self-trauma and can be difficult to differentiate from those of allergic contact dermatitis ( Fig.
T723 277271-277368 Epistemic_statement denotes Bites inflicted in the head or neck region may lead to swelling that interferes with respiration.
T724 277369-277485 Epistemic_statement denotes Bites of pit vipers also introduce potentially dangerous bacteria, such as Clostridia spp., into the puncture wound.
T725 278188-278365 Epistemic_statement denotes Thallium remains available from chemical supply companies; it has a restricted use as a rodenticide in Europe, and can be used without restrictions in some developing countries.
T726 278479-278625 Epistemic_statement denotes A recent case of thallium toxicosis in a dog was associated with ingestion of mycoplasma agar plates in which thallium is used as a growth medium.
T727 278746-278876 Epistemic_statement denotes Accidental or malicious thallium poisoning is rare and is due to the use of undestroyed supplies of old, but newly exposed, baits.
T728 279035-279062 Epistemic_statement denotes Absorption occurs Kimura T
T729 279063-279191 Epistemic_statement denotes The venom of insects, spiders, other arthropods and snakes can cause mild or severe skin lesions with or without systemic signs.
T730 279192-279506 Epistemic_statement denotes Effects are dependent upon composition of the venom, individual victim response, anatomic location of the envenomation, and specific characteristics of the offending organism that may be influenced by season of the year, geographic location, time since the last inflicted bite or sting, depth of injury, and so on.
T731 279992-280118 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions in dogs have been documented and consist of initial swelling progressing to erythematous nodules within 10-20 minutes.
T732 280254-280316 Epistemic_statement denotes Necrosis includes the adnexa and may extend into the subcutis.
T733 280342-280410 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe type I hypersensitivity (anaphylaxis) reactions are possible.
T734 280411-280667 Epistemic_statement denotes Stings from hymenopteran insects, such as bees, wasps, and hornets, produce effects of a local (angioedema) or possibly systemic type I hypersensitivity reaction caused by the histamine, serotonin, and kinins in the venom (see Hypersensitivity dermatoses).
T735 280668-280736 Epistemic_statement denotes Multiple-sting dermatoses lead to toxic reactions that can be fatal.
T736 280737-280917 Epistemic_statement denotes Spider bites are rarely documented definitively in animal or human patients as the initial bite goes unnoticed, and the spider is no longer recoverable by the time lesions develop.
T737 281254-281396 Epistemic_statement denotes The brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusus) is the spider most well known to induce dermal necrosis, although there are a number of others.
T738 281692-281720 Epistemic_statement denotes Ulceration may be extensive.
T739 281821-281919 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis and dermis undergo necrosis that may extend into the subcutis and underlying muscle.
T740 281920-281948 Epistemic_statement denotes Panniculitis may be present.
T741 282064-282136 Epistemic_statement denotes Brown recluse spider bites in humans can also lead to massive hemolysis.
T742 282272-282330 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be focal necrosis of sweat and sebaceous glands.
T743 282649-282799 Epistemic_statement denotes Secondary bacterial bronchopneumonia may occur as a result of the damage to ciliated epithelia and resultant disturbance of the mucociliary apparatus.
T744 282861-282990 Epistemic_statement denotes Focal suppurative pancreatitis has been described in several animals, but its causal relationship to thallium is not established.
T745 284353-284403 Epistemic_statement denotes The mechanism of toxicity is not fully understood.
T746 284404-284432 Epistemic_statement denotes There are 2 main hypotheses.
T747 284634-284852 Epistemic_statement denotes The second, which is based on the similarity of ionic radii between thallium and potassium, suggests that thallium may replace potassium in many critical biochemical functions, thus acting as a general cellular poison.
T748 284853-284963 Epistemic_statement denotes The toxic effect may be, in part, the result of thallium interacting adversely with derivatives of riboflavin.
T749 284964-285056 Epistemic_statement denotes Thallium can depolarize nerve cell membranes and antagonize effects of calcium on the heart.
T750 285366-285405 Epistemic_statement denotes Death by respiratory failure may occur.
T751 285406-285519 Epistemic_statement denotes Animals may survive the acute episode to develop the chronic syndrome or may bypass the acute disease altogether.
T752 285943-286020 Epistemic_statement denotes The mucous membranes are characteristically "brick-red" and may be ulcerated.
T753 286345-286473 Epistemic_statement denotes In more chronic cases, thick scales on the footpads resemble "hard pad" disease conventionally associated with canine distemper.
T754 286474-286586 Epistemic_statement denotes In less severely affected animals, ease of depilation may be the only clinical indication of thallium poisoning.
T755 286587-286644 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of the alopecia is not fully understood.
T756 286645-286810 Epistemic_statement denotes Although thallium enters the hair, as do other heavy metals, by binding to sulfhydryl groups in the keratin, this is unlikely to be destructive to the hair follicle.
T757 286811-286918 Epistemic_statement denotes Thallium may interfere with the energy metabolism of the rapidly dividing matrix cells of anagen follicles.
T758 287149-287219 Epistemic_statement denotes However, no club attachment is formed, and the hairs are rapidly shed.
T759 287790-287865 Epistemic_statement denotes Partial or fullthickness necrosis of the surface epithelium may also occur.
T760 288456-288562 Epistemic_statement denotes In experimental toxicosis of calves, the cutaneous lesions were limited to scaly patches without alopecia.
T761 288673-288746 Epistemic_statement denotes Selenium is a metalloid that acts as an antioxidant with toxic potential.
T762 288879-289002 Epistemic_statement denotes Experimental studies in rodents suggest that selenium may diminish UV radiation-induced skin damage when applied topically.
T763 289003-289068 Epistemic_statement denotes However, some forms are strong contact irritants and vesiculants.
T764 289069-289232 Epistemic_statement denotes The toxic potential of selenium in the diet varies by the chemical form present, nature of the diet, rate of consumption, and by the species and individual animal.
T765 289233-289406 Epistemic_statement denotes The mechanism by which selenium might exert its effects on the integument is not known, but conceivably, being competitive with sulfur, it modifies the structure of keratin.
T766 290132-290289 Epistemic_statement denotes Seleniferous plants can selectively concentrate selenium in their foliage and seeds as compared with nonseleniferous species grown under the same conditions.
T767 290440-290564 Epistemic_statement denotes The former, which include members of the genus Astragalus, Machaeranthera, and Stanleya, may accumulate >1,000 ppm selenium.
T768 291351-291432 Epistemic_statement denotes Safe standards for levels of arsenic in drinking water have not been established.
T769 291659-291935 Epistemic_statement denotes Chronic arsenic exposure in humans occurs in environmental (water contamination) and industrial settings and is associated with increased incidence of visceral and cutaneous malignancies, Bowen's disease, palmar and solar hyperkeratoses, and cutaneous pigmentary disturbances.
T770 292066-292177 Epistemic_statement denotes Arsenic may lead to cellular proliferation through increased production of keratinocyte-derived growth factors.
T771 292941-293023 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may affect oral cavity, lips, other mucocutaneous junctions, and the feet.
T772 293024-293238 Epistemic_statement denotes Less is known about the effects of chronic systemic exposure of arsenic on the skin in animals; however, chronic arsenic poisoning in farm animals is associated with ill thrift and a dry, seborrheic, alopecic coat.
T773 293240-293368 Epistemic_statement denotes Organomercurial toxicosis in domestic animals is associated chiefly with neurologic and renal disorders and is discussed in Vol.
T774 293429-293615 Epistemic_statement denotes In chronic poisoning in cattle, skin manifestations, including pustules, ulcers, hyperkeratosis, and alopecia at the tail head are described, but their pathogenesis is poorly understood.
T775 294583-294721 Epistemic_statement denotes High levels of selenium in the blood (>2 ppm) or integumentary tissues, such as hair, hoofwall, or sole (>10 ppm), should also be present.
T776 294722-294866 Epistemic_statement denotes Individual animals have a variable response to selenium exposure, and some animals with high levels of selenium may not show signs of toxicosis.
T777 295845-295905 Epistemic_statement denotes These chemicals have not been used in lubricants since 1953.
T778 296970-297214 Epistemic_statement denotes Selenium poisoning can occur whenever seleniferous plants are eaten, irrespective of levels of selenium in the soil, and it can occur whenever the levels of water-soluble selenium in the soil are high, irrespective of the botanical composition.
T779 297458-297595 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinically, there are acute and chronic syndromes associated with the ingestion of seleniferous plants, such as Astragalus and Oxytropis.
T780 297794-297940 Epistemic_statement denotes Blind staggers, characterized by neurologic signs, is probably not due to selenium alone but to other toxic principles in the seleniferous plants.
T781 297941-298092 Epistemic_statement denotes The second syndrome is named alkali disease because it was originally believed that the pH of the selenium-rich soils was a factor in its pathogenesis.
T782 298202-298430 Epistemic_statement denotes The presence of internal lesions, such as nephrosis, myocardial degeneration, and hepatic fibrosis, in chronically poisoned livestock is not found in experimentally reproduced disease, suggesting that other factors are involved.
T783 298566-298619 Epistemic_statement denotes Foals delivered from affected mares may have lesions.
T784 298787-298924 Epistemic_statement denotes Sheep do not show cutaneous lesions, although, in Australia, fleece shedding has been attributed to selenium toxicity on some properties.
T785 299037-299264 Epistemic_statement denotes In all species, lesions commencing at the coronary band may lead to separation and shedding of the hoof or to the formation of dystrophic grooves, cracks, or corrugations that parallel the coronary band, resulting in lameness .
T786 299659-299809 Epistemic_statement denotes Poisoning can be acute or chronic and is characterized by alopecia, poor growth, oral ulcerations, and goiter not prevented by iodine supplementation.
T787 300137-300249 Epistemic_statement denotes In vitro antemortem assays for detection of DHPdegrading bacteria can be performed on feces or ruminal contents.
T788 300250-300358 Epistemic_statement denotes A group of bacteria, Synergistes jonesii, can be inoculated into the rumen of livestock to prevent toxicity.
T789 300359-300472 Epistemic_statement denotes Mimosine has been shown to reduce DNA synthesis and to block the progression of the cell cycle by chelating iron.
T790 300656-300760 Epistemic_statement denotes Horses appear to be most susceptible and lose their hair, especially the long hair of the mane and tail.
T791 300871-300959 Epistemic_statement denotes Disturbed growth at the coronet and periople may produce dystrophic rings on the hooves.
T792 300960-301069 Epistemic_statement denotes There is loss of condition and weakness that perhaps is attributable to malnutrition rather than to mimosine.
T793 301370-301581 Epistemic_statement denotes These conditions can be considered together because the cutaneous lesions of chronic ergotism caused by Claviceps purpurea and those of poisoning by tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea or F. eliator, are identical.
T794 302598-302625 Epistemic_statement denotes Horn growth may be delayed.
T795 302626-302701 Epistemic_statement denotes The animal may die before the skin lesions are severe, if exposure is high.
T796 302702-302828 Epistemic_statement denotes Concurrent severe secondary infections with bovine papular stomatitis virus, papilloma virus, or dermatophytes may be present.
T797 303104-303222 Epistemic_statement denotes Bulls may have epididymal enlargement early in the disease process, from hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia of ducts.
T798 305176-305318 Epistemic_statement denotes The contaminants in the PCP compounds are thought to bind to aromatic hydrocarbon receptors in the cell nucleus and influence gene expression.
T799 305319-305368 Epistemic_statement denotes The response may be proliferative or suppressive.
T800 305369-305517 Epistemic_statement denotes Elevated levels of the compounds can be demonstrated in the liver and adipose tissue years after exposure, whereas serum levels are cleared quickly.
T801 305723-305859 Epistemic_statement denotes Fescue foot tends to occur with the onset of colder weather, indicating that low ambient temperatures may contribute to its development.
T802 306292-306394 Epistemic_statement denotes Cattle have decreased skin temperature and openmouth breathing, suggesting defective thermoregulation.
T803 306590-306872 Epistemic_statement denotes Ingestion of endophyte-infected fescue in horses does not lead to the visibly evident effects of peripheral vasoconstriction as in cattle, but experimental studies have demonstrated that peripheral vasoconstriction does occur, suggesting exposure could lead to foot or leg problems.
T804 306873-307029 Epistemic_statement denotes The more commonly recognized manifestations of fescue toxicosis in the horse are prolonged gestation, agalactia, thickened placentas, and possible abortion.
T805 307598-307634 Epistemic_statement denotes Marked edema of the face may follow.
T806 307881-307971 Epistemic_statement denotes In many instances, these lesions may represent secondary mycotic or bacterial involvement.
T807 308300-308445 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of the lesion is thought to be contact irritant dermatitis due directly to the T-2 toxin or to a urinary metabolite, HT-2 toxin.
T808 308645-308752 Epistemic_statement denotes Various other trichothecene mycotoxins are also cutaneous irritants and may cause vomition or feed refusal.
T809 309082-309173 Epistemic_statement denotes It may occur in animals at pasture but is more common in housed animals fed infected grain.
T810 309517-309580 Epistemic_statement denotes 6-50 ), but ischemic necrosis may extend to the mid-metatarsus.
T811 309704-309735 Epistemic_statement denotes The necrotic tissue may slough.
T812 309887-310077 Epistemic_statement denotes The toxicosis can be produced experimentally in sheep, but the syndrome is quite different from that in cattle, being characterized by ulceration of the tongue and of the alimentary mucosae.
T813 310078-310191 Epistemic_statement denotes Sows are relatively resistant but may develop agalactia as a result of central inhibition of prolactin secretion.
T814 311877-311996 Epistemic_statement denotes Sarcoidosis in man has a genetic basis and is thought to represent a hypersensitivity response to a persistent antigen.
T815 312155-312224 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause of the granulomatous diseases listed above remains unclear.
T816 312225-312329 Epistemic_statement denotes Nor is it certain whether they represent one entity or a common tissue reaction to a variety of insults.
T817 312565-312775 Epistemic_statement denotes Factors that support this hypothesis are the resemblance of the histologic lesions to a type IV hypersensitivity response, age incidence, low morbidity, genetic influence, and possible need for repeat exposure.
T818 312776-312933 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphocyte blastogenesis and cutaneous hypersensitivity studies have not substantiated this hypothesis; however, only a few vetch antigens have been studied.
T819 313160-313441 Epistemic_statement denotes Quassinoid compounds, such as neoquassin and quassin found in hardwood trees of the genus Quassia (Simarouba amara) in the family Simaroubaceae, have been reported to be associated with a vesiculobullous dermatitis of the skin around the eyes, nose, ears, anus, and lips of horses.
T820 315591-315678 Epistemic_statement denotes The kidney may have radially oriented cortical infiltrates that follow the vasculature.
T821 315679-315791 Epistemic_statement denotes Other affected organs may include the mammary and salivary glands, liver, urinary bladder, meninges, and spleen.
T822 316959-317059 Epistemic_statement denotes The episode in Wales was associated with the introduction of a new silage additive on several farms.
T823 317060-317171 Epistemic_statement denotes The outbreak in the Netherlands was associated with the feeding of di-ureido-isobutane (DUIB) in the seed cake.
T824 317997-318119 Epistemic_statement denotes Nucleoprotein is susceptible to UV radiation damage, resulting in mitotic inhibition and, if extensive enough, cell death.
T825 318120-318253 Epistemic_statement denotes Sublethal damage may promote mutagenesis or carcinogenesis by the formation of thymidine dimers between pyrimidine base pairs of DNA.
T826 318254-318447 Epistemic_statement denotes Pyrimidine dimer repair mechanisms normally correct DNA damage prior to cell replication; however, repeated or extensive damage may lead to failure of repair mechanisms and cell transformation.
T827 318448-318540 Epistemic_statement denotes The "sunburn cell" associated with UV damage is a keratinocyte that has undergone apoptosis.
T828 318541-318743 Epistemic_statement denotes UVB-induced keratinocyte apoptosis is a complex event that involves cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α and probable p53-mediated induction of apoptosis in cells sustaining substantial DNA damage.
T829 318744-318967 Epistemic_statement denotes Studies in mice have shown that UVB radiation-induced apoptotic keratinocytes are replaced by hyperproliferative keratinocytes, leading to epidermal hyperplasia, suggesting that apoptosis and hyperplasia are related events.
T830 319199-319290 Epistemic_statement denotes These findings indicate that UV radiation can serve as both a tumor initiator and promoter.
T831 319291-319479 Epistemic_statement denotes UV radiation may also alter immunologic reactivity in favor of the growth of the tumor, through the induction of suppressor T cells and possible impairment of natural killer-cell function.
T832 319882-319937 Epistemic_statement denotes These may be induced within 30 minutes of sun exposure.
T833 320497-320645 Epistemic_statement denotes The delayed erythema reaction may be due to direct damage to endothelial cells or the release of cytokines from the radiation-damaged keratinocytes.
T834 320646-320735 Epistemic_statement denotes UV radiation has been shown to increase the production of keratinocyte-derived cytokines.
T835 321064-321242 Epistemic_statement denotes Quassinoids have been shown experimentally to have insecticidal and anthelmintic properties, whereas their derivatives have antitumor, antiulcer, and cytotoxic activity in vitro.
T836 321243-321292 Epistemic_statement denotes The mechanisms leading to toxicity are not known.
T837 321531-321628 Epistemic_statement denotes The radiant energy of the sun includes components that are potentially harmful to mammalian skin.
T838 322199-322263 Epistemic_statement denotes Photoallergies have not been documented conclusively in animals.
T839 322366-322556 Epistemic_statement denotes The terms "actinic" and "solar" are used interchangeably; however, "actinic" is defined as ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight and UV lamps, whereas "solar" refers to radiation from the sun.
T840 322851-322935 Epistemic_statement denotes Longer wavelengths of 320-400 nm constitute UVA and may augment UVB-mediated damage.
T841 323244-323435 Epistemic_statement denotes The greatest potential for solarinduced skin damage occurs at high altitudes and temperate latitudes during mid-summer days, and in thin, lightly pigmented, sparsely haired, sun-exposed skin.
T842 323436-323661 Epistemic_statement denotes An increasing prevalence of sun-induced dermatoses and tumors has been noted in humans, coincident with the depletion of the ozone layer and a consequent increase in the intensity of UV radiation reaching the earth's surface.
T843 323662-323708 Epistemic_statement denotes This trend may also become evident in animals.
T844 323709-324010 Epistemic_statement denotes Potentially, all animals are susceptible to the acute and chronic effects of actinic radiation, but the protection afforded by the haircoat, and, to a lesser extent, stratum It is important to note that UV light-induced neoplasms may arise in skin devoid of other changes suggestive of actinic damage.
T845 324011-324104 Epistemic_statement denotes Actinic comedones may also be present without lesions suggestive of actinic epidermal damage.
T846 324296-324424 Epistemic_statement denotes Restriction of lesions to nonpigmented, sparsely haired skin and a history of sun exposure should be helpful in differentiation.
T847 324425-324579 Epistemic_statement denotes Increased cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression appears to play an early role in actinic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma in rodent studies and humans.
T848 324955-325089 Epistemic_statement denotes Basal keratinocytes with melanin granules forming protective caps over the nucleus have an increased distribution in sun-exposed skin.
T849 325090-325272 Epistemic_statement denotes In chronically sun-damaged skin, pigment distribution can become irregular because of impaired transfer of melanin from melanocytes to keratinocytes, thereby weakening host defenses.
T850 325610-325721 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions in cats typically affect the tips of the ears, nose, eyelids, and lips of white, blue-eyed animals.
T851 325798-325824 Epistemic_statement denotes The ear tip may curl over.
T852 326021-326118 Epistemic_statement denotes Although any age group may be affected, the condition is most severe in suckling and weaner pigs.
T853 326119-326167 Epistemic_statement denotes Occasionally, severely affected ears may slough.
T854 326643-326726 Epistemic_statement denotes Such lesions are probably related to the basking behavior exhibited by the animals.
T855 326840-326871 Epistemic_statement denotes Hemorrhagic bullae may develop.
T856 327042-327219 Epistemic_statement denotes This change may be present prior to clinical signs of actinic dermatitis and may be used as an indicator of solar damage if the history, anatomic site, and breed are supportive.
T857 327887-328036 Epistemic_statement denotes Oxygen free radicals may also be formed indirectly, as the result of calcium-dependent, protease-mediated activation of xanthine-oxidase in the skin.
T858 328258-328440 Epistemic_statement denotes The photodynamic agent usually reaches the skin via the systemic circulation, although percutaneous absorption of some photodynamic agents can cause local contact photosensitization.
T859 328441-328594 Epistemic_statement denotes The agent may originate externally, or it may be an endogenous substance that has accumulated to an abnormal degree as a result of metabolic dysfunction.
T860 330327-330431 Epistemic_statement denotes The ventral surface of the tongue is frequently affected in cattle if constantly exposed during licking.
T861 330432-330612 Epistemic_statement denotes In sheep, the susceptible sites are the ears, eyelids, face, muzzle, and coronets, although the back may be affected in animals with an open fleece or that have been shorn closely.
T862 330666-330777 Epistemic_statement denotes In horses, lesions are most common on the face, perineum, and distal extremities but may affect any white skin.
T863 330872-330953 Epistemic_statement denotes Photosensitization is rare in dogs and cats, and causative agents remain obscure.
T864 331035-331137 Epistemic_statement denotes COX-2 expression has been shown in feline, canine, and equine cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).
T865 331138-331264 Epistemic_statement denotes Furthermore, use of COX-2 inhibitors may have a therapeutic role in the prevention or management of actinic keratosis and SCC.
T866 331265-331494 Epistemic_statement denotes Solar elastosis, a hallmark of chronic sun exposure in humans, has been described only rarely in dogs, cats, sheep, and horses and essentially represents disorganization of dermal components caused by altered fibroblast function.
T867 331598-331731 Epistemic_statement denotes Solar elastosis appears in H&Estained sections as scattered or agglomerated, thick, irregular, basophilic degenerate elastic fibers .
T868 331732-331828 Epistemic_statement denotes Silver impregnation staining techniques may be needed to demonstrate elastin changes in animals.
T869 332545-332594 Epistemic_statement denotes Solar keratoses may also develop cutaneous horns.
T870 332595-332716 Epistemic_statement denotes Differential diagnosis should include other vesicular or necrotizing dermatopathies, including chemical or thermal burns.
T871 332847-332987 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions limited to areas of contact, such as the extremities, ventrum, or muzzle, suggests the presence of a contact photosensitizing agent.
T872 332988-333106 Epistemic_statement denotes Multiple affected animals in a herd suggest exposure to a photosensitizing agent rather than a photoallergic reaction.
T873 333107-333359 Epistemic_statement denotes Types I, II, and III photosensitivities can be differentiated by signalment and concurrent clinical signs, such as evidence of liver disease combined with examination of pastures and feedstuffs, and investigating photodynamic drug or chemical exposure.
T874 333360-333560 Epistemic_statement denotes The Candida albicans inhibition assay is a simple, inexpensive, quantitative, and relatively rapid assay for screening plants and feedstuffs for potential primary contact or systemic photosensitizers.
T875 333603-333690 Epistemic_statement denotes Thin-layer chromatography techniques may be useful in identifying phototoxic compounds.
T876 333691-333875 Epistemic_statement denotes Analysis of suspect vegetation for the identification and quantification of fungal spores may be needed to establish fungal organisms and associated mycotoxins as contributing factors.
T877 334563-334720 Epistemic_statement denotes Hypericin is present at all stages of plant growth but significant amounts are consumed by livestock only when the plant is prolific or other feed is scarce.
T878 334721-334834 Epistemic_statement denotes Other related plants that can lead to hypericism include goatweed, Tipton weed, amber, cammock, and Klamath weed.
T879 335757-335841 Epistemic_statement denotes These have been associated with phytophotocontact dermatitis in pigs in New Zealand.
T880 336166-336276 Epistemic_statement denotes The very marked edema of the ears in sheep causes them to droop, and swelling of the muzzle may cause dyspnea.
T881 336551-336582 Epistemic_statement denotes Vesicles or bullae may develop.
T882 336707-336862 Epistemic_statement denotes Necrosis is frequently seen on the upper surfaces of the ears of sheep; the tips typically curl upward as a result of mummification or may slough entirely.
T883 337113-337244 Epistemic_statement denotes Icterus typically is associated with hepatogenous photosensitization, but hepatogenous photosensitization may occur in its absence.
T884 337245-337422 Epistemic_statement denotes Economic losses in livestock can be severe due to damaged hides, weight loss, fly strikes, secondary infections, and reluctance of animals to let the young nurse damaged udders.
T885 337423-337481 Epistemic_statement denotes In severe episodes of photosensitization, animals may die.
T886 337607-337684 Epistemic_statement denotes Injury to erythrocytes in cutaneous circulation may produce severe hemolysis.
T887 337685-337851 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic lesions mirror the gross lesions with coagulative necrosis of the epidermis and possibly the follicular epithelium, adnexal glands, and superficial dermis.
T888 338030-338099 Epistemic_statement denotes Fibrinoid degeneration of vessel walls and thrombosis may be present.
T889 338262-338411 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease is known as "osteohemochromatosis" and "pink tooth," both suggested by the red-brown coloration of porphyrin pigments in dentin and bone.
T890 338412-338607 Epistemic_statement denotes The pigment is also deposited in other tissues, but the discoloration may be obvious only in lungs, spleen, and kidney, in which it is deposited in the interstitial tissue and tubular epithelium.
T891 339134-339299 Epistemic_statement denotes Reactive oxygen species directly induced by the porphyrins or, possibly, via activation of xanthine oxidase in the skin are responsible for the cell membrane damage.
T892 340551-340596 Epistemic_statement denotes The defect in porcine porphyria is not known.
T893 340769-340890 Epistemic_statement denotes The defect is presumably a deficiency of uroporphyrinogen cosynthetase III, as has been established in humans and cattle.
T894 341487-341587 Epistemic_statement denotes Mild renal tubular damage caused by some toxins may further inhibit the excretion of phylloerythrin.
T895 341875-341929 Epistemic_statement denotes High lamb mortality may be incurred from mismothering.
T896 342039-342146 Epistemic_statement denotes Giant hogweed contains psoralens and has been documented to cause photodermatitis in man, ducks, and goats.
T897 342258-342341 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition to skin lesions, keratitis occurs frequently and may lead to blindness.
T898 342610-342769 Epistemic_statement denotes A second syndrome, referred to as alsike clover poisoning, is characterized by hepatic dysfunction and photodermatitis and has only been reported in the horse.
T899 342770-342897 Epistemic_statement denotes The toxic mechanism is not known but is thought to be due to a toxin within the plant itself or to the presence of a mycotoxin.
T900 343185-343333 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions were limited to the nonpigmented, sun-exposed skin of the tricolored hounds and resolved within a short period of time with supportive care.
T901 343387-343479 Epistemic_statement denotes Although an ingested compound was suspected as the cause, no phototoxin could be identified.
T902 344092-344244 Epistemic_statement denotes Pigs develop cutaneous lesions more frequently than sheep or cattle, probably because the activating radiation is more able to penetrate the integument.
T903 345493-345605 Epistemic_statement denotes An immune-mediated vasculitis, in which immune complexes may be acting as photodynamic agents has been proposed.
T904 345606-345674 Epistemic_statement denotes Percutaneous absorption of initiating agents has not been ruled out.
T905 345771-346023 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, lesions may be restricted to one white extremity, other white areas on the horse are unaffected, and the lesions do not always regress with cessation of exposure to sunlight, all indicating the lesions are not a form of photosensitization.
T906 346024-346145 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions often affect the heels and must be differentiated from the other manifestations of the "greasy heel" complex.
T907 346146-346328 Epistemic_statement denotes The acute lesions are well demarcated, erythematous, oozing, and crusted in lesional white skin; erosion and ulceration may occur, and the affected limb may be edematous and painful.
T908 346697-346730 Epistemic_statement denotes Thrombi may be seen occasionally.
T909 346731-346818 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis may be eroded or ulcerated but undergoes papillary hyperplasia over time.
T910 347433-347677 Epistemic_statement denotes In most metabolic disturbances and deficiencies of essential nutrients, whether from dietary lack, malabsorption, the action of antimetabolites, or the body's inability to properly absorb or use nutrients, changes will be reflected in the skin.
T911 347678-347752 Epistemic_statement denotes The molecular basis for these skin lesions is, however, poorly understood.
T912 347870-348025 Epistemic_statement denotes A larger number can be occurs provided the animal is on a chlorophyll-rich diet and is exposed to sufficient solar radiation of the appropriate wavelength.
T913 348377-348468 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause of hepatic damage may be a plant toxin, mycotoxin, infectious agent, or chemical.
T914 348998-349162 Epistemic_statement denotes Cases of kleingrass induced-photosensitization are sporadic, potentially related to environmental conditions and have been reported in Australia, Africa, and Texas.
T915 349163-349300 Epistemic_statement denotes Some plants work in combination; black sagebrush appears to precondition sheep to photosensitization caused ultimately by Tetradymia spp.
T916 349671-349733 Epistemic_statement denotes In many cases, a specific toxic compound cannot be identified.
T917 350162-350308 Epistemic_statement denotes Geeldikkop, a disease characterized by hepatogenous photosensitization, is associated with extensive losses among sheep and goats in South Africa.
T918 350451-350592 Epistemic_statement denotes Hepatic dicrocoeliosis has been identified as a probable cause of photosensitization affecting a group of 14-month-old ewe lambs in Scotland.
T919 350754-350848 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathologic mechanisms underlying the epidermal hyperproliferation are not well understood.
T920 351020-351103 Epistemic_statement denotes The lower prostaglandin levels likely reflect a lack of precursor arachidonic acid.
T921 351104-351252 Epistemic_statement denotes Deficiency of prostaglandin E 2 could influence epidermal cell kinetics through its effect on ratios of cyclic AMP to guanosine monophosphate (GMP).
T922 351253-351530 Epistemic_statement denotes Supplementation of animal diets with balanced omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is thought to modulate arachidonic acid metabolism and subsequent production of leukotrienes and prostaglandins that, in turn, may influence epidermal turnover kinetics and the inflammatory response.
T923 351531-351710 Epistemic_statement denotes A seborrheic dermatosis in cats, characterized by dry scaly skin and alopecia, is responsive to fatty acid supplementation but is not likely to be the result of a true deficiency.
T924 352139-352275 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions may occur as manifestations of deficiencies of vitamins A, C, and E; riboflavin; pantothenic acid; biotin; and niacin.
T925 352344-352523 Epistemic_statement denotes Many of the naturally occurring hypovitaminoses are probably not the result of a single vitamin deficiency but represent the cumulative effect of several inadequacies of the diet.
T926 352925-353033 Epistemic_statement denotes Vitamin A oversupplementation is teratogenic and can lead to toxicity if liver storage capacity is exceeded.
T927 353151-353260 Epistemic_statement denotes Hypovitaminosis A has been reported in all species of domestic animals, although many accounts are anecdotal.
T928 353261-353417 Epistemic_statement denotes It may be secondary to dietary deficiency, decreased intestinal absorption, liver disease, or toxicities such as chlorinated naphthalene toxicity of cattle.
T929 353888-354037 Epistemic_statement denotes In one syndrome, Cocker Spaniels are predisposed, probably because of a congenital abnormality of epidermopoiesis and keratinization (see Seborrhea).
T930 354109-354349 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease not known to be a result of a nutritional derangement are discussed in other, more appropriate sections of this chapter, such as Endocrine diseases of skin and Cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes.
T931 354480-354656 Epistemic_statement denotes Even though water intake may not be restricted, there is reduced hydration of the connective tissues of the subcutis and dermis, and the skin wrinkles and loses its elasticity.
T932 354657-354778 Epistemic_statement denotes As hair is 95% protein, hair growth and keratinization can require up to 25-30% of an animal's daily protein requirement.
T933 354779-354960 Epistemic_statement denotes Protein deficiencies are rare but can occur in cats fed primarily food formulated for dogs, in young dogs fed a low-protein diet, or in animals with increased nutrient requirements.
T934 355052-355171 Epistemic_statement denotes Hypotrichosis develops as a thinning of the hair rather than baldness, and seasonal shedding may cease or be prolonged.
T935 355172-355245 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be symmetrical on the head and trunk and spread to the limbs.
T936 355246-355353 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin may atrophy, or hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, and possibly loss of hair pigmentation develop.
T937 355354-355535 Epistemic_statement denotes The histopathologic findings in the skin may mimic an endocrinopathy, with severe epidermal and adnexal atrophy, orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, and telogenization of hair follicles.
T938 356308-356511 Epistemic_statement denotes Specific amino acid deficiencies have been investigated as potential replacements for mechanical shearing as wool production is highly dependent upon levels of certain amino acids, specifically cysteine.
T939 356626-356762 Epistemic_statement denotes Fatty acid deficiency may occur in all domestic species in association with general dietary deficiency, malabsorption, or liver disease.
T940 356763-356967 Epistemic_statement denotes Deficiencies may be evident in animals when the fat has either leached from a diet, has become rancid from improper or prolonged storage, or when the diet was formulated with low fat content to save cost.
T941 356968-357127 Epistemic_statement denotes Animals on specially formulated low-fat diets for therapeutic reasons may develop signs of fatty acid deficiency and require specific types of supplementation.
T942 357128-357215 Epistemic_statement denotes Animals on antioxidant-deficient diets may also develop signs of fatty acid deficiency.
T943 357419-357536 Epistemic_statement denotes Otitis externa may be an accompanying lesion, and the skin is susceptible to secondary bacterial and yeast infection.
T944 357739-357848 Epistemic_statement denotes Young preruminant calves may show dermatologic signs that include alopecia, a roughened coat, and dermatitis.
T945 357890-358019 Epistemic_statement denotes Biotin deficiency rarely occurs spontaneously, except in intensively reared swine, as the vitamin is widely distributed in feeds.
T946 358090-358203 Epistemic_statement denotes Feeding raw egg whites that contain avidin, a substance that renders biotin unavailable, may induce deficiencies.
T947 359010-359106 Epistemic_statement denotes Biotin deficiency reportedly causes a dry, brittle, haircoat, scaling, and leukotrichia in dogs.
T948 359107-359294 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs deficient in biotin may develop periocular and facial alopecia resembling the clinical lesions of systemic lupus erythematosus, discoid lupus, or other dermatoses affecting the face.
T949 360430-360603 Epistemic_statement denotes Because pyridoxine may be indirectly involved in zinc transport, through its effect on tryptophan metabolism, these effects might be due to alteration in the levels of zinc.
T950 360959-361209 Epistemic_statement denotes Insects, invertebrates, and fish also cannot synthesize vitamin C. Deficiencies (scurvy or scorbutus) are limited to these species of animals, and signs are related to the inability of fibroblasts to form collagen or osteoid and are discussed in Vol.
T951 361378-361443 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be accompanying ceruminous otitis externa and pyoderma.
T952 361881-361963 Epistemic_statement denotes There are rare reports of vitamin A-responsive dermatoses in other breeds of dogs.
T953 362082-362242 Epistemic_statement denotes The fact that therapy is effective can be attributed more to the "normalizing" effect of vitamin A (and retinoids) on cellular differentiation in the epidermis.
T954 362331-362406 Epistemic_statement denotes Oral supplementation with vitamin A may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
T955 362407-362521 Epistemic_statement denotes The B-vitamin complex is essential to the maintenance and proper functioning of many important metabolic pathways.
T956 362712-362759 Epistemic_statement denotes Single deficiencies of these vitamins are rare.
T957 362846-362989 Epistemic_statement denotes Riboflavin (vitamin B 2 ) deficiency is mostly a problem in swine and chickens fed grain rations with borderline concentrations of the vitamin.
T958 363078-363171 Epistemic_statement denotes Young calves, however, may develop deficiency if deprived of milk or an appropriate replacer.
T959 363619-363686 Epistemic_statement denotes Deficiency is documented in pigs, but may occur in dogs and calves.
T960 363687-363862 Epistemic_statement denotes Pantothenic acid deficiency in pigs produces progres- demonstration of ceroid, a variant of lipofuscin, which is acid fast and autofluorescent, should establish the diagnosis.
T961 364212-364327 Epistemic_statement denotes Alopecia in calves associated with the feeding of milk substitute was attributed, in part, to vitamin E deficiency.
T962 364627-364736 Epistemic_statement denotes Naturally occurring true zinc deficiency is rare in dogs, extremely rare in cats, and not reported in horses.
T963 365344-365542 Epistemic_statement denotes The relationship between the changes in particular tissue enzyme activities brought about by zinc deficiency and clinical manifestations of the deficiency syndrome are not, however, well understood.
T964 365609-365851 Epistemic_statement denotes The parakeratosis seen in cases of zinc deficiency and zinc-responsive dermatosis may be related to decreased activity of zinc-related lytic enzymes along with increased epidermal cell turnover, which results in failure of nuclear hydrolysis.
T965 366176-366240 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be erythema, petechiae, and ecchymoses on extremities.
T966 366241-366326 Epistemic_statement denotes Severely affected calves may have systemic signs, such as depression and slow growth.
T967 366581-366853 Epistemic_statement denotes Steatitis or "yellow-fat disease" involves subcutaneous fat and may be seen clinically as a skin disease, and can result from consumption of high levels of unsaturated fatty acids and/or insufficient vitamin E. The yellowness of the fat is due to the deposition of ceroid.
T968 367013-367087 Epistemic_statement denotes Naturally occurring vitamin E deficiency has not been reported in the dog.
T969 367153-367287 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease is associated the feeding of fishmeal, fish offal, or other products with a high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids.
T970 367288-367594 Epistemic_statement denotes Diets with a high content of oily fish, such as tuna, white fish, and sardines, are most often implicated; however, the condition in cats also has been associated with diets containing primarily pig's brain, liver, diets with only a small fish content, or improperly stored or outdated commercial cat food.
T971 367786-367969 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease is not, however, the result of a simple deficiency, because cats fed diets deficient in vitamin E but also lacking in unsaturated fatty acids, do not develop panniculitis.
T972 367970-368215 Epistemic_statement denotes In mink and foals, it may be associated with degeneration of muscles, and in swine it may occur alone or be associated with any one or combination of ulceration of the squamous mucosa of the stomach, muscle degeneration, and hepatosis dietetica.
T973 368216-368495 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease has variable mortality in cats after a short clinical course in which there is progressive depression, possible fever, hyperesthesia, reluctance to move, and palpable thickening and increased firmness of the subcutaneous fat, easiest to detect in the inguinal region.
T974 368689-368758 Epistemic_statement denotes Hematologic changes may include neutrophilic leukocytosis and anemia.
T975 368853-368977 Epistemic_statement denotes This, together with a fishy odor, may be all that is observed in swine in which the fat is soft and gray rather than yellow.
T976 369177-369207 Epistemic_statement denotes Mineralization may be present.
T977 369208-369286 Epistemic_statement denotes Ceroid may be found also in macrophages of the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes.
T978 369287-369540 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, the initial differential should include infectious steatitis, sterile nodular panniculitis, lupus panniculitis, or other noncutaneous diseases, such as feline infectious peritonitis, ascites of various causes, and other causes of hyperesthesia.
T979 369776-369907 Epistemic_statement denotes With bacterial infection, there may be nodular or diffuse neutrophilic dermatitis, folliculitis, perifolliculitis, or furunculosis.
T980 370153-370335 Epistemic_statement denotes Parakeratosis is rarely fatal unless toxemia or septicemia secondary to cutaneous bacterial infection develop or because of exacerbation of intercurrent infections such as pneumonia.
T981 370514-370548 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition is uncommon to rare.
T982 370896-370952 Epistemic_statement denotes Drinking water with excessive iron can also be a factor.
T983 370953-371158 Epistemic_statement denotes In true zinc deficiency, multiple animals in a herd may be affected and show clinical signs of decreased appetite and growth, weight loss, decreased milk production, depression, stiff joints, and diarrhea.
T984 371546-371588 Epistemic_statement denotes Dull, rough, brittle haircoat may be seen.
T985 371611-371652 Epistemic_statement denotes In sheep, fleece/wool biting may be seen.
T986 372701-372810 Epistemic_statement denotes Zinc deficiency may induce secondary vitamin A deficiency as a result of its effect on appetite and food use.
T987 372811-372950 Epistemic_statement denotes Economic losses are due to depression of growth rate, but, with improved management techniques, parakeratosis is no longer a major problem.
T988 373122-373258 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions develop into papules, which become covered with a gray-brown, dry, roughened scale-crust that may reach 5-7 mm in thickness.
T989 373668-373729 Epistemic_statement denotes In severely affected animals, lesions may become generalized.
T990 374360-374570 Epistemic_statement denotes • Syndrome 2 occurs in puppies of any breed and is associated with a relative deficiency of zinc, probably secondary to excessively high levels of calcium and/or phytates in the diet in rapidly growing animals.
T991 374571-374628 Epistemic_statement denotes Excessive iron in the drinking water may also contribute.
T992 374629-374741 Epistemic_statement denotes In the United States, this disease sheep, there may be a mix of orthokeratotic and parakeratotic hyperkeratosis.
T993 374873-374948 Epistemic_statement denotes The bridge of the nose, muzzle, and periocular region may also be affected.
T994 374977-375142 Epistemic_statement denotes In alpacas, it is thought that breeding females and those with darker fleeces are more susceptible to zinc-responsive dermatosis because of a higher demand for zinc.
T995 375143-375338 Epistemic_statement denotes Histopathologic findings include papillated epidermal hyperplasia with predominantly orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, parakeratotic caps, and lymphoeosinophilic superficial perivascular dermatitis.
T996 375835-375916 Epistemic_statement denotes Naturally occurring zinc-responsive dermatoses in the dog fall under 2 syndromes:
T997 375917-376054 Epistemic_statement denotes • Syndrome 1 affects primarily Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes, and rarely other breeds not of Arctic origin, such as Great Danes.
T998 376136-376245 Epistemic_statement denotes Older dogs may develop lesions during times of stress, such as pregnancy, lactation, or intercurrent disease.
T999 376420-376497 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be unilateral initially and progress to a bilateral distribution.
T1000 376498-376522 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus may be present.
T1001 376559-376616 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of the syndrome is not well established.
T1002 376617-376816 Epistemic_statement denotes Alaskan Malamutes with chondrodysplasia have zinc-responsive spermatozoal defects and reduced zinc absorption from the intestinal tract; malabsorption may be responsible for the dermatologic disease.
T1003 376883-376977 Epistemic_statement denotes A severe form of zinc-responsive dermatosis has been documented in a litter of Pharaoh Hounds.
T1004 376978-377067 Epistemic_statement denotes A role for oxidative stress has been shown in cases of canine zinc-responsive dermatosis.
T1005 377255-377313 Epistemic_statement denotes The change may be indicative of low epidermal zinc levels.
T1006 377370-377608 Epistemic_statement denotes Hypoaminoacidemia, the result of sustained gluconeogenesis and increased hepatic catabolism, is documented in both canine and human patients, and it has been postulated that it may deplete epidermal proteins and induce epidermal necrosis.
T1007 377609-377661 Epistemic_statement denotes Zinc and fatty acid metabolism may also be deranged.
T1008 377662-377880 Epistemic_statement denotes The most likely pathogenesis of abnormal or impaired ability to properly use nutrients and the clinical and histologic similarities of this entity to zincresponsive dermatoses warrant discussion of SND in this section.
T1009 377881-378082 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, SND has been reported to occur in association with a variety of systemic diseases, including glucagon-secreting tumors of the pancreas, hyperglucagonemia, diabetes mellitus, and liver disease.
T1010 378448-378536 Epistemic_statement denotes Diabetes and hyperglucagonemia in some cases could be secondary to hepatic degeneration.
T1011 378605-378754 Epistemic_statement denotes Rare reports in cats include a pancreatic carcinoma presumably of endocrine origin and a glucagon-producing primary hepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma.
T1012 378816-379006 Epistemic_statement denotes The muzzle, lips, periocular skin, edges of the pinnae, distal extremities, ventrum, and points of pressure or friction, such as the hocks, and the external genitalia are typically affected.
T1013 379554-379640 Epistemic_statement denotes As these cells degenerate, clefts and vesicles may form in the outer stratum spinosum.
T1014 379641-379696 Epistemic_statement denotes Neutrophils may accumulate to form subcorneal pustules.
T1015 379697-379866 Epistemic_statement denotes The stratum corneum is diffusely and markedly parakeratotic and appears hypereosinophilic in comparison to the subjacent pale-staining stratum spinosum of the epidermis.
T1016 379867-379934 Epistemic_statement denotes The epithelium of the follicular infundibulum can also be affected.
T1017 380015-380160 Epistemic_statement denotes Individual necrotic keratinocytes may be located randomly in the epidermis and make distinction from erythema multiforme difficult in some cases.
T1018 380161-380214 Epistemic_statement denotes In SND, the necrotic keratinocytes lack satellitosis.
T1019 380395-380540 Epistemic_statement denotes In cases associated with liver disease, the most commonly associated gross lesion is a nodular liver with intervening firm, collapsed parenchyma.
T1020 380889-380967 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the pathognomonic epidermal edema may not be present in every biopsy.
T1021 380968-381135 Epistemic_statement denotes Differential diagnoses include other has been associated with the feeding of generic dog food, in Britain and Sweden with the feeding of soy- and/or cerealbased diets.
T1022 381618-381697 Epistemic_statement denotes Secondary pyoderma may develop, and puppies often show a local lymphadenopathy.
T1023 382061-382266 Epistemic_statement denotes Some reports indicate that the keratinization defect was sufficiently severe to induce dyskeratotic changes at all levels of the epidermis, whereas in others, orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis alone was found.
T1024 382267-382457 Epistemic_statement denotes Differential diagnoses include superficial necrolytic dermatitis, lethal acrodermatitis, thallium toxicity, and chronic hypersensitivity dermatitis that may look very similar histologically.
T1025 382458-382555 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermatophytosis, pemphigus foliaceus, and pyoderma should be considered based upon gross lesions.
T1026 382556-382664 Epistemic_statement denotes The signalment, history, lesion distribution, and pathologic changes should help to establish the diagnosis.
T1027 382665-382794 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, response to dietary changes and/or zinc supplementation may be needed for confirmation of the suspected diagnosis.
T1028 383017-383195 Epistemic_statement denotes It is possible that dietary factors other than zinc are involved in some of these diseases, particularly those responding to dietary changes and not just to zinc supplementation.
T1029 383499-383646 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition resembles necrolytic migratory erythema, a human paraneoplastic syndrome most often associated with α-cell neoplasms of the pancreas.
T1030 383647-383817 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of superficial necrolytic dermatitis (SND) is unknown, but hepatic dysfunction and derangement of glucose and amino acid metabolism are clearly involved.
T1031 383818-384001 Epistemic_statement denotes Elevated glucagon levels alone are unlikely to be directly responsible for the skin lesions, as both dogs and humans may develop the disease in their absence, and dermatitis is not an
T1032 384002-384028 Epistemic_statement denotes Further reading Colombini
T1033 384029-384165 Epistemic_statement denotes Endocrine disorders frequently manifest clinically as skin disease, but these dermatoses are rarely specific for any one endocrinopathy.
T1034 384166-384474 Epistemic_statement denotes Although these dermatopathies are more common in dogs, they can occur in any species Clinical cutaneous changes include seborrhea, dry, coarse, brittle hair; hair that does not regrow after clipping; and hyperpigmentation and hypotrichosis with fine retained hairs that give the appearance of a "puppy coat."
T1035 384742-384821 Epistemic_statement denotes Some cases may be presented with refractory pyoderma or chronic otitis externa.
T1036 384822-384950 Epistemic_statement denotes Hypothyroidism is thought to alter the skin barrier function; animal models suggest impaired lymphocyte and neutrophil function.
T1037 384951-385037 Epistemic_statement denotes Myxedema occurs in severe cases and may result in "tragic facial expression" see eFig.
T1038 385045-385120 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic changes can be nonspecific and simply suggest an endocrinopathy.
T1039 385528-385633 Epistemic_statement denotes Cases associated with a pancreatic neoplasm may have resolution of skin lesions following tumor excision.
T1040 385764-385884 Epistemic_statement denotes The histopathologic changes in the skin are as described above, and may lead to necrosis and sloughing of the hoof wall.
T1041 385886-386042 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, canine hyperadrenocorticism is characterized by thin epidermal and follicular epithelium, which can be 1-3 nucleated cell layers thick (Fig.
T1042 386052-386146 Epistemic_statement denotes If calcinosis cutis is present, the epidermis is frequently hyperplastic and can be ulcerated.
T1043 386147-386438 Epistemic_statement denotes Other changes can include orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis; marked follicular keratosis, sometimes with comedone formation; thin dermis; hair follicles that are frequently in telogen or kenogen; sebaceous gland atrophy; sebaceous melanosis; dysplastic follicles; and variable hyperpigmentation.
T1044 386478-386702 Epistemic_statement denotes 6-61) , which can occasionally result in osseous metaplasia, is virtually pathognomonic for hyperadrenocorticism, bearing in mind that mineralization of the external root sheath can be seen in normal old dogs and in Poodles.
T1045 386703-386824 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous histologic lesions of hyperadrenocorticism can occur focally at the site of topical glucocorticoid application.
T1046 386984-387178 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical presentation in cats is similar to that in the dog; however, in addition, there is often concurrent diabetes mellitus, and marked skin fragility in which dermal collagen is reduced.
T1047 387396-387517 Epistemic_statement denotes Occasionally, dysplastic follicles, flame follicles, vacuolated arrector pili muscles, and epidermal melanosis may occur.
T1048 387518-387644 Epistemic_statement denotes Hypothyroidism occurs less frequently in other domestic animals, and usually in association with iodine deficiency and goiter.
T1049 387818-387961 Epistemic_statement denotes In goats, hypothyroidism occurs in a mixed strain of Saanen and dwarf goats in association with hereditary congenital thyroglobulin deficiency.
T1050 388222-388539 Epistemic_statement denotes Hyperadrenocorticism is common in dogs and can be caused by bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia resulting from a pituitary tumor (pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism), a neoplasm of the adrenal cortex (usually unilateral), or exogenously administered glucocorticoids resulting in iatrogenic hyperglucocorticism.
T1051 388849-389125 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous changes can include bilaterally symmetrical hypotrichosis or alopecia affecting primarily skin of the trunk, pendulous abdomen, thin skin that has decreased elasticity, slow wound healing, hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia, scaling, comedones, and calcinosis cutis .
T1052 389221-389305 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions appear as firm erythematous papules or plaques that frequently ulcerate.
T1053 389772-389822 Epistemic_statement denotes Hyperestrogenism can occur in male or female dogs.
T1054 389823-390021 Epistemic_statement denotes In middle-aged to older intact male dogs, it is associated with functional testicular neoplasms, primarily Sertoli cell neoplasms, and occasionally functional interstitial cell tumors and seminomas.
T1055 390250-390325 Epistemic_statement denotes It can also occur in male or female dogs following estrogen administration.
T1056 390326-390417 Epistemic_statement denotes Rare cases can arise from physical contact with humans wearing topical estradiol compounds.
T1057 390607-390765 Epistemic_statement denotes The hair is dry and dull, is easily epilated, can fail to regrow after clipping, and can be accompanied by hyperpigmentation, especially macular pigmentation.
T1058 390766-390889 Epistemic_statement denotes Male dogs may develop a pendulous prepuce, gynecomastia, or prostatomegaly with squamous metaplasia of the prostatic ducts.
T1059 390890-390928 Epistemic_statement denotes Females may develop an enlarged vulva.
T1060 391357-391557 Epistemic_statement denotes This diversity in nomenclature reflects the differences in endocrine values and responses to various treatments and the fact that the pathogenesis of these conditions has not been fully characterized.
T1061 391704-391980 Epistemic_statement denotes Theories include genetics and hair follicle receptors, and most theories involve a deficiency or imbalance in sex hormones, such as a partial deficiency of 21-hydroxylase or other adrenocortical enzymes necessary for adrenal steroidogenesis and/or a growth hormone deficiency.
T1062 392446-392470 Epistemic_statement denotes Dark haircoats may fade.
T1063 392471-392556 Epistemic_statement denotes Coat changes can occur between 1 and 10 years of age, and either sex can be affected.
T1064 392636-392771 Epistemic_statement denotes Initial histologic changes are characterized by follicular atrophy; trichilemmal cornification in primary hairs can be quite prominent.
T1065 392772-393007 Epistemic_statement denotes Caution is warranted in making the diagnosis of alopecia X based exclusively on this feature because normal primary hair follicles of Nordic breeds can can result in tearing and lacerations of the skin (feline skin fragility syndrome).
T1066 393008-393140 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic lesions in the cat are similar to those in the dog; however, calcinosis cutis, and telangiectasia have not been reported.
T1067 393141-393392 Epistemic_statement denotes Hyperadrenocorticism (referred to as pituitary dependent pars intermedia dysfunction) occurs in horses and is almost always seen in association with hypertrophy, adenomatous hyperplasia, or functional neoplasms of the pars intermedia of the pituitary.
T1068 393473-393721 Epistemic_statement denotes Gross cutaneous changes may include a coarse, brittle, long, shaggy haircoat (hirsutism), an abnormal shedding pattern, episodic hyperhidrosis, poor wound healing, decreased muscle tone, weight loss, and susceptibility to secondary skin infections.
T1069 393946-394030 Epistemic_statement denotes Undifferentiated cells produce fluid, which causes large cysts in the sella turcica.
T1070 394031-394186 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical signs are predominantly related to growth hormone deficiency, which may occur along with reduced levels of thyroid, adrenal, and sex hormones.
T1071 394187-394380 Epistemic_statement denotes In the German Shepherd dog and Karelian Bear dog, pituitary dwarfism is thought to be inherited as a simple autosomal recessive condition and is usually associated with a cystic Rathke's cleft.
T1072 394714-394746 Epistemic_statement denotes Acromegaly is very rare in dogs.
T1073 394747-394926 Epistemic_statement denotes Excessive somatotropin (growth hormone) production is associated with administration of progestins or with the metestrus (luteal) phase of the estrous cycle in intact female dogs.
T1074 395041-395120 Epistemic_statement denotes The haircoat may be long and thick, and the nails may exhibit rapid overgrowth.
T1075 395336-395345 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats,
T1076 395346-395571 Epistemic_statement denotes In the context of infection or vaccination, contact with exogenous antigens usually leads to induction of a protective response, but when the immune response causes damage to tissues, it is called hypersensitivity or allergy.
T1077 395717-395823 Epistemic_statement denotes contain antigens that are normally innocuous but may induce allergic reactions in predisposed individuals.
T1078 396188-396440 Epistemic_statement denotes Canine recurrent flank alopecia (seasonal flank alopecia, cyclical flank alopecia) is a condition seen most commonly in the Boxer, English Bulldog, Airedale Terrier, Schnauzer, and Griffon Korthal, but can occur in many, typically short-coated, breeds.
T1079 396441-396595 Epistemic_statement denotes It is characterized by alopecia of the skin of the flank that is usually bilaterally symmetrical, rarely unilateral, and occurs recurrently or seasonally.
T1080 396596-396673 Epistemic_statement denotes The first episode occurs at approximately 4 years of age but can be variable.
T1081 396674-396762 Epistemic_statement denotes In the Northern Hemisphere, the onset of alopecia is usually between November and March.
T1082 396763-396898 Epistemic_statement denotes There is spontaneous hair regrowth after 3-8 months; however, occasional dogs have progressively less hair regrowth after each episode.
T1083 396899-397015 Epistemic_statement denotes Rare dogs fail to regrow hair after the first episode; and some dogs have one episode of alopecia that never recurs.
T1084 397329-397571 Epistemic_statement denotes Follicular infundibula are dilated and filled with keratin that can extend into the openings of the primary and secondary atrophic follicles, giving the appearance of an inverted footprint over the remnants of the follicular epithelium ( Fig.
T1085 397581-397613 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous melanosis may be seen.
T1086 397614-397712 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, canine recurrent flank alopecia is associated with an interface dermatitis in Boxer dogs .
T1087 397951-398180 Epistemic_statement denotes Canine atopic dermatitis has been defined as a genetically predisposed inflammatory and pruritic allergic skin disease with characteristic clinical features most commonly associated with IgE antibodies to environmental allergens.
T1088 398529-398611 Epistemic_statement denotes CAD has a strong genetic component, but the precise genetic basis remains unclear.
T1089 398612-398900 Epistemic_statement denotes Numerous studies (quantitative PCR, microarrays, single nucleotide polymorphism [SNP], genome-wide linkage, and genome-wide association) have implicated many genes that are differentially expressed in CAD; however, there is little concordance between studies both within and among breeds.
T1090 398901-399134 Epistemic_statement denotes In the United States, predisposed breeds include Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, West Highland White Terrier, Chinese Shar-Pei, Bull Terrier, Bichon Frise, and Tibetan Terrier; however, the predilection can vary geographically.
T1091 399641-399905 Epistemic_statement denotes Although there may be histologic features that support CAD, the diagnosis of CAD is based on a combination of historical findings, gross lesions, and exclusion of other allergic conditions (e.g., sarcoptic mange, flea-bite hypersensitivity, food hypersensitivity).
T1092 399906-400033 Epistemic_statement denotes When interpreting skin biopsies, pathologists should be aware of the clinical presentation and characteristic clinical lesions.
T1093 400439-400551 Epistemic_statement denotes Allergic dermatoses are common and important in dogs, cats, and horses, but are rarely reported in food animals.
T1094 401339-401475 Epistemic_statement denotes The strong link between an abnormal skin barrier and AD is corroborated by investigations into the genetics of ichthyosis vulgaris (IV).
T1095 401634-401795 Epistemic_statement denotes Although filaggrin is not the only predisposing cause of atopic disease, loss of function mutations are present in about 10% of the population in Western Europe.
T1096 402444-402555 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, there is only limited evidence of an association between filaggrin and canine atopic dermatitis (CAD).
T1097 402556-402701 Epistemic_statement denotes Mutations in the filaggrin gene FLG do not appear to play a role in the development of CAD, although altered filaggrin expression may be present.
T1098 403659-403772 Epistemic_statement denotes Antigen-specific IgE antibodies also appear to be involved in a nonclassic role in antigen uptake and processing.
T1099 404567-404848 Epistemic_statement denotes Tissue-selective homing of T cells is thought to be regulated at the level of T-cell recognition of vascular endothelial cells via interaction of differentially expressed T lymphocyte homing receptors, such as cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA), and their endothelial cell ligands.
T1100 404849-405017 Epistemic_statement denotes Therefore it seems likely that the elevated expression of adhesion molecules by endothelial cells promotes migration of increased numbers of CLA+ T cells into the skin.
T1101 405018-405199 Epistemic_statement denotes The tendency to develop AD, as opposed to asthma or allergic rhinitis, may depend on differences in the memory/effector T cells that are specialized to home to the skin versus lung.
T1102 405200-405285 Epistemic_statement denotes Furthermore, cytokines released by Th2 cells (e.g., IL-31) appear to incite pruritus.
T1103 405864-405955 Epistemic_statement denotes The balance between Th1 and Th2 cells may be modulated by biochemical defects in monocytes.
T1104 405956-406153 Epistemic_statement denotes Peripheral blood mononuclear cells of individuals with AD have been shown to have increased activity of phosphodiesterase, which results in increased monocyte prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) production.
T1105 406918-407036 Epistemic_statement denotes Noncutaneous clinical signs are rare and may include conjunctivitis, rhinitis, asthma, and gastrointestinal disorders.
T1106 407037-407219 Epistemic_statement denotes The following criteria are significantly correlated with CAD: onset before 3 years of age, indoor living, pruritus prior to lesion onset, lesions on the forepaws, and concave pinnae.
T1107 407554-407606 Epistemic_statement denotes Boxers are more likely to have urticaria and otitis.
T1108 407607-407865 Epistemic_statement denotes CAD was once considered a strictly Th2 cell-mediated disease; however, newer evidence shows that CAD reflects a slow progression from Th2 humoral inflammation (associated with high IgE) in the early phase to a Th1 cell-mediated response in the chronic phase.
T1109 407866-407949 Epistemic_statement denotes One hypothesis to explain the etiology of CAD begins with a defective skin barrier.
T1110 408257-408394 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, transdermal exposure correlates with the distribution of lesions on sparsely haired areas (i.e., paws, ventrum, flexural folds).
T1111 408760-408943 Epistemic_statement denotes Functionally, these findings correlate with antigen capture by Langerhans cells (dendritic cells in the epidermis) and enhanced antigen presentation by dendritic cells to lymphocytes.
T1112 410040-410129 Epistemic_statement denotes IgE appears to have a multifunctional role in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis (AD).
T1113 410291-410347 Epistemic_statement denotes Mast cells are in increased numbers and may be numerous.
T1114 410348-410459 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophils and neutrophils are usually in low numbers, but eosinophils may be missed because of degranulation.
T1115 410460-410555 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous glands are hyperplastic, and apocrine sweat glands may be dilated in chronic lesions.
T1116 410556-410658 Epistemic_statement denotes Superficial dermal blood vessels may be congested, and the superficial dermis may be mildly edematous.
T1117 411575-411754 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, measurement of total serum IgE has not been found to be useful because there is no significant difference in IgE concentrations between atopic and clinically normal dogs.
T1118 411884-412047 Epistemic_statement denotes In vitro tests that measure concentrations of allergen-specific IgE are commercially available but generally have been found to correlate poorly with IDST results.
T1119 412048-412272 Epistemic_statement denotes However, newer procedures (radioallergosorbent test, ELISA, and liquid-phase immunoenzymatic assay) for measurement of allergen-specific IgE may be more accurate in identifying clinically relevant allergens in dogs and cats.
T1120 412273-412477 Epistemic_statement denotes Diagnosis may be complicated by the presence of concurrent hypersensitivity conditions; such as flea-bite allergy or food allergy, and solely histologic findings in these conditions are indistinguishable.
T1121 412936-413081 Epistemic_statement denotes Staphylococcus aureus in humans is believed to augment allergen-induced skin inflammation in AD by secreting exotoxins that act as superantigens.
T1122 413416-413734 Epistemic_statement denotes IgE antibodies directed against these exotoxins have been identified in individuals with AD, and the severity of disease correlates with these IgE antibody titers, presumably because the locally produced exotoxins are absorbed through the skin surface and cause IgE-dependent mast cell degranulation within the dermis.
T1123 414037-414088 Epistemic_statement denotes Devon Rex and Abyssinian breeds may be predisposed.
T1124 414089-414179 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinical signs usually develop at 6-24 months of age; however, AD can arise in older cats.
T1125 414633-414718 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, pruritus might not be obvious because of the secretive nature of cats.
T1126 414719-414840 Epistemic_statement denotes Instead, hair loss, secondary to covert licking and chewing, may be the only abnormality, and the skin may appear normal.
T1127 414967-415063 Epistemic_statement denotes It is not specific for AD and may also occur in ectoparasite, food, and drug hypersensitivities.
T1128 415064-415168 Epistemic_statement denotes Noncutaneous signs associated with atopy in cats include sneezing, conjunctivitis, coughing, and asthma.
T1129 415169-415259 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphadenopathy may be present in cats with miliary dermatitis or eosinophilic granulomas.
T1130 415379-415427 Epistemic_statement denotes Onset is usually between 1.5 and 4 years of age.
T1131 415634-415680 Epistemic_statement denotes Arabians and Thoroughbreds may be predisposed.
T1132 415764-415899 Epistemic_statement denotes Microscopic changes associated with AD have been considered nonspecific and usually consist of perivascular to interstitial dermatitis.
T1133 415900-416029 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, the epidermis is variably hyperplastic and may have mild, patchy intercellular edema; focal parakeratosis; and crusting.
T1134 416030-416085 Epistemic_statement denotes Erosion and ulceration may be present from self-trauma.
T1135 416086-416189 Epistemic_statement denotes Exocytosis of lymphocytes or eosinophils and small subcorneal accumulations of eosinophils may be seen.
T1136 416374-416467 Epistemic_statement denotes Although individual lesions are transient, new ones may erupt over a period of days or weeks.
T1137 416468-416669 Epistemic_statement denotes The occurrence in horses of one of the multiple hypersensitivities of recurrent airway obstruction, insect-bite hypersensitivity, and urticaria may predispose the horse to the other hypersensitivities.
T1138 416763-416812 Epistemic_statement denotes With time, the swellings may gravitate ventrally.
T1139 416813-416927 Epistemic_statement denotes Angioedema is a potentially serious condition because involvement of perilaryngeal tissues may cause asphyxiation.
T1140 416928-417087 Epistemic_statement denotes Approximately 50% of affected humans develop both lesions concurrently, but development of both wheals and angioedema does not seem to be as common in animals.
T1141 417345-417393 Epistemic_statement denotes The change may be very subtle and can be missed.
T1142 417550-417579 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammation is inconsistent.
T1143 417975-418098 Epistemic_statement denotes Biopsy is performed to rule out other conditions when the lesions are recurrent or chronic, and the diagnosis is uncertain.
T1144 418421-418657 Epistemic_statement denotes It is often unclear if the pathologic mechanisms represent a specific immune-mediated response (e.g., type I hypersensitivity) to food antigens or if the mechanism is related to nonimmune-mediated intolerance to a component in the food.
T1145 418658-418850 Epistemic_statement denotes When an adverse food reaction is manifested by dermatologic signs, it is termed cutaneous adverse reaction to food (CARF); however, affected animals can have concurrent gastrointestinal signs.
T1146 418851-418973 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin may represent the second most frequent target organ, after the gastrointestinal tract, in adverse food reactions.
T1147 419082-419261 Epistemic_statement denotes Urticaria (hives, heat bumps) and angioedema (angioneurotic edema) are variably pruritic, edematous skin lesions produced by mediators released by basophils and dermal mast cells.
T1148 419262-419354 Epistemic_statement denotes Urticaria is most common in horses, uncommon in dogs, and rare in ruminants, pigs, and cats.
T1149 419355-419374 Epistemic_statement denotes Angioedema is rare.
T1150 419375-419546 Epistemic_statement denotes A wide variety of immunologic and nonimmunologic causes have been implicated, but frequently the specific causative agent cannot be determined for a particular individual.
T1151 419547-419709 Epistemic_statement denotes Immunologic causes of urticaria/angioedema are thought to involve type I hypersensitivity reactions primarily; type III hypersensitivity is involved occasionally.
T1152 419938-420186 Epistemic_statement denotes Nonimmunologic factors associated with urticaria/angioedema include physical factors such as heat, cold, or pressure; mast cell degranulating agents such as radiocontrast media; and agents that result in perturbation of arachidonic acid metabolism.
T1153 420274-420466 Epistemic_statement denotes Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, psychologic stress, and concurrent febrile illness may be exacerbating factors, if not causative ones, in humans with chronic urticaria.
T1154 420703-420851 Epistemic_statement denotes T-helper 2 cytokines, eosinophils, mast cells, and macrophages have been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of equine recurrent urticaria.
T1155 420852-421056 Epistemic_statement denotes Regardless of cause, the final common pathway is increased vascular permeability and resultant edema produced by histamine, the major mediator, and possibly also by kinins, eicosanoids, and neuropeptides.
T1156 421057-421123 Epistemic_statement denotes Drugs are probably the most frequent cause of urticaria in horses.
T1157 421124-421226 Epistemic_statement denotes A wide variety of systemic drugs and biological products have been implicated in initiating urticaria.
T1158 421662-421814 Epistemic_statement denotes In some instances, urticaria is thought to be caused by overfeeding of grains, especially those high in protein content ("protein bumps," "feed bumps").
T1159 422439-422514 Epistemic_statement denotes They vary in size and may coalesce to measure many centimeters in diameter.
T1160 422617-422699 Epistemic_statement denotes The overlying hair may stand erect, giving the impression of a follicular disease.
T1161 422700-422835 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions may be localized to a single body region, for instance, lateral neck, head, or thorax, or they may involve the entire body.
T1162 423182-423258 Epistemic_statement denotes Adverse food reactions may be provoked by more than one dog food ingredient.
T1163 423475-423538 Epistemic_statement denotes CARF may mimic sarcoptic mange, flea allergy dermatitis, or AD.
T1164 423539-423619 Epistemic_statement denotes The pruritus may be unresponsive or poorly responsive to glucocorticoid therapy.
T1165 423620-423791 Epistemic_statement denotes Primary skin lesions may include erythema, papules, or pruritic urticaria-angioedema, but they are frequently obscured by self-trauma as a consequence of chronic pruritus.
T1166 423947-424102 Epistemic_statement denotes In a small number of cases, pruritic otitis externa or recurrent superficial pyoderma may occur in the absence of any other clinical signs of food allergy.
T1167 424383-424538 Epistemic_statement denotes Neurologic signs, such as malaise and seizures, and respiratory signs have been reported rarely in conjunction with skin lesions in dogs with food allergy.
T1168 424620-424719 Epistemic_statement denotes Furthermore, CARF may affect 12-16% of cats with pruritus and 10% of cats with military dermatitis.
T1169 424720-424761 Epistemic_statement denotes No breed or sex predilection is apparent.
T1170 424936-425027 Epistemic_statement denotes The face, ears, and neck are most commonly involved, but pruritus may be generalized ( Fig.
T1171 425134-425234 Epistemic_statement denotes Food-allergic cats may also have other hypersensitivity conditions, such as AD or flea-bite allergy.
T1172 425235-425636 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin lesions are extremely variable and include erythema, angioedema-urticaria, selfinduced alopecia and excoriations, crusting, seborrhea, or Food allergy in humans is thought to develop as a consequence of physiologic and immunologic immaturity, resulting in increased absorption of food antigens during early life in association with the inherited tendency for increased production of IgE antibody.
T1173 425637-425806 Epistemic_statement denotes Absorption of intact food proteins is limited by the intestinal mucosal barrier and by combination of the proteins with food allergen-specific IgA secreted into the gut.
T1174 425807-426001 Epistemic_statement denotes However, adult levels of IgA are not generally produced until puberty, and this relative IgA deficiency may contribute to increased permeability of the gastrointestinal barrier during childhood.
T1175 426002-426142 Epistemic_statement denotes Gastrointestinal infections and parasitism may also contribute to disruption of the mucosal barrier to increase absorption of food antigens.
T1176 426426-426612 Epistemic_statement denotes However, these immunologically recognizable proteins do not normally cause adverse reactions despite being transported throughout the body because tolerance develops in most individuals.
T1177 426613-426755 Epistemic_statement denotes Tolerance is thought to involve activation of CD8+ T suppressor cells in gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) to suppress an immune response.
T1178 426756-427059 Epistemic_statement denotes The development of tolerance to food appears to have little effect on B cells, given that antibody production to food proteins is a universal phenomenon; although low concentrations of serum IgG, IgM, and IgA food-specific antibodies are found in normal individuals, they are of no clinical consequence.
T1179 427060-427172 Epistemic_statement denotes In genetically predisposed infants, however, ingested antigens result in excessive production of IgE antibodies.
T1180 427497-427862 Epistemic_statement denotes Activated mast cells also generate various mediators (such as IL-4, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and plateletactivating factor) that may induce an IgE-mediated late-phase response in which eosinophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes are attracted to the site of reaction and release additional inflammatory mediators and cytokines that drive a Th2mediated response.
T1181 427863-428134 Epistemic_statement denotes The development of dermatitis rather than respiratory signs in individuals with food allergy may be related to homing of allergen-specific T cells to the skin by way of cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen (CLA), a homing molecule that directs these cells to the skin.
T1182 428135-428288 Epistemic_statement denotes In companion animal species, the pathogenesis of adverse food reactions is poorly understood and does not correlate with food hypersensitivity in humans.
T1183 428482-428657 Epistemic_statement denotes Although signs may initially develop in young animals, CARF is typically a disease of adult animals, and no loss of clinical sensitivity has been observed in affected animals.
T1184 428658-428849 Epistemic_statement denotes Because gastrointestinal parasitism and viral enteritides are relatively common in animals, disruption of the intestinal mucosal barrier may be an important factor in the development of CARF.
T1185 429021-429112 Epistemic_statement denotes CARF may affect up to 8% of dogs and accounts for 7-25% of allergic skin disorders in dogs.
T1186 429376-429605 Epistemic_statement denotes The low incidence, as compared to that in humans, is thought to be due to the natural protection afforded by the haircoat of most animals and by the decreased exposure to potential allergens in cosmetics and industrial chemicals.
T1187 430124-430291 Epistemic_statement denotes Langerhans cells are crucial to development of allergic contact dermatitis, as depletion of these cells results in a decreased ability to induce contact sensitization.
T1188 430997-431208 Epistemic_statement denotes Although strong immunogens can elicit sensitivity after as short a period of contact as 7-21 days, most contact allergens are weaker immunogens and require chronic repeated exposure for sensitization to develop.
T1189 432664-432807 Epistemic_statement denotes Allergic contact dermatitis has been reported most frequently in dogs and horses, although most cases have not been confirmed by patch testing.
T1190 432913-432987 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be localized to the face and head or generalized in distribution.
T1191 432988-433066 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophilic granuloma complex lesions may be a manifestation of food allergy.
T1192 433130-433215 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous adverse food reaction has been reported rarely in horses, cattle, and pigs.
T1193 433685-433834 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the description of this condition is more suggestive of an adverse food reaction, such as photosensitization, than of food hypersensitivity.
T1194 433835-433924 Epistemic_statement denotes The microscopic lesions associated with food allergy are variable and are not diagnostic.
T1195 433925-433997 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis is variably acanthotic and may be multifocally spongiotic.
T1196 433998-434047 Epistemic_statement denotes Crusting, erosion, and ulceration may be present.
T1197 434136-434204 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, inflammation may be perivascular, interstitial, or diffuse.
T1198 434386-434458 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous and epitrichial glands may be hyperplastic in chronic lesions.
T1199 434459-434528 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, eosinophilic vasculitis has been described in dogs with CARF.
T1200 434529-434741 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, dermal inflammation may be a superficial perivascular mononuclear dermatitis but more commonly is characterized by eosinophilic inflammation that is perivascular to diffuse and extends into the subcutis.
T1201 434829-434908 Epistemic_statement denotes Collagen flame figures may occur in areas of intense eosinophilic inflammation.
T1202 435662-435756 Epistemic_statement denotes Although considered a typical delayed (type IV) hypersensitivity reaction, there is consider-
T1203 435757-435851 Epistemic_statement denotes Insects are cosmopolitan in their distribution, and virtually all animals are exposed to them.
T1204 436122-436244 Epistemic_statement denotes These antigens can be introduced via the bite or sting of insects or by inhalation, ingestion, or percutaneous absorption.
T1205 436245-436462 Epistemic_statement denotes In general, lesions associated with insect hypersensitivity are seasonal or seasonally more severe and involve short-or sparsely haired regions, such as the nose, muzzle, pinnae, inguinal area, and distal extremities.
T1206 437468-437674 Epistemic_statement denotes Because many animals harbor large numbers of fleas without any apparent skin abnormalities, it is likely that animals develop skin disease as a result of flea infestation only if they are allergic to fleas.
T1207 437675-437804 Epistemic_statement denotes Both type I and type IV hypersensitivity reactions are believed to be involved in the pathogenesis of flea-bite hypersensitivity.
T1208 438081-438265 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic evidence also supports a role for immediate hypersensitivity and suggests that cellmediated/delayed hypersensitivity is involved in the pathogenesis of flea allergy as well.
T1209 438266-438388 Epistemic_statement denotes Many flea-allergic animals also have delayed skin test reactions-further support for a type IV hypersensitivity component.
T1210 438389-438545 Epistemic_statement denotes Upregulation of mast cell proteases has been demonstrated during sensitization, with selective release of mast cell tryptase after exposure to flea antigen.
T1211 438813-438847 Epistemic_statement denotes Disease is rare prior to 6 months.
T1212 439558-439635 Epistemic_statement denotes Hairless dogs may have an increased frequency of allergic contact dermatitis.
T1213 439754-439931 Epistemic_statement denotes In horses, pasture plants, insecticides, various dyes and preservatives of tack items, soaps, and bedding materials have been suggested as causes of allergic contact dermatitis.
T1214 440175-440377 Epistemic_statement denotes Footpads are usually protected by the thick stratum corneum; however, cracking of footpads of all 4 feet was a feature described in a cat with suspected allergic contact dermatitis to carpet deodorizer.
T1215 440444-440560 Epistemic_statement denotes Primary lesions include erythema, papules, plaques, and vesicles, but these are very transient and thus rarely seen.
T1216 440757-440820 Epistemic_statement denotes Secondary bacterial or fungal infection may complicate lesions.
T1217 440821-440934 Epistemic_statement denotes Microscopic changes described in various reports of allergic contact dermatitis in animals have been conflicting.
T1218 441170-441250 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis may be variably spongiotic and may develop vesicles in some areas.
T1219 441561-441699 Epistemic_statement denotes Mild and focal to widespread and marked epidermal necrosis may occur, both in patch test reaction sites as well as in spontaneous lesions.
T1220 441700-441848 Epistemic_statement denotes Exocytosis of inflammatory cells is a common feature, but the cells vary and may be neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, or a combination thereof.
T1221 441849-441977 Epistemic_statement denotes The superficial dermis may be edematous, and the predominant inflammatory cells may be lymphocytes, neutrophils, or eosinophils.
T1222 441978-442077 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammation may be perivascular, diffuse interstitial, or lichenoid and frequently perifollicular.
T1223 442395-442519 Epistemic_statement denotes When a single animal of a group is affected, allergic contact dermatitis is considered more likely than irritant dermatitis.
T1224 442722-442825 Epistemic_statement denotes furunculosis have been seen in flea bites as have histologic lesions of eosinophilic granuloma complex.
T1225 443156-443315 Epistemic_statement denotes It is a major annoyance to horse and owner, and substantial economic losses can be incurred from treatment, prevention, and damage caused by scratching horses.
T1226 443316-443449 Epistemic_statement denotes Culicoides hypersensitivity is an intensely pruritic dermatosis that can render affected animals too restless and anxious to perform.
T1227 443859-444001 Epistemic_statement denotes The hypersensitivity to salivary antigens of Culicoides gnats is thought to be mediated by both type I and type IV hypersensitivity reactions.
T1228 444002-444263 Epistemic_statement denotes Support for immediate hypersensitivity is provided by immediate skin test reactivity to Culicoides antigens, presence of specific IgE in affected horses, and peripheral eosinophilia and increased blood histamine concentrations during periods of insect activity.
T1229 444264-444420 Epistemic_statement denotes The presence of increased numbers of primarily CD4+ T lymphocytes and eosinophils in skin test reactions is also consistent with immediate hypersensitivity.
T1230 444686-444843 Epistemic_statement denotes Delayed reactions (up to 48 hours) to intradermal skin tests suggest that type IV hypersensitivity may also be involved in the pathogenesis of the condition.
T1231 444844-444966 Epistemic_statement denotes Culicoides hypersensitivity is typically a seasonal disease, but in warm climates it may be a problem virtually yearround.
T1232 444967-445070 Epistemic_statement denotes Horses of any breed and either sex are affected; pedigree studies suggest there may be a genetic basis.
T1233 445071-445278 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are uncommon in horses <2 years of age; however, in tropical and subtropical climates with a long insect season, sensitization and mild clinical disease may develop within the first year of exposure.
T1234 445434-445620 Epistemic_statement denotes Distribution may be dorsal and involve the head, ears, neck, withers, back, and tailhead, or it may be primarily ventral and involve the intermandibular space, legs, and ventral midline.
T1235 445621-445814 Epistemic_statement denotes In some areas, such as Florida in the United States, multiple species of Culicoides are active at different times and have different favored feeding sites, such that disease may be generalized.
T1236 445815-445946 Epistemic_statement denotes The primary lesions are pruritic papules that may be recognized initially by clusters of erect hairs and commonly become encrusted.
T1237 445947-446222 Epistemic_statement denotes Because of severe pruritus, however, self-mutilation obscures the primary lesions and results in more commonly observed secondary lesions, such as excoriations, crusts, lichenification, pigmentary changes, broken hairs, alopecia, and a short stubbled tail ("rat tail") ( Fig.
T1238 446231-446330 Epistemic_statement denotes The mane may be rubbed off, and the skin over the neck and withers may become thickened and rugose.
T1239 446489-446601 Epistemic_statement denotes Affected individuals may have other hypersensitivity conditions, such as atopic dermatitis (AD) or food allergy.
T1240 446602-446721 Epistemic_statement denotes Flea-bite hypersensitivity in dogs is characterized by pruritus, erythema, wheals, and papules that may become crusted.
T1241 446826-446986 Epistemic_statement denotes These may include hyperkeratosis, lichenification, hyperpigmentation, alopecia, excoriations, redundant skin folds on the rump and caudal thighs, and seborrhea.
T1242 447111-447175 Epistemic_statement denotes In severely hypersensitive dogs, lesions may become generalized.
T1243 447273-447420 Epistemic_statement denotes Firm alopecic nodules ("fibropruritic nodules") may develop on the dorsal lumbosacral region secondary to self-trauma in chronically affected dogs.
T1244 447873-448102 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cats, the condition may be manifested as overzealous grooming rather than scratching, producing alopecia that may be ventral abdominal, bilaterally symmetrical along the lateral aspect of the trunk, or dorsal lumbosacral.
T1245 448103-448222 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin may appear completely normal grossly, or excoriations, crusts, scales, and hyperpigmented macules may be seen.
T1246 448223-448326 Epistemic_statement denotes Fleas or flea dirt may not be evident because of the fastidious grooming behavior typical of most cats.
T1247 448327-448432 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophilic granuloma complex lesions have also been associated with flea-bite hypersensitivity in cats.
T1248 448739-448841 Epistemic_statement denotes Cases characterized by self-induced alopecia with normalappearing skin may resemble an endocrinopathy.
T1249 448842-449121 Epistemic_statement denotes Histopathology is useful in confirming the suspected diagnosis of a hypersensitivity condition, but the microscopic changes associated with flea-bite hypersensitivity are similar to those seen in other hypersensitivities, and the specific diagnosis cannot be made histologically.
T1250 449122-449227 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis is variably acanthotic, and foci of spongiosis and serocellular crusting are commonly seen.
T1251 449228-449336 Epistemic_statement denotes Mixed orthokeratotic and parakeratotic hyperkeratosis and self-induced erosion or ulceration may be present.
T1252 449337-449420 Epistemic_statement denotes Foci of epidermal necrosis and intraepidermal eosinophilic pustules may be evident.
T1253 449421-449681 Epistemic_statement denotes The superficial dermis is mildly to moderately edematous, and perivascular to interstitial infiltration of eosinophils, lymphocytes, fewer macrophages, and mast cells is present in the superficial to mid-dermis in dogs and may extend into the subcutis in cats.
T1254 449870-449975 Epistemic_statement denotes Melanophages are in variable numbers and may be numerous in chronic cases with prominent lichenification.
T1255 449976-450048 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous and epitrichial glands may be hyperplastic in chronic lesions.
T1256 450049-450128 Epistemic_statement denotes Neutrophils are numerous in association with ulceration or bacterial infection.
T1257 450129-450173 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, eosinophilic mural folliculitis and
T1258 450174-450340 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritic dermatitis resulting from hypersensitivity to endogenous sex hormones is recognized in women ("autoimmune progesterone dermatitis") and is very rare in dogs.
T1259 450341-450476 Epistemic_statement denotes Results of intradermal skin tests with aqueous progesterone in women indicate that type I and/or type IV hypersensitivity are involved.
T1260 450594-450831 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition is characterized by intense pruritus that develops or is exacerbated near the time of estrus or pseudopregnancy but tends to become more severe and protracted with each episode; pruritus is generally perennial in male dogs.
T1261 451234-451383 Epistemic_statement denotes The microscopic lesion is a hyperplastic superficial perivascular dermatitis in which neutrophils, mononuclear cells, or eosinophils may predominate.
T1262 451694-451782 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathomechanism is unknown, but a type I hypersensitivity reaction has been proposed.
T1263 451783-451950 Epistemic_statement denotes Ascarids, coccidia, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms have rarely been associated with pruritic dermatoses that resolve with elimination of the intestinal parasites.
T1264 452426-452590 Epistemic_statement denotes Affected horses may scratch and bite themselves and rub objects in their environment, thereby causing damage to themselves, their riders, and environmental objects.
T1265 452591-452705 Epistemic_statement denotes Constant anxiety and restlessness may prevent severely affected animals from performing as riding or show animals.
T1266 452706-452795 Epistemic_statement denotes Also, because sweating exacerbates pruritus, affected horses cannot be worked vigorously.
T1267 453260-453385 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis is variably acanthotic, spongiotic, and hyperkeratotic with foci of parakeratosis, and may be focally necrotic.
T1268 453493-453609 Epistemic_statement denotes Erosions and ulceration may be present as a result of self-trauma and are associated with neutrophilic inflammation.
T1269 453610-453719 Epistemic_statement denotes The dermis is variably edematous and increased numbers of mast cells, which may be degranulated, are present.
T1270 453720-453846 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, eosinophilic inflammation is diffuse, and collagen flame figures or eosinophilic folliculitis may also be seen.
T1271 454365-454470 Epistemic_statement denotes Affected animals were restless and often bit at themselves, suggesting that they were intensely pruritic.
T1272 454685-454716 Epistemic_statement denotes Further reading Benarafa C, et
T1273 454717-454739 Epistemic_statement denotes Further reading Scott
T1274 454740-454762 Epistemic_statement denotes The pemphigus complex.
T1275 454965-455183 Epistemic_statement denotes Autoantibodies directed against antigens within stratified squamous epithelia, including haired skin, mucocutaneous junctions, oral and genital mucosa, and esophagus, develop and can be detected via immunologic assays.
T1276 455272-455348 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical phenotypes correlate with the autoantibody profile in the skin.
T1277 456002-456141 Epistemic_statement denotes Pemphigus vulgaris can have both mucous membrane and haired skin involvement if there is concurrent autoantibody formation to desmoglein-1.
T1278 456142-456216 Epistemic_statement denotes IgG autoantibodies can also occur in humans with paraneoplastic pemphigus.
T1279 456217-456286 Epistemic_statement denotes The mechanisms leading to acantholysis are not completely understood.
T1280 456287-456415 Epistemic_statement denotes Antigen-antibody binding may result in a type II immune reaction or promote proinflammatory cytokine release from keratinocytes.
T1281 456416-456620 Epistemic_statement denotes The binding of pemphigus autoantibodies to keratinocyte antigens is associated with the synthesis and secretion of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), a serine protease that activates plasminogen.
T1282 456621-456708 Epistemic_statement denotes Activation of plasminogen may indirectly induce the cleaving of intercellular contacts.
T1283 456838-456988 Epistemic_statement denotes Another hypothesis proposes that the binding of autoantibodies to keratinocyte antigens may disrupt the structural integrity of the adhesion molecule.
T1284 457036-457057 Epistemic_statement denotes In: Miller WH, et al
T1285 457058-457215 Epistemic_statement denotes The autoimmune skin diseases are uncommon to rare but merit detailed consideration as many are debilitating to life threatening and require specific therapy.
T1286 457388-457511 Epistemic_statement denotes In the vast majority of cases, the stimulus triggering the aberrant T-or B-cell responses against self-antigens is unknown.
T1287 457512-457743 Epistemic_statement denotes Drug therapy, underlying neoplasia (see Paraneoplastic pemphigus), tissue injury, infectious diseases, other autoimmune diseases, and genetic makeup are all factors known to be associated with the occurrence of autoimmune diseases.
T1288 457744-457917 Epistemic_statement denotes Penicillinamine, for example, may precipitate clinically, histologically, and immunologically classic cases of pemphigus in humans, which regress when the drug is withdrawn.
T1289 457918-458049 Epistemic_statement denotes Drug-induced forms of pemphigus are thought to be the result of haptenization of keratinocyte antigens, rendering them immunogenic.
T1290 458050-458203 Epistemic_statement denotes One theory suggests environmental agents, such as drugs, influence T cells by causing DNA methylation abnormalities that, in turn, alter gene expression.
T1291 458204-458431 Epistemic_statement denotes Exposure to ultraviolet light is known to exacerbate cutaneous autoimmune disease, perhaps by inducing keratinocyte intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression and keratinocyte production of proinflammatory cytokines.
T1292 458432-458604 Epistemic_statement denotes Still another theory suggests that the structural similarities of peptide fragments of some infectious agents to host proteins may trigger postinfectious autosensitization.
T1293 458605-458835 Epistemic_statement denotes The recognition that one autoimmune disease, tissue injury, inflammatory or neoplastic process in an individual may precede the onset of cutaneous autoimmune disease led to investigation of the phenomenon termed epitope spreading.
T1294 459039-459172 Epistemic_statement denotes This may account for regional variations in pemphigus antigen expression and the clinical variation of cutaneous autoimmune diseases.
T1295 459173-459383 Epistemic_statement denotes Epitope spreading may also account for aberrant immune responses developing to tissue antigens after the tissue has been injured, possibly leading to the release or exposure of a previously sequestered antigen.
T1296 459384-459445 Epistemic_statement denotes Selection of fully-developed lesions is crucial to diagnosis.
T1297 459446-459613 Epistemic_statement denotes Demonstration of tissue-bound or circulating autoantibody using appropriate immunologic tests may be helpful in confirming the diagnosis of an autoimmune skin disease.
T1298 459614-459873 Epistemic_statement denotes However, such tests (e.g., direct and indirect immunofluorescence testing, immunohistochemistry) are fraught with interpretation pitfalls (false-positive or false-negative test results) and should never be interpreted in the absence of histologic examination.
T1299 460074-460374 Epistemic_statement denotes For example, the various entities of the pemphigus complex are characterized by the deposition of immunoglobulin, with or without complement, on the surface of keratinocytes or at the basement membrane zone using the techniques of direct immunofluorescence (IF) testing or immunohistochemistry (IHC).
T1300 460599-460651 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, a lichenoid inflammatory infiltrate is seen.
T1301 460842-460895 Epistemic_statement denotes Secondary bacterial infection may complicate lesions.
T1302 460967-461240 Epistemic_statement denotes Experimental studies in mice have demonstrated that acantholysis in pemphigus foliaceus (PF) can occur with passive transfer of PF IgG autoantibody as well as with transfer of Fab fragments and F (ab′) 2 fragments in both complementsufficient and complement-deficient mice.
T1303 461799-461955 Epistemic_statement denotes Pemphigus foliaceus often arises spontaneously; however, cases have been triggered by adverse drug reactions as well as topical flea and tick preventatives.
T1304 461956-462188 Epistemic_statement denotes PF has no sex predilection in dogs, but Akitas, Chow Chows, Bearded Collies, Collies, Chinese Shar-Peis, Dachshunds, Newfoundlands, Doberman Pinschers, Schipperkes, English Springer Spaniels, and Appaloosa horses appear predisposed.
T1305 462446-462551 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs and cats may have pawpad hyperkeratosis and crusting with involvement of the claw fold (paronychia).
T1306 462673-462817 Epistemic_statement denotes PF is the most common autoimmune skin disease in horses; lesions often begin on the face or distal extremities, or may be localized to coronets.
T1307 462818-462874 Epistemic_statement denotes In any species, the lesions may become generalized (Fig.
T1308 462887-463003 Epistemic_statement denotes Foals may also be affected with a benign form of PF that responds rapidly to treatment or may resolve spontaneously.
T1309 463004-463037 Epistemic_statement denotes Pain and pruritus may be present.
T1310 463228-463278 Epistemic_statement denotes Either neutrophils or eosinophils may predominate.
T1311 463840-464008 Epistemic_statement denotes The outer layers of the epidermis form the roof of the vesicle that may contain a few acantholytic keratinocytes, singly or in clumps, but few or no inflammatory cells.
T1312 464009-464066 Epistemic_statement denotes The process may extend into the hair follicle epithelium.
T1313 464213-464313 Epistemic_statement denotes A moderately intense lymphocytic-plasmacytic interface infiltrate may be present in mucosal lesions.
T1314 464637-464750 Epistemic_statement denotes Acantholytic cells are more numerous and can more often be found in rafts in PF than in superficial folliculitis.
T1315 464815-465000 Epistemic_statement denotes In PF, pustules also span the interfollicular epidermis encompassing multiple follicles, whereas in superficial folliculitis pustules are more likely to be centered on single follicles.
T1316 465083-465186 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermatophytosis and superficial pyoderma (impetigo) can also have similar gross and histologic lesions.
T1317 465187-465313 Epistemic_statement denotes Careful examination of skin sections with fungal and bacterial stains and possibly cultures may be needed for differentiation.
T1318 465314-465371 Epistemic_statement denotes Impetigo does not involve hair follicles, whereas PF may.
T1319 465516-465583 Epistemic_statement denotes Further studies suggest the conditions are not directly comparable.
T1320 466022-466160 Epistemic_statement denotes It is unclear if PE is indeed different from PF, a localized variant of PF, or if the disease is a crossover between discoid lupus and PF.
T1321 466161-466305 Epistemic_statement denotes Reported cases of pemphigus vegetans in veterinary patients are very limited and originally thought to be benign variants of pemphigus vulgaris.
T1322 466729-466781 Epistemic_statement denotes PPP is now thought to be a histologic variant of PF.
T1323 466782-466863 Epistemic_statement denotes Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is the most severe and rare form of pemphigus in animals.
T1324 466864-466960 Epistemic_statement denotes This life-threatening disease has been reported in the dog, cat, horse, goat, monkey, and llama.
T1325 467588-467714 Epistemic_statement denotes Firm sliding pressure to adjacent unaffected skin may induce fresh vesicle formation or dislodge the skin (the Nikolsky sign).
T1326 467976-468055 Epistemic_statement denotes Involvement of the nailbeds occurs also, and corneal ulceration may be present.
T1327 468056-468127 Epistemic_statement denotes Animals may be febrile, depressed, and anorectic and have leukocytosis.
T1328 468444-468702 Epistemic_statement denotes Despite the unique clinical presentation, autoantibodies may be found toward various components of the basement membrane proteins, including BPAG2 and laminin V. Histologically, the cases have subepidermal clefting with various degrees of inflammation ( Fig.
T1329 469214-469422 Epistemic_statement denotes The mechanism of dermoepidermal separation is thought to be the result of the release of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, and others by keratinocytes altered by antigen-antibody interactions.
T1330 469516-469734 Epistemic_statement denotes Separation of basal cells from the underlying dermis may also be the direct result of disorganization or Of the 2 cases reported in dogs, one had thymic lymphoma and the other an undifferentiated sarcoma in the spleen.
T1331 469735-469801 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions may precede detection of the neoplastic process.
T1332 470518-470588 Epistemic_statement denotes Antidesmoglein IgG was recently documented in the serum of canine PNP.
T1333 471165-471251 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions typically appear as vesicles that ulcerate and then heal with scar tissue.
T1334 471588-471683 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, dermoepidermal clefting with little or no neutrophilic infiltration is present.
T1335 472001-472071 Epistemic_statement denotes Too few cases have been documented in the dog to define the prognosis.
T1336 472567-472685 Epistemic_statement denotes The actual target antigen has been shown to be the amino-terminal globular noncollagenous domain of type VII collagen.
T1337 472876-473039 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, dermoepidermal separation is present in association with marked neutrophilic inflammation in the superficial dermis and within vesicles and bullae.
T1338 473040-473146 Epistemic_statement denotes Too few cases have been documented to provide information regarding triggering events or clinical outcome.
T1339 473190-473341 Epistemic_statement denotes Olivry Although Collies are supposedly predisposed to BP, the disease process would currently be classified as cutaneous vesicular lupus erythematosus.
T1340 473342-473443 Epistemic_statement denotes Furthermore, additional cases in dogs and cats would now be classified as mucous membrane pemphigoid.
T1341 473650-473704 Epistemic_statement denotes BP has been documented in horses and Yucatan minipigs.
T1342 473897-473945 Epistemic_statement denotes Mucosal lesions have not been described in pigs.
T1343 474633-474735 Epistemic_statement denotes Mild to moderate lichenoid interface dermatitis may be present, particularly in mucocutaneous regions.
T1344 475108-475231 Epistemic_statement denotes The BP180 antigen extends to the lateral and apical aspects of basal keratinocytes, and labeling may extend to these areas.
T1345 475232-475283 Epistemic_statement denotes Serum autoantibodies may be detected in some cases.
T1346 475811-475952 Epistemic_statement denotes It is interesting to note the BP antigen is also type XVII collagen; however, in BP, antibodies recognize the transmembrane form of type XVII
T1347 475953-475983 Epistemic_statement denotes Further reading Iwasaki T, et
T1348 475984-476198 Epistemic_statement denotes Further reading Olivry T, et The histopathology consists of a cell-poor to lichenoid interface dermatitis with hydropic degeneration of basal cells and a lymphohistiocytic infiltrate at the dermoepidermal junction.
T1349 476199-476284 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphocytes predominate; however, plasma cells are intermixed at mucocutaneous sites.
T1350 476628-476791 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, subepidermal bullae were associated with circulating IgG autoantibodies to type VII collagen as well as IgG deposits at the basement membrane zone.
T1351 477022-477061 Epistemic_statement denotes Mucinous degeneration may be prominent.
T1352 477062-477188 Epistemic_statement denotes With chronicity, a few cases may show thickening of the basement membrane caused by accumulation of antigenantibody complexes.
T1353 477189-477256 Epistemic_statement denotes Fibrinoid deposits may also occur around superficial blood vessels.
T1354 477308-477419 Epistemic_statement denotes Immunoglobulin and complement deposition at the basement membrane zone may be detectable by IF or IHC staining.
T1355 477549-477728 Epistemic_statement denotes Differential diagnoses vary with the type of lesions present but may include other autoimmune skin diseases, drug eruption, vasculitis, ischemic dermatopathy, and dermatomyositis.
T1356 478239-478385 Epistemic_statement denotes SLE-like disease occurs in the cat, but with only a few case reports and case series, a cohesive dermatologic manifestation has not been revealed.
T1357 478386-478637 Epistemic_statement denotes Approximately 50% of SLE cases in cats are reported to have skin lesions (seborrhea, exfoliative erythroderma, symmetrical erythematous scaling and crusting); however, it is unclear how many cases with dermatitis had a lupus-specific reaction pattern.
T1358 479144-479245 Epistemic_statement denotes Nasal DLE, a distinct entity in dogs and very rarely seen in cats, is currently under close scrutiny.
T1359 479246-479359 Epistemic_statement denotes The terminology for this clinicopathologic condition is likely to change, as the pathogenesis becomes understood.
T1360 479360-479436 Epistemic_statement denotes There does not appear to be a relationship between nasal planum DLE and SLE.
T1361 479590-479826 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition affects the entire nasal planum, and may be exacerbated or triggered by solar exposure, which is the reason for are not histologically distinct for lupus (lupus nonspecific), and may be seen with another disease processes.
T1362 480056-480169 Epistemic_statement denotes CLE and SLE are thought to have similar pathogenic mechanisms whether or not the disorder remains skin localized.
T1363 480170-480389 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of CLE involves genetic predisposition (e.g., major histocompatibility complex [MHC] subtype) and generation of autoreactive antibodies that may be triggered by solar exposure, drugs, and tobacco smoke.
T1364 480608-480798 Epistemic_statement denotes Although having some features of DLE in humans, the overall disease is not comparable, and veterinarians/owners should be discouraged from applying generalizations from the human literature.
T1365 480799-480850 Epistemic_statement denotes The nosology of this disorder remains questionable.
T1366 481194-481335 Epistemic_statement denotes It is likely that many unclassified "interface diseases" will fall into CLE as the dermatopathology expertise evolves in veterinary medicine.
T1367 481561-481622 Epistemic_statement denotes • The frequency of SLE related skin disease is controversial.
T1368 481623-481797 Epistemic_statement denotes Although "skin disease" is considered a major sign of SLE, the precise lesions are often not defined, and inclusion may erroneously fulfill criteria for the diagnosis of SLE.
T1369 481798-481890 Epistemic_statement denotes "Dermatitis" associated with some cases of SLE may reflect "lupus nonspecific" skin lesions.
T1370 482014-482090 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs, cats, and horses have been documented with skin manifestations of SLE.
T1371 482265-482311 Epistemic_statement denotes German Shepherd dogs appear to be predisposed.
T1372 482312-482361 Epistemic_statement denotes SLE is a chronic condition that may wax and wane.
T1373 482488-482615 Epistemic_statement denotes Polyarthritis, thrombocytopenia, fever of unknown origin, anemia, stomatitis, and glomerulonephritis are common manifestations.
T1374 482816-482919 Epistemic_statement denotes Contrary to citations in textbooks and reviews, true cutaneous manifestations of SLE are probably rare.
T1375 483130-483274 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may occur in sun-exposed regions (i.e., face, ears, nose, lips) and sparsely haired, lightly pigmented, thin skin of other body regions.
T1376 483755-483878 Epistemic_statement denotes A subtle interface change can be detected as early as 6 weeks of age but typically is not fully developed until 4-6 months.
T1377 484129-484220 Epistemic_statement denotes Some individually necrotic keratinocytes can be found in the spinous layer as in human CLE.
T1378 484221-484342 Epistemic_statement denotes The interface reaction affects outer root sheaths, and may be associated with patchy (not complete) sebaceous gland loss.
T1379 484448-484577 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the disease may wax and wane for several years, most dogs are eventually euthanized because of intractable skin disease.
T1380 484692-484769 Epistemic_statement denotes Some dogs may have similar lesions around the eyes, lips, vulva, and prepuce.
T1381 485042-485153 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis may have elongated rete ridges, which are generally thin, as is the epidermis between the ridges.
T1382 485341-485516 Epistemic_statement denotes This clinical distribution can be helpful because mucocutaneous pyoderma generally affects the junctions of the alar folds and haired skin rather than the entire nasal planum.
T1383 485517-485614 Epistemic_statement denotes Mucocutaneous pyoderma also lacks evidence of basal cell damage and is predominantly plasmacytic.
T1384 485615-485661 Epistemic_statement denotes Both conditions may be present simultaneously.
T1385 486047-486117 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous (discoid) lupus erythematosus is rarely described in horses.
T1386 486375-486467 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may also occur on the pinna, neck, shoulders, perianal, perineal, and genital areas.
T1387 486533-486661 Epistemic_statement denotes Disseminated discoid lupus erythematosus has been documented in a 9-year-old Chinese Crested dog and a 3-year-old, female Spitz.
T1388 487566-487638 Epistemic_statement denotes The inheritance is autosomal recessive and maps to canine chromosome 18.
T1389 488402-488456 Epistemic_statement denotes Thus drug eruption can mimic virtually any dermatosis.
T1390 488457-488692 Epistemic_statement denotes Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), and vasculitis are well-recognized dermatoses that can be manifestations of cutaneous drug eruptions and are described individually later in this section.
T1391 488693-489137 Epistemic_statement denotes Criteria for establishing a cutaneous reaction as a confirmed drug eruption include (1) elimination of other causes of the skin lesions, (2) timing of onset of reaction with administration of a suspect drug, (3) improvement upon drug withdrawal, (4) recognition that the suspect drug has been associated with similar reactions in other animals or species in the past, and (5) recurrence of lesions upon rechallenge of the patient with the drug.
T1392 489138-489281 Epistemic_statement denotes Understandably, all 5 of these criteria are not often met, particularly rechallenge as this can be associated with high morbidity or mortality.
T1393 489282-489459 Epistemic_statement denotes The time period between drug administration and onset of an adverse reaction varies widely from hours to months, and lesions can result from a single or repeated administration.
T1394 489460-489648 Epistemic_statement denotes Drug-induced gross and histologic lesions are not pathognomonic for an adverse cutaneous drug eruption, although histopathologic changes may often point to a limited list of differentials.
T1395 490043-490140 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of lesion formation in many types of drug eruptions is not known with certainty.
T1396 490141-490297 Epistemic_statement denotes Drug hypersensitivities are believed to involve all 4 types of hypersensitivity reactions, and in some cases are not thought to be immunologically mediated.
T1397 490659-490768 Epistemic_statement denotes Diethylcarbamazine and 5-fluorocytosine have been associated with fixed-drug eruption on the scrotum of dogs.
T1398 490945-491001 Epistemic_statement denotes The mechanism underlying fixed-drug eruption is unknown.
T1399 491002-491196 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans, the epidermal invasion of T cells in fixed-drug eruptions is associated with the expression of the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) on the surface of lesional keratinocytes.
T1400 491338-491459 Epistemic_statement denotes These changes are likely attributed to long-term immune suppression rather than an immune-mediated adverse drug reaction.
T1401 491460-491558 Epistemic_statement denotes Urticaria and angioedema have been associated with levamisole, barbiturates, and some antibiotics.
T1402 491677-491865 Epistemic_statement denotes Acute maculopapular eruptions with erythroderma are reported in dogs being treated for gastrointestinal illness, so-called Wells-like syndrome, but specific drugs have not been implicated.
T1403 491866-492005 Epistemic_statement denotes Drug eruptions resembling bullous pemphigoid clinically, histologically, and immunohistochemically have been associated with triamcinolone.
T1404 492006-492109 Epistemic_statement denotes It is quite possible that some cases described as bullous pemphigoid actually represent drug eruptions.
T1405 492345-492560 Epistemic_statement denotes This condition was originally thought to be an adult-onset variant of dermatomyositis, but recent immunologic studies indicate the presence of autoantibodies that target nuclear antigens similar to that seen in CLE.
T1406 492735-492851 Epistemic_statement denotes The inguinal and axillary regions are most commonly involved, but lesions may also occur on mucocutaneous junctions.
T1407 493186-493339 Epistemic_statement denotes It is reported rarely in dogs, and because the features are identical to rabies vaccine-associated panniculitis, the "lupus" association is questionable.
T1408 493480-493576 Epistemic_statement denotes The fat lobules may undergo necrosis, often represented by hyalinization without mineralization.
T1409 493794-493846 Epistemic_statement denotes Abundant mucinous degeneration is usually prominent.
T1410 493847-493916 Epistemic_statement denotes Leukocytoclastic vasculitis may be present in the interlobular septa.
T1411 493917-493934 Epistemic_statement denotes Gibson I, Barnes
T1412 493935-494024 Epistemic_statement denotes Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) occurs as a complication of bone marrow transplantation.
T1413 494563-494740 Epistemic_statement denotes Studies indicate both CD8+ and CD4+ lymphocytes are active in the disease process, with CD8+ T cells found more often in the epidermis and CD4+ T cells in the dermal infiltrate.
T1414 494741-494788 Epistemic_statement denotes Natural killer (NK) cells may also play a role.
T1415 495274-495348 Epistemic_statement denotes Oral lesions, epidermal detachment, and follicular papules may be present.
T1416 495349-495505 Epistemic_statement denotes In the chronic phase, erythema, irregular hyperpigmentation, dermal fibrosis, cutaneous atrophy, and cicatricial alopecia from chronic ulceration may occur.
T1417 495817-495874 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermal-epidermal cleft or ulceration may also be present.
T1418 495875-495955 Epistemic_statement denotes Over time, epidermal atrophy and dermal sclerosis with loss of adnexa may occur.
T1419 496379-496476 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous vasculitis caused by immune complex deposition may be initiated by drug administration.
T1420 496477-496659 Epistemic_statement denotes Sulfadiazine administration in Doberman Pinschers causes a poorly defined skin rash as well as ocular, joint, kidney, and hematologic abnormalities suggestive of systemic vasculitis.
T1421 496660-496761 Epistemic_statement denotes Favrot C, et Cold agglutinin disease has been reported rarely to cause skin disease in dogs and cats.
T1422 496858-497001 Epistemic_statement denotes One report in Birman cats occurred in association with neonatal isoerythrolysis and suggested that group B blood group cats may be predisposed.
T1423 497310-497435 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous signs associated with cryopathies result from vascular insufficiency (obstruction, stasis, spasm, and thrombosis) .
T1424 497603-497670 Epistemic_statement denotes The paws, pinnae, nose, and tip of the tail are typically involved.
T1425 498038-498101 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of EM/SJS/TEN is poorly understood in animals.
T1426 498102-498261 Epistemic_statement denotes The histologic lesions, cellular infiltrates and types of lymphocytes present mirror that of GVHD, lending further support for a cell-mediated immune response.
T1427 498347-498459 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans, the pathogenesis of herpesvirusassociated EM (HAEM) is thought to be markedly different from SJS/TEN.
T1428 498460-498547 Epistemic_statement denotes In HAEM, viral proteins on the surface of keratinocytes provoke a Th1 CD4+ αβ response.
T1429 498827-498948 Epistemic_statement denotes In drug-induced SJS/TEN, it remains unclear how the drug causes sensitization and why only rare individuals are affected.
T1430 498949-499056 Epistemic_statement denotes The hapten model proposes that small drug moieties bind to host proteins and are recognized as immunogenic.
T1431 499057-499180 Epistemic_statement denotes Keratinocyte death is similarly mediated by CD8+ T cell and NK cells; however, the apoptosis in TEN/SJS is often confluent.
T1432 499181-499257 Epistemic_statement denotes Soluble mediators such as TNF-α, FAS-ligand, and granulysin may play a role.
T1433 499475-499543 Epistemic_statement denotes Many of the clinical lesions of EM are likely confused with SJS/TEN.
T1434 499652-499722 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs may have very thick hyperkeratotic crusted plaques that ulcerate.
T1435 500010-500126 Epistemic_statement denotes Some cases may have a positive pseudo-Nikolsky sign (i.e., digital pressure causes separation of the inflamed skin).
T1436 500127-500230 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs and cats often have ulcers involving mucocutaneous junctions; footpads may also be involved (Figs.
T1437 500737-500890 Epistemic_statement denotes Although full-thickness coagulative necrosis of the epidermis may be present, it is not always present and most likely represents a continuum of disease.
T1438 501293-501388 Epistemic_statement denotes Occasionally, lesions of EM may histologically resemble epitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma (CTCL).
T1439 501483-501597 Epistemic_statement denotes The history and the triad of cutaneous, hepatic, and intestinal signs should lead to the proper diagnosis of GVHD.
T1440 502075-502136 Epistemic_statement denotes SJS and TEN are likely triggered by an adverse drug reaction.
T1441 502137-502260 Epistemic_statement denotes EM minor in human is associated with herpes simplex infection, and the name has now changed to "herpesvirus-associated EM."
T1442 502261-502346 Epistemic_statement denotes Only rare cases of EM minor are due to adverse drug reactions ("drug-associated EM").
T1443 502469-502595 Epistemic_statement denotes Adverse drug reaction has been firmly entrenched in the literature; however, this association has come under intense scrutiny.
T1444 502698-502804 Epistemic_statement denotes Many cases are idiopathic, and old dogs are more likely to have idiopathic EM rather than drug-induced EM.
T1445 502966-503089 Epistemic_statement denotes Many of cases in earlier literature would be putative, at best, if strict criteria or drug provocation testing was applied.
T1446 503188-503281 Epistemic_statement denotes The study found that SJS/TEN in dogs was likely to be triggered by drugs, whereas EM was not.
T1447 503493-503638 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the diagnosis of EM/SJS/TEN requires histopathology, the diseases are separated by clinical features and not by microscopic differences.
T1448 503837-503991 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans, the specific type of clinical lesion is paramount to distinguishing the reactions: EM is raised and palpable, whereas SJS/TEN lesions are flat.
T1449 504082-504199 Epistemic_statement denotes SJS in humans may also be associated with infectious disease, with the most common agent being Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
T1450 504200-504281 Epistemic_statement denotes Interestingly, TEN has been associated with Mycoplasma bovis infection in calves.
T1451 504342-504545 Epistemic_statement denotes Unlike herpesvirusassociated EM in people, the lesions in dogs have parvoviral inclusions, indicating active virus replication and likely represent systemic viral infection with unusual skin involvement.
T1452 505467-505625 Epistemic_statement denotes Subtle cases of vasculitis may be characterized by edema, rare necrotic cells in the vicinity of vessels, and a mild interstitial mononuclear cell infiltrate.
T1453 505626-505737 Epistemic_statement denotes Microscopic evidence of vasculitis in the dog is often subtle and may lead to under-diagnosis of the condition.
T1454 506086-506263 Epistemic_statement denotes A preponderance of leukocytes in vessels walls rather than in the dermis suggests that vessels are the primary target of inflammation and not just serving to deliver leukocytes.
T1455 506359-506638 Epistemic_statement denotes Some generalizations regarding the pathogenesis of the vasculitis can be made from types of leukocytes present within vessel walls; however, the types of leukocytes present do not necessarily point to a particular etiology and may simply reflect the stage of the disease process.
T1456 507094-507237 Epistemic_statement denotes • Lymphocytic vasculitis may suggest a cell-mediated immune basis, such as rabies vaccine-induced cutaneous vasculitis and some drug eruptions.
T1457 507333-507588 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophils may be the predominant cells in some cases of equine vasculitis and in association with the markedly eosinophilic dermatitis seen in some arthropod bite lesions, mast cell tumors, or in lesions of the eosinophilic granuloma complex in the cat.
T1458 507589-507703 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophilic vasculitis has been documented in cases of drug reaction and in some dogs with food hypersensitivity.
T1459 507805-508029 Epistemic_statement denotes The mechanism is thought to be the result of haptenization of host proteins, direct drug toxicity against vessel walls, autoantibodies against endothelial cells, or possibly cell-mediated cytotoxic reactions against vessels.
T1460 508030-508209 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous vasculitis is seen most often in the dog and horse and is considered to be rare in cats, pigs, and cattle; ~50% of cases of vasculitis in dogs and horses are idiopathic.
T1461 508386-508490 Epistemic_statement denotes Ischemic necrosis may occur leading to eschar formation and sloughing of the skin or distal extremities.
T1462 508561-508699 Epistemic_statement denotes Ischemic atrophy of folliculosebaceous units may lead to areas of alopecia and scaling in long-standing lesions of more subtle vasculitis.
T1463 508853-508966 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are crusty, eroded or ulcerated, sharply demarcated, and may be associated with extensive edema and pain.
T1464 509268-509307 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may ulcerate, bleed, and crust.
T1465 509778-509902 Epistemic_statement denotes Pigs have concurrent pneumonia and pathogenesis studies indicate that porcine circovirus 2 is associated with the condition.
T1466 509903-510106 Epistemic_statement denotes Direct immunofluorescence testing or immunohistochemistry may demonstrate immunoglobulin and/or complement in vessel walls and occasionally at the basement membrane zone in suspected cases of vasculitis.
T1467 510107-510163 Epistemic_statement denotes Positive tests are most likely in lesions <24 hours old.
T1468 510192-510347 Epistemic_statement denotes Adverse drug reactions, infection, familial vasculopathies, cryopathies, and systemic autoimmune diseases, such as SLE, should be ruled as possible causes.
T1469 510348-510401 Epistemic_statement denotes In many cases, a specific cause cannot be determined.
T1470 510541-510681 Epistemic_statement denotes Although any breed can be affected, the disorder typically affects small-breed dogs such as Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, and Silky Terriers.
T1471 510682-510852 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis remains unknown, but formation of antigen-antibody complexes that become lodged in vessel walls (a type III hypersensitivity response) has been proposed.
T1472 510963-511083 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause is unknown but presumed to be immunologically mediated as lesions are temporally related to vaccination dates.
T1473 511119-511239 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition may also be related to an underlying collagen disorder, as musculoskeletal abnormalities are also present.
T1474 511250-511453 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions were limited to the nasal epithelium and mucosa and were characterized by leukocytoclastic vasculitis and pyogranulomatous inflammation, leading to ulceration and destruction of the nasal planum.
T1475 512018-512242 Epistemic_statement denotes • Equine purpura hemorrhagica is an acute, usually streptococcal infection (strangles)-associated, leukocytoclastic vasculitis characterized clinically by urticaria and extensive edema of the distal limbs, ventrum, and head.
T1476 512243-512299 Epistemic_statement denotes These swellings may progress to exudation and sloughing.
T1477 512300-512533 Epistemic_statement denotes • Pastern leukocytoclastic vasculitis is a syndrome unique to the horse that affects the unpigmented, sun-exposed skin of distal extremities and sometimes muzzle; hence ultraviolet radiation is thought to play a role in pathogenesis.
T1478 512653-512713 Epistemic_statement denotes Interestingly, a single limb may be affected, although other
T1479 512714-512885 Epistemic_statement denotes There are 2 clinical presentations: a localized form where the lesion arises at the site of vaccination and a generalized form that mimics canine familial dermatomyositis.
T1480 513672-513836 Epistemic_statement denotes A cell-poor interface dermatitis with vacuolar change in the basal epithelial layer and pigmentary incontinence and mural folliculitis may be present in some cases.
T1481 513978-514171 Epistemic_statement denotes At the site of vaccination, the subcutis contains lymphocytic panniculitis, and some cases may have blue-grey material (vaccine product) extracellularly and within the cytoplasm of macrophages.
T1482 514503-514665 Epistemic_statement denotes A low-grade immune-mediated vasculitis with resultant tissue anoxia, leading to the atrophic changes in the overlying skin has been suggested as the pathogenesis.
T1483 514666-514705 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may remain for months to years.
T1484 515020-515133 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the cause of the disorder is unknown, a cell-mediated hypersensitivity to melanin has been hypothesized.
T1485 515192-515253 Epistemic_statement denotes This is a rare disorder of cats of all breeds, ages, and sex.
T1486 515254-515420 Epistemic_statement denotes A possible link to feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) has been suggested, and one study demonstrated 50% of plasma cell pododermatitis cases tested positive for FIV.
T1487 515421-515654 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the pathogenesis is unknown, an immune-mediated basis is suggested by the tissue plasmacytosis, hypergammaglobulinemia, and beneficial response to immunosuppressive and immunomodulating drugs (e.g., doxycycline monohydrate).
T1488 515655-515782 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, occasional cats have other abnormalities, such as renal amyloidosis, plasmacytic stomatitis, positive antinuclear
T1489 515783-515814 Epistemic_statement denotes Further reading Nichols PR, et
T1490 515815-516001 Epistemic_statement denotes Alopecia areata (AA) is a nonscarring, presumably autoimmune, alopecic inflammatory disorder directed against hair follicles in humans, nonhuman primates, dogs, cats, horses, and cattle.
T1491 516002-516082 Epistemic_statement denotes Alopecia areata may be focal, multifocal, or generalized (alopecia universalis).
T1492 516156-516208 Epistemic_statement denotes Some horses may have hair loss on the mane and tail.
T1493 516209-516355 Epistemic_statement denotes Areas of alopecia are usually hyperpigmented and may exhibit sparse short and dystrophic hairs Leukotrichia may be seen in some animals initially.
T1494 516356-516395 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be bilaterally symmetrical.
T1495 517086-517165 Epistemic_statement denotes Telogen follicles are unaffected, and dystrophic hair follicles may be present.
T1496 517166-517337 Epistemic_statement denotes Demonstration of the lymphocytic peribulbitis may be difficult and require examination of multiple sections from different levels of the paraffin-embedded biopsy specimen.
T1497 517338-517409 Epistemic_statement denotes Immunostaining to detect CD3+ lymphocytes may be helpful in some cases.
T1498 517486-517692 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic findings in chronic, clinically static lesions are nondiagnostic, revealing a predominance of telogen hair follicles and follicular atrophy that may be misdiagnosed as an endocrine skin disorder.
T1499 517693-517821 Epistemic_statement denotes Immunologic studies in dogs and horses have indicated that the intrabulbar lymphocytes are primarily cytotoxic CD8+ lymphocytes.
T1500 518332-518600 Epistemic_statement denotes PCR testing of tissue digests has been performed to assess for infectious agents, and particularly those that may respond to the antimicrobial properties of doxycycline (e.g., Bartonella spp., Ehrlichia spp., Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Chlamydophila, Mycoplasma spp.).
T1501 518921-519071 Epistemic_statement denotes Footpad surfaces are crosshatched with white scaly striae but may become ulcerated or develop fleshy granulomatous proliferations that may hemorrhage.
T1502 519123-519180 Epistemic_statement denotes Some cases spontaneously resolve or may recur seasonally.
T1503 519360-519391 Epistemic_statement denotes Russell bodies can be numerous.
T1504 519392-519435 Epistemic_statement denotes Leukocytoclastic vasculitis is rarely seen.
T1505 519765-519860 Epistemic_statement denotes Primary cutaneous amyloidosis is thought to share a common pathway with other amyloid diseases.
T1506 519951-520013 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous amyloidosis occurs rarely in horses, dogs, and cats.
T1507 520014-520217 Epistemic_statement denotes The cutaneous lesion in dogs has been associated with monoclonal gammopathy, dermatomyositis, and is seen occasionally in the stroma of plasmacytomas of skin and oral cavity (see Cutaneous plasmacytoma).
T1508 520534-520598 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be a familial tendency in Abyssinian and Siamese cats.
T1509 520599-520715 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous amyloidosis is usually associated with chronic inflammation, neoplasia, and accumulations of plasma cells.
T1510 520716-520769 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of amyloidosis in horses is unclear.
T1511 521090-521130 Epistemic_statement denotes The initial lesions may be urticarial in
T1512 521131-521219 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions occur in the course of a number of viral diseases in domestic animals.
T1513 521220-521441 Epistemic_statement denotes Viruses may induce skin lesions upon local infection, but the intact integument is resistant to viral penetration; injection via an arthropod bite or introduction through a cutaneous wound is a prerequisite for infection.
T1514 521442-521642 Epistemic_statement denotes Examples of local viral infection include papillomas induced by the papillomaviruses, bovine mammillitis induced by a herpesvirus, and the so-called milker's nodule in humans caused by a parapoxvirus.
T1515 521889-522064 Epistemic_statement denotes Pantropic viruses, such as canine distemper virus and classical swine fever virus, may cause cutaneous lesions; but most viruses causing cutaneous lesions are epitheliotropic.
T1516 522177-522327 Epistemic_statement denotes Others, including the viruses associated with the mucosal diseases, cause primary lesions in the alimentary tract with lesser involvement of the skin.
T1517 522328-522484 Epistemic_statement denotes A "rash," comprising erythematous macules caused by longlasting dilation of dermal blood vessels, is often associated with systemic viral disease in humans.
T1518 522485-522557 Epistemic_statement denotes Such lesions are uncommon in animals, but may be hidden by the haircoat.
T1519 522748-523001 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, a condition known as dermatitis/nephropathy syndrome of pigs, seen clinically as erythematous macules, papules, and plaques, caused by cutaneous and systemic necrotizing vasculitis, is associated with porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) infection.
T1520 523542-523622 Epistemic_statement denotes Systemic viral diseases with cutaneous manifestations are rare in dogs and cats.
T1521 523623-523747 Epistemic_statement denotes Canine distemper virus is associated with nasodigital hyperkeratosis, so-called "hard pad" disease, and pustular dermatitis.
T1522 523748-523835 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, rare occurrences of cutaneous disease occur with feline calicivirus infection.
T1523 523836-523992 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions caused by felid herpesvirus 1 can occur in the absence of respiratory disease, a presumed recrudescence of a latent herpesvirus infection.
T1524 524106-524300 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the development of monoclonal antibodies to specific viruses for use with immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques is increasingly being used for specific and rapid diagnosis.
T1525 524301-524397 Epistemic_statement denotes PCR testing can be used to detect virus-encoded DNA and RNA and identify many different viruses.
T1526 524398-524532 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, viral genome DNA sequencing has led to the detection and understanding of the relationships among many different viruses.
T1527 524533-524634 Epistemic_statement denotes dogs and horses, AA frequently reverses spontaneously; however, sometimes the hair regrowth is white.
T1528 524887-525138 Epistemic_statement denotes The distinguishing feature of AA is the fact that the hair bulb and inferior segment of anagen hairs are the primary targets of inflammation rather than the infundibulum or the isthmus, although the isthmus has been reported to be affected in a horse.
T1529 525490-525678 Epistemic_statement denotes Proliferative changes may be explained by a gene, present in several poxviruses, including Molluscum contagiosum virus, whose product has significant homology with epidermal growth factor.
T1530 525679-525750 Epistemic_statement denotes Poxviruses also encode for functions that may counteract host defenses.
T1531 526530-526612 Epistemic_statement denotes This crust may become very thick, as in lesions of contagious pustular dermatitis.
T1532 527411-527499 Epistemic_statement denotes Large intraepidermal pustules may form and sometimes extend into the superficial dermis.
T1533 528184-528323 Epistemic_statement denotes Diagnosis of poxvirus infections is usually based on typical clinical appearance and may be supported by characteristic histologic lesions.
T1534 528909-529048 Epistemic_statement denotes The most significant feature of the gross lesion is the layer of thick brown-gray crust that may be elevated 2-4 mm above the skin surface.
T1535 529230-529331 Epistemic_statement denotes A severe persistent and generalized form of the disease has been described in Boer goats and crosses.
T1536 529471-529527 Epistemic_statement denotes A genetic defect or immune deficiency has been proposed.
T1537 530050-530262 Epistemic_statement denotes Contagious pustular dermatitis is a highly contagious zoonotic poxviral disease of sheep and goats, with incidental infections occurring in humans, camelids, cattle, and many wild ruminants, and very rarely dogs.
T1538 530263-530324 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs may acquire infection by eating infected lamb carcasses.
T1539 530325-530465 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease is caused by species Orf virus (ORFV), a Parapoxvirus closely related to Pseudocowpox virus and Bovine papular stomatitis virus.
T1540 530690-530912 Epistemic_statement denotes The virus can repeatedly infect sheep and goats, and although live-virus vaccines control the disease and decrease the severity of the disease, they also ensure its continuance by perpetuating infection in the environment.
T1541 531064-531280 Epistemic_statement denotes Morbidity in a susceptible population may reach 90%, but mortality rarely exceeds 1% unless secondary infection intervenes, or unless the animals are immunosuppressed or stressed, in which case mortality can be high.
T1542 531496-531658 Epistemic_statement denotes Cellulitis may complicate pedal lesions, mastitis may complicate mammary lesions, and necrotizing stomatitis and aspiration pneumonia may complicate oral lesions.
T1543 531778-531901 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection is established through cutaneous abrasions, particularly those associated with dry and prickly pasture or forage.
T1544 531902-531975 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinically affected lambs may transmit the virus to the udder of the ewe.
T1545 532097-532238 Epistemic_statement denotes Chronically infected, reinfected, or possibly, latently infected carrier animals may allow the virus to persist in a flock for several years.
T1546 532599-532674 Epistemic_statement denotes Via the CD95 pathway, ORFV can induce apoptosis of antigenpresenting cells.
T1547 532958-533042 Epistemic_statement denotes In severe cases, lesions may develop on the gingiva, dental pad, palate, and tongue.
T1548 533229-533383 Epistemic_statement denotes Very rarely, lesions extend to the esophagus, rumen, and omasum in the lower alimentary canal, causing ulcerative gastroenteritis, and in lungs and heart.
T1549 533514-533600 Epistemic_statement denotes They may extend, in severe cases, to the knee or hock on the caudal aspect of the leg.
T1550 533679-533702 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may develop in
T1551 533703-533789 Epistemic_statement denotes A ring tends to form around the preputial orifice, but the preputial mucosa is spared.
T1552 533831-533872 Epistemic_statement denotes The urethral process may become necrotic.
T1553 534090-534298 Epistemic_statement denotes Detailed descriptions of the histopathology of ulcerative dermatitis are lacking; the lesions are supposedly distinguishable from those of contagious pustular dermatitis by the lack of epithelial hyperplasia.
T1554 534387-534465 Epistemic_statement denotes The virus is closely related to Bovine papular stomatitis virus and Orf virus.
T1555 534890-534993 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions typically affect the teats and udder and occasionally the perineum, medial thighs, and scrotum.
T1556 535134-535273 Epistemic_statement denotes Instead, a characteristic ring or horseshoe-shaped crust forms that may become umbilicated as it expands, but infrequently ulcerates ( Fig.
T1557 535401-535572 Epistemic_statement denotes Occasionally, lesions develop in the mouth and on the muzzle of suckling calves, and the infection can be spread by crosssuckling as well as poor hygiene in milking sheds.
T1558 535876-536113 Epistemic_statement denotes Species Bovine papular stomatitis virus is distributed worldwide, and although it causes disease more commonly in cattle <1 year of age, it can occur proliferative keratinocyte population, growing up under the superficial necrotic layer.
T1559 536221-536388 Epistemic_statement denotes It is accompanied by cytoplasmic basophilia, which corresponds ultrastructurally to an increased number of polyribosomes, presumably active in viral protein synthesis.
T1560 536768-536845 Epistemic_statement denotes At this time, intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies appear (see Fig.
T1561 537194-537440 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermal lesions include superficial edema, marked capillary dilation, and an early influx of neutrophils, followed by a marked accumulation of major histocompatibility complex class II dendritic cells, with CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and B cells.
T1562 537988-538282 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease has been reported in South Africa, where it is known as "pisgoed" or "pisgras"; in the United Kingdom as a contagious venereal infection; and in the United States, where it is known as "lip and leg ulceration," "anovulvitis," "infectious balanoposthitis," and "ulcerative vulvitis."
T1563 538509-538576 Epistemic_statement denotes Presumably, infection results from viral contact with damaged skin.
T1564 539304-539385 Epistemic_statement denotes Human cowpox infection is rare, and most have been associated with infected cats.
T1565 539458-539545 Epistemic_statement denotes Transmission is probably through rodent bites or feeding on rodents carrying the virus.
T1566 539658-539741 Epistemic_statement denotes A secondary bacterial infection may develop, resulting in an abscess or cellulitis.
T1567 539742-539869 Epistemic_statement denotes A viremic period occurs 1-3 weeks following the initial infection, and affected cats may be febrile, inappetent, and depressed.
T1568 540045-540130 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are rarely vesicular except on the oral mucosa and inner aspect of the pinna.
T1569 540186-540260 Epistemic_statement denotes Mucocutaneous junctions, oral mucosa, and the tongue may also be involved.
T1570 540261-540330 Epistemic_statement denotes Most cats recover within 4-5 weeks, and permanent scarring can occur.
T1571 540331-540398 Epistemic_statement denotes However, some cats develop more severe and sometimes fatal disease.
T1572 540399-540492 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, domestic cats can develop a fatal necrotizing pneumonia without typical skin lesions.
T1573 540625-540876 Epistemic_statement denotes More severe disease is rare in domestic cats and is often associated with severe secondary bacterial infection or immune suppression caused by concurrent infection with feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, at any age and in any breed.
T1574 540953-541059 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions occur on the muzzle, nostrils, lips, and mouth, although they can become more widespread (see Vol.
T1575 541060-541163 Epistemic_statement denotes 2, Alimentary system and peritoneum), and cows with suckling calves can develop teat and udder lesions.
T1576 541164-541315 Epistemic_statement denotes The appearance of initial lesions is similar to pseudocowpox; however, lesions may become papillomatous or undergo central necrosis and become crusted.
T1577 541582-541707 Epistemic_statement denotes A necrotic dermatitis of the tail of feedlot cattle ("rat-tail syndrome") has been associated with bovine papular stomatitis.
T1578 542600-542753 Epistemic_statement denotes Like some of the other members of genus Parapoxvirus, viral VEGF is thought to contribute to the proliferative and highly vascular nature of the lesions.
T1579 543616-543657 Epistemic_statement denotes The origin of the virus is controversial.
T1580 543658-543912 Epistemic_statement denotes One theory is that it represents the laboratory survival of horsepoxvirus, which is now considered extinct in nature, and that horse-derived material was the source of vaccine material used by Edward Jenner in 1817 to protect against variola or smallpox.
T1581 543913-544003 Epistemic_statement denotes It may have arisen from buffalopox virus, which is antigenically almost identical to VACV.
T1582 544004-544205 Epistemic_statement denotes Another theory is that VACV was derived from cowpox virus by repeated passage on the skin of cows, sheep, and other animals, and that "horsepox" was caused by the infection of horses with cowpox virus.
T1583 544745-544937 Epistemic_statement denotes Although most clinical descriptions of VACV are associated with vaccination, over the past decade, a number of outbreaks of VACV affecting dairy cattle and humans in Brazil have been reported.
T1584 545274-545407 Epistemic_statement denotes Orthopoxvirus closely related to Vaccinia virus, is the cause of buffalopox, an economically important disease of domestic buffaloes.
T1585 545408-545519 Epistemic_statement denotes It is thought that buffalopox virus is a subspecies of Vaccinia virus resident in the water buffalo population.
T1586 545637-545762 Epistemic_statement denotes In India, it is considered to be an emerging enzootic virus and can occur in epidemic form, with significant economic impact.
T1587 545815-545893 Epistemic_statement denotes Pox lesions predominantly affect the teats and udder and can lead to mastitis.
T1588 545894-546016 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions can also occur on the medial aspects of the thighs, lips, and muzzle and may be generalized, especially in calves.
T1589 546228-546315 Epistemic_statement denotes Experimentally, the virus can be transmitted to cattle, rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice.
T1590 546466-546634 Epistemic_statement denotes Lower respiratory tract lesions, which are rare in domestic cats, include pleural effusion and localized areas of cream-colored consolidation in the ventral lung lobes.
T1591 546635-546731 Epistemic_statement denotes They are thought to develop from systemic spread rather than from primary respiratory infection.
T1592 546856-546923 Epistemic_statement denotes The ulcers may extend to the deep dermis, subcutis, or even muscle.
T1593 546924-547054 Epistemic_statement denotes An intense dermal inflammatory cell infiltrate of neutrophils and mononuclear cells may be associated with the base of the ulcers.
T1594 547708-547806 Epistemic_statement denotes The extensive necrosis is probably ischemic in origin following viral damage to endothelial cells.
T1595 548008-548116 Epistemic_statement denotes Cowpox virus infection may be confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of lesions, PCR, or virus isolation.
T1596 548117-548248 Epistemic_statement denotes Serologic tests may be helpful in establishing retrospective diagnoses, as virus neutralizing antibodies persist for several years.
T1597 548560-548595 Epistemic_statement denotes The cutaneous form is rarely fatal.
T1598 549293-549436 Epistemic_statement denotes Following the development of the buccal eruptions, crops of pocks may appear in the rostral nares, on the face, and on other parts of the body.
T1599 549437-549522 Epistemic_statement denotes It is a benign infection, sometimes seriously complicated by bacterial contamination.
T1600 549523-549607 Epistemic_statement denotes Equine papular dermatitis or viral papular dermatitis, may be a variant of horsepox.
T1601 549608-549720 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been described as a highly contagious disease of horses in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.
T1602 550104-550132 Epistemic_statement denotes Resolution may take 6 weeks.
T1603 550274-550431 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic lesions resembled those of other orthopoxviruses and pox virions were noted with electron microscopy, but the virus was not further characterized.
T1604 550782-550851 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions eventually resolve, but the disease may continue for 2 years.
T1605 550939-551156 Epistemic_statement denotes monly reported in humans, with a few reports in the veterinary literature that include predominantly horses, with rare reports of macropods (kangaroos and quokkas), chimpanzees, donkeys, and anecdotal reports in dogs.
T1606 551157-551262 Epistemic_statement denotes In situ hybridization experiments indicate there is very close homology between the equine and human MCV.
T1607 551263-551352 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been suggested that the disease may actually be transmitted from humans to horses.
T1608 551353-551601 Epistemic_statement denotes Attempts to grow both the human and equine MCV in culture have failed, and this can help differentiate the virus from the orthopoxvirus of Uasin Gishu, which produces histologically and clinically similar lesions, but which can be grown in culture.
T1609 551602-551651 Epistemic_statement denotes Molluscipoxvirus can also be identified with PCR.
T1610 551652-551749 Epistemic_statement denotes Molluscum contagiosum virus can be found worldwide, with a higher distribution in tropical areas.
T1611 551750-552041 Epistemic_statement denotes In horses, it is a benign cutaneous infection characterized clinically by multiple, slightly raised, smooth to slightly roughened, white and shiny, 2-8 mm papules that may occur anywhere on the body but seem to occur more frequently on the neck, chest, shoulders, limbs, and inguinal region.
T1612 552042-552150 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may remain localized to one body region, such as the muzzle, prepuce, or scrotum, Essbauer S, et al.
T1613 552172-552205 Epistemic_statement denotes Vet Microbiol 2010; 140: 229-236.
T1614 552206-552400 Epistemic_statement denotes in Russia and later India, the disease is known to occur throughout the camel breeding areas of Northern Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, but has not been reported in wild camels in Australia.
T1615 552836-552883 Epistemic_statement denotes In severe cases, the whole head may be swollen.
T1616 552884-552928 Epistemic_statement denotes Intense pruritus may be seen in acute cases.
T1617 552929-553020 Epistemic_statement denotes Later, skin lesions may extend to the neck, limbs, genitalia, mammary glands, and perineum.
T1618 553078-553118 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin lesions may take 4-6 weeks to heal.
T1619 553119-553241 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, the infection can become systemic and involve the mucous membranes of the mouth, respiratory, and digestive tract.
T1620 553242-553382 Epistemic_statement denotes Fatalities are usually associated with secondary bacterial infection leading to septicemia, a phenomenon more prevalent in the rainy season.
T1621 553383-553594 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions can be identical to parapox (camel contagious ecthyma), and laboratory tests such as ELISA, PCR, and immunohistochemistry, as well as electron microscopy, can be used to differentiate the infections.
T1622 553868-553915 Epistemic_statement denotes It is rare today, and some consider it extinct.
T1623 553916-554149 Epistemic_statement denotes It is thought that Jenner, in his "cowpox" vaccination experiments to protect humans from smallpox, was actually using horse-derived material as a source of the vaccine, and that Vaccinia virus may be the long-lost agent of horsepox.
T1624 554327-554450 Epistemic_statement denotes Although there is a close genetic relationship between HSPV and known VACV-like viruses, HSPV is considered a unique virus.
T1625 554714-554869 Epistemic_statement denotes Unfortunately, poxvirus infection is only one manifestation of this clinical entity, sparking considerable controversy as to the true nature of equine pox.
T1626 555417-555616 Epistemic_statement denotes Most strains of Capripoxvirus show definite host preferences; however, some isolates can infect both species, and the disease caused by the same isolate can vary dramatically between sheep and goats.
T1627 555743-555928 Epistemic_statement denotes PCR methods of identification of capripoxvirus have been developed so that classic virology methods based on live virus need not be used in areas of the world where the virus is exotic.
T1628 555930-556087 Epistemic_statement denotes East where, despite attempts at vaccination, it is responsible for cycles of epidemic disease, followed by periods of endemic maintenance with low morbidity.
T1629 556679-556803 Epistemic_statement denotes Species Sheeppox virus is resistant to desiccation and remains viable for up to 2 months on wool or 6 months in dried crust.
T1630 557166-557297 Epistemic_statement denotes A high level of background immunity, such as occurs in endemic areas of Kenya, is associated with low mortality, even in the young.
T1631 557330-557413 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection is usually by the respiratory route but may occur through skin abrasions.
T1632 558083-558178 Epistemic_statement denotes The vesicles are umbilicated and, being or they may become widespread with hundreds of lesions.
T1633 558179-558319 Epistemic_statement denotes As the lesions enlarge, papules become umbilicated and may bleed or have a central white to brown crust or horn projecting from the surface.
T1634 558320-558378 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may remain for months to years without regression.
T1635 559473-559541 Epistemic_statement denotes The exact relationship between these viruses has been controversial.
T1636 559542-559603 Epistemic_statement denotes It is believed that they represent strains of a single virus.
T1637 559604-559719 Epistemic_statement denotes The evidence includes antigenic and biochemical similarity, a high degree of nucleotide sequence homology, lack of
T1638 559720-559949 Epistemic_statement denotes Further reading Lange L, et There are, in addition, marked dermal lesions reflecting the systemic route of cutaneous involvement and possibly implicating immune-mediated lesions in addition to those caused by direct viral damage.
T1639 560595-560744 Epistemic_statement denotes Sheep experimentally infected with capripoxvirus may develop large spindle-shaped syncytial cells with intracytoplasmic inclusions within the dermis.
T1640 560952-561074 Epistemic_statement denotes Virus particles have not been identified in endothelial cells, and the vasculitis may be due to immune-complex deposition.
T1641 561312-561462 Epistemic_statement denotes Additional histologic lesions, characterized by the accumulation of sheeppox cells, may involve heart, kidney, liver, adrenals, thyroid, and pancreas.
T1642 561612-561695 Epistemic_statement denotes The virus itself may cause death during the febrile, eruptive phase of the disease.
T1643 561696-561822 Epistemic_statement denotes Of great importance, however, are the secondary bacterial infections that rapidly develop in the necrotic tissue of the pocks.
T1644 562099-562279 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease has many parallels with sheeppox, but is generally milder with a low mortality rate (5%), although generalized eruption with mortality rates approaching 100% may occur.
T1645 562358-562432 Epistemic_statement denotes In nursing kids, lesions may appear on the buccal mucosa or rostral nares.
T1646 562433-562583 Epistemic_statement denotes In animals with higher levels of resistance, the lesions may be confined to the udder, teats, inner aspects of thighs, or ventral surface of the tail.
T1647 562684-562765 Epistemic_statement denotes Healing of the skin lesions is slow, taking up to 6 weeks, and a scar may remain.
T1648 563527-563611 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis shows the typical vacuolar changes associated with poxvirus infection.
T1649 564155-564266 Epistemic_statement denotes Inclusion bodies are absent from the resolving lesions but may be present in adjacent skin or sebaceous glands.
T1650 564989-565099 Epistemic_statement denotes Cattle of all ages, sex and breeds are affected, although the disease is more severe in Channel Island breeds.
T1651 565100-565211 Epistemic_statement denotes Both Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle are susceptible; however, the disease can be less severe in Zebu breeds.
T1652 565212-565293 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease occurs in epidemics; a notable one in 1944 affected 8 million cattle.
T1653 565294-565363 Epistemic_statement denotes Transmission is believed to occur mainly by blood-feeding arthropods.
T1654 565472-565606 Epistemic_statement denotes A forest maintenance cycle, probably involving Cape buffalo, is thought to be the reservoir of infection in the interepidemic periods.
T1655 565607-565663 Epistemic_statement denotes No reservoir host apart from cattle has been identified.
T1656 565737-565789 Epistemic_statement denotes Mortality is usually low; around 1% but may be >50%.
T1657 565983-566098 Epistemic_statement denotes The natural incubation period of lumpy skin disease is 2-4 weeks, but this may be halved in experimental infection.
T1658 566335-566413 Epistemic_statement denotes In the mild disease, there may be few isolated nodules and no prodromal fever.
T1659 566518-566536 Epistemic_statement denotes They may coalesce.
T1660 566913-567135 Epistemic_statement denotes Typically, they undergo central necrosis and sequestration, but some may resolve rapidly and completely, and others may fail to separate but, instead, become indurated and persist as hard intradermal lumps for many months.
T1661 567510-567609 Epistemic_statement denotes When the sequestrum is removed, a deep ulcer remains that is slowly filled with granulation tissue.
T1662 568093-568195 Epistemic_statement denotes Those in the respiratory tract may cause swelling sufficient to result in severe dyspnea and asphyxia.
T1663 568196-568323 Epistemic_statement denotes Aspiration may lead to pneumonia or, if the animal recovers, scarring may cause stenosis of the cranial portion of the trachea.
T1664 569539-569665 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin lesions associated with Felid herpesvirus 1 infection are also recognized, usually in the absence of respiratory lesions.
T1665 570762-570883 Epistemic_statement denotes The natural mode of transmission is not clear but is thought to be spread by inoculation into the dermis by biting flies.
T1666 571099-571174 Epistemic_statement denotes Serologic surveys indicate that infection is much more common than disease.
T1667 571175-571327 Epistemic_statement denotes In Africa, Asia, and Hungary, several species of wild animals have antibody titers or PCR detection of the virus, although clinical disease is not seen.
T1668 571596-571699 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease has received relatively little attention as it is usually mild and mortality is negligible.
T1669 571700-571834 Epistemic_statement denotes It chiefly affects young, growing piglets but occurs in neonates, promoting speculation that transplacental infection may be possible.
T1670 572072-572185 Epistemic_statement denotes The gross lesions typically affect the ventral and lateral abdomen, lateral thorax, and medial foreleg and thigh.
T1671 572249-572383 Epistemic_statement denotes In severe infection, lesions may be generalized and rarely involve the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, trachea, and bronchi.
T1672 573270-573366 Epistemic_statement denotes A rapid provisional diagnosis may be made by examining clinical material by electron microscopy.
T1673 573944-574015 Epistemic_statement denotes Goats will only develop skin lesions following intravenous inoculation.
T1674 574017-574163 Epistemic_statement denotes A strain of species Bovine herpesvirus 4 (BoHV-4) can cause udder lesions on dairy cows (mammary pustular dermatitis); the teats are not involved.
T1675 574359-574670 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiologic association between BoHV-4 and the cutaneous disease is controversial, however, because the virus is a ubiquitous herpesvirus of cattle that can produce no disease when experimentally inoculated into susceptible cattle and can be isolated from cell cultures prepared from clinically normal cattle.
T1676 574671-574760 Epistemic_statement denotes Although not a primary mastitis pathogen, BoHV-4 may prolong cases of bacterial mastitis.
T1677 575023-575196 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions include papules, vesicles, or pustules that may enlarge to plaques and bullae on the penis, prepuce, and scrotum of stallions, and on the vagina, vulva, and perineum
T1678 575197-575318 Epistemic_statement denotes Herpes mammillitis is chiefly a disease of lactating dairy cows but occurs in heifers about to calve and in beef animals.
T1679 575690-575803 Epistemic_statement denotes Intact teat skin is refractory to virus penetration, indicating that some form of teat trauma precedes infection.
T1680 575981-576090 Epistemic_statement denotes In the latter instance, it is difficult to explain the localization of lesions to the teat and mammary gland.
T1681 576091-576260 Epistemic_statement denotes Local tissue temperature has, however, been shown to be critical in the pathogenesis, and environmental conditions have been associated with the occurrence of outbreaks.
T1682 576404-576525 Epistemic_statement denotes The increased prevalence of disease in the autumn months may also be related to the temperature sensitivity of the virus.
T1683 576526-576646 Epistemic_statement denotes The source of infection within a herd is not known, but latency, a characteristic of herpesviruses, is likely important.
T1684 576830-576967 Epistemic_statement denotes Transmission of infection to nursing calves may result in ulcerative lesions of the muzzle, chin, lips, and occasionally the oral cavity.
T1685 577110-577128 Epistemic_statement denotes Vesicles are rare.
T1686 577954-577998 Epistemic_statement denotes Thereafter, they are very difficult to find.
T1687 578259-578385 Epistemic_statement denotes By day 5, after macroscopic lesions develop, the epidermis is necrotic, although the outlines of syncytial cells are apparent.
T1688 579161-579229 Epistemic_statement denotes However, primary viral infection of keratinocytes has been reported.
T1689 579324-579402 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may also occur on the muzzles of foals in contact with infected mares.
T1690 579403-579487 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions heal over 2-5 weeks, and depigmentation may occur where lesions have healed.
T1691 580711-580884 Epistemic_statement denotes It can also be associated with focal ulcerative lesions, primarily on the haired skin of the face or on the nasal planum, with rare reports of lesions on the feet and trunk.
T1692 580959-581051 Epistemic_statement denotes In common with other herpesviruses, FeHV-1 can establish latency in the trigeminal ganglion.
T1693 581052-581198 Epistemic_statement denotes As affected cats often have a history of previous respiratory disease or recent stress, recrudescence of a latent herpesvirus infection is likely.
T1694 581199-581346 Epistemic_statement denotes The macroscopic lesions consist of crusts, ulcers, and vesicles, frequently on the face or nasal planum, which can be persistent or recurrent (Fig.
T1695 581494-581580 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be foci of degranulating eosinophils around collagen fibers (flame figures).
T1696 582374-582540 Epistemic_statement denotes The most common clinical signs associated with infection are oral vesicles, ulcers, depression, pyrexia, sneezing, and conjunctivitis with ocular and nasal discharge.
T1697 582735-582915 Epistemic_statement denotes Virulent systemic calicivirus has been associated with facial and paw edema and with ulcers and crusting of the skin of the nose, lips, pinnae, periocular region, and distal limbs.
T1698 582969-583187 Epistemic_statement denotes Papillomaviruses are associated with a variety of proliferative skin lesions, typically benign epithelial neoplasms, although they have also been shown to be associated with proliferative cutaneous plaques and papules.
T1699 583188-583393 Epistemic_statement denotes Although these lesions are almost always benign and often self-limiting, there is evidence that, in some cases, both in humans and animals, the virus can be a factor in the development of malignant tumors.
T1700 583814-583954 Epistemic_statement denotes Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), caused by a mutated feline coronavirus, is a systemic viral disease with rare cutaneous manifestations.
T1701 584506-584591 Epistemic_statement denotes occasional involvement of trunk and extremities is seen rarely in FeLV-infected cats.
T1702 585101-585366 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermatologic diseases associated with naturally occurring chronic FIV infection include generalized demodectic mange, notoedric mange, dermatophytosis, Malassezia dermatitis, cowpoxvirus infections, bowenoid in situ lesions, atypical mycobacteriosis, and abscesses.
T1703 585499-585717 Epistemic_statement denotes Because the virus is shed in high titer in the saliva, and bite wounds are thought to be an important mode of transmission, this finding may simply reflect a greater tendency for cats that fight to become FIV positive.
T1704 585718-585813 Epistemic_statement denotes Many of the associations made between retroviral infection and specific diseases are anecdotal.
T1705 586117-586241 Epistemic_statement denotes Degenerative mucinotic mural folliculitis is described rarely in cats infected with FIV (see Miscellaneous skin conditions).
T1706 586242-586255 Epistemic_statement denotes Gross TL, et
T1707 586256-586484 Epistemic_statement denotes More typically associated with reproductive problems, species Porcine parvovirus (PPV) has been implicated in outbreaks of vesicular and ulcerative dermatitis and glossitis in 1-4 weekold piglets in the midwestern United States.
T1708 586795-586828 Epistemic_statement denotes Intact vesicles were seen rarely.
T1709 587378-587472 Epistemic_statement denotes It is likely that the severe clinical disease results from dual bacterial and viral infection.
T1710 588021-588192 Epistemic_statement denotes It is also frequently isolated from canine ear and wound infections and can be a complicating factor in immunomodulatory-responsive lymphocytic-plasmacytic pododermatitis.
T1711 588193-588264 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of S. pseudintermedius infection is poorly understood.
T1712 588777-588817 Epistemic_statement denotes It has also been shown to form biofilms.
T1713 588818-588984 Epistemic_statement denotes A major rapidly emerging problem with this organism has been multidrug resistance generally characterized by methicillin resistance and the presence of the mecA gene.
T1714 589326-589451 Epistemic_statement denotes S. hyicus causes exudative epidermitis in piglets and has been associated with superficial pyoderma in several other species.
T1715 589578-589687 Epistemic_statement denotes Many gram-negative bacteria are opportunistic pathogens that can invade already diseased or compromised skin.
T1716 589688-589799 Epistemic_statement denotes Organisms that are typically associated with infections of other organ systems occasionally cause skin disease.
T1717 589941-590157 Epistemic_statement denotes Although bacterial infections are typically associated with neutrophilic inflammation, certain bacteria, such as mycobacteria, Actinomyces, and Nocardia, typically produce pyogranulomatous dermatitis or panniculitis.
T1718 591260-591388 Epistemic_statement denotes They inhibit colonization of invading organisms by competition for limited nutrients and production of antibacterial substances.
T1719 591597-591716 Epistemic_statement denotes The normal skin flora is established shortly after birth, and it is difficult subsequently to introduce other bacteria.
T1720 591908-591968 Epistemic_statement denotes are most numerous and are probably residents of canine skin.
T1721 592264-592388 Epistemic_statement denotes It is thought to be part of the resident biota of these regions, and these sites can be spread to other regions of the body.
T1722 592530-592752 Epistemic_statement denotes In all species, skin surface humidity and temperature are important factors in determining the composition and density of skin microflora, with hot humid conditions being associated with increased numbers of skin bacteria.
T1723 593064-593135 Epistemic_statement denotes Primary pyodermas are those for which no underlying cause can be found.
T1724 593136-593278 Epistemic_statement denotes However, it is now thought that the vast majority of pyodermas are secondary to underlying cutaneous, endocrine, or immunologic abnormalities.
T1725 593279-593546 Epistemic_statement denotes Localized disruption of normal host defenses may be produced by maceration, biting ectoparasites, scratching, abrasions and other skin wounds, or introduction of foreign bodies, such as plant thorns or awns; such disruption promotes development of clinical infection.
T1726 593547-593670 Epistemic_statement denotes Allergic, seborrheic, and follicular disorders are the most common predisposing causes of bacterial skin infection in dogs.
T1727 593796-593872 Epistemic_statement denotes Primary immunologic abnormalities are uncommon to rare predisposing factors.
T1728 593873-594034 Epistemic_statement denotes contagious impetigo in a herd of dairy cattle was associated with crowding and intensive showering of the cows to decrease heat stress during the heat of summer.
T1729 594312-594337 Epistemic_statement denotes Acantholysis may be mild.
T1730 594725-594863 Epistemic_statement denotes However, in contrast to pemphigus, acantholysis is absent or minimal in impetigo, and bacteria are present in intact pustules of impetigo.
T1731 594864-594958 Epistemic_statement denotes Mucocutaneous pyoderma primarily affects the lips and perioral skin of dogs and rarely horses.
T1732 595564-595643 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiology is unknown; however, the condition responds to antibiotic therapy.
T1733 595786-595876 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be other staphylococcal bacteria involved, such as S. chromogenes and S. sciuri.
T1734 596758-596859 Epistemic_statement denotes Bacteria are not always visible histologically, and culture may be necessary to confirm the etiology.
T1735 597182-597358 Epistemic_statement denotes In other animals, it is usually seen in association with predisposing causes, such as moist and dirty environments, cutaneous abrasions, parasitism, stress, and poor nutrition.
T1736 597481-597643 Epistemic_statement denotes Bullous impetigo is more often seen in adult dogs and is usually associated with diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and natural or iatrogenic hyperglucocorticism.
T1737 597721-597736 Epistemic_statement denotes may be present.
T1738 598585-598688 Epistemic_statement denotes Spread of infection by the milker to other cows or does and to the hands of milkers has been suggested.
T1739 598689-598834 Epistemic_statement denotes One outbreak of exocytosis, intercellular edema, and spongiotic pustules may be seen in the epidermis and infundibular portion of hair follicles.
T1740 599200-599254 Epistemic_statement denotes Microscopic lesions may also be seen in other tissues.
T1741 599652-599869 Epistemic_statement denotes Intratubular casts of desquamated epithelium may be sufficiently severe to be evident macroscopically, leading to linear striations of the renal pelvis, and accumulation of cellular sediment in the pelvis and ureters.
T1742 599870-599932 Epistemic_statement denotes The process may be sufficiently severe to occlude the ureters.
T1743 600009-600168 Epistemic_statement denotes Animals with greasy pig disease may also have lesions in the oral cavity and conjunctiva, and the causative organism has been associated with abortion in sows.
T1744 600169-600234 Epistemic_statement denotes S. hyicus has been associated with skin lesions in other species.
T1745 600235-600324 Epistemic_statement denotes The organism is common in cattle and has been associated with concurrent psoroptic mange.
T1746 600754-600804 Epistemic_statement denotes The infection may cause significant economic loss.
T1747 600925-600994 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of exudative epidermitis is incompletely understood.
T1748 601160-601293 Epistemic_statement denotes The highest rates of carriage of the organism are found in the youngest piglets, suggesting that the organisms are acquired at birth.
T1749 601294-601385 Epistemic_statement denotes It is thought that infection develops as a result of trauma that breaches the skin barrier.
T1750 601386-601541 Epistemic_statement denotes Other factors that may predispose piglets to developing clinical disease include agalactia of the sow, concurrent infections, and nutritional deficiencies.
T1751 601542-601646 Epistemic_statement denotes The presence of porcine circovirus 2 and porcine parvovirus have been suggested as predisposing factors.
T1752 601851-601938 Epistemic_statement denotes The Exh toxins have been shown to digest desmoglein-1 in the epidermis of porcine skin.
T1753 602077-602338 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease can be divided into acute, subacute, and chronic forms: • In the acute form, most common in piglets only a few days old, there is abrupt onset of lesions around the eyes, snout, chin, and on the ears, with extension to the medial aspect of the legs.
T1754 602773-602899 Epistemic_statement denotes Conjunctivitis also occurs frequently and typically causes matting together of the eyelids and results in an inability to see.
T1755 603394-603526 Epistemic_statement denotes Older piglets with less severe forms of disease frequently survive; however, recovery is slow, and the piglets are severely stunted.
T1756 603527-603652 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions that may also occur in affected piglets are subcutaneous abscesses, necrosis of the ears and tail, and polyarthritis.
T1757 604056-604123 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis is variably acanthotic and rete ridges are elongated.
T1758 604483-604599 Epistemic_statement denotes Wetting may also act to breach skin barriers by dissolving the surface lipid film and softening the stratum corneum.
T1759 604600-604809 Epistemic_statement denotes Outbreaks of dermatophilosis are frequently associated with periods of unusually heavy rainfall, housing in pastures or paddocks with standing water or mud, or after intensive high-pressure washing of animals.
T1760 604810-604884 Epistemic_statement denotes Other factors involved in development of disease are less well understood.
T1761 604885-605003 Epistemic_statement denotes Genetic factors may be involved, because some breeds of cattle appear to be more resistant to disease than are others.
T1762 605004-605135 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin color appears to have an effect because some light-skinned breeds or light-skinned areas may be more susceptible to infection.
T1763 605136-605273 Epistemic_statement denotes A definite association between infestation with the tick Amblyomma variegatum and occurrence of dermatophilosis in cattle has been found.
T1764 605540-605794 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, concurrent diseases or stresses, including intestinal parasitism, nutritional deficiencies, stress of pregnancy or migration, and viral infections may contribute to the development of dermatophilosis by compromising the host's immune system.
T1765 605795-605919 Epistemic_statement denotes Once the normal skin surface has been disrupted and activated zoospores gain access to the epidermis, infection can develop.
T1766 606142-606214 Epistemic_statement denotes Only rarely do the bacteria proliferate in the dermis or deeper tissues.
T1767 606215-606339 Epistemic_statement denotes The means by which D. congolensis invades the epidermis is unknown, but it is thought that the bacteria produces exoenzymes.
T1768 607456-607629 Epistemic_statement denotes As these small lesions coalesce, they form the typical large oval to circular domed yellowbrown adherent scabs that when removed leave a moist hyperemic base that may bleed.
T1769 608577-608668 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease is occasional in horses and camels; it is rare in dogs, cats, pigs, and humans.
T1770 609104-609208 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe udder and teat lesions may interfere with suckling by calves and result in decreased growth rate.
T1771 609289-609359 Epistemic_statement denotes Severely affected animals of any species may become emaciated and die.
T1772 609360-609470 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermatophilus congolensis is a gram-positive facultative anaerobic bacterium whose natural habitat is unknown.
T1773 609655-609761 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinically normal carrier animals and crusts from infected animals probably serve as sources of infection.
T1774 609762-609849 Epistemic_statement denotes Zoospores can remain viable in crusts at a temperature of 28-31° C for up to 42 months.
T1775 610358-610436 Epistemic_statement denotes Multiple factors appear to be involved in pathogenesis of the natural disease.
T1776 610437-610527 Epistemic_statement denotes Two factors that appear to be most important are trauma to the skin and prolonged wetting.
T1777 610528-610700 Epistemic_statement denotes Zoospores are unable to overcome the protective barriers of the hair, surface lipid film, and stratum corneum, and their entry is facilitated by breaks in the skin surface.
T1778 610701-610876 Epistemic_statement denotes Trauma from ectoparasites, shearing, dipping, barbed wire injuries, sharp stones, and scratches from sharp vegetation can act as portals of entry the acute stage of infection.
T1779 610877-611099 Epistemic_statement denotes If the disease continues to progress, the wool of the neck, back, and flank becomes matted with exudate to form dense pyramidal masses (lumpy wool, mycotic dermatitis) that may last for months to years in some individuals.
T1780 611100-611236 Epistemic_statement denotes "Strawberry foot rot" is an infection that begins at the coronet regions and may progress to involve the skin to the carpi and/or tarsi.
T1781 611237-611336 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, crusts may be confined to the ears, nose, and face, a clinical form common in lambs.
T1782 612742-612835 Epistemic_statement denotes Rare instances of subcutaneous abscesses, lymphadenitis, and oral lesions have been reported.
T1783 613573-613592 Epistemic_statement denotes Pain may be severe.
T1784 613593-613749 Epistemic_statement denotes Microscopic changes associated with deep pyodermas include folliculitis, furunculosis, nodular-to-diffuse dermatitis or panniculitis, and variable fibrosis.
T1785 613750-613816 Epistemic_statement denotes Bacteria may not be seen microscopically even with special stains.
T1786 614418-614500 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin lesions associated with folliculitis and furunculosis are extremely variable.
T1787 614782-615009 Epistemic_statement denotes In shorthaired dogs, horses, and cattle, the earliest clinical sign is a dishevelment of the haircoat produced by small groups of hairs tufting together above the skin surface, an appearance that can be confused with urticaria.
T1788 615476-615531 Epistemic_statement denotes Hemorrhagic bullae may be prominent in some cases (Fig.
T1789 615541-615678 Epistemic_statement denotes Scarring, contagious ecthyma and pox may occur, and secondary infections with staphylococci, streptococci, or corynebacteria may develop.
T1790 615823-615991 Epistemic_statement denotes In horses, lesions of dermatophilosis are frequently located on the dorsal aspect of the body and look as if large drops of liquid have scalded the skin ("rain scald").
T1791 616165-616237 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions on the legs may be associated with swelling, pain, and lameness.
T1792 616284-616403 Epistemic_statement denotes Unpigmented skin may be more susceptible to infection, and lesions on these areas are typically very erythematous (Fig.
T1793 616413-616510 Epistemic_statement denotes These lesions may represent a type of photodermatitis caused by D. congolensis ("dew poisoning").
T1794 616511-616593 Epistemic_statement denotes Outbreaks in show horses have been associated with frequent high-pressure washing.
T1795 616594-616714 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermatophilosis cases reported in cats are notable in that they have all been subcutaneous or extracutaneous infections.
T1796 617313-617418 Epistemic_statement denotes ticks, suggesting that ticks may have an important role in the pathogenesis of dermatophilosis in camels.
T1797 617567-617692 Epistemic_statement denotes Exocytosis of neutrophils becomes more pronounced as lesions progress, and intraepidermal or subcorneal pustules may develop.
T1798 618252-618485 Epistemic_statement denotes In cases of dermatophilosis in cats and rare instances of subcutaneous and lymph node infection in cattle, the lesions consist of granulomas or pyogranulomas with scattered necrotic foci that contain typical D. congolensis filaments.
T1799 618723-618822 Epistemic_statement denotes The bacterial proliferation causes acute inflammation with serum exudation and matting of the wool.
T1800 619091-619202 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammation may become diffuse as adjacent furuncles coalesce and completely replace normal dermal structures.
T1801 619244-619340 Epistemic_statement denotes Bacteria may not be evident even with special stains, such as tissue Gram stain or Giemsa stain.
T1802 619562-619676 Epistemic_statement denotes However, gram-negative bacteria, such as Proteus, Pseudomonas, and Escherichia coli are common secondary invaders.
T1803 619677-619815 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, acute deep pyoderma presenting with dorsal truncal pain has been associated with a pure culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in dogs.
T1804 619816-619967 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, this condition may be associated with self-service doggrooming facilities or aggressive grooming, such as backclipping and back-combing.
T1805 619968-620013 Epistemic_statement denotes Deep pyoderma may be localized or widespread.
T1806 620307-620472 Epistemic_statement denotes German Shepherd pyoderma is a genetically inherited characteristic clinical syndrome that can be triggered by a variety of other diseases in susceptible individuals.
T1807 620874-620914 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are pruritic and may be painful.
T1808 621110-621339 Epistemic_statement denotes Whether these changes are a cause or effect of the disease is unknown, and in addition, some believe that in general normal German Shepherd dogs have lower lymphocyte subpopulations with a relative increase of CD8+ T lymphocytes.
T1809 621340-621547 Epistemic_statement denotes Examination of T and B lymphocytes in histologic sections found a marked paucity of T lymphocytes in lesions of deep pyoderma of German Shepherd dogs as compared to similar lesions from dogs of other breeds.
T1810 621548-621765 Epistemic_statement denotes Although not always apparent, there is generally thought to be another factor that triggers the condition (e.g., flea-bite hypersensitivity, atopic dermatitis, adverse food reactions, ehrlichiosis, or hypothyroidism).
T1811 621766-621886 Epistemic_statement denotes Staphylococcal folliculitis and furunculosis in horses are usually secondary to trauma and various physiologic stresses.
T1812 622273-622466 Epistemic_statement denotes Staphylococcal pyoderma may be one of many causes of pastern dermatitis (grease heel, scratches) in which lesions involve the caudal aspect of the pastern and fetlock areas of one or more legs.
T1813 622467-622729 Epistemic_statement denotes In tail pyoderma, the dorsal surface of the tail is particularly affected, and infection is usually secondary to skin abrasions caused by tail rubbing associated with insect bites, mange, biting lice, pinworms, yeast dermatitis, herpes coital exanthema, or vice.
T1814 622730-622877 Epistemic_statement denotes Although much less common, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis can alterations in pigmentation of the hair and skin, and lichenification may result.
T1815 622931-623029 Epistemic_statement denotes Constitutional signs, such as fever and anorexia, may occur when infection is severe or extensive.
T1816 623138-623196 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis is variably acanthotic and may be ulcerated.
T1817 623440-623537 Epistemic_statement denotes Pustules composed of neutrophils may be seen within the infundibulum or ostium of hair follicles.
T1818 623538-623647 Epistemic_statement denotes Small numbers of eosinophils may be seen and in some cases may indicate a concurrent allergy or ectoparasite.
T1819 623803-623924 Epistemic_statement denotes Neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages, and plasma cells form dense sheets in the dermis and may extend to the panniculus.
T1820 624017-624065 Epistemic_statement denotes Large dermal pustules may form cavitary lesions.
T1821 624066-624214 Epistemic_statement denotes Release of hair and keratin into the dermis or panniculus induces an intense foreign-body reaction that may completely efface the follicle (see Fig.
T1822 624222-624391 Epistemic_statement denotes Fragments of hair or keratin may be surrounded by discrete granulomas (trichogranuloma) composed of multinucleated giant cells, epithelioid macrophages, and neutrophils.
T1823 624392-624426 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophils may be numerous around
T1824 624427-624481 Epistemic_statement denotes Abscesses are well-circumscribed accumulations of pus.
T1825 624601-624722 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions are usually painful, often warm, and overlying skin is often friable, dark, devitalized, and may be sloughed.
T1826 624723-624861 Epistemic_statement denotes The wounds frequently have a putrid smell and may be emphysematous if the organism is a gas producer (Clostridium spp., Bacteroides spp.).
T1827 624862-624914 Epistemic_statement denotes Pyrexia and regional lymphadenopathy may be present.
T1828 625075-625197 Epistemic_statement denotes Other predisposing causes include traumatic puncture wounds, foreign bodies, injections, and shearing and clipping wounds.
T1829 625414-625618 Epistemic_statement denotes In contrast, cellulitis is poorly circumscribed and consists of extensive purulent to pyogranulomatous dermal and subcutaneous inflammation that may be accompanied by hemorrhage, necrosis, and thrombosis.
T1830 625619-625669 Epistemic_statement denotes Bacteria may or may not be visible histologically.
T1831 625670-625770 Epistemic_statement denotes A wide variety of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria have been associated with abscesses and cellulitis.
T1832 626348-626516 Epistemic_statement denotes Rhodococcus equi, most commonly associated with pneumonia in young horses, has been isolated from cutaneous abscesses and cellulitis in young horses and rarely in cats.
T1833 626517-626693 Epistemic_statement denotes Pasteurella granulomatis has been associated with a disease in southern Brazil called lechiguana, which is characterized by large subcutaneous fibrosing eosinophilic abscesses.
T1834 627036-627153 Epistemic_statement denotes This is a rare condition that has been described most commonly in dogs, very rarely in cats, and one 2-year-old bull.
T1835 627951-628030 Epistemic_statement denotes Colonies of bacterial cocci may be evident in the inflamed subcutaneous tissue.
T1836 628031-628135 Epistemic_statement denotes A condition histologically identical to toxic shock syndrome (TSS) in humans has been described in dogs.
T1837 628616-628737 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe infections, particularly those with secondary mastitis, may produce pyrexia, anorexia, depression, and septicemia.
T1838 629548-629640 Epistemic_statement denotes In both goats and sheep, lesions are generally nonpruritic, but furunculosis can be painful.
T1839 629881-629931 Epistemic_statement denotes Trauma and poor hygiene may be initiating factors.
T1840 630183-630352 Epistemic_statement denotes Bacterial folliculitis and furunculosis is uncommon in cats and is usually secondary to other underlying conditions, such as feline acne and hypersensitivity conditions.
T1841 630353-630486 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may consist of a crusted papular eruption on the face, head, or over the dorsum that clinically resembles miliary dermatitis.
T1842 630487-630608 Epistemic_statement denotes Bacterial folliculitis in alpacas may be associated with insect-bite hypersensitivity, contact dermatitis, or idiopathic.
T1843 630822-630882 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus is more likely with an underlying hypersensitivity.
T1844 631068-631164 Epistemic_statement denotes These infections are typically slowly progressive and produce cutaneous or subcutaneous nodules.
T1845 631435-631572 Epistemic_statement denotes Staining frozen sections of formalin-fixed tissue may be necessary to demonstrate the bacteria in some atypical mycobacterial infections.
T1846 631573-631759 Epistemic_statement denotes Organisms are so infrequent in some cases that confirmation of the bacterial etiology cannot be made histologically and depends instead on cultural isolation of the agent or PCR testing.
T1847 632580-632661 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection is usually secondary to penetrating wounds of the oral mucosa and skin.
T1848 633134-633268 Epistemic_statement denotes Actinomycosis is rare in horses but has been associated with mandibular lymphadenitis and abscesses, fistulous withers, and poll evil.
T1849 633336-633398 Epistemic_statement denotes It can take months to years for signs to develop after injury.
T1850 633399-633579 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions in dogs and cats are usually tender, subcutaneous, may or may not have draining tracts, and are most common on the head or neck, thoracic, paralumbar, or abdominal regions.
T1851 633821-633895 Epistemic_statement denotes Unlike Actinomyces spp., they are not part of the normal flora of mammals.
T1852 634156-634256 Epistemic_statement denotes are aerobic, gram-positive, humans is associated with S. aureus and group C streptococci infections.
T1853 634257-634485 Epistemic_statement denotes Bacterial toxins, including toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1), are thought to induce massive cytokine release (including tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1), increased sensitivity to cytokines, and endothelial damage.
T1854 634486-634554 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, TSS has been associated with S. pseudintermedius infection.
T1855 634748-634845 Epistemic_statement denotes Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a consistent finding in dogs that succumb to infection.
T1856 635058-635142 Epistemic_statement denotes There may also be suppurative epidermitis, crusts, and confluent epidermal necrosis.
T1857 635266-635421 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, Streptococcus canis and S. pseudintermedius have also been associated with a toxic shock-like syndrome where infected dogs rapidly develop sepsis.
T1858 635827-635868 Epistemic_statement denotes Some animals may be febrile or depressed.
T1859 635869-635918 Epistemic_statement denotes L-forms cannot be cultured by routine techniques.
T1860 636051-636170 Epistemic_statement denotes This organism is a soil saprophyte, and infection may occur through inhalation, arthropod-bite and wound contamination.
T1861 636247-636335 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, horses may develop papulocrustous dermatitis and lymphangitis of the limbs.
T1862 636336-636434 Epistemic_statement denotes Glanders, like melioidosis, can have systemic involvement, and both infections are commonly fatal.
T1863 637193-637287 Epistemic_statement denotes It may be odorless or foul smelling and contain white, yellow, tan, or gray "sulfur granules."
T1864 637420-637486 Epistemic_statement denotes Mandibular and maxillary osteomyelitis may occur in dogs and cats.
T1865 637601-637659 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis is variably acanthotic and may be ulcerated.
T1866 637829-637882 Epistemic_statement denotes Necrosis may be prominent within the central abscess.
T1867 638095-638254 Epistemic_statement denotes Organized masses, measuring 30-3,000 µm or more in diameter, of basophilic-or amphophilic-staining organisms, may be seen in the centers of the abscesses (Fig.
T1868 638529-638637 Epistemic_statement denotes may form granules in cutaneous lesions that are morphologically indistinguishable from those of Actinomyces.
T1869 638638-638756 Epistemic_statement denotes In nocardiosis, the bacteria tend to be distributed singly and are more difficult to identify in H&E-stained sections.
T1870 639286-639395 Epistemic_statement denotes Definitive diagnosis can be made with anaerobic culture for Actinomyces and aerobic culture for Nocardia spp.
T1871 639432-639480 Epistemic_statement denotes can be made by molecular sequencing of 16S rRNA.
T1872 639481-639569 Epistemic_statement denotes Major virulence factors are the complex cell wall lipids and resistance to phagocytosis.
T1873 639674-639794 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous nocardiosis is reported most frequently in cats, dogs, horses, and cattle, with very rare occurrence in goats.
T1874 639864-639991 Epistemic_statement denotes There are >30 named Nocardia spp., and different species are correlated with differences in disease features and pathogenicity.
T1875 640460-640618 Epistemic_statement denotes When the triad of clinical signs consisting of tumefaction, draining tracts, and tissue grains is present, the lesion can be termed an actinomycotic mycetoma.
T1876 640724-640783 Epistemic_statement denotes Pleural and retroperitoneal infections may extend frequent.
T1877 640784-640880 Epistemic_statement denotes M. microti (the "vole bacillus") causes cutaneous tuberculosis in cats, llamas, and rarely dogs.
T1878 640881-640993 Epistemic_statement denotes M. microti infection is believed to be transmitted via direct contact with wild rodents and other small mammals.
T1879 640994-641167 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, most cases of M. microti involve submandibular lymphadenopathy and/or cutaneous lesions that typically affect the "fight and bite" sites: face, legs, and tail base.
T1880 641168-641246 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, the infection can become disseminated with spread to the lungs.
T1881 641393-641487 Epistemic_statement denotes These substances are associated with virulence and the production of characteristic tubercles.
T1882 641488-641658 Epistemic_statement denotes To be maintained in nature, they require infection of reservoir mammalian hosts because environmental survival is limited to a maximum of a few weeks on infected fomites.
T1883 642101-642213 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be small numbers of multinucleated giant cells and mineralization with few to many acid-fast bacteria.
T1884 642362-642578 Epistemic_statement denotes These are slowgrowing opportunistic organisms that are associated with 2 forms of disease: localized infections of the skin and subcutis in immunocompetent hosts and disseminated disease in immunocompromised animals.
T1885 642579-642712 Epistemic_statement denotes Clustering of cases within breeds (Bassett Hounds, Siamese cats, Somali cats, and Abyssinian cats) suggests a genetic predisposition.
T1886 642981-643067 Epistemic_statement denotes Although mycobacteriosis is rare in horses, the most common isolate is M. avium subsp.
T1887 643378-643496 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions tend to have numerous organisms, and therefore they may be visible in aspirates of masses and various tissues.
T1888 643840-643891 Epistemic_statement denotes They may spread to the thigh, shoulder, or abdomen.
T1889 643892-644044 Epistemic_statement denotes Papules and nodules may be single or multiple, hard or fluctuant, and often occur in chains with intralesional large and palpable ("corded") lymphatics.
T1890 644045-644105 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may rupture and discharge thick, yellow to gray pus.
T1891 644369-644437 Epistemic_statement denotes Small lesions may spontaneously resolve, but larger lesions persist.
T1892 644469-644619 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous infections caused by M. tuberculosis and M. bovis (the "bovine bacillus") are rare but can occur in cattle, dogs, cats, and possibly horses.
T1893 644919-645084 Epistemic_statement denotes Pulmonary and alimentary infections are more common in cattle, horses, and dogs, but skin infections can develop alone or in combination with disseminated infection.
T1894 645325-645453 Epistemic_statement denotes Cats may present with single or multiple cutaneous papules and nodules 2-40 mm in diameter often accompanied by lymphadenopathy.
T1895 645454-645538 Epistemic_statement denotes The nodules are generally firm, well circumscribed, alopecic, and some may ulcerate.
T1896 645539-645743 Epistemic_statement denotes The Mycobacterium ulcerans is the causative agent of Buruli ulcer, a chronic localized infection of the skin and subcutis of humans typically associated with necrotizing skin ulcers with undermined edges.
T1897 645744-645855 Epistemic_statement denotes The extensive tissue destruction is associated with mycolactone, a necrotizing cytotoxin and immunosuppressant.
T1898 646668-646772 Epistemic_statement denotes Infections are most common in cats, less frequent in dogs and rare in cattle, horses, and other species.
T1899 647214-647452 Epistemic_statement denotes Rapidly growing mycobacteria reported to cause cutaneous granulomas in dogs and cats are the Mycobacterium fortuitum group Lesions can occur anywhere but are most common in the cat in the caudal abdomen, inguinal region, or lumbar region.
T1900 647548-647667 Epistemic_statement denotes It is thought that the lipid may provide nutrients for the organisms to grow and protect them from the immune response.
T1901 647796-647880 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may or may not be painful, and the regional lymph nodes may not be enlarged.
T1902 647881-647940 Epistemic_statement denotes With solitary lesions, systemic illness is rarely observed.
T1903 647941-648051 Epistemic_statement denotes In immunocompromised animals, lesions may be widespread, and anorexia, fever, and inappetence may be observed.
T1904 648729-648838 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions can be disfiguring and cause irritation, especially when they are secondarily infected with bacteria.
T1905 648839-648925 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may spontaneously resolve over the course of several months, but some persist.
T1906 649146-649289 Epistemic_statement denotes Historically it was thought to be caused by Nocardia farcinica, but is now known to be caused by Mycobacterium senegalense and M. farcinogenes.
T1907 649455-649582 Epistemic_statement denotes Firm, painless, slow-growing subcutaneous nodules may ulcerate and discharge thick, stringy, odorless, gray or yellow material.
T1908 649791-649885 Epistemic_statement denotes Farcy has a prolonged course and may have widespread organ involvement, emaciation, and death.
T1909 649929-650043 Epistemic_statement denotes location of lesions on cats suggests inoculation of organisms through insect bites, rodent bites, or fight wounds.
T1910 650044-650192 Epistemic_statement denotes The development of the disease is due to a complex and incompletely understood interaction between the organism and the immune response of the host.
T1911 650217-650476 Epistemic_statement denotes strain Tarwin) are associated with localized disease in an immunocompetent host, whereas others (M. visible and the novel Australian East Coast species) are associated with hematogenously disseminated (usually limited to the skin) in the immunodeficient host.
T1912 650675-650765 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, widespread lesions can develop, and large tuberculoid lesions may ulcerate.
T1913 651736-651828 Epistemic_statement denotes Few to moderate numbers of acid-fast bacilli are generally limited to the areas of necrosis.
T1914 651976-652119 Epistemic_statement denotes However, M. visible and the novel Australian East Coast species can be seen in H&Estained sections because they weakly take up the hematoxylin.
T1915 652227-652274 Epistemic_statement denotes Acid-fast bacteria are rare within lymph nodes.
T1916 652301-652481 Epistemic_statement denotes Canine leproid granuloma is a cutaneous to subcutaneous localized nodular granulomatous skin disease that is usually confined to the head, especially pinna, but can occur anywhere.
T1917 652482-652591 Epistemic_statement denotes This condition is thought to be caused by a single novel mycobacterium that has not been fully characterized.
T1918 652592-652671 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition can be seen worldwide but is most common in Australia and Brazil.
T1919 652928-652961 Epistemic_statement denotes Larger lesions may ulcerate (Fig.
T1920 653019-653231 Epistemic_statement denotes The route of infection is unknown, but it is speculated, based on the propensity for pinnal lesions in short-coated breeds, that biting insects or arthropods may introduce the mycobacteria directly into the skin.
T1921 653782-653892 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition can affect one or more feet and occur in all breeds, although it is more common in draft breeds.
T1922 653893-653991 Epistemic_statement denotes A moist and softer hoof horn may account for the higher occurrence of the disease in these breeds.
T1923 653992-654159 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause is unknown; however, the condition has been associated with the presence of a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including Bacteroides spp.
T1924 654266-654380 Epistemic_statement denotes Recent research suggests that bovine papillomavirus 1 and 2 may be involved in the pathogenesis of this condition.
T1925 654381-654521 Epistemic_statement denotes Humid environment and poor sanitation and hoof care may be contributing factors; however, the condition also occurs in wellcared-for horses.
T1926 654625-654800 Epistemic_statement denotes This is surrounded by a gray to brown zone that will progress to excessive soft white filiform papillomatous proliferations associated with foulsmelling caseous white exudate.
T1927 655234-655299 Epistemic_statement denotes Although reported rarely, the condition is probably not uncommon.
T1928 655300-655413 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are usually localized in the skin and subcutis but may extend deep to involve underlying bone and muscle.
T1929 655414-655471 Epistemic_statement denotes Disseminated infection with visceral involvement is rare.
T1930 655684-655829 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection is thought to develop as a result of wound contamination or trauma, such as bites, lacerations, or puncture wounds with foreign bodies.
T1931 656352-656432 Epistemic_statement denotes They are surrounded and separated by fibrous tissue that may be quite extensive.
T1932 656433-656540 Epistemic_statement denotes Plant debris or other foreign material may also be seen in the lesions and indicate the means of infection.
T1933 656715-656773 Epistemic_statement denotes This material is thought to be antigen-antibody complexes.
T1934 657090-657240 Epistemic_statement denotes The granulomatous reaction is thought to develop as a result of a delicate balance between the virulence of the organism and the response of the host.
T1935 657314-657420 Epistemic_statement denotes It is speculated that this may be associated with a polysaccharide slime coating produced by the bacteria.
T1936 657610-657833 Epistemic_statement denotes Contact with contaminated substrate for <1 hour has been shown to be adequate for transmission, and outbreaks have been associated with contact with environment contaminated by affected animals as long as 4 days previously.
T1937 657834-658017 Epistemic_statement denotes D. nodosus produces a variety of extracellular proteases (the major one is AprV5) that are thought to digest the horn and allow bacterial invasion of the epidermal matrix of the horn.
T1938 659623-659779 Epistemic_statement denotes The infection may persist for more than 1 year if not treated, and chronically infected sheep may die of emaciation as a result of severe pain and lameness.
T1939 660813-660925 Epistemic_statement denotes However, in benign footrot, the erosions usually remain confined to the caudal aspect of the interdigital cleft.
T1940 661066-661135 Epistemic_statement denotes Affected sheep may appear normal or exhibit mild, temporary lameness.
T1941 661514-661578 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be marked intracellular edema of the stratum spinosum.
T1942 661819-661890 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition can affect all hooves but is most common in the hindfeet.
T1943 662714-662825 Epistemic_statement denotes In severe cases, necrosis and inflammation can extend to deeper structures, such as tendons, bones, and joints.
T1944 662826-662945 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous infection with F. necrophorum can occur in other body sites of cattle (especially axillae, groin, and udder).
T1945 662946-663046 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection is associated with necrosis, ulceration, crusting, foul odor, and variable systemic signs.
T1946 663236-663292 Epistemic_statement denotes F. necrophorum and Trueperella pyogenes may be isolated.
T1947 663746-663832 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of footrot is complex and has been studied most extensively in sheep.
T1948 664553-664739 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition has been compared to chronic periodontitis in humans because both are tissuedestructive diseases with multibacterial etiology in which spirochetes appear to be predominant.
T1949 664740-664869 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition is also usually associated with management conditions in which the feet of cattle remain wet for prolonged periods.
T1950 664870-664966 Epistemic_statement denotes Some research has indicated that there is upregulation of interleukin-8 (IL-8) by keratinocytes.
T1951 664967-665130 Epistemic_statement denotes This may explain the epidermal hyperplasia in these lesions because IL-8 is known to have a stimulatory effect on the migration and proliferation of keratinocytes.
T1952 665483-665560 Epistemic_statement denotes The cranial aspect of the foot and the interdigital skin are rarely involved.
T1953 665904-666018 Epistemic_statement denotes They are partially to completely alopecic and may be bordered by hypertrophied hairs 2-3 times longer than normal.
T1954 666560-666684 Epistemic_statement denotes Mixed bacteria may be present in the outer necrotic debris, but only spirochetes are present in the deeper viable epidermis.
T1955 666892-666991 Epistemic_statement denotes The spirochetes are oriented perpendicular to the epidermis and appear to invade the keratinocytes.
T1956 667080-667195 Epistemic_statement denotes Because the organism is slow to grow, culture and biochemical testing is time consuming and may require 10-14 days.
T1957 667377-667489 Epistemic_statement denotes Direct transmission can occur between sheep and goats in the same environment, but this is less common in goats.
T1958 667746-667926 Epistemic_statement denotes Footrot in cattle usually begins at the caudal aspect of the interdigital space, spreads laterally on the bulbs of the heels, and eventually involves the entire interdigital space.
T1959 667927-668043 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions usually remain confined to the interdigital skin, which may be eroded, ulcerated, or become deeply fissured.
T1960 668126-668208 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may extend to the heels, and mild separation of the soft horn may develop.
T1961 668338-668431 Epistemic_statement denotes In rare severe cases, fever, anorexia, recumbency, and decreased milk production may develop.
T1962 668552-668636 Epistemic_statement denotes Initially, this condition was thought to be a severe form of virulent footrot (VFR).
T1963 668796-668932 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause of this condition is unknown; however, several studies have implicated Treponema as likely playing a role in the pathogenesis.
T1964 669353-669583 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition is also called footwarts and hairy heelwarts, and clinically and histologically, it appears to be the same disease as digital dermatitis, interdigital papillomatosis, verrucose dermatitis, and digital papillomatosis.
T1965 669883-669983 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the disease occurs in all ages, the highest incidence appears to be in replacement heifers.
T1966 669984-670190 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of papillomatous digital dermatitis is unknown; however, it is speculated that noninfectious skin lesions lead to a keratinization defect allowing for a suitable growth medium for bacteria.
T1967 670191-670413 Epistemic_statement denotes Because Dichelobacter nodosus has been isolated in many cases, some believe that this bacterium may be a first invader, and proteolytic enzymes of D. nodosus allow secondary invasion by various phylotypes of Treponema spp.
T1968 670498-670580 Epistemic_statement denotes It is generally thought that more than one treponemal species is involved in this
T1969 670581-670656 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin lesions may develop during the course of systemic bacterial infection.
T1970 671226-671270 Epistemic_statement denotes Pink to red macules and papules may be seen.
T1971 671271-671456 Epistemic_statement denotes • In the subacute form, animals do not appear sick and have erythematous papules and wheals that enlarge to form square, rectangular, or rhomboid plaques ("diamond skin disease") ( Fig.
T1972 671613-671643 Epistemic_statement denotes Distal extremities may slough.
T1973 671904-672163 Epistemic_statement denotes Various gram-negative septicemias, in particular septicemic salmonellosis caused by S. choleraesuis, may produce blue-purple discoloration of the skin of the ears, ventral abdomen, snout, and tail, primarily as a result of endotoxin-induced venous thrombosis.
T1974 672164-672225 Epistemic_statement denotes Pasteurella multocida may cause similar skin lesions in pigs.
T1975 672226-672403 Epistemic_statement denotes Edema disease, caused by a hemolytic Escherichia coli, may be associated with subcutaneous edema secondary to vascular hyaline degeneration, fibrinoid necrosis, and mural edema.
T1976 672606-672735 Epistemic_statement denotes Dublin infections in cattle may produce gangrene of distal extremities, tail, and pinnae as a consequence of vascular thrombosis.
T1977 672884-672990 Epistemic_statement denotes Rocky Mountain spotted fever, caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, is most often associated with skin lesions.
T1978 673364-673462 Epistemic_statement denotes At this later stage, inflammation is more intense in the dermis, and plasma cells may be numerous.
T1979 673652-673737 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis is uncertain, but spirochetes are often isolated from these lesions.
T1980 673800-673958 Epistemic_statement denotes Staphylococcus hyicus, β-hemolytic streptococci, and Trueperella pyogenes have also been isolated from these lesions but are thought to be secondary invaders.
T1981 674325-674405 Epistemic_statement denotes These results suggest that PENS is multifactorial with no one triggering factor.
T1982 674406-674580 Epistemic_statement denotes Grossly, lesions begin as bilateral small erythematous areas at the base of the pinnae that progress to necrosis and can involve the entire length of the margin of the pinna.
T1983 674581-674660 Epistemic_statement denotes The pinnae are bilaterally thickened and may be discolored gray, red, or black.
T1984 674941-674975 Epistemic_statement denotes Some lesions may be granulomatous.
T1985 674976-675103 Epistemic_statement denotes Spirochetes can be seen with silver stains (modified Steiner) at the junction of granulation tissue and necrosis in some cases.
T1986 675719-675868 Epistemic_statement denotes This lesion has been reported in dogs, although no histologic studies were performed, and this lesion has not been experimentally reproduced in dogs.
T1987 675869-675954 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, seropositive dogs are described to have urticaria, rash, or moist dermatitis.
T1988 676045-676171 Epistemic_statement denotes Fungi are ubiquitous in the environment, but of the thousands present, only a few are capable of causing infection in animals.
T1989 676172-676381 Epistemic_statement denotes The vast majority of fungi in nature are incapable of causing infection because they are unable to breach 2 major physiologic barriers to fungal growth in tissue: temperature and oxidation-reduction potential.
T1990 676773-677055 Epistemic_statement denotes Some fungi are true pathogens with the ability to cause disease in normal individuals, whereas many more organisms are opportunistic pathogens that infect individuals who have become immunologically or otherwise compromised and are unable to resist and suppress the fungal invasion.
T1991 677224-677325 Epistemic_statement denotes However, many mycotic infections occur in individuals without any clinically overt immune impairment.
T1992 677326-677483 Epistemic_statement denotes These infections are likely a consequence of an overwhelming exposure to the infectious propagules or mild immunologic defects that are not readily apparent.
T1993 677851-677887 Epistemic_statement denotes Acral dermal necrosis occurs rarely.
T1994 677888-677941 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs may also have ocular, genital, and oral lesions.
T1995 678332-678433 Epistemic_statement denotes Bartonella infection has been described in humans, dogs, and cattle, and endocarditis is most common.
T1996 678434-678501 Epistemic_statement denotes Various cutaneous manifestations have been rarely reported in dogs.
T1997 678502-678687 Epistemic_statement denotes Three dogs were reported to have pyogranulomatous meningoradiculoneuritis and multiple pyogranulomatous nodular dermatitis or panniculitis in association with Bartonella vinsonii subsp.
T1998 678792-678993 Epistemic_statement denotes Another dog with α1-proteinase inhibitor deficiency developed multiple subcutaneous nodules consistent with granulomatous panniculitis, polyarthritis, and meningitis in association with Bartonella spp.
T1999 679165-679261 Epistemic_statement denotes berkhoffii and B. henselae, have been shown to cause proliferative vascular diseases in animals.
T2000 680144-680295 Epistemic_statement denotes Bacillary angiomatosis has also been described in immunocompromised humans, and in those cases, like this one, bacteria can be seen with silver stains.
T2001 681009-681397 Epistemic_statement denotes Microscopically, there was a dermal infiltrate composed of small mature CD3+ T cells, CD79a+ B cells, and small numbers of eosinophils with aggregates of CD79a+ B cells and clusters of larger blastic CD3+ T cells around changes, which occur in response to the infectious agent and its metabolic products, involve the epidermis and dermis and may vary from minimal to severe and extensive.
T2002 681480-681630 Epistemic_statement denotes Candidiasis (candidosis, moniliasis, thrush) is a rare opportunistic infection of skin, mucocutaneous junctions, external ear canal, and the claw bed.
T2003 682456-682545 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous infections have been described in dogs, cats, pigs, horses, goats, and a llama.
T2004 682546-682780 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are variable and may begin as erythematous papules, pustules, and vesicles, which evolve into crusts and characteristic sharply delineated ulcers with erythematous borders and a malodorous surface with moist graywhite exudate.
T2005 683121-683217 Epistemic_statement denotes Yeasts, pseudohyphae, and hyphae may be numerous but are best visualized with PAS or GMS stains.
T2006 684238-684365 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection is a very indolent process and usually remains localized to the site of entry with slow spread to surrounding tissue.
T2007 684504-684580 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin lesions from direct cutaneous inoculation in systemic mycoses are rare.
T2008 685538-685785 Epistemic_statement denotes Other mycotic infections are caused by a variety of fungi that are similar in appearance in tissues and cannot be specifically identified, although the disease can be named, for instance, dermatophytosis, phaeohyphomycosis, and eumycotic mycetoma.
T2009 685786-685937 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, fungi may be detectable in tissues but may be impossible to identify, and only the conclusion that mycotic infection exists can be made.
T2010 686308-686492 Epistemic_statement denotes However, even in these cases, fungal infection can be suspected because of the presence of clear circular or linear structures, representing unstained fungal hyphae, within the lesion.
T2011 686493-686678 Epistemic_statement denotes Special fungal stains, such as Gomori methenamine silver (GMS), which stains fungi black, PAS, which stains fungi pink-red, delineate the fungi so that their morphology can be examined.
T2012 686800-686859 Epistemic_statement denotes Fungal stains may mask the natural color of fungi, however.
T2013 686860-687039 Epistemic_statement denotes To determine whether a fungus is pigmented, it can be examined in unstained cleared and mounted sections, or a melanin stain, such as Fontana-Masson, can be applied to the tissue.
T2014 687515-687790 Epistemic_statement denotes When associated with skin disease, it is currently believed that Malassezia infection is due to overgrowth of normal flora resulting from disturbances of the normal physical, chemical, or immunologic mechanisms controlling the skin surface microenvironment and host defenses.
T2015 687791-687970 Epistemic_statement denotes Virulence factors associated with M. pachydermatis include the production of various hydrolases, including lipases, phospholipases, aspartyl proteases, and acid sphingomyelinases.
T2016 687971-688071 Epistemic_statement denotes Isolates of M. pachydermatis have also been shown to form biofilms on surfaces of various materials.
T2017 688511-688688 Epistemic_statement denotes Excessive surface lipid or cerumen, high humidity, or failure of host defense mechanisms to control overgrowth of the yeast may predispose an animal to develop clinical disease.
T2018 688689-689034 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs with Malassezia dermatitis develop high serum titers of specific IgG antibody and exhibit significantly greater skin test reactions in response to intradermal injection of M. pachydermatis extracts than dogs without evidence of Malassezia dermatitis, suggesting that hypersensitivity may be involved in the pathogenesis of clinical disease.
T2019 689035-689193 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions associated with Malassezia dermatitis include erythema, alopecia, greasiness, yellow-gray scaly plaques, lichenification, and hyperpigmentation ( Fig.
T2020 689292-689491 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be localized or generalized, and the most common sites include lips, ear canals, axillae, groin, ventral neck, inguinal area, interdigital skin, perianal area, and intertriginous regions.
T2021 689700-689989 Epistemic_statement denotes Malassezia dermatitis in cats is less common and is generally associated with black ceruminous otitis externa, chronic chin acne, facial dermatitis with large dark brown to black scales and follicular casts, with refractory paronychia, or generalized erythematous scaly to waxy dermatitis.
T2022 689990-690064 Epistemic_statement denotes Devon Rex and Sphynx cats have been shown to have a higher Malassezia spp.
T2023 690112-690243 Epistemic_statement denotes Devon Rex cats may be predisposed to greasy seborrheic dermatitis associated with increased Malassezia colonization and paronychia.
T2024 690244-690590 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, Malassezia dermatitis is an opportunistic infection, and it has been associated with localized exfoliative dermatitis, chin acne, idiopathic facial dermatitis of Persian cats, allergic dermatitis, thymoma-associated dermatitis, paraneoplastic alopecia, and in cats with feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus infections.
T2025 690635-690720 Epistemic_statement denotes Poor nutrition and debilitating underlying disease appear to be predisposing factors.
T2026 691020-691071 Epistemic_statement denotes Malassezia dermatitis is rarely reported in horses.
T2027 691072-691249 Epistemic_statement denotes As in dogs and cats, it is associated with pruritic, greasy to waxy, occasionally foul-smelling dermatitis in intertriginous areas, including axillae, groin, udder, and prepuce.
T2028 691993-692134 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, intraepidermal eosinophilic microabscesses, pigmentary incontinence, and subepidermal linear accumulation of mast cells may be seen.
T2029 692446-692578 Epistemic_statement denotes They are usually seen in focal aggregates rather than diffusely distributed, and they can best be visualized with PAS or GMS stains.
T2030 692722-692803 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic findings in cats and horses are probably similar, but reports are few.
T2031 692938-693050 Epistemic_statement denotes Numerous budding yeasts are seen, which is in contrast to few or none seen in biopsy samples from other species.
T2032 693292-693339 Epistemic_statement denotes In rare instances, deeper tissues are involved.
T2033 693695-693828 Epistemic_statement denotes • Zoophilic dermatophytes (e.g., M. canis, M. equinum, T. equinum) are adapted to living on animals and are rarely found in the soil.
T2034 695022-695136 Epistemic_statement denotes They can remain infectious for more than 18 months if protected from the deleterious effects of ultraviolet light.
T2035 695214-695273 Epistemic_statement denotes Certain dermatophytes are associated with specific sources.
T2036 695843-696089 Epistemic_statement denotes The process by which the stratum corneum (SC) is continually renewed may also present a form of defense against organisms because the process results in continuous shedding of the SC and thus removes infecting organisms with the sloughed keratin.
T2037 696090-696215 Epistemic_statement denotes Disruption of the SC, either by microabrasions or maceration, appears to be important in facilitating invasion by the fungus.
T2038 697200-697511 Epistemic_statement denotes and M. persicolor dermatophyte infections, lasting up to 5 years in some cases, have been described in dogs without any other evidence of immunodeficiency, suggesting that these organisms may produce inhibitory substances that prevent development of an effective immune response and elimination of the organism.
T2039 698206-698347 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection of claws is called onychomycosis and is characterized by misshapen, crumbly or easily broken, and split claws that may be sloughed.
T2040 698348-698462 Epistemic_statement denotes Kerions are rapidly developing tender erythematous alopecic nodules that may ulcerate and develop draining tracts.
T2041 698576-698696 Epistemic_statement denotes These lesions result from severe furunculosis producing locally extensive inflammation that may be confused for a tumor.
T2042 698697-698815 Epistemic_statement denotes A rare form, the dermatophytic pseudomycetoma seen almost exclusively in Persian cats, occurs as subcutaneous nodules.
T2043 698900-699072 Epistemic_statement denotes Histopathology is not considered as sensitive as culture for diagnosis, but it can be used to confirm infection when the significance of a cultured organism is in question.
T2044 699217-699378 Epistemic_statement denotes Biopsies should be taken within the outer border of expanding alopecia as this is the most active site of infection, and organisms are most likely to be present.
T2045 699822-700083 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, fungal organisms are present only in the surface keratin (T. mentagrophytes and M. persicolor in dogs); if this material was removed in preparing the skin for obtaining the biopsy or is lost during tissue processing, the diagnosis will be missed.
T2046 700246-700371 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammation may be very mild and consist of low numbers of perivascular and perifollicular lymphocytes and macrophages (Fig.
T2047 700487-700699 Epistemic_statement denotes Neutrophilic luminal folliculitis is a common lesion in dermatophytosis and may result in follicular rupture and development of discrete granulomas surrounding fragments of hair at the base of the follicles (Fig.
T2048 700710-700764 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophils may be numerous in these trichogranulomas.
T2049 701026-701186 Epistemic_statement denotes Hair fragments containing hyphae and arthrospores are frequently present among the inflammatory cells but may be destroyed by the intense inflammatory reaction.
T2050 701187-701271 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, the pattern of inflammation may be confused with autoimmune diseases.
T2051 701272-701544 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphocytic lichenoid interface dermatitis, lymphocytic mural folliculitis, and subcorneal pustules containing neutrophils and acantholytic cells have been reported in several cases of dermatophytosis in dogs and horses; however, organisms were evident with fungal stains.
T2052 701922-702008 Epistemic_statement denotes Outbreaks are associated with crowding and confinement indoors during fall and winter.
T2053 702269-702417 Epistemic_statement denotes In calves, the entire neck may become alopecic, crusty, erythema, and yellow crusts are usually on the head, face, pinnae, neck, and limbs in goats.
T2054 702418-702657 Epistemic_statement denotes In sheep, T. verrucosum typically affects the haired areas of the head, face, and pinnae, whereas M. canis and M. gypseum are more likely to affect the wooled areas, with lesions characterized by matted wool with brown crusts and exudates.
T2055 703193-703224 Epistemic_statement denotes Alopecia and pruritus are rare.
T2056 703225-703303 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may resolve spontaneously or spread slowly to involve extensive areas.
T2057 703569-703723 Epistemic_statement denotes Outbreaks of dermatophytosis caused by M. gypseum have been associated with periods of humid weather and a high prevalence of mosquitoes and stable flies.
T2058 703945-704066 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, the caudal aspect of the pastern may be the only site affected and resembles "grease heel" or "scratches."
T2059 704117-704285 Epistemic_statement denotes Initial lesions may be tufted papules and resemble fly bites or urticaria, but within several days, they become the more typical scaly or crusty circular alopecic foci.
T2060 704325-704419 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may continue to expand for 1-2 months and then regress as an immune response develops.
T2061 704737-704772 Epistemic_statement denotes However, thickened, and corrugated.
T2062 704773-704790 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus is rare.
T2063 704791-704927 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease may be of some economic significance because of damage to hides or restrictions on showing or marketing of infected animals.
T2064 704928-705024 Epistemic_statement denotes In very severe cases, loss of condition and weight loss or decreased milk production may result.
T2065 705241-705326 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection may be endemic in large catteries, with up to 35% of cats culture positive.
T2066 705327-705471 Epistemic_statement denotes The vast majority of cases (>90%) are caused by M. canis, which is of considerable public health significance because of its zoonotic potential.
T2067 705472-705569 Epistemic_statement denotes Despite the name, this dermatophyte is well adapted to the cat and induces minimal host response.
T2068 705570-705647 Epistemic_statement denotes Geographic differences may influence the prevalence of various dermatophytes.
T2069 706447-706499 Epistemic_statement denotes However, sylvatic ringworm is more common in adults.
T2070 706811-706902 Epistemic_statement denotes Trichophyton infection may result in folliculitis or furunculosis affecting one leg or paw.
T2071 706903-707006 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection by M. persicolor may produce lesions characterized by prominent scaling but minimal alopecia.
T2072 707111-707203 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, dermatophytosis can occur as generalized greasy scaling resembling seborrhea.
T2073 707204-707263 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus is usually absent but may be severe in some cases.
T2074 707408-707569 Epistemic_statement denotes These infections suggest that there is little tendency for spontaneous resolution in some infections, a situation analogous to chronic dermatophytosis in humans.
T2075 707570-707647 Epistemic_statement denotes Kerions are often associated with M. gypseum or T. mentagrophytes infections.
T2076 707648-707806 Epistemic_statement denotes Onychomycosis is rare and may consist of chronic inflammation of the ungual fold or infection of the claw alone, producing deformity or fragility of the claw.
T2077 708074-708105 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely lesions are generalized.
T2078 708106-708331 Epistemic_statement denotes Microscopically, lesions included lymphoplasmacytic lichenoid to interface dermatitis with mural folliculitis, with or without intraepidermal pustules with acantholytic keratinocytes, suggestive of an immune-mediated disease.
T2079 708332-708394 Epistemic_statement denotes However, fungal elements were demonstrable with fungal stains.
T2080 708617-708756 Epistemic_statement denotes Acantholysis may be due to complement-mediated transepidermal neutrophilic chemotaxis as well as dermatophyte-produced proteolytic enzymes.
T2081 708915-708976 Epistemic_statement denotes Certain breeds of dogs may be predisposed to dermatophytosis.
T2082 709614-709709 Epistemic_statement denotes These infections produce granulomatous to pyogranulomatous inflammation and can be destructive.
T2083 710095-710176 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection usually remains localized to the site of entry and surrounding tissues.
T2084 710177-710275 Epistemic_statement denotes Slow extension by way of lymphatics occurs in some diseases, but widespread dissemination is rare.
T2085 711095-711180 Epistemic_statement denotes They occur in humans, occasionally in dogs and horses, and rarely in cattle and cats.
T2086 711181-711292 Epistemic_statement denotes A wide variety of fungi that exist as saprophytes in the soil or on plants have been associated with mycetomas.
T2087 711293-711478 Epistemic_statement denotes The organisms involved may also cause other clinical diseases, for instance, phaeohyphomycosis and mycotic granulomas, when all 3 criteria are not present for a diagnosis of a mycetoma.
T2088 711600-711697 Epistemic_statement denotes and the Scedosporium/Pseudallescheria complex are most commonly involved in mycetomas in animals.
T2089 711768-711840 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are usually solitary, but rarely, disseminated infections occur.
T2090 712050-712129 Epistemic_statement denotes They are most common on the face, pinnae, and paws, and may become generalized.
T2091 712247-712288 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus is uncommon but may be moderate.
T2092 712375-712498 Epistemic_statement denotes In adult cats, lesions may be extremely subtle and consist of patchy mild alopecia or broken hairs with little skin change.
T2093 712499-712595 Epistemic_statement denotes This is especially true of longhaired cats that may have a poor haircoat and excessive shedding.
T2094 712596-712641 Epistemic_statement denotes Scaling and crusting may be absent or severe.
T2095 712642-712672 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be hyperpigmented.
T2096 712673-712790 Epistemic_statement denotes Recurring chin folliculitis resembling feline acne or dermatitis of the dorsal tail resembling "stud tail" may occur.
T2097 712791-712859 Epistemic_statement denotes Focal pruritic lesions that resemble eosinophilic plaques can occur.
T2098 712860-713053 Epistemic_statement denotes Kerions are uncommon in cats, but longhaired cats, especially Persian cats, can develop dermatophytic pseudomycetomas, usually over the dorsal trunk or tail base, and tissue grains may be seen.
T2099 713161-713501 Epistemic_statement denotes Other uncommon clinical presentations associated with M. canis are widespread pruritic exfoliative erythroderma, recurrent otitis externa, asymmetrical paronychia or onychodysplasia, generalized seborrhea-like eruptions, and clinical signs suggestive of pemphigus foliaceus with crusting over the bridge of the nose, pinnae, and paronychia.
T2100 713537-713686 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, organisms are infrequent, and only a single infected hair may be found in a biopsy, whereas in other cases, organisms may be numerous.
T2101 713942-714076 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are usually focal and measure 2-3 cm in diameter; but in some instances, they are multiple and may even have systemic lesions.
T2102 714862-714982 Epistemic_statement denotes The pigmentation is due to the presence of melanin, which may act as a virulence factor in the development of infection.
T2103 715283-715370 Epistemic_statement denotes Some of the organisms can also be cultured from the skin of healthy people and animals.
T2104 715371-715512 Epistemic_statement denotes Subcutaneous infection is thought to result from wound contamination or traumatic implantation of wood slivers, thorns, sticks, and the like.
T2105 715661-715859 Epistemic_statement denotes No underlying immune deficiency is apparent in most cases of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis, whereas disseminated infections have been associated with immunologic compromise or debilitating disease.
T2106 715860-715900 Epistemic_statement denotes German Shepherd dogs may be predisposed.
T2107 715901-716065 Epistemic_statement denotes Subcutaneous infection with Staphylotrichum coccosporum, a fungus previously thought to be nonpathogenic, was described in a cat positive for feline leukemia virus.
T2108 716066-716149 Epistemic_statement denotes Subcutaneous infection is insidiously progressive and evolves over months to years.
T2109 716231-716368 Epistemic_statement denotes The fungal pigmentation may be grossly visible in the tissue and, in some cases, the nodule is so dark it may be mistaken for a melanoma.
T2110 716469-716565 Epistemic_statement denotes Firm to fluctuant subcutaneous nodules grow slowly and may be ulcerated or have draining tracts.
T2111 716788-716829 Epistemic_statement denotes Occasionally, nodules may be generalized.
T2112 716830-716976 Epistemic_statement denotes Multiple ulcerated cutaneous nodules are the usual form of the infection described in cattle, and lesions may also be present in the nasal mucosa.
T2113 716977-717043 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions in dogs are also frequently multiple and may be extensive.
T2114 717717-717763 Epistemic_statement denotes Necrosis may over a period of months to years.
T2115 717961-718143 Epistemic_statement denotes The grains or granules are composed of aggregates of fungal organisms and vary in size from 0.1 mm to several millimeters in size and may be white, yellow, pink-red, brown, or black.
T2116 718144-718322 Epistemic_statement denotes The color, size, shape, and texture of the grains may be sufficiently characteristic to suggest the etiologic agent, but definitive identification of the fungus requires culture.
T2117 718358-718499 Epistemic_statement denotes have been associated with black-grained mycetomas, whereas the Scedosporium/Pseudallescheria complex is usually associated with white grains.
T2118 719033-719129 Epistemic_statement denotes The fungal hyphae may be embedded in an amorphous eosinophilic "cement-like" substance (see Fig.
T2119 719288-719420 Epistemic_statement denotes Fragments of plant material may be seen within the lesion adjacent to the granules and are suspected to be the vehicle of infection.
T2120 719678-719783 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, special stains may be needed to determine if the grains are composed of bacteria or fungi.
T2121 719855-719866 Epistemic_statement denotes Elad D, et
T2122 719867-719897 Epistemic_statement denotes Further reading Guillot J, et
T2123 719898-720057 Epistemic_statement denotes Sporotrichosis is an uncommon chronic infection usually limited to skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by the opportunist fungal pathogen Sporothrix schenckii.
T2124 721156-721294 Epistemic_statement denotes Transmission of the infection from cats to humans has been reported many times, and infected cats pose a significant public health danger.
T2125 721452-721485 Epistemic_statement denotes The organism may be be extensive.
T2126 721648-721842 Epistemic_statement denotes They are often constricted at their prominent thick septations and may contain single or chains of thick-walled vesicular swellings, 25 µm or more in diameter, that resemble chlamydospores (Fig.
T2127 721854-721965 Epistemic_statement denotes The innate brown pigment may not be readily apparent in tissue sections, especially in cases of Alternaria spp.
T2128 721966-722067 Epistemic_statement denotes Melanin stains, such as Fontana-Masson, can be used to confirm the presence of melanin in the hyphae.
T2129 722068-722144 Epistemic_statement denotes Fungal stains demonstrate the organisms well but can mask the natural color.
T2130 722145-722274 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiologic agents are so similar in appearance within tissues that they cannot be identified on the basis of their morphology.
T2131 722342-722432 Epistemic_statement denotes Phaeohyphomycosis has been confused with eumycotic mycetomas caused by dematiaceous fungi.
T2132 722433-722606 Epistemic_statement denotes The fungi in mycetomas form discrete organized granules, whereas those of phaeohyphomycosis appear as individual hyphae and small aggregates scattered throughout the lesion.
T2133 722607-722741 Epistemic_statement denotes The aggregates of hyphae in phaeohyphomycosis may be surrounded by Splendore-Hoeppli material, but this does not constitute a granule.
T2134 723129-723181 Epistemic_statement denotes Fibrosis is variable; and necrosis may be extensive.
T2135 723331-723536 Epistemic_statement denotes The yeasts appear as round, oval, or elongated ("cigar"-shaped) single or budding cells that measure 2-6 µm or more in diameter for the round and oval forms and 2 × 3 to 3 µ 10 µm for the cigar form ( Fig.
T2136 723547-723644 Epistemic_statement denotes The cigar forms are considered characteristic of Sporothrix, but they may not be regularly found.
T2137 723645-723742 Epistemic_statement denotes In general, organisms are numerous in lesions from cats and rare in tissues from dogs and horses.
T2138 723743-723831 Epistemic_statement denotes However, some reports indicate that visible organisms may be few or absent in some cats.
T2139 723832-723881 Epistemic_statement denotes In immunosuppressed dogs, yeasts may be numerous.
T2140 723882-723952 Epistemic_statement denotes The yeasts may be extracellular or within neutrophils and macrophages.
T2141 723953-724083 Epistemic_statement denotes The yeasts have a refractile cell wall from which the cytoplasm may shrink during processing and give the appearance of a capsule.
T2142 724084-724222 Epistemic_statement denotes In such instances and when no cigar forms are evident, the organism may be mistaken for Cryptococcus neoformans or Histoplasma capsulatum.
T2143 724223-724340 Epistemic_statement denotes Yeasts stand out clearly with fungal stains, but serial sections may be needed to demonstrate even a single organism.
T2144 724341-724428 Epistemic_statement denotes Without a significant number of cigar-shaped forms, identification may not be possible.
T2145 724429-724678 Epistemic_statement denotes Tissue culture, immunohistochemistry, or fluorescent antibody staining may be necessary for definitive able to penetrate intact skin because not all patients who develop lesions can recall having wounds or being bitten or scratched by infected cats.
T2146 724679-724828 Epistemic_statement denotes The large number of organisms typically present in lesions from cats is thought to be the reason for the transmission of disease from cats to humans.
T2147 724829-724923 Epistemic_statement denotes However, even when the lesions in cats had few organisms, transmission to humans has occurred.
T2148 725163-725301 Epistemic_statement denotes These cases suggest that factors in addition to absolute numbers of yeasts are involved in the apparent ease of cat-to-human transmission.
T2149 725532-725637 Epistemic_statement denotes It is thought that this form results from a high degree of host immunity, preventing spread of infection.
T2150 725638-725728 Epistemic_statement denotes Nodules may become ulcerated and associated with seropurulent exudate and crust formation.
T2151 725729-725835 Epistemic_statement denotes The normal grooming behavior of cats may result in autoinoculation and spread of lesions to distant sites.
T2152 725836-725886 Epistemic_statement denotes The cutaneous form may have a very chronic course.
T2153 725887-726030 Epistemic_statement denotes An unusual case of sporotrichosis in a dog consisted of otitis externa characterized by multiple cutaneous nodules that persisted for >5 years.
T2154 726486-726549 Epistemic_statement denotes The nodules may break open and discharge seropurulent material.
T2155 726550-726628 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may cavitate and expose extensive areas of underlying muscle and bone.
T2156 727063-727167 Epistemic_statement denotes The initial draining puncture wounds may be indistinguishable from cat-inflicted fight wound infections.
T2157 727168-727318 Epistemic_statement denotes • The extracutaneous/disseminated form may involve a single extracutaneous tissue, such as osteoarticular sporotrichosis, or multiple internal organs.
T2158 727416-727544 Epistemic_statement denotes The disseminated form of sporotrichosis occurs most frequently in cats, and no immunosuppressive factors are usually identified.
T2159 727762-727798 Epistemic_statement denotes This is a rare presentation in dogs.
T2160 728112-728257 Epistemic_statement denotes The infective stage of the organism is a biflagellate aquatic zoospore that is released seasonally in association with warm weather and moisture.
T2161 728305-728531 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection is thought to be acquired from prolonged contact with stagnant fresh water containing the newly emerged zoospores that are motile and are attracted chemotactically to animal hair, damaged skin, and intestinal mucosa.
T2162 728727-728902 Epistemic_statement denotes The body temperature of the host stimulates the encysted zoospores to develop a germ tube (hypha) that extends into the infected tissue and can later infiltrate blood vessels.
T2163 729021-729140 Epistemic_statement denotes The zoospore stage is not known to form in tissue, and the infection is thus not considered to have zoonotic potential.
T2164 729141-729327 Epistemic_statement denotes Not all animals with pythiosis have a history of contact with permanent bodies of water, suggesting that the organism may proliferate in temporary stands of water or even on wet grasses.
T2165 729443-729690 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions occur most commonly on the limbs, distal to the carpus and hock, and on the ventral aspect of the thorax and abdomen, sites that are most likely to be in contact with stagnant water and would be traumatized by aquatic plants or vegetation.
T2166 730106-730269 Epistemic_statement denotes The tracts also contain characteristic gray-white to pale yellow coral-like concretions (called leeches or kunkers) that may be extruded at the skin surface ( Fig.
T2167 730562-730675 Epistemic_statement denotes The largest lesions usually develop on the thorax and abdomen and may attain a size of 45 cm or more in diameter.
T2168 730676-730725 Epistemic_statement denotes In chronic cases, underlying bone may be invaded.
T2169 730726-730792 Epistemic_statement denotes Regional lymph nodes may be involved, but visceral spread is rare.
T2170 730793-730985 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical appearance of the lesions may resemble basidiobolomycosis, cutaneous habronemiasis, excessive granulation tissue, and neoplasia (particularly sarcoid and squamous cell carcinoma).
T2171 731081-731213 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease occurs most often in young adult, large-breed dogs, and German Shepherd dogs and Labrador Retrievers may be predisposed.
T2172 731644-731705 Epistemic_statement denotes Early lesions on the legs may resemble acral lick dermatitis.
T2173 732462-732536 Epistemic_statement denotes Organisms can be difficult to identify microscopically in both conditions.
T2174 733065-733201 Epistemic_statement denotes The organisms are thought to enter the skin through cutaneous wounds, and infection may involve the dermis, subcutis, or distant tissue.
T2175 733202-733283 Epistemic_statement denotes These organisms are often associated with devastating and often fatal infections.
T2176 733284-733516 Epistemic_statement denotes Pythiosis (leeches, kunkers, swamp cancer, bursattee) is a chronic cutaneous-subcutaneous, gastrointestinal, or multisystemic infection of horses, dogs, humans, cattle, cats, and sheep, with rare reports in camels and other species.
T2177 734914-735121 Epistemic_statement denotes A moderate to large number of negatively stained hyphae are present at the periphery of the kunkers and may be surrounded by many eosinophils and smaller numbers of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and mast cells.
T2178 735329-735375 Epistemic_statement denotes Degenerate or thrombosed arteries may be seen.
T2179 735701-735787 Epistemic_statement denotes Most reported cases of pythiosis in cattle have been in beef calves <12 months of age.
T2180 735788-735865 Epistemic_statement denotes In sheep, the condition appears to have no age, breed, or sex predisposition.
T2181 736021-736123 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions consist of irregular swellings that may or may not be ulcerated with multiple draining tracts.
T2182 736307-736395 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions may be very painful and lead to recumbency, starvation, and death in calves.
T2183 736396-736460 Epistemic_statement denotes However, there have also been reports of spontaneous resolution.
T2184 736461-736546 Epistemic_statement denotes Internal spread, especially to lungs, may be more common in sheep than other species.
T2185 736547-736601 Epistemic_statement denotes Spontaneous resolution has not been reported in sheep.
T2186 736602-736640 Epistemic_statement denotes Reports of pythiosis in cats are rare.
T2187 737175-737451 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans and animals, Mucorales organisms tend to cause acute, rapidly progressive disease in immunocompromised individuals, whereas Entomophthorales organisms typically cause localized infections in the subcutaneous tissues or nasal submucosa of immunocompetent individuals.
T2188 737804-737922 Epistemic_statement denotes The portal of entry may be cutaneous (via traumatic implantation or biting insects), gastrointestinal, or respiratory.
T2189 738051-738158 Epistemic_statement denotes Zygomycosis is a rare disease of humans and animals, including dogs, cats, horses, llamas, sheep, and pigs.
T2190 738596-738657 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be unilateral or bilateral, single or multifocal.
T2191 738802-738874 Epistemic_statement denotes Small (0.5 mm) foci of yellow friable material (leeches) may be present.
T2192 739348-739489 Epistemic_statement denotes The second pattern (granulomatous) consists of epithelioid macrophages and Langerhans giant cells and may be surrounded by connective tissue.
T2193 739490-739535 Epistemic_statement denotes Both patterns may be seen in a single lesion.
T2194 739636-739712 Epistemic_statement denotes Fibrinoid necrosis of arterial walls and small arterial thrombi may be seen.
T2195 739713-739743 Epistemic_statement denotes Angioinvasion is noted rarely.
T2196 740320-740484 Epistemic_statement denotes It is readily stained with Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) and appears as thick-walled, sparsely septate hyphae, 2-7 µm in diameter, with occasional branching (Fig.
T2197 740495-740614 Epistemic_statement denotes Organisms are usually most numerous in necrotic foci and may also be seen in walls of small arterioles in some species.
T2198 740615-740735 Epistemic_statement denotes They are rare in areas of granulomatous inflammation, and they are not usually present in intervening connective tissue.
T2199 740818-740946 Epistemic_statement denotes The hyphae of these organisms tend to be broader, ranging from 5-20 µm in diameter; however, the differentiation of Pythium spp.
T2200 741126-741210 Epistemic_statement denotes Pythium is readily cultured in most instances, but it cannot be grown in some cases.
T2201 741384-741561 Epistemic_statement denotes Not all assays are available for each organism, but a combination of assays and evaluation of the clinical information and laboratory results can lead to a definitive diagnosis.
T2202 741562-741691 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lagenidiosis is remarkably similar to cutaneous pythiosis in geographic occurrence and clinical and histologic lesions.
T2203 741944-742012 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be ulcerated with areas of necrosis and draining tracts.
T2204 742013-742139 Epistemic_statement denotes Regional lymphadenopathy consisting of granulomatous to pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis is common and may precede skin lesions.
T2205 742140-742277 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease can be very aggressive, and affected dogs frequently develop lesions of the great vessels, mediastinum, lungs, and esophagus.
T2206 742341-742389 Epistemic_statement denotes Gastrointestinal lesions have not been observed.
T2207 742390-742498 Epistemic_statement denotes In some dogs, lesions may be slowly progressive, chronic, and limited to cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues.
T2208 742688-742726 Epistemic_statement denotes Pyogranulomatous vasculitis may occur.
T2209 742860-743092 Epistemic_statement denotes The microscopic lesions of basidiobolomycosis and conidiobolomycosis are similar to those of pythiosis, and the diseases may be histologically indistinguishable, especially when the width of hyphae is at the narrow end of the range.
T2210 743510-743673 Epistemic_statement denotes Thus diagnosis of infection is difficult to make by culture alone and requires histologic demonstration of tissue invasion by morphologically compatible organisms.
T2211 743674-743834 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans, these infections are usually associated with immunosuppression and neutropenia, but predisposing factors are only occasionally identified in animals.
T2212 744258-744373 Epistemic_statement denotes A. terreus has been associated with subcutaneous granulomas in an adult Holstein cow without any lesions elsewhere.
T2213 744374-744460 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs with disseminated aspergillosis may rarely develop cutaneous lesions secondarily.
T2214 745140-745341 Epistemic_statement denotes Piedra is an opportunistic infection and has been associated with cutaneous infections, urinary tract infections, systemic infections, pneumonitis, valvular endocarditis, fatal mastitis, and abortions.
T2215 745842-745928 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be associated with exophthalmos and appear as white to yellow firm masses.
T2216 746129-746235 Epistemic_statement denotes Subcutaneous zygomycosis caused by Conidiobolus of unknown species has been reported in a young adult dog.
T2217 746903-747006 Epistemic_statement denotes Small irregular gritty masses of yellow-white material (kunkers, leeches) may discharge to the surface.
T2218 747286-747478 Epistemic_statement denotes The clinical lesions are similar to those of pythiosis but may sometimes be differentiated in the horse by differences in anatomic location, number and appearance of kunkers, and epidemiology.
T2219 747479-747580 Epistemic_statement denotes Basidiobolomycosis is a rare cause of pulmonary disease and ulcerative draining skin lesions in dogs.
T2220 747581-747697 Epistemic_statement denotes Disseminated infection involving the gastrointestinal tract and other abdominal organs has been described in 2 dogs.
T2221 748136-748330 Epistemic_statement denotes Fungi are usually located in necrotic foci and may be seen as clear linear or circular hyphal "ghosts" often surrounded by a thick (2.5-25 µm) eosinophilic sleeve (Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon).
T2222 748660-748785 Epistemic_statement denotes Basophilic granular protoplasm may be visible with H&E stain, but the organisms are usually better visualized with GMS stain.
T2223 748903-748953 Epistemic_statement denotes Folded, twisted, or compressed hyphae may be seen.
T2224 749309-749456 Epistemic_statement denotes the intermediate hosts is not known, but mechanical transmission by blood-sucking insects is regarded as an important natural mode of transmission.
T2225 749457-749583 Epistemic_statement denotes Some studies suggest that direct transmission from intermediate host to intermediate host is possible, such as through mating.
T2226 749737-749843 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection, however, may be generalized and is typically so in some infections in rodents and wild animals.
T2227 751010-751137 Epistemic_statement denotes In Europe, mortality is <1%, and although many animals in an endemic area may be seropositive, most are subclinically infected.
T2228 751138-751218 Epistemic_statement denotes Predilections for age, breed, and sex appear to vary between geographic regions.
T2229 751514-751569 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection appear to be rare in calves <6 months of age.
T2230 751641-751808 Epistemic_statement denotes The acute stage can be confused with bluetongue or malignant catarrhal fever and is characterized by fever, generalized edema, weakness, anorexia, and lymphadenopathy.
T2231 752043-752113 Epistemic_statement denotes Pregnant cows may abort, and bulls may develop orchitis and sterility.
T2232 752324-752509 Epistemic_statement denotes Animals lose condition, have decreased milk production, have permanent sterility in some bulls, have significant hide damage, and up to 10% mortality may occur during the chronic stage.
T2233 752510-752533 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be painful.
T2234 752968-753083 Epistemic_statement denotes It is not certain if new tissue cysts are formed during the chronic stage and how long the cysts persist in cattle.
T2235 753396-753569 Epistemic_statement denotes has rarely been reported to cause nasal granulomas in cats and in one cat was reported to cause an ulcerated mass on the distal leg at the site of a previous cat-bite wound.
T2236 754232-754402 Epistemic_statement denotes Differentials for protozoal dermatitis should include Besnoitia spp., Leishmania spp., Caryospora spp., Neospora spp., Toxoplasma spp., Sarcocystis spp., and Babesia spp.
T2237 754403-754481 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions have also been associated with Theileria infection (see Vol.
T2238 754668-754717 Epistemic_statement denotes It is closely related to Toxoplasma and Neospora.
T2239 755095-755290 Epistemic_statement denotes A feline definitive host has been identified for B. oryctofelis, B. darling, B. neotomofelis, and B. wallacei, which affects rabbits, opossums, southern plains woodrat, and rodents, respectively.
T2240 755291-755390 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis, life cycle, and route of infection are poorly understood for the 4 Besnoitia spp.
T2241 755521-755730 Epistemic_statement denotes In the 4 species in which the definitive host is known to be a felid, sexual reproduction is thought to occur in the intestinal tract of the definitive host, and the sporulated oocysts are passed in the feces.
T2242 756097-756368 Epistemic_statement denotes Serologic tests can be used to detect subclinical infections; however, these tests have a low level of specificity, Although some tissue cysts do degenerate and cause inflammation, there is no evidence that besnoitiosis can be reactivated from the chronic to acute stage.
T2243 756369-756556 Epistemic_statement denotes This is unlike the biology of rodent Besnoitia spp., where it has been shown that chronic B. jellisoni infection in rodents can be reactivated by experimentally induced immunosuppression.
T2244 757447-757554 Epistemic_statement denotes For unknown reasons, some infected donkeys remain healthy, whereas others become cachectic and debilitated.
T2245 757555-757638 Epistemic_statement denotes Internal dissemination of tissue cysts has not been reported in equid besnoitiosis.
T2246 757639-757812 Epistemic_statement denotes Risk factors for infection in donkeys have been suggested to be young age (most affected donkeys have been <3 years of age) and stressful, crowded, or unhygienic conditions.
T2247 757813-757963 Epistemic_statement denotes Caprine besnoitiosis caused by B. caprae is clinically and pathologically similar to bovine besnoitiosis but has only been reported in Iran and Kenya.
T2248 757964-758048 Epistemic_statement denotes The prevalence of disease is higher in older goats and rare in goats <1 year of age.
T2249 758904-758975 Epistemic_statement denotes These may be separated from the wall by an artifactual shrinkage space.
T2250 759911-760072 Epistemic_statement denotes Occasionally, they may be detected in A B C nodular form lacked antigen-presenting cells and had more numerous macrophages containing large numbers of organisms.
T2251 760073-760279 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been suggested that the clinical and histologic lesions may be useful in establishing a prognosis for remission in that the character of the lesions that develops reflects epidermal immunocompetence.
T2252 760338-760494 Epistemic_statement denotes in dogs has been associated with good response to treatment and reduced antibody titers, which are suggestive of immunocompetence and a favorable prognosis.
T2253 760639-760727 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are most pronounced on the head, pinnae, and extremities but may be generalized.
T2254 760728-760822 Epistemic_statement denotes Involved skin may be hypotrichotic to alopecic, and nasodigital hyperkeratosis may also occur.
T2255 761084-761275 Epistemic_statement denotes Papular and nodular lesions are generally nonpainful and nonpruritic and are most common on the ventral abdomen, inner aspect of the pinnae, eyelids, and face but can be anywhere on the body.
T2256 761802-761982 Epistemic_statement denotes Orthokeratotic and parakeratotic hyperkeratosis are usually prominent, and the inflammatory infiltrate typically is composed of macrophages with fewer lymphocytes and plasma cells.
T2257 761983-762037 Epistemic_statement denotes Multinucleated histiocytic giant cells may be present.
T2258 762627-762743 Epistemic_statement denotes Leishmania organisms can often be seen with routine H&E stains; however, they are best visualized with Giemsa stain.
T2259 763016-763208 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, the perifollicular pattern with granulomatous inflammation and sebaceous gland destruction may need to be differentiated from sebaceous adenitis and sterile granuloma syndrome.
T2260 763209-763352 Epistemic_statement denotes Feline leishmaniasis is rare and generally occurs as a cutaneous disease without visceral involvement, although visceral involvement can occur.
T2261 764053-764074 Epistemic_statement denotes have been identified.
T2262 765146-765248 Epistemic_statement denotes Other modes of transmission have been suggested, such as blood transfusions and vertical transmission.
T2263 765442-765546 Epistemic_statement denotes Leishmaniasis can manifest as a subclinical infection, selflimiting disease, or severe systemic illness.
T2264 765547-765667 Epistemic_statement denotes A variety of host and parasite factors are likely important in determining whether the host is resistant or susceptible.
T2265 765762-765830 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease can occur at any age but is more common in young adults.
T2266 765831-766015 Epistemic_statement denotes Studies in mice and dogs indicate that resistance to infection is dependent upon a Th1-type of immune response, whereas susceptibility is associated with a Th2-type of immune response.
T2267 766016-766315 Epistemic_statement denotes The alopecic form of the cutaneous disease in the dog has been shown to be associated with fewer organisms and a more appropriate cellular immune response in terms of number of antigen-presenting Langerhans cells, major histocompatibility complex II-positive keratinocytes, and infiltrating T cells.
T2268 766316-766342 Epistemic_statement denotes In contrast, dogs with the
T2269 766343-766495 Epistemic_statement denotes Toxoplasma gondii, an apicomplexan intracellular coccidian parasite, has been reported rarely as a cause of cutaneous lesions in humans, cats, and dogs.
T2270 766736-766819 Epistemic_statement denotes The cat is the definitive host, and most mammals can serve as an intermediate host.
T2271 766820-766912 Epistemic_statement denotes Most reports of cutaneous toxoplasmosis have been associated with systemic fatal infections.
T2272 767603-767741 Epistemic_statement denotes Caryospora spp., apicomplexan parasites whose primary hosts are reptiles and raptors, rarely cause pyogranulomatous dermatitis in puppies.
T2273 767742-767842 Epistemic_statement denotes Immunosuppression and concurrent disease, such as canine distemper, likely play a facilitatory role.
T2274 768154-768271 Epistemic_statement denotes Not all stages of the life cycle may be present in tissue sections, precluding a microscopic diagnosis in some cases.
T2275 769145-769253 Epistemic_statement denotes Reports in cattle are rare: one cow from Switzerland with L. siamensis and one suspected case from Zimbabwe.
T2276 769813-769877 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions may not be associated with systemic infection.
T2277 769878-770037 Epistemic_statement denotes Diagnosis can be made through finding the organism on cytologic or histologic evaluation of tissues, PCR, immunohis- A B belonging to the family Chlorellaceae.
T2278 770258-770351 Epistemic_statement denotes The 2 most common species associated with infection are Prototheca wickerhamii and P. zopfii.
T2279 770457-770619 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans, the cutaneous form is the most common and is thought to be initiated by traumatic implantation, resulting in a protracted and indolent clinical course.
T2280 770754-770929 Epistemic_statement denotes In those cases in which the organism was speciated, P. zopfii is most often associated with disseminated disease, whereas the cutaneous form has been caused by P. wickerhamii.
T2281 770930-771102 Epistemic_statement denotes Despite widespread distribution of Prototheca spp., the prevalence of infection is very low, and attempts to reproduce infection experimentally have met with mixed success.
T2282 771274-771478 Epistemic_statement denotes Most humans with cutaneous protothecosis have a concurrent disease condition that may alter the immune response to the organism; however, immunocompromise has not been documented in most affected animals.
T2283 771696-771740 Epistemic_statement denotes Nasal planum depigmentation may be striking.
T2284 771741-771991 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, there is pyogranulomatous to granulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis with epithelioid macrophages, multinucleated histiocytic giant cells, neutrophils, and lymphoid cells are in variable numbers, and foci of necrosis may be present.
T2285 772434-772649 Epistemic_statement denotes Identification of Prototheca can be made reliably by examination of tissue sections, but species identification usually requires culture or immunofluorescence methods because differences in the 2 species are subtle.
T2286 773227-773428 Epistemic_statement denotes This parasite is a primary pathogen in dogs and has been associated with progressive ascending paralysis, polymyositis, multifocal central nervous system disease, myocarditis, pneumonia, and hepatitis.
T2287 773429-773555 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions occur rarely in adult dogs, often with underlying immunosuppression from drug therapy or concurrent disease.
T2288 773556-773692 Epistemic_statement denotes It is not known whether the disease in adult dogs results from a reactivated congenital infection or from a recently acquired infection.
T2289 773902-774051 Epistemic_statement denotes Numerous tachyzoites, 4-7 µm × 1.5-5 µm, may be seen in macrophages, keratinocytes, and neutrophils, and rarely in endothelial cells and fibroblasts.
T2290 774313-774448 Epistemic_statement denotes An unidentified Sarcocystis-like protozoan was associated with multiple cutaneous abscesses and disseminated visceral lesions in a dog.
T2291 774928-775033 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection with Babesia canis and B. gibsoni have been reported to rarely cause cutaneous lesions in dogs.
T2292 775699-775807 Epistemic_statement denotes In general, most arthropod bites initially appear as circular, erythematous lesions, 0.5-2.0 cm in diameter.
T2293 775808-775903 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may progress to focal areas of necrosis with ulceration, alopecia, and crust formation.
T2294 775904-776052 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, the area of necrosis and inflammation may have a triangular outline with one point of the triangle in the deep dermis or panniculus.
T2295 776204-776240 Epistemic_statement denotes Edema and hemorrhage may be present.
T2296 776241-776404 Epistemic_statement denotes As the lesion ages, the area may become nodular to form "arthropod-bite granuloma" composed of macrophages, lymphocytes, mast cells, eosinophils, and plasma cells.
T2297 776405-776458 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphoid nodules with follicle formation may develop.
T2298 777347-777622 Epistemic_statement denotes Because of the variety of parasitic modes, it is not possible to generalize on the effects of flies on domestic animals, nor, with the exception of a few obligate parasites, is it possible to be specific because there is little information available on primary pathogenicity.
T2299 777623-778137 Epistemic_statement denotes Flies adversely affect domestic animals by causing annoyance, by direct toxicity that may be fatal following massive insect attack, by indirect toxicity resulting from the deposition of larva into damaged skin (myiasis), by local irritant effects causing dermatitis that may predispose to secondary bacterial infection or to myiasis, by injection of antigens that induce hypersensitivity reactions, by blood-feeding activities that cause anemia, and by the biological or mechanical transmission of other pathogens.
T2300 778138-778266 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been estimated that tabanid flies could transmit 35 pathogens, including equine infectious anemia virus and trypanosomes.
T2301 778278-778398 Epistemic_statement denotes have been implicated in the mechanical transmission of anthrax, mastitis, Habronema spp., and conjunctivitis in animals.
T2302 778399-778504 Epistemic_statement denotes Stomoxys calcitrans, the stable fly, is thought to be the primary transmitter of habronemiasis in horses.
T2303 779092-779181 Epistemic_statement denotes The parasites of concern to us here belong to the 2 large classes, Insecta and Arachnida.
T2304 779417-779526 Epistemic_statement denotes For information on biological characters and classification, reference should be made to texts on entomology.
T2305 779868-779984 Epistemic_statement denotes London: Chapman and Hall; associated with bites of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) or deer flies (Chrysops spp.).
T2306 780090-780145 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be localized to the intermandibular region.
T2307 780227-780338 Epistemic_statement denotes Simulid bites may be involved in the pathogenesis of ear papillomas and insect-bite hypersensitivity in horses.
T2308 780418-780515 Epistemic_statement denotes Very little is known of the nature of the cutaneous lesions produced in animals by these insects.
T2309 780799-780866 Epistemic_statement denotes The wheals are usually transient but may persist for several weeks.
T2310 781038-781186 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, there may be intraepithelial eosinophilic spongiform pustules or focal areas of epidermal necrosis indicating the penetration point.
T2311 781439-781631 Epistemic_statement denotes The injected salivary substances are irritant, and many are allergenic; hypersensitivity reactions probably contribute to the severity of the local lesions caused by a variety of biting flies.
T2312 781857-781939 Epistemic_statement denotes Black flies have also been associated with insect-bite hypersensitivity in horses.
T2313 782592-782741 Epistemic_statement denotes Fly-worry occasionally induces such apprehension that the animals run aimlessly ("gadding"), and severe injury or death may result from misadventure.
T2314 783417-783477 Epistemic_statement denotes biting midges can cause pruritus and restlessness in horses.
T2315 783545-783653 Epistemic_statement denotes bites may suffer weight loss as a result of severe pruritus and irritation (see Immune-mediated dermatoses).
T2316 783985-784059 Epistemic_statement denotes Mortality may arise from direct toxic effect as well as from misadventure.
T2317 784060-784137 Epistemic_statement denotes Death may be the result of urticarial swelling of the head and neck or shock.
T2318 784138-784313 Epistemic_statement denotes Many flies are attracted to exhaled carbon dioxide and can occasionally cause death by suffocation of cattle, horses, or other animals when large numbers of flies are inhaled.
T2319 784314-784438 Epistemic_statement denotes Mosquitoes, especially aggressive species, such as Aedes vigilex, may cause significant mortality among piglets and puppies.
T2320 784730-784928 Epistemic_statement denotes Simuliid flies exert systemic effects through inoculation of a heat-stable toxin, which causes increased vascular permeability and abnormalities in cardiorespiratory function, which may cause death.
T2321 784929-785189 Epistemic_statement denotes The hematophagous flies seldom cause serious loss of blood; however, anemia may result from heavy infestations by Haematobia irritans, mosquitoes, the sheep ked Melophagus ovinus, and Stomoxys calcitrans, which may ingest as much as 16 mg of blood per feeding.
T2322 785487-785546 Epistemic_statement denotes These lesions are associated with black fly (Simulium spp.)
T2323 785799-785874 Epistemic_statement denotes Only the third type is associated with clinical signs of variable pruritus.
T2324 785875-786143 Epistemic_statement denotes Both the second and third forms are thought to be In South and Central America, Dermatobia hominis (furuncular myiasis) (order Diptera; family Oestridae; subfamily Cuterebrinae) affects horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits, and people, and rarely dogs and cats.
T2325 786314-786428 Epistemic_statement denotes The larvae then attach to the host and penetrate the skin to form local subcutaneous nodules that can be pruritic.
T2326 787273-787372 Epistemic_statement denotes The larvae can penetrate the tender skin of young animals, hence the young are most often affected.
T2327 787941-788087 Epistemic_statement denotes In the esophageal lesions, collagen bundles around the first instar larvae of H. lineatum appear fragmented, as if undergoing enzymatic digestion.
T2328 788138-788229 Epistemic_statement denotes In the epidural lesions of H. bovis, it is the fat tissue that appears Scott DW, Miller WH
T2329 788230-788324 Epistemic_statement denotes Myiasis is the infestation of the tissue of living animals with the larvae of dipterous flies.
T2330 788325-788417 Epistemic_statement denotes The larvae are referred to as maggots or grubs and may be facultative or obligate parasites.
T2331 789316-789511 Epistemic_statement denotes (order Diptera; family Oestridae; subfamily Cuterebrinae) are obligate parasites of rodents and rabbits, but occasionally aberrant infestations occur in cats and rarely in dogs, pigs, and humans.
T2332 789906-790007 Epistemic_statement denotes Wounds heal slowly after larvae are removed or released, and secondary bacterial infection may occur.
T2333 790232-790323 Epistemic_statement denotes Larvae may locate in aberrant locations, such as the pharynx, nasal cavity, eye, and brain.
T2334 791080-791126 Epistemic_statement denotes The subcutaneous tissues may become cavitated.
T2335 791127-791177 Epistemic_statement denotes Muscle may be destroyed and body cavities invaded.
T2336 791178-791265 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may result in death from shock, debilitation, toxemia, or bacterial septicemia.
T2337 791831-791915 Epistemic_statement denotes They may also displace the maggots developing from the eggs laid by the primary fly.
T2338 792156-792255 Epistemic_statement denotes The prevalence of the disease tends to follow the rise and fall in the population of primary flies.
T2339 792599-792746 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may affect the preputial orifice (pizzle strike), particularly in animals with narrow urethral orifices, which predispose to urine soiling.
T2340 792747-792838 Epistemic_statement denotes Rams with deep head folds may develop poll strike, possibly predisposed to by fight wounds.
T2341 793699-793811 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions, known as "warbles," may be painful and last for 4-6 weeks, during which the larvae undergo 2 molts.
T2342 794133-794260 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, the cellular reaction is composed of neutrophils and eosinophils, but may be pyogranulomatous to granulomatous.
T2343 794346-794552 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the most intense inflammatory reactions occur at sites of previous migration rather than around the viable larvae, suggesting that in naive hosts the parasites depress any effective host responses.
T2344 794679-794744 Epistemic_statement denotes Such enzymes could well ablate the host's inflammatory responses.
T2345 795152-795269 Epistemic_statement denotes Once the larvae emerge, the cavity is repaired by fibrosis, but small foreign-body granulomas may persist for months.
T2346 795561-795651 Epistemic_statement denotes Larval rupture, either accidental or deliberate, may induce a fatal anaphylactic reaction.
T2347 795652-795775 Epistemic_statement denotes This may result from systemic effects of the warble toxin, from type I hypersensitivity reactions or a combination of both.
T2348 795908-795975 Epistemic_statement denotes It is most common in sheep and can be of major economic importance.
T2349 796453-796500 Epistemic_statement denotes Hence any species of animal can be susceptible.
T2350 796501-796620 Epistemic_statement denotes Moisture, whether provided by rain, dew, urine, sweat, or inflammatory exudate, predisposes to bacterial proliferation.
T2351 796718-796821 Epistemic_statement denotes H. irritans is also thought to transmit the skin parasitic nematode of cattle, Stephanofilaria stilesi.
T2352 796822-796913 Epistemic_statement denotes Haematobia irritans was associated with teat atresia in a herd of Limousin cattle in Texas.
T2353 797324-797402 Epistemic_statement denotes Institution of a horn fly control program eliminated the problem in this herd.
T2354 797991-798182 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions of Culicoides hypersensitivity (see Immune-mediated dermatoses) and onchocerciasis may also occur on the ventrum, but these are diffuse, often extending from the axillae to the groin.
T2355 798183-798343 Epistemic_statement denotes Both Culicoides hypersensitivity and onchocerciasis are sporadic diseases, whereas up to 80% of horses in a group may be affected with horn fly-bite dermatitis.
T2356 798656-798777 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, mosquito bites can induce a severe papular, crusting dermatitis characterized by dense eosinophilic infiltrates.
T2357 798778-799015 Epistemic_statement denotes Experimental studies in cats, by using intradermal skin tests and Prausnitz-Kustner tests, indicate that these lesions develop only in cats hypersensitive to mosquito-bite antigens and are initiated by a type I hypersensitivity reaction.
T2358 799370-799435 Epistemic_statement denotes The pinnae may develop symmetrical lesions of miliary dermatitis.
T2359 800465-800602 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions are extremely painful and pruritic and may expand rapidly, leading to death from toxemia and septicemia in untreated animals.
T2360 801195-801291 Epistemic_statement denotes They prefer the sides of the neck and body and are difficult to detect in fully fleeced animals.
T2361 801358-801432 Epistemic_statement denotes Heavy infestations can lead to anemia and stained wool from fly excrement.
T2362 801584-801669 Epistemic_statement denotes Sheep keds can transmit several important infectious agents such as bluetongue virus.
T2363 802190-802284 Epistemic_statement denotes Large numbers of horn flies in cattle can urticaria, facial pruritus, angioedema, or necrosis.
T2364 802285-802317 Epistemic_statement denotes The tongue may also be involved.
T2365 803122-803284 Epistemic_statement denotes Because various species of lice have adapted to different microenvironments within the host pelage, it is possible for an animal to carry several species at once.
T2366 803330-803387 Epistemic_statement denotes It tends to be a seasonal problem, being worse in winter.
T2367 803388-803533 Epistemic_statement denotes Lice do not breed at temperatures above 30° C and die at temperatures around 50° C. The signs associated with pediculosis are extremely variable.
T2368 804056-804166 Epistemic_statement denotes Sucking lice may induce anemia, especially in young animals, that is occasionally fatal in heavy infestations.
T2369 804167-804284 Epistemic_statement denotes Weight loss and decreased milk production are associated with the constant irritation seen in some lice infestations.
T2370 804285-804435 Epistemic_statement denotes Lice are usually host specific, but Heterodoxus longitarsus, normally parasitic on kangaroos, has become an important ectoparasite of Australian dogs.
T2371 805298-805373 Epistemic_statement denotes Nodular eosinophilic granulomas with collagen flame figures may be present.
T2372 805475-805542 Epistemic_statement denotes Cats may have regional lymphadenopathy and peripheral eosinophilia.
T2373 806083-806162 Epistemic_statement denotes Certain caterpillar larvae can cause cutaneous reactions most commonly in dogs.
T2374 806695-806798 Epistemic_statement denotes Hence animals such as ungulates rarely have fleas, and carnivores, rabbits, rodents, and bats often do.
T2375 806799-806842 Epistemic_statement denotes Most fleas can parasitize a range of hosts.
T2376 806995-807055 Epistemic_statement denotes Fleas are chiefly a problem in cats, dogs, pigs, and humans.
T2377 807056-807167 Epistemic_statement denotes Flea bites damage the host by irritation, pruritus, blood loss, and possible transmission of infectious agents.
T2378 807883-808098 Epistemic_statement denotes However, infestations also occur with P. irritans (human flea), Leptopsylla segnis (rat flea), Echidnophaga gallinacea (chicken stick-tight flea), Spilopsyllus cuniculi (European rabbit flea), and Ceratophyllus spp.
T2379 808300-808395 Epistemic_statement denotes Most species of fleas move freely around their host's body and can be found virtually anywhere.
T2380 809015-809086 Epistemic_statement denotes Some animals, despite heavy infestations, remain asymptomatic carriers.
T2381 809087-809354 Epistemic_statement denotes Some animals may develop flea-bite dermatitis, which is a reaction to the many irritant substances in the flea's saliva, but the vast majority of lice are commonly found on the poll, pinnae, muzzle, periocular region, neck, brisket, withers, tail, axillae, and groin.
T2382 809692-809806 Epistemic_statement denotes One exception is H. eurysternus infestation, which may cause anemia and death in some uniquely susceptible cattle.
T2383 809807-809889 Epistemic_statement denotes L. vituli has been associated with severe anemia and mortality in young buffaloes.
T2384 809890-810001 Epistemic_statement denotes Sucking lice can serve as vectors of severe diseases, including anaplasmosis, theileriosis, and dermatomycosis.
T2385 810726-810821 Epistemic_statement denotes The haircoat of Angora goats may be seriously damaged by the irritation induced by pediculosis.
T2386 811769-811889 Epistemic_statement denotes Chewing lice may be more numerous on the rump, dorsal trunk, and neck, and sucking lice on the head, neck, and shoulder.
T2387 812004-812094 Epistemic_statement denotes Trichodectes canis may serve as an intermediate host for the tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum.
T2388 812095-812137 Epistemic_statement denotes Pediculosis is a rare disease in pet dogs.
T2389 812138-812290 Epistemic_statement denotes Breeds with moderately long, fine hair may provide a more favorable environment for lice, and the disease is more prevalent in the cooler winter months.
T2390 812365-812425 Epistemic_statement denotes Pediculosis may resemble flea-bite hypersensitivity in dogs.
T2391 812426-812494 Epistemic_statement denotes Infestation in the absence of pruritus may be an incidental finding.
T2392 812571-812702 Epistemic_statement denotes Infestation may be an incidental finding, or it may be associated with severe pruritus with dermatitis and hair loss over the back.
T2393 812703-812755 Epistemic_statement denotes Pediculosis may resemble miliary dermatitis in cats.
T2394 813280-813483 Epistemic_statement denotes In general, both parasites and ova have poor viability in the external environment; however, low temperature and high humidity may allow some mites and nymphs to persist in the environment up to 21 days.
T2395 813484-813650 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease, which is highly contagious, is transmitted largely by direct contact, but may occur following indirect contact with contaminated objects such as bedding.
T2396 814186-814318 Epistemic_statement denotes Scabies is a complex hypersensitivity reaction involving both humoral and cell-mediated components and circulating immune complexes.
T2397 814521-814633 Epistemic_statement denotes In undernourished or immuno-compromised individuals, there may be widespread lesions and large numbers of mites.
T2398 814751-814942 Epistemic_statement denotes In a herd situation, there may be decreased feed intake, weight loss, decreased milk production, hide and fiber damage, difficulty in breeding, and secondary bacterial infections and myiasis.
T2399 814943-815022 Epistemic_statement denotes In some wildlife species, sarcoptic mange is very severe and can lead to death.
T2400 815023-815182 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause for this is not completely understood but may be related to scarcity of food and animals spending much less time feeding because of intense pruritus.
T2401 815183-815301 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, severe skin lesions can lead to ulceration, myiasis, secondary bacterial infections, toxemia, and sepsis.
T2402 815470-815511 Epistemic_statement denotes Peripheral lymphadenopathy may be marked.
T2403 816149-816242 Epistemic_statement denotes Subsequently, a widespread maculopapular eruption appears over the rump, flanks, and abdomen.
T2404 816776-816954 Epistemic_statement denotes Finally, the blood-sucking activities of fleas may induce blood loss, iron deficiency anemia in heavily infested animals, particularly in kittens, puppies, or debilitated adults.
T2405 817156-817296 Epistemic_statement denotes In Africa, Tunga penetrans, the chigoe flea or jigger, has been associated with swine infestations, although it is chiefly a human parasite.
T2406 817451-817526 Epistemic_statement denotes Infestations of the teat canal have been associated with agalactia in sows.
T2407 817527-817571 Epistemic_statement denotes Fleas may act as vectors for swinepox virus.
T2408 817726-817778 Epistemic_statement denotes Fleas may also trigger allergic dermatitis in sheep.
T2409 817779-817829 Epistemic_statement denotes C. felis felis has been rarely reported in cattle.
T2410 817938-818025 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, horses may become infested with C. felis felis, E. gallinacea, or T. penetrans.
T2411 818214-818257 Epistemic_statement denotes Heavily infested animals can become anemic.
T2412 818616-818693 Epistemic_statement denotes Most can parasitize people but will not complete their life cycle on a human.
T2413 818802-818912 Epistemic_statement denotes Sarcoptic mange is common in pigs, dogs, and goats and is uncommon to rare in cattle, sheep, horses, and cats.
T2414 819289-819411 Epistemic_statement denotes The vast majority of dogs have widespread lesions, but some dogs have localized lesions limited to one area of their body.
T2415 819567-819761 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs with compromised immune systems, resulting from coexistent immunosuppressive disease or therapy with corticosteroids or cytotoxic drugs, may be infested by much larger populations of mites.
T2416 819762-819815 Epistemic_statement denotes Infestation with S. scabiei can occur rarely in cats.
T2417 820534-820654 Epistemic_statement denotes bovis ("head mange"), the lesions chiefly affect the face, pinnae, neck, shoulders, and rump but may become generalized.
T2418 820703-820809 Epistemic_statement denotes caprae, causes lesions most commonly on the face, pinnae, neck, and legs but may become generalized ( Fig.
T2419 821153-821177 Epistemic_statement denotes equi, is rare in horses.
T2420 821178-821246 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions begin on the head, pinnae, and neck and may spread caudally.
T2421 821756-821848 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, sections of mites or ova may be present within the epidermis or surface crusts (Fig.
T2422 821989-822145 Epistemic_statement denotes In fully developed lesions, there is marked spongiosis, mixed leukocytic exocytosis, serocellular crusts, and possibly intraepidermal eosinophilic pustules.
T2423 822146-822212 Epistemic_statement denotes Vasodilation, endothelial swelling, and edema may also be present.
T2424 822739-822943 Epistemic_statement denotes Diagnosis of the typical allergic form of the disease depends chiefly on the clinical signs of extreme pruritus and the nature B A These burrows appear on the skin surface in the center of minute papules.
T2425 823092-823143 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be accompanying regional lymphadenopathy.
T2426 823379-823439 Epistemic_statement denotes Mite segments may be found within the superficial epidermis.
T2427 824028-824196 Epistemic_statement denotes There are actually fewer species of psoroptic mites than originally thought, as mites from one host can often infect another host, and morphologic distinctions overlap.
T2428 825070-825236 Epistemic_statement denotes Bovine psoroptic mange showed a recrudescence in North America during the 1970s and early 1980s but has been brought under control by the effective use of ivermectin.
T2429 826259-826359 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease in cats is uncommon to rare, although there are some endemic areas of higher prevalence.
T2430 826537-826689 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions in cats commence on the head and ears, particularly on the margin of the pinna but may extend to the neck, paw, or become generalized ( Fig.
T2431 826785-826857 Epistemic_statement denotes A B calves may develop mild anemia, lymphopenia, and marked neutropenia.
T2432 827223-827302 Epistemic_statement denotes Otitis media and otitis interna are possible if the tympanic membrane ruptures.
T2433 827303-827480 Epistemic_statement denotes In debilitated or stressed animals, thick brownyellow, dry scale-crust accumulates on the inner aspect of the pinna and, rarely, spreads to involve the poll, body, and the legs.
T2434 827481-827706 Epistemic_statement denotes Concurrent Mycoplasma and P. cuniculi infections have been described in the ears of goats; however, Mycoplasma may be cultured from the ears of clinically normal animals, placing some doubt on the significance of the finding.
T2435 828088-828124 Epistemic_statement denotes Infested horses may be asymptomatic.
T2436 828225-828265 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus is variable but can be intense.
T2437 828266-828330 Epistemic_statement denotes In mildly pruritic horses, there may be mane and tail seborrhea.
T2438 828438-828594 Epistemic_statement denotes P. ovis (P. equi) infestations are rare; lesions are crusted papules with alopecia, and the preferred sites are at the base of the mane, forelock, and tail.
T2439 828698-828791 Epistemic_statement denotes The varieties P. auchinae, P. cuniculi, and P. ovis, however, have not been officially named.
T2440 828792-828984 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition is usually pruritic, and lesions are most commonly present on the head, neck, and pinnae but can become more widespread, involving the shoulders, back, rump, sides, and perineum.
T2441 828985-829182 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, clinical signs are limited to the ears and include head shaking, ear twitching, scaling in the ear canals, and occasionally purulent exudate caused by secondary bacterial infections.
T2442 829544-829686 Epistemic_statement denotes The detrimental systemic effects may derive directly or indirectly from a chronic hypersensitivity reaction rather than from local dermatitis.
T2443 829687-829872 Epistemic_statement denotes The histologic lesions, in which the predominant inflammatory cells in the superficial dermis are eosinophils, mast cells, and lymphocytes, are consistent with an allergic pathogenesis.
T2444 829873-830033 Epistemic_statement denotes Constant pruritus resulting from allergy markedly reduces feed intake, and secondary bacterial infection or myiasis may further contribute to loss of condition.
T2445 830034-830151 Epistemic_statement denotes There is little evidence to support the hypothesis that the mites inoculate a toxic compound along with their saliva.
T2446 830515-830628 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophilic microabscesses and focal areas of epidermal edema, leukocytic exocytosis, and necrosis may be found.
T2447 830629-830656 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermal edema may be marked.
T2448 830657-830747 Epistemic_statement denotes Mites are rarely seen but if present are both on top of and under the surface scale-crust.
T2449 830959-831122 Epistemic_statement denotes Psoroptic mange may occur as a latent infection in which mites persist in the ears, infraorbital fossae, inguinal and perineal folds, and at the base of the horns.
T2450 831123-831199 Epistemic_statement denotes In rams, mites may be found on the scrotum or prepuce in small, dry lesions.
T2451 831585-831697 Epistemic_statement denotes The individual lesions expand at the periphery and may coalesce to become diffuse over most of the body surface.
T2452 831776-831881 Epistemic_statement denotes Tufts and clumps of matted wool may be shed or pulled out by self-trauma because of the intense pruritus.
T2453 832040-832212 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, P. cuniculi is an occasional cause of "ear mites" in sheep, and in some cases, clinical signs are limited to the ears and may be due to P. cuniculi or P. ovis.
T2454 832213-832297 Epistemic_statement denotes Aural hematomas may result from head shaking, rubbing, and scratching at the pinnae.
T2455 832804-832864 Epistemic_statement denotes Infested areas are fairly well defined as areas of alopecia.
T2456 833059-833183 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophilic epidermal microabscesses and focal epidermal edema, exocytosis, and necrosis ("epidermal nibbles") may be seen.
T2457 833582-833712 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, lesions may become lichenified, depending upon the duration of the disease and the degree of self-trauma inflicted.
T2458 833966-834015 Epistemic_statement denotes Subclinical infections are probably quite common.
T2459 834115-834298 Epistemic_statement denotes Chorioptic mange is, in general, a less serious condition than psoroptic mange in cattle, although a syndrome of highly pruritic coronitis was associated with falling milk production.
T2460 834541-834744 Epistemic_statement denotes As indicated by the colloquial name "leg mange," lesions occur preferentially on the lower limb around the fetlock but may extend proximally to the thigh and ventral abdomen and rarely become widespread.
T2461 834852-835048 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are most common on the feet and hindlegs, although lesions can also be on the forelegs, perineum, tail, udder, teats, scrotum, ventrum, and may spread to the lateral trunk, neck, and face.
T2462 835278-835376 Epistemic_statement denotes The scrotum may be affected, and the resultant scrotal dermatitis may lead to infertility in rams.
T2463 835377-835445 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may also be present on the forelegs, udder, teats, and rump.
T2464 835446-835515 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe infestations can reduce growth rates and milk and meat yields.
T2465 835844-835948 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions can spread to the axillae, tips and lateral surface of the pinnae, face, neck, dorsum, and feet.
T2466 835949-836015 Epistemic_statement denotes In severe cases, erosions, ulcers and lichenification can be seen.
T2467 836016-836147 Epistemic_statement denotes Interestingly, heavily infested alpacas can be clinically normal, and alpacas with extensive lesions can have low numbers of mites.
T2468 837257-837422 Epistemic_statement denotes They are rapidly killed by desiccation on the surface of the skin, but mites move from follicle to follicle, and it is probably at this time paws, neck, or tailhead.
T2469 837423-837480 Epistemic_statement denotes Self-trauma and head shaking can lead to aural hematomas.
T2470 837481-837593 Epistemic_statement denotes The mites are contagious, particularly in young animals, and can live off the host for extended periods of time.
T2471 837594-837693 Epistemic_statement denotes Diagnosis is by direct visualization; however, mites may be difficult to demonstrate in some cases.
T2472 837694-837776 Epistemic_statement denotes Mites can cause a transient papular dermatitis in humans or rarely otitis externa.
T2473 838662-838806 Epistemic_statement denotes Adult female mites can live up to 10 and possibly 30 days off their host without feeding, and thus transmission can be both indirect and direct.
T2474 839036-839130 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions often commence over the caudal back and progress cranially but may become generalized.
T2475 839387-839478 Epistemic_statement denotes Hair loss may occur because of scratching and overgrooming, and pruritus tends to increase.
T2476 839479-839582 Epistemic_statement denotes The intensity of the pruritus may outweigh the number of mites, suggesting a hypersensitivity reaction.
T2477 839583-839724 Epistemic_statement denotes Some animals may develop exfoliative erythroderma or a scabies-like condition with similar distribution of lesions and intensity of pruritus.
T2478 839725-839851 Epistemic_statement denotes Cats may develop, in addition, focal, multifocal, or generalized erythematous papules or crusted lesions (miliary dermatitis).
T2479 839852-839936 Epistemic_statement denotes Other cats may develop selfinduced dorsal hypotrichosis with few or no skin lesions.
T2480 839937-840010 Epistemic_statement denotes Freeliving cheyletids (Cheyletus eruditus) can also infest dogs and cats.
T2481 840215-840313 Epistemic_statement denotes Cheyletiella eggs and occasionally mites can often be found in feces, especially in grooming cats.
T2482 840683-840952 Epistemic_statement denotes Individual human cases of a bullous eruption with systemic lupus erythematosus, bullous pemphigoid, and peripheral eosinophilia with elevated immune complexes and joint pain with decreased mobility and numbing of fingertips associated with C. blakei have been reported.
T2483 841266-841320 Epistemic_statement denotes can simultaneously parasitize the same mammalian host.
T2484 841321-841494 Epistemic_statement denotes Demodicosis or demodectic mange refers to a proliferation of mites associated with clinical signs and is often, but not always, associated with immunocompromise in the host.
T2485 841762-841939 Epistemic_statement denotes Recent genetic studies have demonstrated that D. cornei (the short-tailed mite, 90-148 µm) should be considered a morphologic variant of D. canis rather than a separate species.
T2486 842324-842446 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, the condition is limited to the external ear canal, and these dogs have pruritic ceruminous otitis externa.
T2487 842664-842745 Epistemic_statement denotes Over time, lesions, as described above, enlarge and may coalesce to form patches.
T2488 842746-842781 Epistemic_statement denotes Follicular casts may be pronounced.
T2489 842782-842823 Epistemic_statement denotes Peripheral lymphadenopathy may be marked.
T2490 843003-843196 Epistemic_statement denotes Spontaneous resolution occurs in >50% of cases; however, if lesions do not spontaneously resolve and if the dog does not receive adequate treatment, lesions will likely continue into adulthood.
T2491 843197-843246 Epistemic_statement denotes This condition can be very severe and even fatal.
T2492 843370-843531 Epistemic_statement denotes Disorders associated with adult-onset demodicosis include hypothyroidism, hyperglucocorticism, leishmaniasis, malignant neoplasia, and immunosuppressive therapy.
T2493 843532-843679 Epistemic_statement denotes In >50% of cases, no underlying disease can be documented at the time of demodicosis diagnosis but may become evident weeks to months into therapy.
T2494 843680-843798 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis of juvenile-onset generalized demodecosis appears to be multifactorial and not completely understood.
T2495 843799-843924 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease is thought to be a genetically mediated specific immunodeficiency that allows the proliferation of Demodex mites.
T2496 844073-844300 Epistemic_statement denotes Although some studies have suggested a decrease in T lymphocytes or premature apoptosis of peripheral blood leukocytes, most dogs are not lymphopenic, and rather, the problem is depressed T-cell function, not decreased numbers.
T2497 844301-844393 Epistemic_statement denotes It also appears that immune suppression is worse in those with secondary bacterial pyoderma.
T2498 844565-844681 Epistemic_statement denotes IL-10 can inhibit cytokine secretion by Th1 cells, including IL-1, interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-β.
T2499 845279-845421 Epistemic_statement denotes Erythema, hyperpigmentation, and comedones have been described, but hypotrichosis, alopecia, and secondary bacterial skin infections are rare.
T2500 846502-846547 Epistemic_statement denotes The external root sheath may be hyperplastic.
T2501 846548-846714 Epistemic_statement denotes Current research suggests lymphocytemediated follicular wall injury may be directed against keratinocytes expressing either altered self-antigens or Demodex antigens.
T2502 846715-846920 Epistemic_statement denotes It is not known whether or not the presence of cytotoxic T lymphocytes indicates an appropriate host reaction to eliminate the parasite or if it represents an inappropriate and self-damaging host response.
T2503 847054-847115 Epistemic_statement denotes Mast cells and eosinophils may be present in smaller numbers.
T2504 847116-847229 Epistemic_statement denotes Marked follicular hyperkeratosis is associated with variable numbers of mites in the upper third of the follicle.
T2505 847230-847382 Epistemic_statement denotes Mural folliculitis is also consistently present at later stages and in cases with secondary bacterial infection, but may not be the predominant pattern.
T2506 847383-847516 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, follicles may contain numerous mites but have no evidence of folliculitis, possibly indicating a poor immune response.
T2507 848681-848827 Epistemic_statement denotes Mites or fragments of mites are found in the subcapsular zone of regional lymph nodes associated with a local granulomatous inflammatory response.
T2508 848932-849133 Epistemic_statement denotes Through blood and lymph drainage, dead and degenerate mites in all stages can also be found in the spleen, lung, intestinal wall, liver, kidney, urinary bladder, thyroid gland, blood, urine, and feces.
T2509 849603-849673 Epistemic_statement denotes Three species of Demodex mites are associated with feline demodecosis.
T2510 849674-849758 Epistemic_statement denotes D. gatoi appears to be the most common, and it is the shortest, measuring 91-108 µm.
T2511 850056-850262 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been found along hair shafts of plucked hairs and therefore is thought to reside Typical gross lesions are multiple cutaneous papules or nodules varying in number from a few to several hundred ( Fig.
T2512 850454-850591 Epistemic_statement denotes The preferred sites are the shoulders, neck, dewlap, and muzzle, but in heavy infestations, nodules may be present over most of the body.
T2513 850686-850846 Epistemic_statement denotes The contents may liquefy and discharge to the surface, forming a thick crust, or rupture of the nodule into the dermis may generate a pyogranulomatous reaction.
T2514 850847-850976 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are neither painful nor pruritic, and there may be a seasonal increase in the number of lesions in the spring and summer.
T2515 851150-851244 Epistemic_statement denotes Adult parasites occur occasionally in sebaceous glands and rarely in epitrichial sweat glands.
T2516 851245-851319 Epistemic_statement denotes A mild mononuclear cell infiltrate may occur around the epithelial lining.
T2517 851320-851546 Epistemic_statement denotes Rupture of a follicular cyst induces a marked nodular granulomatous reaction in which degenerating and occasionally mineralized segments of within hair follicles; however, this mite has not been demonstrated in biopsy samples.
T2518 851547-851692 Epistemic_statement denotes Demodex gatoi is a contagious mite that is most commonly associated with pruritus and overgrooming; however, some cats are asymptomatic carriers.
T2519 851811-851924 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin may be erythematous, scaly, or hyperpigmented, depending on the chronicity and severity of the pruritus.
T2520 851925-851990 Epistemic_statement denotes The mite may be difficult to find in cats that groom excessively.
T2521 852041-852170 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis may be irregularly hyperplastic, and hyperkeratotic and mites can sometimes be observed within the stratum corneum.
T2522 852171-852361 Epistemic_statement denotes In severely pruritic cases, there may be erosions, ulcerations, and crusts with mild to moderate perivascular to diffuse infiltrates of lymphocytes, histiocytes, eosinophils, and mast cells.
T2523 852508-852594 Epistemic_statement denotes Localized disease is rare and can involve the eyelids, periocular area, head, or neck.
T2524 852595-852637 Epistemic_statement denotes It can occur as ceruminous otitis externa.
T2525 852638-852747 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin lesions are variably pruritic with patchy alopecia, papules, comedones, erythema, scaling, and crusting.
T2526 852748-852832 Epistemic_statement denotes Generalized feline demodicosis is rare and not usually as severe as the canine form.
T2527 852833-852918 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are primarily on the face and head, but may be on the neck, trunk, and limbs.
T2528 852919-853179 Epistemic_statement denotes Generalized demodicosis caused by D. cati is usually associated with underlying disease, such as diabetes mellitus, hyperglucocorticism, feline immunodeficiency virus, or feline leukemia virus, which presumably suppresses normal cell-mediated immune responses.
T2529 853998-854044 Epistemic_statement denotes Mites have not been noted on biopsy specimens.
T2530 854553-854773 Epistemic_statement denotes In some parts of Africa and Madagascar, demodectic mange in cattle may become generalized and fatal, with this outcome contributed to by other debilitating conditions, such as malnutrition, tick-worry, and tropical heat.
T2531 855027-855076 Epistemic_statement denotes This animal died despite antiparasitic treatment.
T2532 855078-855226 Epistemic_statement denotes A horses, and llamas with follicular demodecosis, manually squeezing the skin lesions with deep skin scrapings may be necessary to recover the mite.
T2533 855227-855336 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs with D. injai, multiple deep scrapes may need to be performed because mite numbers are generally low.
T2534 855337-855407 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats with D. gatoi, multiple surface scrapings should be performed.
T2535 855408-855455 Epistemic_statement denotes Mites may also be recovered on fecal flotation.
T2536 855456-855576 Epistemic_statement denotes In highly pruritic cats, mites may be difficult to recover, and therefore a treatment trial may help make the diagnosis.
T2537 855577-855719 Epistemic_statement denotes In those species with nodular demodicosis (cattle, goats, sheep, pigs), nodules can be incised or manually expressed to reveal multiple mites.
T2538 855720-855815 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin scrapings may reveal cigar-shaped larvae, nymphs, and adult mites or elongated ovoid eggs.
T2539 855885-855975 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, PCR techniques can be used to make a definitive diagnosis regarding mite species.
T2540 856610-856865 Epistemic_statement denotes Intensely pruritic dermatitis develops at the sites of attachment, probably as a result of an allergic reaction to the salivary secretions delivered through the stylostome; the allergic reaction caused by larval trombiculid mites is known as trombidiosis.
T2541 856866-857019 Epistemic_statement denotes Wild vertebrates are the usual hosts for the trombiculid mite larvae, but food-producing domestic animals, pets, and humans may be accidentally infested.
T2542 857020-857175 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease tends to have a seasonal incidence, occurring in the late summer and autumn when climatic conditions favor an expansion of the mite population.
T2543 857176-857376 Epistemic_statement denotes Factors such as soil type also influence the parasites and keratin debris are surrounded by epithelioid macrophages, multinucleated histiocytic giant cells, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and eosinophils.
T2544 857721-857788 Epistemic_statement denotes Demodectic mange, caused by D. ovis and D. aries, is rare in sheep.
T2545 857881-857968 Epistemic_statement denotes Widespread lesions and secondary bacterial infections may be seen in debilitated sheep.
T2546 858267-858343 Epistemic_statement denotes D. ovis infestation has been associated with matted fleece ("stringy wool").
T2547 858496-858593 Epistemic_statement denotes are found commonly in the Meibomian glands of the horse, demodectic mange is a very rare disease.
T2548 858697-858863 Epistemic_statement denotes In horses, demodecosis has been reported in association with chronic treatment with systemic glucocorticoids and in horses with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction.
T2549 859014-859087 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions occur on the head, neck, and shoulder but may become generalized.
T2550 859261-859396 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammation may be minimal up to various degrees of perifolliculitis, folliculitis, furunculosis, and foreignbody granuloma formation.
T2551 859606-859681 Epistemic_statement denotes Proliferation of mites is thought to be due to concurrent immunocompromise.
T2552 859905-859965 Epistemic_statement denotes Follicular hyperkeratosis with comedo formation may develop.
T2553 860102-860166 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, demodicosis has been described in alpacas and one llama.
T2554 860743-860849 Epistemic_statement denotes Definitive diagnosis can be made by history, physical examination, and identification of the Demodex mite.
T2555 861554-861693 Epistemic_statement denotes The infestation is not usually associated with lesions, although crusted, exudative, and pruritic lesions and alopecia have been described.
T2556 861832-861906 Epistemic_statement denotes The parasite may occasionally infest mammals, causing pruritic dermatitis.
T2557 861907-861970 Epistemic_statement denotes Mildly pruritic lesions may develop in horses fed infested hay.
T2558 861971-862076 Epistemic_statement denotes Multiple papules and wheals may occur on the muzzle, neck, withers, legs, and ventral thorax and abdomen.
T2559 862113-862249 Epistemic_statement denotes (Tyroglyphus) longior may cause a pruritic, exudative, crusting, and alopecic dermatosis in horses exposed to contaminated grain or hay.
T2560 862250-862366 Epistemic_statement denotes Horses, cattle, goats, cats, and dogs may be infested on rare occasions with the poultry mite, Dermanyssus gallinae.
T2561 862838-862947 Epistemic_statement denotes Ornithonyssus syviarum, the northern fowl mite, is another blood-sucking parasite that can parasitize horses.
T2562 862948-862996 Epistemic_statement denotes Adult mites can live off the host for 1-3 weeks.
T2563 863148-863270 Epistemic_statement denotes House-dust mites, Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus, are associated with allergic dermatitis in dogs and cats.
T2564 863271-863368 Epistemic_statement denotes Sheep may, on rare occasions, become infested with the stored-product mite, Sancassania berlesei.
T2565 864302-864342 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus is variable but can be intense.
T2566 864343-864448 Epistemic_statement denotes Different responses to the infestations may be due to individual hypersensitivity reactions to the mites.
T2567 864732-864798 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may also occur on the muzzle, nares, face, ears, and neck.
T2568 864799-864831 Epistemic_statement denotes Horses may sneeze or head-shake.
T2569 864832-864999 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, lesions affect the paws, head, ears, and ventrum, but an atypical generalized form of the disease may occur in association with Walchia americana infestation.
T2570 865526-865610 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus induces marked self-trauma, which may incite secondary bacterial infection.
T2571 865611-865716 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, the mite may be present in tunnels within the stratum spinosum or in the stratum corneum.
T2572 865812-865965 Epistemic_statement denotes The stylostome appears as a pale staining, hyalinized tube with undulating margins oriented vertical to the skin's surface and extending into the dermis.
T2573 866319-866370 Epistemic_statement denotes The ventral thorax and abdomen are rarely involved.
T2574 866887-866908 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophils are rare.
T2575 867871-867908 Epistemic_statement denotes have been described in dogs and cats.
T2576 868120-868322 Epistemic_statement denotes In North America, "seed tick infestation" has been associated with Amblyomma americanum larvae, and in Australia "scrub itch" has been associated with I. holocyclus and Haemaphysalis longicornis larvae.
T2577 868881-868937 Epistemic_statement denotes Crusts, erosions, ulcerations, and alopecia may develop.
T2578 869610-869684 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, especially horses, there may be persistent nodular lesions.
T2579 869809-869890 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphoid nodules with developing follicles, resembling pseudolymphoma, may occur.
T2580 870157-870323 Epistemic_statement denotes Ticks are small, attach firmly to their hosts, use multiple hosts, live for prolonged periods of time, and can often survive without feeding for long periods of time.
T2581 870324-870475 Epistemic_statement denotes These factors make ticks important in the possible transport and transmission of diseases from one host to another and between countries or continents.
T2582 870476-870578 Epistemic_statement denotes Importation of animals harboring ticks can pose a threat to animals in areas free of certain diseases.
T2583 870772-870819 Epistemic_statement denotes If infestation is heavy, fatalities may result.
T2584 870820-870972 Epistemic_statement denotes The local injury may predispose to myiasis and secondary bacterial infection, particularly to staphylococcal cutaneous abscesses or septicemia in lambs.
T2585 871243-871297 Epistemic_statement denotes Tick bites may also induce hypersensitivity reactions.
T2586 871676-871922 Epistemic_statement denotes Twelve ixodid species have been associated with tick paralysis, and they include Ixodes rubicundus and Rhipicephalus evertsi of South Africa, I. holocyclus of Australia, and R. sanguineus, Dermacentor andersoni and D. variabilis in North America.
T2587 871923-872012 Epistemic_statement denotes These ticks have neurotoxins in salivary secretions that can cause paralysis of the host.
T2588 872013-872092 Epistemic_statement denotes It may be secreted by the ovaries because it is associated with egg production.
T2589 872093-872188 Epistemic_statement denotes The Argasidae are the so-called soft ticks, lacking the scutum that characterizes the Ixodidae.
T2590 872380-872468 Epistemic_statement denotes Included those helminthic infestations that remain more or less localized to the dermis.
T2591 873202-873236 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are consistently pruritic.
T2592 873567-873695 Epistemic_statement denotes As a rule, those infective larvae that can invade percutaneously are not host specific, thus infection of aberrant hosts occurs.
T2593 874706-874833 Epistemic_statement denotes There the larvae produce acutely inflamed, serpiginous, vesicular to papular tracts that may advance several centimeters a day.
T2594 875490-875550 Epistemic_statement denotes A. caninum can complete its life cycle via skin penetration.
T2595 875551-875689 Epistemic_statement denotes Although U. stenocephala rarely completes its life cycle via this route, it can produce marked dermatitis as a result of skin penetration.
T2596 876114-876193 Epistemic_statement denotes The footpads and interdigital regions of the feet may be edematous and painful.
T2597 876194-876221 Epistemic_statement denotes Claw deformities may occur.
T2598 876368-876457 Epistemic_statement denotes Larval tracts may be present in the epidermis or dermis lined by degenerating leukocytes.
T2599 876458-876543 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammation is thought to be due to a hypersensitivity reaction to migrating larvae.
T2600 876623-876680 Epistemic_statement denotes B. trigonocephalum can cause a similar syndrome in sheep.
T2601 879545-879609 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions are mildly pruritic, and rubbing may aggravate them.
T2602 879610-879697 Epistemic_statement denotes In the healing stage, the affected areas remain as alopecic, lichenified plaques ( Fig.
T2603 879708-879852 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, sections of adult parasites may be seen in the cystic diverticula from hair follicles or lying free in the adjacent dermis (Fig.
T2604 879863-879909 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be identified as Stephanofilaria spp.
T2605 880226-880308 Epistemic_statement denotes Ulcerative diseases initiated by other causes can be complicated by habronemiasis.
T2606 880494-880600 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be single or multiple and range in size from 5-15 cm in diameter and from 0.5-1.5 cm in depth.
T2607 881387-881515 Epistemic_statement denotes The entire conjunctiva may be affected, resulting in profuse lacrimation, photophobia, chemosis, and inflammation of the eyelid.
T2608 881633-881725 Epistemic_statement denotes Involvement of the penis and prepuce may cause prolapse of the urethral process and dysuria.
T2609 881726-881788 Epistemic_statement denotes On rare occasions, Habronema granulomas are found in the lung.
T2610 881789-881963 Epistemic_statement denotes Gross lesions of cutaneous habronemiasis may resemble those of exuberant granulation tissue, bacterial pseudomycetoma, pythiosis, equine sarcoid, and squamous cell carcinoma.
T2611 881964-882187 Epistemic_statement denotes Habronemiasis may complicate a pre-existing lesion; secondary Habronema infestations occur with pythiosis, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection, and in skin tumors, particularly squamous cell carcinoma of the penis.
T2612 882466-882596 Epistemic_statement denotes Palisading granulomas containing epithelioid macrophages and multinucleated histiocytic giant cells may develop around these foci.
T2613 883555-883652 Epistemic_statement denotes PCR may help confirm the diagnosis if larvae are not visible within cytology or biopsy specimens.
T2614 883927-884068 Epistemic_statement denotes However, the widespread use of avermectins has dramatically reduced the incidence, and in some areas, cutaneous onchocerciasis is quite rare.
T2615 884185-884332 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, onchocerciasis has been associated with nodular lesions of the palpebral conjunctiva, third eyelid, sclera, cornea, and retrobulbar space.
T2616 884458-884611 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous onchocerciasis is thought to represent a hypersensitivity reaction to microfilarial antigens, and most cases are associated with O. cervicalis.
T2617 884612-884679 Epistemic_statement denotes Dead and dying microfilariae provoke the most intense inflammation.
T2618 884680-884760 Epistemic_statement denotes O. cervicalis can invade ocular tissues, and these lesions are discussed in Vol.
T2619 884833-884883 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinical signs are rare in horses <2 years of age.
T2620 885149-885239 Epistemic_statement denotes It is likely that onchocerciasis and Culicoides hypersensitivity can exist simultaneously.
T2621 885553-885710 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions include partial or complete alopecia, if ova rather than larvae are found, it is more likely for the parasite to be of the genus Rhabditis.
T2622 885711-885900 Epistemic_statement denotes Microfilariae occur free in the dermis or in dermal lymphatics, enclosed within their own vitelline membranes (S. stilesi), or may be found free or unhatched in surface exudate (S. kaeli) .
T2623 886400-886576 Epistemic_statement denotes Spongiform microabscesses containing eosinophils and mononuclear cells are also described; such lesions are more typically associated with the bites of arthropod ectoparasites.
T2624 886577-886734 Epistemic_statement denotes It is difficult to assess the relative contributions made to the lesion by the stephanofilarial parasite and by the bites of the fly that acts as the vector.
T2625 886938-886969 Epistemic_statement denotes Stephanofilaria boomkeri n. sp
T2626 886970-887172 Epistemic_statement denotes Oxyuris equi infection of the equine cecum and colon can be associated with pruritic dermatitis of the perineal region, leading to self-induced excoriations and alopecia of the tail known as "rat tail."
T2627 887173-887312 Epistemic_statement denotes The adult female parasite crawls out of the anus to deposit eggs on the hair and skin using a gelatinous material that can induce pruritus.
T2628 888494-888537 Epistemic_statement denotes Secondary subcutaneous abscesses may occur.
T2629 888702-888775 Epistemic_statement denotes Microfilariae may be present in large numbers or may be very sparse (Fig.
T2630 888963-889149 Epistemic_statement denotes It is important to note that microfilariae can be seen in skin of normal horses, and thus histopathologic findings should be correlated with historical and physical examination findings.
T2631 889150-889254 Epistemic_statement denotes Microfilariae are best recovered from unfixed biopsies that are minced and incubated in saline at 37° C.
T2632 889255-889345 Epistemic_statement denotes Viable adult parasites in the nuchal ligament are not associated with significant lesions.
T2633 889346-889485 Epistemic_statement denotes In older horses, there is an increased frequency of caseated, mineralized, and granulomatous lesions associated with death of the parasite.
T2634 889649-889787 Epistemic_statement denotes They are usually encased in a chronic, fibrosing, and pyogranulomatous to granulomatous mass that may also have dystrophic mineralization.
T2635 889788-889867 Epistemic_statement denotes Adult O. gutturosa may also be associated with a similar inflammatory response.
T2636 889982-890032 Epistemic_statement denotes Cattle can be infected by 3 species of Onchocerca.
T2637 890163-890290 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be hard or soft, depending on the degree of mineralization and fibrosis or the degree of caseation and suppuration.
T2638 891240-891350 Epistemic_statement denotes Nematodes of the genus Rhabditis are associated with otitis externa in cattle living in tropical environments.
T2639 891528-891591 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been introduced into America, the West Indies, and Fiji.
T2640 891817-891923 Epistemic_statement denotes Infection is particularly prevalent in raccoons and mink that appear to be the natural definitive species.
T2641 891924-892008 Epistemic_statement denotes The intermediate host is a crustacean copepod, but frogs may act as paratenic hosts.
T2642 892290-892389 Epistemic_statement denotes The mature female may measure up to 70 cm in length, resulting in the formation of a 2-4 cm nodule.
T2643 893058-893136 Epistemic_statement denotes Ulcerated lesions are seen as draining tracts that may be painful or pruritic.
T2644 893137-893192 Epistemic_statement denotes The parasite can be identified by morphologic features.
T2645 894031-894145 Epistemic_statement denotes Pelodera dermatitis occurs most commonly in dogs, occasionally in cattle, and rarely in horses, sheep, and humans.
T2646 894146-894266 Epistemic_statement denotes Although most reported cases are sporadic, outbreaks involving multiple animals have been described in cattle and sheep.
T2647 894267-894456 Epistemic_statement denotes These worms live as saprophytes in warm moist soil that is rich in organic matter, and significant infestations probably require that the host's skin should be continually moist and filthy.
T2648 894518-894610 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus is moderate to marked in most species, but is variable and can be absent in cattle.
T2649 894892-894933 Epistemic_statement denotes Pustules may occur, particularly in dogs.
T2650 894983-895029 Epistemic_statement denotes Affected sheep may have complete loss of wool.
T2651 895636-895679 Epistemic_statement denotes The remainder of the life cycle is unknown.
T2652 896101-896205 Epistemic_statement denotes Schistosoma cercariae can penetrate the skin of many warm-blooded abnormal hosts and produce dermatitis.
T2653 896313-896490 Epistemic_statement denotes Canine juvenile cellulitis (juvenile sterile granulomatous dermatitis, puppy strangles, juvenile pyoderma) is an idiopathic disease typically affecting puppies <4 months of age.
T2654 896491-896803 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause and pathogenesis are unknown; however, heritability is supported by the fact that the condition is seen more commonly in certain breeds, such as the Golden Retriever, Dachshund, Gordon Setter, Labrador Retriever, and Lhasa Apso, and the condition is sometimes seen in more than one puppy from a litter.
T2655 897074-897243 Epistemic_statement denotes Given the young age of onset, some have suggested vaccine reaction as a possible cause; however, reproduction of the disease with subsequent vaccinations does not occur.
T2656 897244-897378 Epistemic_statement denotes Depressed in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis responses have been reported but likely represent the result not the cause of the disease.
T2657 897666-897780 Epistemic_statement denotes Strongyloides papillosus can cause pruritic dermatitis of the feet, legs, and ventrum of cattle, goats, and sheep.
T2658 897993-898021 Epistemic_statement denotes has been reported in 2 cats.
T2659 898221-898335 Epistemic_statement denotes Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae can occasionally lead to cutaneous lesions in dogs harboring the adult parasite.
T2660 899007-899289 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, a generalized cutaneous syndrome characterized by a pruritic papular and crusting dermatitis without intralesional microfilariae has been apparently associated with infection with D. immitis and was thought to be a manifestation of an unusual hypersensitivity reaction.
T2661 899394-899525 Epistemic_statement denotes Dirofilaria repens can cause subcutaneous dirofilariasis in dogs, cats, and wild carnivores in Europe and parts of Africa and Asia.
T2662 899782-899864 Epistemic_statement denotes Adult nematodes are rarely found but are occasionally recovered from skin nodules.
T2663 900052-900336 Epistemic_statement denotes Generally, it is not associated with clinical signs; however, there is one report of 10 dogs with an Acanthocheilonema-like parasite showing single to multiple pruritic papules and plaques with alopecia, scarring, erythema, ulceration, and crusting over the head, neck, and shoulders.
T2664 901062-901247 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesion described in the dermis of dogs is erythematous papular and pruritic dermatitis with perivascular to A B has also been reported in adult dogs; however, this is controversial.
T2665 901539-901635 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphadenopathy of the mandibular nodes is common and may precede the onset of the skin lesions.
T2666 901636-901747 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphadenitis may also occur in nodes distant to the skin lesions and may occur in the absence of skin lesions.
T2667 901826-901973 Epistemic_statement denotes Some puppies develop concurrent sterile pyogranulomatous panniculitis with firm to fluctuant subcutaneous nodules that may develop draining tracts.
T2668 902052-902085 Epistemic_statement denotes Lameness and paresis can be seen.
T2669 902341-902406 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous glands and epitrichial sweat glands may be obliterated.
T2670 902455-902543 Epistemic_statement denotes In some dogs, the condition is self-limiting, resolving in 1-3 months and rarely recurs.
T2671 902893-903051 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions associated with the cryoglobulinemia associated with multiple myelomas have been discussed elsewhere (see Other immune-mediated dermatoses).
T2672 903193-903303 Epistemic_statement denotes 6-125A ) and has been reported to be associated with a concurrent pancreatic carcinoma or bile duct carcinoma.
T2673 903304-903403 Epistemic_statement denotes Crusting and brown-black waxy debris tends to be associated with a secondary Malassezia dermatitis.
T2674 903404-903461 Epistemic_statement denotes Pawpads may have concentric circular scales and fissures.
T2675 903527-903591 Epistemic_statement denotes Hair follicles are diffusely in telogen and appear miniaturized.
T2676 903592-903674 Epistemic_statement denotes Surrounding sebaceous glands are usually normal but may be atrophic in some cases.
T2677 903675-903835 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis is mildly hyperplastic and often lacks a stratum corneum, giving the regions of affected skin the characteristic "glistening" or moist appearance.
T2678 903836-903901 Epistemic_statement denotes The lack of the stratum corneum may be due to licking by the cat.
T2679 903902-903959 Epistemic_statement denotes In some areas, there may be parakeratotic hyperkeratosis.
T2680 904033-904076 Epistemic_statement denotes Pawpads may be softened and hyperkeratotic.
T2681 904388-904493 Epistemic_statement denotes Cats are usually aged and may have signs such as dyspnea and coughing referable to an intrathoracic mass.
T2682 904494-904570 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions may be well developed prior to onset of respiratory signs.
T2683 904571-904709 Epistemic_statement denotes The cutaneous lesions consist of dry exfoliative dermatitis with large scales over the head, neck, and pinnae that may become generalized.
T2684 904710-904940 Epistemic_statement denotes Brown, waxy material in middle-aged German Shepherd dogs and occasionally other breeds (Golden Retriever, Boxer, Belgian Shepherd, mixed breed) in association with renal cysts, renal cystadenocarcinomas, and/or uterine leiomyomas.
T2685 905016-905100 Epistemic_statement denotes The overlying skin may be normal, thickened, hyperpigmented, alopecic, or ulcerated.
T2686 905576-905788 Epistemic_statement denotes Severe generalized pruritus without primary gross or histologic cutaneous lesions or other identifiable cause for pruritus has been reported in the dog and horse in association with underlying malignant lymphoma.
T2687 905789-905860 Epistemic_statement denotes Self-trauma can lead to extensive excoriations and secondary infection.
T2688 905963-906105 Epistemic_statement denotes The mechanism of the development of pruritus is not understood but is speculated to be related to tumor-induced release of chemical mediators.
T2689 906106-906178 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus can only be relieved by successful treatment of the malignancy.
T2690 906368-906458 Epistemic_statement denotes Functional pheochromocytomas upon rare occasion can lead to cutaneous flushing in the dog.
T2691 906538-906702 Epistemic_statement denotes Occasionally, vesicular, pustular, or bullous dermatoses virtually identical to idiopathic autoimmune skin diseases may be associated with an underlying malignancy.
T2692 907030-907179 Epistemic_statement denotes A subepidermal bullous stomatitis microscopically identical to bullous pemphigoid has been reported in a horse in association with a hemangiosarcoma.
T2693 907458-907632 Epistemic_statement denotes Paraneoplastic pemphigus is a form of pemphigus that is sometimes associated with an underlying malignancy and has been previously discussed (see Immune-mediated dermatoses).
T2694 907753-907835 Epistemic_statement denotes Some lesions may have erythema, thickened skin, and marked crusting with alopecia.
T2695 908582-908804 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been speculated that the presence of a thymoma initiates abnormal immunologic responses responsible for the dermatitis, which at times can resemble erythema multiforme or graft-versus-host dermatitis histologically.
T2696 909019-909130 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition is sometimes associated with endocrine tumors of the pancreas (see Nutritional diseases of skin).
T2697 909131-909246 Epistemic_statement denotes Multiple collagenous hamartomas (nodular dermatofibrosis) of the distal limbs, head, and pinnae have been reported
T2698 909247-909404 Epistemic_statement denotes A resulting in well-demarcated, singular to multiple, raised, erythematous, alopecic, eroded to ulcerated to oozing plaques that can develop peracutely (Fig.
T2699 909535-909577 Epistemic_statement denotes Peripheral lymphadenopathy may be present.
T2700 909855-910003 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammation in the dermis is perivascular to interstitial and sometimes diffuse, containing numerous eosinophils, and may extend into the subcutis.
T2701 910189-910332 Epistemic_statement denotes This lesion is the most variable in its clinical presentation and, of the 3 lesions in the EGC, is the most likely to be considered idiopathic.
T2702 910358-910424 Epistemic_statement denotes It can occur at any age; however, it is more common in young cats.
T2703 910425-910493 Epistemic_statement denotes Spontaneous regression can occur, especially in cats <1 year of age.
T2704 910494-910553 Epistemic_statement denotes A genetic predisposition has been documented in some cases.
T2705 910554-910682 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions can be papular, nodular, or linear, and occur on the skin, pawpads, mucocutaneous junctions, and in the oral cavity.
T2706 910910-911021 Epistemic_statement denotes Some, especially oral lesions, may be ulcerated with multifocal pinpoint yellow to white foci over the surface.
T2707 911329-911416 Epistemic_statement denotes These foci may be surrounded by macrophages and multinucleated histiocytic giant cells.
T2708 912030-912147 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophils are one of the major sources of inflammatory mediators associated with type I hypersensitivity reactions.
T2709 912148-912274 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophils can phagocytize small antigens, and they can kill large parasites by releasing toxic substances via degranulation.
T2710 912685-912797 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophils also produce transforming growth factor-β that is associated with chronic inflammation and fibrosis.
T2711 913029-913248 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophilic inflammation in the horse and cat is a common tissue reaction, and it seems that the chemotactic stimuli that attract neutrophils in most species attract both eosinophils and neutrophils in these 2 species.
T2712 913459-913591 Epistemic_statement denotes These lesions can occur separately or together and, rather than a specific disease, are considered a mucocutaneous reaction pattern.
T2713 913743-914030 Epistemic_statement denotes In human patients with severe atopic dermatitis (AD), there is some evidence to suggest that although the disease is initiated by environmental allergens, some patients may form IgE antibodies directed against human proteins (self-antigens) generated through self-trauma from scratching.
T2714 914031-914156 Epistemic_statement denotes Felis domesticus allergen I (Feld I) could be an autoallergen responsible for chronic inflammatory reaction in cats with EGC.
T2715 914157-914279 Epistemic_statement denotes And in other cases, the lesions spontaneously resolve and do not recur, making allergy an unlikely trigger in those cases.
T2716 914280-914454 Epistemic_statement denotes Bacterial involvement may be a significant factor, especially with indolent ulcers and eosinophilic plaques, and in some cases, lesions resolve with antibiotic therapy alone.
T2717 914455-914572 Epistemic_statement denotes In some cases, the oral and lip lesions are thought to be due to embedded foreign material such as insects or plants.
T2718 914573-914718 Epistemic_statement denotes Because this condition has been reported in several groups of related cats, there is some evidence to suggest heritable eosinophil dysregulation.
T2719 915128-915277 Epistemic_statement denotes Nodular conditions of unknown etiology and pathogenesis include eosinophilic granuloma, axillary nodular necrosis, and unilateral papular dermatosis.
T2720 915278-915436 Epistemic_statement denotes Other eosinophilic nodular conditions with known etiologies, such as cutaneous habronemiasis, can look histologically similar (see Helminth diseases of skin).
T2721 915437-915724 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous mast cell tumors in the horse can also be seen clinically as cutaneous nodular lesions, and, as histologically, they may contain significant numbers of eosinophils and areas of necrosis, care should be taken to differentiate this tumor from an inflammatory eosinophilic lesion.
T2722 915892-915985 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition is seen most often in the spring and summer, but can occur at any time of year.
T2723 915986-916038 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiology is unknown but probably multifactorial.
T2724 916285-916482 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions occur as single or multiple, firm, raised, well-circumscribed, round papules or nodules measuring 0.5-10 cm in diameter, most commonly on focal eosinophilic panniculitis may be present.
T2725 916483-916528 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis may be acanthotic or ulcerated.
T2726 916614-916765 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinically, the condition is characterized by an ulcerated lesion on the upper lip adjacent to the philtrum, which can be unilateral or bilateral (Fig.
T2727 916815-916857 Epistemic_statement denotes Peripheral lymphadenopathy may be present.
T2728 916858-917214 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, the acute lesions are characterized by diffuse infiltrates of neutrophils with variable numbers of eosinophils, mast cells, and macrophages; however, the lesions are more often biopsied in the chronic phase when the inflammation is composed almost entirely of lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, and neutrophils, together with fibrosis.
T2729 917384-917390 Epistemic_statement denotes Scott
T2730 917391-917547 Epistemic_statement denotes This rare disease typically occurs in young horses (mean 3-4 years of age) and is characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of many organs, including skin.
T2731 917548-917625 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause of multisystemic, eosinophilic, epitheliotropic disease is unknown.
T2732 917626-917713 Epistemic_statement denotes A genetic basis has been proposed; Standardbreds and Thoroughbreds are overrepresented.
T2733 917714-917848 Epistemic_statement denotes Recurrent episodes of type I hypersensitivity caused by dietary, inhaled, or parasitic antigens has been suggested in several reports.
T2734 917849-918170 Epistemic_statement denotes There is one report of this condition occurring concurrently with intestinal lymphoma, and several other unpublished cases that appear identical to the case described; the authors suggest that the clonal proliferation of T lymphocytes triggers proliferation of eosinophils by secretion of cytokines such as interleukin-5.
T2735 918171-918307 Epistemic_statement denotes This mechanism has also been proposed in humans who have concurrent abnormal T-lymphocyte proliferations and hypereosinophilic syndrome.
T2736 918658-918704 Epistemic_statement denotes Vesicles, bullae, and wheals are rarely noted.
T2737 918705-918770 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus is variable, and peripheral lymph nodes may be enlarged.
T2738 919457-919574 Epistemic_statement denotes An epitheliotropic infiltrate of eosinophils and lymphocytes is common, and apoptotic keratinocytes may be prominent.
T2739 919575-919660 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophilic folliculitis, furunculosis, and eosinophilic microabscesses may be seen.
T2740 920019-920101 Epistemic_statement denotes The granulomatous process is fairly linear in silicone-needle injection reactions.
T2741 920102-920169 Epistemic_statement denotes Free hair shafts within the lesion suggest previous close-clipping.
T2742 920170-920244 Epistemic_statement denotes Axillary nodular necrosis (girth galls) is a rare dermatosis of the horse.
T2743 920245-920284 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause and pathogenesis are unknown.
T2744 920285-920438 Epistemic_statement denotes The cutaneous and subcutaneous nodules are firm, round, well circumscribed, 1-10 cm in diameter, and can be single or multiple, usually not more than 10.
T2745 920439-920607 Epistemic_statement denotes They are usually unilateral and occur on the trunk behind the axilla, Lesions may also be seen caudal to the shoulder and on the proximal medial aspect of the forelimb.
T2746 921142-921176 Epistemic_statement denotes Necrotizing arteritis may be seen.
T2747 921344-921431 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been seen in many breeds, although Quarter Horses appear to be over-represented.
T2748 921432-921601 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiology is unknown; however, the seasonality of the lesions together with the eosinophilic nature of the histologic findings suggests ectoparasite hypersensitivity.
T2749 921602-921748 Epistemic_statement denotes It has further been suggested that the unilateral distribution may indicate direct contact hypersensitivity to an ectoparasite inhabiting bedding.
T2750 921948-922034 Epistemic_statement denotes There is neither pruritus nor pain; however, some lesions become crusted and alopecic.
T2751 922322-922490 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause is unknown; however, about 3 4 of the reported cases have been dogs treated for vomiting and diarrhea; thus drug association has been suspected in many cases.
T2752 922632-922684 Epistemic_statement denotes Eosinophilic intraepidermal pustules may be present.
T2753 922685-922700 Epistemic_statement denotes Mauldin EA, et
T2754 922701-922890 Epistemic_statement denotes Sterile neutrophilic dermatosis is a very rare condition, described in dogs, with marked similarities to the human disease known as acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis (Sweet's syndrome).
T2755 923093-923203 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis is unknown; however, it is believed to be an antigen-induced T-cell-mediated immune reaction.
T2756 923204-923296 Epistemic_statement denotes Possible triggers include drugs, respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, and neoplasia.
T2757 923297-923345 Epistemic_statement denotes Three cases have been associated with carprofen.
T2758 923526-923661 Epistemic_statement denotes Subcorneal pustular dermatosis is a very rare, sterile, superficial, pustular condition of dogs with an unknown cause and pathogenesis.
T2759 923948-924020 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may spread peripherally into annular and serpiginous formations.
T2760 924021-924061 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus is variable and may be extreme.
T2761 924062-924090 Epistemic_statement denotes Pawpads are rarely affected.
T2762 924336-924492 Epistemic_statement denotes The etiology of this condition has not been fully characterized, but a hypersensitivity reaction to insect stings and arthropod bites is strongly suspected.
T2763 924792-924832 Epistemic_statement denotes Pruritus is variable but can be intense.
T2764 924867-925069 Epistemic_statement denotes In horses, sterile eosinophilic folliculitis and furunculosis can be seen in horses with atopic dermatitis, insect-bite hypersensitivity, food allergy, unilateral papular dermatosis, and onchocerciasis.
T2765 925070-925312 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are characterized by tufted papules that become alopecic and crusted in a generally symmetrical and multifocal distribution anywhere on the body; however, the neck, shoulders, chest, and dorsolateral thorax are most commonly affected.
T2766 925599-925654 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition in nonseasonal, and the cause is unknown.
T2767 925655-925941 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, sterile eosinophilic folliculitis and furunculosis may be seen as a bystander lesion in any allergic dermatitis; however, it is more commonly seen in mosquito-bite hypersensitivity and feline herpesvirus dermatitis, both of which are most commonly located on the face and head.
T2768 926286-926329 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermal hemorrhage may be prominent in dogs.
T2769 926330-926368 Epistemic_statement denotes Collagen flame figures may be present.
T2770 926457-926500 Epistemic_statement denotes There may also be erosions and ulcerations.
T2771 926501-926674 Epistemic_statement denotes Canine sterile eosinophilic pinnal folliculitis is an uncommon, nonseasonal, bilaterally symmetrical dermatosis with variable pruritus and an unknown cause and pathogenesis.
T2772 926830-926993 Epistemic_statement denotes This is a rare idiopathic dermatosis of dogs characterized by peripheral eosinophilia, sterile tissue eosinophilia, and responsiveness to systemic glucocorticoids.
T2773 927321-927414 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be various degrees of flame figures and eosinophilic folliculitis and furunculosis.
T2774 927415-927508 Epistemic_statement denotes Grossly, the lesions consist of progressive alopecia and scaling that may become generalized.
T2775 927509-927599 Epistemic_statement denotes A disease resembling follicular mucinosis in humans has been described in the cat and dog.
T2776 928456-928554 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans, follicular mucinosis can resolve spontaneously or become a chronic relapsing condition.
T2777 928555-928618 Epistemic_statement denotes Many cases are thought to progress to epitheliotropic lymphoma.
T2778 928619-928734 Epistemic_statement denotes It should be noted that epidermal and epithelial mucinosis can be seen in various allergic dermatitides of the cat.
T2779 930082-930287 Epistemic_statement denotes This condition is very rare and is characterized by dermal mucin deposits on the head and legs, increased numbers of fibroblasts, variable fibrosis, absence of thyroid disease, and a monoclonal gammopathy.
T2780 930534-930637 Epistemic_statement denotes As the rings expand, they coalesce to produce mosaic patterns and may extend to the sides and perineum.
T2781 930778-930871 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be epidermal spongiosis with intraepidermal eosinophilic and neutrophilic pustules.
T2782 930872-930951 Epistemic_statement denotes Superficial epidermal necrosis may extend into the ostia of the hair follicles.
T2783 931609-931669 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may resolve during lactation but recur with weaning.
T2784 932060-932165 Epistemic_statement denotes The latter pattern suggests that this condition may be a form of vesicular cutaneous lupus erythematosus.
T2785 932166-932367 Epistemic_statement denotes Recurrent dermatosis of sows is a rare idiopathic condition characterized by nonpruritic, erythematous macules and patches that enlarge and become scaly, especially on the trunk and only in white skin.
T2786 932368-932551 Epistemic_statement denotes Hairs within the lesion become Localized scleroderma (morphea) and cicatricial alopecia Localized scleroderma (morphea) is a rare disease described in humans, dogs, cats, and a horse.
T2787 932552-932719 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause is unknown; but in humans, vascular injury, abnormal collagen metabolism, and an immune-mediated pathogenesis, such as drug reaction, have all been proposed.
T2788 932834-932861 Epistemic_statement denotes Hypopigmentation may occur.
T2789 933223-933339 Epistemic_statement denotes Cicatricial alopecia is grossly and microscopically very similar; however, in this condition, lesions are permanent.
T2790 933637-933681 Epistemic_statement denotes Scattered orphaned sweat glands may be seen.
T2791 933682-933839 Epistemic_statement denotes Generalized scleroderma is a rare multisystemic disorder that results in progressive fibrosis of the skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and heart.
T2792 933840-933884 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been described in humans and a horse.
T2793 933885-933898 Epistemic_statement denotes Frank LA, et
T2794 933899-933980 Epistemic_statement denotes This is a rare condition described in pygmy goats and alpine goats most commonly.
T2795 934035-934148 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are nonpruritic and begin on the face and pinnae and may also affect the neck, ventrum, and distal limbs.
T2796 934543-934769 Epistemic_statement denotes Because the clinical signs and gross lesions bear little relationship to those of the human disease for which it was originally named, the new designation, porcine juvenile pustular psoriasiform dermatitis, has been suggested.
T2797 934822-934845 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause is not known.
T2798 934846-934939 Epistemic_statement denotes A hereditary predisposition has been suggested but not proved, particularly in Landrace pigs.
T2799 935001-935054 Epistemic_statement denotes Entire litters or just a few piglets may be affected.
T2800 935055-935170 Epistemic_statement denotes The disease begins with symmetrical, nonpruritic, scaly, erythematous papules on the skin of the abdomen and inner
T2801 935171-935253 Epistemic_statement denotes Perforating dermatitis is a rare, distinctive reaction pattern in cats and humans.
T2802 935431-935485 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions may be arranged in a linear configuration.
T2803 935857-935892 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be subepidermal fibrosis.
T2804 935946-936050 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause is unknown, although some cases may occur secondary to self-trauma from allergic skin disease.
T2805 936051-936173 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been proposed that this condition is the result of abnormal wound healing possibly caused by abnormal collagenesis.
T2806 936221-936366 Epistemic_statement denotes Masson trichrome staining of affected collagen fibers demonstrates segmental red cores; however, this finding is not specific for this condition.
T2807 936587-936594 Epistemic_statement denotes Kimura
T2808 936595-936702 Epistemic_statement denotes Abnormal sebaceous gland differentiation (sebaceous gland dysplasia) is a rare dermatosis in cats and dogs.
T2809 936846-936958 Epistemic_statement denotes In kittens, it is characterized by hypotrichosis with scaling that is apparent as early as 4 weeks of age (eFig.
T2810 937134-937258 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause is unknown; however, the juvenile onset suggests a genetic defect leading to abnormal sebaceous gland development.
T2811 937799-937906 Epistemic_statement denotes Degenerative, dysplastic, and horses and some cats, multinucleated histiocytic giant cells may be numerous.
T2812 937948-938097 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, Collies, Boxers, Great Danes, Weimaraners, English Bulldogs, Doberman Pinschers, Dachshunds, and Golden Retrievers appear to be predisposed.
T2813 938098-938266 Epistemic_statement denotes In most dogs, the lesions are multiple, nonpainful, nonpruritic, and can occur anywhere on the body; however, the face and distal extremities are the most common sites.
T2814 938267-938361 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphadenopathy occurs in some cases, and rarely, there can be pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis.
T2815 938362-938418 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition may spontaneously resolve or wax and wane.
T2816 938715-938796 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are violaceus or orangeyellow and may become red to purple when palpated.
T2817 938797-938930 Epistemic_statement denotes Xanthomas (xanthogranulomas) are single to multiple nodular lesions occurring rarely in the cat and very rarely in the dog and horse.
T2818 940246-940457 Epistemic_statement denotes Equine sarcoidosis (idiopathic generalized or systemic granulomatous disease) is rare and may be seen as a generalized or localized exfoliative dermatitis and/or as granulomatous inflammation in multiple organs.
T2819 940458-940589 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause is unknown; however, an immune-mediated pathogenesis, Mycobacterium spp., and hairy vetch toxicosis have been implicated.
T2820 940705-940760 Epistemic_statement denotes Peripheral lymphadenopathy may occur in the former two.
T2821 941067-941268 Epistemic_statement denotes The generalized form shows nonpruritic cutaneous signs and or (sub)cutaneous nodules all over the body with one or more of the following signs: low-grade fever, exercise intolerance, pain when touched,
T2822 941269-941368 Epistemic_statement denotes The sterile granuloma/pyogranuloma syndrome (SPGS) is uncommon in dogs and rare in cats and horses.
T2823 941369-941612 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause is unknown; however, negative tissue cultures, negative special stains for microbial agents, absence of foreign material with polarization, and good response to immunomodulatory therapy have suggested an immune-mediated pathogenesis.
T2824 941613-941768 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been hypothesized by some that SPGS may be caused by an immune response against persistent endogenous or exogenous antigens, such as Leishmania spp.
T2825 942016-942070 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may become ulcerated and secondarily infected.
T2826 942301-942399 Epistemic_statement denotes Older lesions may become diffuse, obliterating adnexal structures and extending into the subcutis.
T2827 942568-942599 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition can be recurrent.
T2828 942713-942840 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions in the horse are most often found on the neck, thorax, abdomen, and proximal limbs, and may elicit pain upon palpation.
T2829 942841-942876 Epistemic_statement denotes Shetland ponies may be predisposed.
T2830 942981-943060 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions in cattle have been described over the neck, trunk, and proximal limbs.
T2831 943257-943310 Epistemic_statement denotes Discrete granulomas and pyogranulomas may be present.
T2832 943311-943380 Epistemic_statement denotes Adipocytes may appear necrotic or infiltrated with foamy macrophages.
T2833 943529-943740 Epistemic_statement denotes Sterile panniculitis may be indistinguishable histologically from the panniculitides of infectious cause, and thus tissue culture and special stains for microbial agents are necessary for a definitive diagnosis.
T2834 943741-943933 Epistemic_statement denotes The presence of saponification of fat and fat necrosis, along with diffuse infiltrates of pyogranulomatous inflammation, is associated with pancreatic disease and vitamin E deficiency in cats.
T2835 943934-943985 Epistemic_statement denotes The latter is also associated with ceroid deposits.
T2836 943986-944042 Epistemic_statement denotes Septal panniculitis is often associated with vasculitis.
T2837 944580-944711 Epistemic_statement denotes Affected animals with single lesions may be asymptomatic; animals with multiple lesions often have pyrexia, lethargy, and anorexia.
T2838 945058-945215 Epistemic_statement denotes Laminitis is a cutaneous manifestation of a systemic problem, and thus there are many risk factors and potential causes that can be categorized into 3 forms.
T2839 945708-945906 Epistemic_statement denotes • Endocrinopathic laminitis/laminopathy is the second form and includes horses with insulin resistance, obesity, pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, and possibly corticosteroid-induced laminitis.
T2840 945907-946073 Epistemic_statement denotes This form is characterized by little if any inflammation and stretching of the secondary epidermal lamellae as opposed to early separation from the basement membrane.
T2841 946074-946184 Epistemic_statement denotes This will still lead to eventual basement membrane separation at the tips of the secondary epidermal lamellae.
T2842 946185-946482 Epistemic_statement denotes • The third form, contralateral limb laminitis/laminopathy, is thought to be initiated by poor blood flow and ischemia and likely involves subsequent enzyme activation and degradation of the lamellar basement membrane in conjunction with the effects of tension and stretch on the lamellar tissues.
T2843 946546-946829 Epistemic_statement denotes Laminitis is a syndrome with many contributing factors, and although there may be different pathways, the common lesion in all forms of the disease is dermal-epidermal separation at the interface of the lamellar basal epithelial cells and the underlying basement membrane and dermis.
T2844 947324-947505 Epistemic_statement denotes Loss of the basement membrane leads to separation of the dermal and epidermal laminae of the hoof wall and is crucial in loss of structural integrity of the P3/hoof wall attachment.
T2845 947839-947982 Epistemic_statement denotes Acute laminitis is seen as sudden lameness and severe pain affecting most commonly the forefeet but may affect all feet, or just the hind feet.
T2846 948328-948413 Epistemic_statement denotes There is no hoof deformity, although the skin above the coronary band may be swollen.
T2847 948414-948512 Epistemic_statement denotes Horses with diffuse swelling and depression along the coronary band are often found to have acute
T2848 948513-948633 Epistemic_statement denotes The hoof wall is a complex structure composed of an epidermis and dermis that attaches to the underlying distal phalanx.
T2849 949397-949496 Epistemic_statement denotes Traditionally, it has been thought that laminitis is caused by one common pathophysiologic pathway.
T2850 949497-949646 Epistemic_statement denotes Currently, it is Also included in this section are varieties of tumor-like or keratin-filled cystic lesions that can be confused with true neoplasms.
T2851 950285-950445 Epistemic_statement denotes In long-standing lesions, the epithelial wall may become very thin, and rupture may release entrapped keratin to stimulate pyogranulomatous dermal inflammation.
T2852 950594-950714 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, the dermis may be congested, edematous, and have mild hemorrhage and mild infiltrates of mononuclear cells.
T2853 950715-950785 Epistemic_statement denotes In time, coagulative necrosis of the secondary laminae may be evident.
T2854 951437-951530 Epistemic_statement denotes In severely affected animals, the third phalanx may penetrate the sole, which becomes convex.
T2855 951700-951773 Epistemic_statement denotes The corium at the coronary band and sole may be edematous or hemorrhagic.
T2856 952116-952202 Epistemic_statement denotes In cattle, carbohydrate overload is also an important predisposing cause of laminitis.
T2857 952814-952950 Epistemic_statement denotes The regenerating secondary laminae may not regain their orderly arrangement and instead form irregular and anastomosing epidermal cords.
T2858 953034-953081 Epistemic_statement denotes The reason for the hyperkeratosis is not known.
T2859 953082-953180 Epistemic_statement denotes Both physical and physiologic influences on keratogenesis are likely altered in chronic laminitis.
T2860 953839-953911 Epistemic_statement denotes infection have been suggested, although not proven, causes of keratomas.
T2861 954184-954289 Epistemic_statement denotes Some dermoid cysts may extend deep into the tissue and be connected to the dura mater of the spinal cord.
T2862 955069-955204 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be single or multiple, smooth, most often unilocular, spherical dermal papules or nodules seldom larger than 1 cm in diameter.
T2863 955205-955244 Epistemic_statement denotes The keratin may appear as loose flakes.
T2864 955245-955437 Epistemic_statement denotes Infundibular cysts may arise from dilation of the infundibulum of occluded hair follicles, and indeed, occasionally one can detect superficial dermal scarring that may support this hypothesis.
T2865 955438-955502 Epistemic_statement denotes As well, such cysts may contain fragments of mature hair shafts.
T2866 955611-955746 Epistemic_statement denotes Some cysts are thought to arise from traumatic, developmental, or surgical implantation of epidermal fragments into dermis or subcutis.
T2867 955823-956000 Epistemic_statement denotes One dog was reported to have >100 infundibular cysts in the perianal area, possibly resulting from chronic external trauma to the perianal area as a response to anal sacculitis.
T2868 956001-956134 Epistemic_statement denotes Occasionally, an infundibular cyst can be found within the bone of the third phalanx of the dog (subungual epidermal inclusion cyst).
T2869 956135-956232 Epistemic_statement denotes Isthmus cyst (trichilemmal cyst) is lined by keratinizing epithelium that lacks a granular layer.
T2870 956986-957064 Epistemic_statement denotes The presence of 2 or 3 types of keratin may help support this diagnosis ( Fig.
T2871 957074-957203 Epistemic_statement denotes Dilated pore of Winer is a flask-shaped epidermal cyst on the head or neck of middle-aged or old cats and rarely dogs and horses.
T2872 957444-957508 Epistemic_statement denotes Keratin may protrude through the pore, forming a cutaneous horn.
T2873 957640-957749 Epistemic_statement denotes They are thought to originate from the epidermal horn-producing cells of either the coronary or solar corium.
T2874 957750-957819 Epistemic_statement denotes They are rare but do occur in both simple- and cloven-hoofed animals.
T2875 957849-958002 Epistemic_statement denotes The cysts are usually solitary, 1-5 cm in diameter, and often exert pressure on P3, leaving an area of bone resorption that can be seen radiographically.
T2876 958003-958060 Epistemic_statement denotes There are rare reports of horses with multiple keratomas.
T2877 958152-958311 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, the cyst is lined by squamous epithelium of the primary epidermal lamellae and filled with laminated keratin that in some cases may mineralize.
T2878 958469-958564 Epistemic_statement denotes • Sweat gland hamartomas are rare in domestic animals but have been described in cats and dogs.
T2879 958708-958762 Epistemic_statement denotes • Trichofolliculoma is also thought to be a hamartoma.
T2880 958763-958803 Epistemic_statement denotes It is uncommon in dogs and rare in cats.
T2881 959432-959585 Epistemic_statement denotes These lesions are most often seen on the eyelids, face, conjunctiva, or pawpads of older dogs and occasionally cats, and they may be traumatic in origin.
T2882 959673-959795 Epistemic_statement denotes Congenital papillomas, which may actually represent epidermal hamartomas, have been reported in newborn foals and fetuses.
T2883 959875-960061 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous horns are rare exophytic cylindrical formations of compact keratin a few millimeters in diameter and 1-2 cm in length, formed by an underlying markedly hyperplastic epithelium.
T2884 960106-960294 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous horns may arise from viral papillomas, actinic keratosis, squamous cell carcinoma (bowenoid in situ or invasive), infundibular keratinizing acanthomas, or dilated pores of Winer.
T2885 960295-960391 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous horns of the pawpad of cats have been associated with feline leukemia virus infection.
T2886 960392-960531 Epistemic_statement denotes Warty dyskeratoma is a rare a cystic cup-shaped dermal mass lined by stratified squamous epithelium resembling the follicular infundibulum.
T2887 960898-961094 Epistemic_statement denotes Specimens with only hair follicle differentiation may be confused with unilocular trichoepitheliomas, but the dermoid cyst has gradual keratinization rather than abrupt trichilemmal cornification.
T2888 961095-961256 Epistemic_statement denotes Epitrichial (apocrine) cysts may be single or multiple and are filled with clear secretions and lined by a single layer of cuboidal to columnar epithelial cells.
T2889 961346-961434 Epistemic_statement denotes This is an uncommon lesion that occurs in middle-aged to older dogs for unknown reasons.
T2890 961435-961475 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous duct cysts are extremely rare.
T2891 961476-961536 Epistemic_statement denotes They are usually solitary and may occur in Meibomian glands.
T2892 962104-962323 Epistemic_statement denotes • Epidermal hamartomas (pigmented epidermal nevus, linear epidermal hamartoma, verrucous epidermal nevus) grossly appear as focal hyperkeratotic plaques or papules forming one or more linear arrays on the trunk or legs.
T2893 962469-962533 Epistemic_statement denotes The stratum granulosum may have enlarged keratohyaline granules.
T2894 962534-962626 Epistemic_statement denotes In the dog, an association with papilloma virus infection has been documented in some cases.
T2895 962627-962722 Epistemic_statement denotes Linear epidermal hamartomas are thought to be a genetically inherited lesion in Belgian horses.
T2896 963076-963154 Epistemic_statement denotes Associated glands surround the follicles and sebaceous glands may be enlarged.
T2897 963435-963728 Epistemic_statement denotes • Fibroadnexal hamartoma (adnexal nevus, focal adnexal dysplasia, folliculosebaceous hamartoma) is a common lesion in dogs and consists of aggregates of markedly distorted and variably inflamed folliculosebaceous units surrounded by dense collagen and lacking a connection to the skin surface.
T2898 963930-964026 Epistemic_statement denotes Some pathologists believe this type of lesion is a result of trauma and is not a true hamartoma.
T2899 964130-964235 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologi-microscopy and viral antigen detectable by immunohistochemistry, but these may not be numerous.
T2900 964998-965125 Epistemic_statement denotes Bovine papillomatosis may be a herd problem in that the virus is easily transmitted by animal-to-animal contact and by fomites.
T2901 965126-965245 Epistemic_statement denotes Depending on the anatomic site and papillomavirus type, both morphologic and biological features of lesions may differ.
T2902 965307-965319 Epistemic_statement denotes BPV-2 causes
T2903 965320-965433 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous papillomas are benign proliferative epithelial neoplasms that have a complex etiology and pathogenesis.
T2904 966205-966414 Epistemic_statement denotes However, for viral replication to occur, infected cells must become terminally differentiated, and therefore PVs attempt to increase both proliferation of basal cells and terminal keratinocyte differentiation.
T2905 966573-966665 Epistemic_statement denotes The beta-PV genus contains cutaneous PVs that are usually associated with immunosuppression.
T2906 966666-966797 Epistemic_statement denotes The delta-PV type is important in nonhuman mammals because it is associated with benign fibropapillomas in both ungulates and cats.
T2907 966798-966912 Epistemic_statement denotes Although most papillomaviruses are species specific, delta-PVs have the unique ability to infect multiple species.
T2908 966998-967324 Epistemic_statement denotes Papillomaviruses induce and/ or are associated with several types of cutaneous lesions, including squamous papilloma, inverted papilloma, feline viral plaques, canine pigmented viral plaques, bowenoid in situ carcinoma (BISC), invasive squamous cell carcinoma (ISCC), and fibropapillomas, including equine and feline sarcoids.
T2909 967325-967455 Epistemic_statement denotes Viral papillomas may regress as a result of cell-mediated immune attack, may persist, or may progress to squamous cell carcinomas.
T2910 967456-967617 Epistemic_statement denotes Although some viral and host factors are known to influence the behavior of viral-induced papillomas and fibropapillomas, many other factors are not yet defined.
T2911 967831-967882 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions can be anatomically extensive and multiple.
T2912 968297-968457 Epistemic_statement denotes Degenerating keratinocytes may have condensed eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions that represent aggregates of keratin, a result of the viral cytopathic effect.
T2913 968458-968566 Epistemic_statement denotes These inclusions should not be confused with the cytoplasmic inclusions associated with poxvirus infections.
T2914 968662-968937 Epistemic_statement denotes Cells of the stratum spinosum and granulosum may have vesicular nuclei with intranuclear pale basophilic viral inclusions that contain virus particles visible with electron A B keratomatous papilloma has been described in association with PV in an 8-month-old Simmental calf.
T2915 969185-969323 Epistemic_statement denotes It is believed to be critical in driving cell transformation, especially by activating platelet-derived growth factor receptor β (PDGFRβ).
T2916 969593-969680 Epistemic_statement denotes TLR-4 downregulation is expected to contribute to immune evasion and viral persistence.
T2917 969681-969879 Epistemic_statement denotes In conjunction with several BPVs (BPV-1, BPV-2, and BPV-4), the ingestion of bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) has been associated with various epithelial and mesenchymal urinary bladder neoplasms.
T2918 970089-970259 Epistemic_statement denotes Congenital papillomatosis was described in a Holstein heifer, and although BPV-3 was suspected, a viral etiology was not proved, and thus these lesions may be hamartomas.
T2919 971046-971137 Epistemic_statement denotes These rarely spontaneously regress and can occur anywhere on the body, including the teats.
T2920 971499-971606 Epistemic_statement denotes Some BPVs are associated with neoplastic transformation in the skin, alimentary tract, and urinary bladder.
T2921 971787-971932 Epistemic_statement denotes The most important papillomavirus-induced lesion in the horse is the sarcoid, known to be associated with BPV-1, BPV-2, and most recently BPV-13.
T2922 972127-972287 Epistemic_statement denotes A combination of factors appears to be involved in development of the tumors, including exposure to a viral agent, cutaneous trauma, and a genetic predilection.
T2923 972569-972772 Epistemic_statement denotes BPV DNA has been demonstrated in normal skin of healthy horses and horses with inflammatory conditions, suggesting that there are more factors involved in sarcoid development than simply viral infection.
T2924 973041-973311 Epistemic_statement denotes In Thoroughbreds and Warmbloods, the increased risk has been associated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-1 A3 and W13 alleles, whereas, in Standardbreds and Lipizzaners, a decreased risk is associated with decreased W13 allele and a lack of W13, respectively.
T2925 973396-973427 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be single or multiple.
T2926 973428-973515 Epistemic_statement denotes Young horses 1-7 years of age are at increased risk, with rare reports in older horses.
T2927 973659-973752 Epistemic_statement denotes Many horses have multiple tumors, and all types of sarcoids can be present in the same horse.
T2928 974213-974284 Epistemic_statement denotes The overlying skin may be normal but can become alopecic and ulcerated.
T2929 974340-974595 Epistemic_statement denotes The fibroblastic sarcoid is more variable in appearance and may range from a well-circumscribed firm nodule with intact surface to large masses, >25 cm in diameter, with an ulcerated surface prone to hemorrhage and resembling exuberant granulation tissue.
T2930 974818-974935 Epistemic_statement denotes The occult and verrucous and, to a lesser extent, the nodular sarcoid can remain static for years if not traumatized.
T2931 974936-975053 Epistemic_statement denotes Any type of sarcoid lesion can develop into an aggressive fibroblastic or malignant/ malevolent tumor if traumatized.
T2932 975054-975084 Epistemic_statement denotes Spontaneous remission is rare.
T2933 975605-975721 Epistemic_statement denotes Equine genital papillomas caused by EcPV-2 usually occur on older horses and are not known to spontaneously resolve.
T2934 975722-975897 Epistemic_statement denotes This virus has been associated with malignant transformation of penile and vulvar lesions to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in situ and invasive squamous cell carcinoma (ISCC).
T2935 975898-976028 Epistemic_statement denotes Equine ear papillomas (aural plaques) occur in horses of all ages, rarely spontaneously resolve, and are associated with EcPV 3-6.
T2936 976150-976260 Epistemic_statement denotes Fully developed lesions are usually bilaterally symmetrical and appear as 1-3 cm white hyperkeratotic plaques.
T2937 976261-976313 Epistemic_statement denotes Blackfly bites may be important in the transmission.
T2938 976314-976457 Epistemic_statement denotes Aural plaques are similar histologically to exophytic papillomas; however, the epidermis is less papillated, and hypomelanosis may be striking.
T2939 976458-976500 Epistemic_statement denotes EcPV-4 has also been isolated from vulvar
T2940 976501-976592 Epistemic_statement denotes may be minimal or absent in some tumors, especially nodular and early occult sarcoids (Fig.
T2941 976853-976918 Epistemic_statement denotes The fibroblasts have plump nuclei, and nucleoli may be prominent.
T2942 977265-977367 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumor margins are typically indistinct, and adequacy of excision is frequently difficult to determine.
T2943 977368-977549 Epistemic_statement denotes When the tumor is ulcerated, it may not be possible to differentiate a sarcoid from granulation tissue, fibroma, well-differentiated fibrosarcoma, and peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
T2944 977550-977657 Epistemic_statement denotes Immunohistochemical staining for S-100 protein may be useful in confirming a peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
T2945 977658-977742 Epistemic_statement denotes Additional biopsies to include intact epidermis may be required to make a diagnosis.
T2946 977743-977943 Epistemic_statement denotes BPV infection of equine fibroblasts appears to be mainly nonproductive with respect to producing complete viruses, and therefore there is no histologic or immunohistochemical evidence of PV infection.
T2947 978058-978163 Epistemic_statement denotes Ovis aries papillomavirus 1 and 2 (OaPV-1, OaPV-2) are delta-PVs and are associated with fibropapillomas.
T2948 978164-978215 Epistemic_statement denotes OaPV-3 (dyolambda-PV) has been associated with SCC.
T2949 978420-978469 Epistemic_statement denotes Similar lesions may occur on the scrotum of rams.
T2950 978818-978933 Epistemic_statement denotes In the second form, papillomas occur on the udder and teats of white goats especially; cutaneous horns may develop.
T2951 978934-979016 Epistemic_statement denotes There is no spontaneous regression, and malignant transformation to SCC can occur.
T2952 979085-979160 Epistemic_statement denotes PV DNA sequenes have only been detected in some goats with mammary lesions.
T2953 979472-979576 Epistemic_statement denotes Canine oral papillomatosis has been associated with CPV-1 (Canine oral papillomavirus, COPV) and CPV-13.
T2954 979904-979974 Epistemic_statement denotes Oral papillomatosis is occasionally associated with immunosuppression.
T2955 979975-980162 Epistemic_statement denotes It has been described in Beagles with IgA deficiency, in dogs undergoing immunosuppressive therapy with cyclosporine, and in a Chinese Shar-Pei in association with glucocorticoid therapy.
T2956 980261-980310 Epistemic_statement denotes They are associated with CPV-1, CPV-2, and CPV-7.
T2957 980311-980391 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be single to multiple, occurring mainly on the head, eyelids, and paws.
T2958 980591-980728 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous inverted papillomas are usually seen in young adult dogs <3 years of age and have been associated with CPV-1, CPV-2, and CPV-6.
T2959 980859-980986 Epistemic_statement denotes They occur most commonly on the ventral abdomen and groin, can occur on limbs and digits and most do not regress spontaneously.
T2960 980987-981094 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, these lesions are cup shaped with a central core of keratin that may be parakeratotic (Fig.
T2961 981198-981254 Epistemic_statement denotes The cells may exhibit koilocytes or blue-gray cytoplasm.
T2962 981255-981327 Epistemic_statement denotes Large keratohyaline granules and intranuclear inclusions may be present.
T2963 981328-981419 Epistemic_statement denotes Malignant transformation has been associated with CPV-2 infection in immunosuppressed dogs.
T2964 981420-981553 Epistemic_statement denotes Canine pigmented plaques may be heritable because they are most commonly reported in certain breeds: Miniature only 2 cases reported.
T2965 981695-981762 Epistemic_statement denotes Interestingly, human papillomavirus 9 was isolated from the latter.
T2966 981763-981897 Epistemic_statement denotes Feline viral plaques are uncommon and occur as multiple scaly, flat, variably pigmented lesions that can develop anywhere on the body.
T2967 981898-982139 Epistemic_statement denotes Felis catus papillomavirus 1 (FcaPV-1), also called Felis domesticus PV-1 (FdPV-1) , a lambda-PV, and FcaPV-2, a dyotheta-PV, have been isolated from these lesions; however, FcaPV-2 has also been isolated from many cats with no skin lesions.
T2968 982140-982231 Epistemic_statement denotes Viral plaques may spontaneously resolve; however, some have been known to progress to BISC.
T2969 982232-982396 Epistemic_statement denotes In fact, FcaPV-2 DNA has been detected in many feline BISC lesions and up to 50% of ISCC lesions and is thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of these lesions.
T2970 982397-982516 Epistemic_statement denotes Feline viral plaques have been associated with immunosuppression in some cats but have also been noted in healthy cats.
T2971 982706-982775 Epistemic_statement denotes Small numbers of koilocytes may be present in the stratum granulosum.
T2972 982776-982945 Epistemic_statement denotes Feline BISC (a multicentric squamous cell carcinoma in situ) usually appears as multiple crusting, hyperpigmented, roughly circular plaques in middle-aged to older cats.
T2973 982946-982973 Epistemic_statement denotes Solitary lesions may occur.
T2974 982974-983019 Epistemic_statement denotes The face, neck, and limbs may be predisposed.
T2975 983020-983043 Epistemic_statement denotes It is uncommon to rare.
T2976 983044-983091 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be more severe Schnauzers and Pugs.
T2977 983613-983664 Epistemic_statement denotes Koilocytes and viral inclusions are rare to absent.
T2978 983665-983794 Epistemic_statement denotes The potential for transformation to bowenoid in situ carcinoma (BISC), and ISCC has been reported in lesions infected with CPV-3.
T2979 983795-983886 Epistemic_statement denotes Canine pigmented papules have been rarely associated with long-term glucocorticoid therapy.
T2980 984083-984151 Epistemic_statement denotes These lesions may resolve after cessation of glucocorticoid therapy.
T2981 984152-984228 Epistemic_statement denotes Like other PVs, some CPVs have been associated with ISCC and some with BISC.
T2982 984325-984452 Epistemic_statement denotes One dog had multiple oral and cutaneous papillomas, oral SCC associated with CPV-1, and was thought to have T-cell dysfunction.
T2983 984553-984710 Epistemic_statement denotes Papillomavirus infection has been associated with cutaneous papillomas, feline viral plaques, feline sarcoid (feline fibropapilloma), BISC, and ISCC in cats.
T2984 984711-984812 Epistemic_statement denotes PV-induced exophytic cutaneous papillomas are rare in domestic cats, with A that recurred and spread.
T2985 984940-985047 Epistemic_statement denotes Camelus dromedarius papillomavirus 1 (delta-PV) has been associated with fibropapillomas in Arabian camels.
T2986 985524-985662 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, intrafollicular Demodex cati can be found in these lesions, sometimes in association with feline immunodeficiency virus infection.
T2987 985882-985985 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic activity is present in all layers of the epidermis, and keratin pearl formation may be present.
T2988 985986-986127 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumor cells often have large hyperchromatic nuclei and may have vacuolated cytoplasm, cytoplasmic pallor, or occasionally are multinucleated.
T2989 986241-986387 Epistemic_statement denotes The tumors are often pigmented and may have papillomatous epidermal projections with marked hyperkeratosis, occasionally forming a cutaneous horn.
T2990 986388-986423 Epistemic_statement denotes These lesions may progress to ISCC.
T2991 986424-986503 Epistemic_statement denotes Distant metastasis is very rare but was reported in a 7-year-old Devon Rex cat.
T2992 986653-986717 Epistemic_statement denotes Papillomaviruses have also been associated with feline sarcoids.
T2993 986718-986852 Epistemic_statement denotes These are rare cutaneous neoplasms that tend to occur on the nose, lips, or digits of young to middle-aged cats from rural areas (Fig.
T2994 986862-986932 Epistemic_statement denotes Feline sarcoids are firm, smooth, exophytic, and can become ulcerated.
T2995 986933-986994 Epistemic_statement denotes Recurrence is common, but metastasis has not been documented.
T2996 986995-987136 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologic features virtually identical to the equine sarcoid have been described and found to be associated with papillomavirus DNA via PCR.
T2997 987137-987351 Epistemic_statement denotes The implicated virus feline sarcoid-associated PV (FeSarPV) is thought to be a novel bovine papillomavirus (BPV), given the similarity in its DNA sequences to BPV-1, BPV-2, and ovis aries papillomavirus 2 (OaPV-2).
T2998 987362-987458 Epistemic_statement denotes Fibropapillomas associated with papillomaviruses have been described in both llamas and alpacas.
T2999 987684-987738 Epistemic_statement denotes SCCs are rare in pigs but usually occur in white skin.
T3000 987739-987839 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, SCC has been reported to arise from burn scars, nonhealing wounds, and chronic inflammation.
T3001 987840-987928 Epistemic_statement denotes Brand keratomas in cattle have been reported to undergo malignant transformation to SCC.
T3002 988120-988190 Epistemic_statement denotes Equine smegma has been implicated in the development of preputial SCC.
T3003 988687-988721 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be single to multiple.
T3004 989030-989280 Epistemic_statement denotes The well-differentiated SCC is a plaque-like lesion composed of islands, cords, and trabeculae of squamous cells that originate from the epidermis or rarely hair follicles or follicular cysts, breach the basement membrane, and extend into the dermis.
T3005 989281-989498 Epistemic_statement denotes Intercellular bridges between keratinocytes may be prominent, and there is often formation of central accumulations of compact laminated keratin (keratin pearls) within islands of invasive neoplastic epithelial cells.
T3006 989890-989938 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be marked crusting and hyperkeratosis.
T3007 990717-990915 Epistemic_statement denotes Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma is a rare variant of poorly differentiated SCC and is composed of large pleomorphic spindle and polygonal cells that have abundant pale or amphophilic cytoplasm.
T3008 990999-991094 Epistemic_statement denotes Rare foci of individual cell keratinization will help distinguish this neoplasm from a sarcoma.
T3009 991095-991177 Epistemic_statement denotes Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma is a rare variant of SCC only described in dogs.
T3010 991299-991317 Epistemic_statement denotes There may species.
T3011 991318-991422 Epistemic_statement denotes The behavior of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is usually that of locally destructive spread.
T3012 991423-991506 Epistemic_statement denotes Its metastatic potential is low, with certain qualifications depending on location.
T3013 991599-991769 Epistemic_statement denotes In contrast, those originating on the canine digit may be more prone to metastasize, but even these are cured by amputation in virtually all but the most neglected cases.
T3014 991770-991919 Epistemic_statement denotes Development of SCC has been associated with papillomaviruses in multiple species, including dogs, cats, horses, and sheep (see cutaneous papillomas).
T3015 991920-991999 Epistemic_statement denotes Sunlight is probably the most important carcinogenic stimulus for these tumors.
T3016 992000-992154 Epistemic_statement denotes The action of sunlight may be related to overexpression of p53 protein as a result of ultraviolet (UV)-induced mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene.
T3017 992698-992877 Epistemic_statement denotes The nasal planum is rarely affected, and when it is affected, it is usually secondary to depigmentation from a chronic inflammatory condition, such as discoid lupus erythematosus.
T3018 992878-993051 Epistemic_statement denotes Subungual squamous cell carcinomas in dogs may be multiple and are seen most often in black dogs, particularly large breeds such as Labrador Retrievers and Standard Poodles.
T3019 993052-993157 Epistemic_statement denotes Although papillomaviruses have been a suspected etiology, one study did not support a viral pathogenesis.
T3020 993472-993646 Epistemic_statement denotes In goats, Angoras and Boers may be at increased risk, and lesions are most common in sparsely haired skin of the udder, perianal region, horn base, pinnae, vulva, and eyelid.
T3021 993647-993772 Epistemic_statement denotes In sheep, cutaneous SCC is most common on the muzzle, lips, eyelids, pinnae, perineum, and vulva, and Merinos may be at risk.
T3022 993953-994079 Epistemic_statement denotes Their classification is rather complex; however, the majority of tumors arising in animals share a benign biological behavior.
T3023 995495-995593 Epistemic_statement denotes However, in this author's opinion, the report in the alpaca was probably a hybrid follicular cyst.
T3024 996157-996265 Epistemic_statement denotes The tumor gradually infiltrates and destroys the horn core and may invade adjacent sinuses and cranial bone.
T3025 996433-996527 Epistemic_statement denotes Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are uncommon in cats and dogs and rare in other domestic species.
T3026 996528-996631 Epistemic_statement denotes These tumors are thought to arise from epithelial cells of the basal layer of the epidermis and adnexa.
T3027 996777-996827 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, chronic UV exposure may also play a role.
T3028 996828-996941 Epistemic_statement denotes However, in some cats, BCC arises from BISC, and therefore papillomaviruses may also play a role in pathogenesis.
T3029 996942-996978 Epistemic_statement denotes The pathogenesis is unknown in dogs.
T3030 997160-997242 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin may have a black or blue tint because of melanin pigment in the neoplasm.
T3031 998266-998325 Epistemic_statement denotes Solid BCCs may have small foci of squamous differentiation.
T3032 998381-998472 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumor cells may contain melanin, and melanophages may be present in the intervening stroma.
T3033 998473-998603 Epistemic_statement denotes Keratinizing basal cell carcinomas have similar features to the solid type; however, melanin and cystic degeneration are uncommon.
T3034 998673-998754 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic activity is moderate to high, and mitotic atypia can usually be detected.
T3035 998755-998924 Epistemic_statement denotes Many of the epithelial islands contain central or peripheral foci of abrupt squamous differentiation that is cytologically benign and may or may not have keratinization.
T3036 998925-998967 Epistemic_statement denotes Clear cell basal cell carcinomas are rare.
T3037 999145-999236 Epistemic_statement denotes This rare tumor has features of both SCC and BCC and has been described in the cat and dog.
T3038 999596-999710 Epistemic_statement denotes Inferior tricholemmomas are very rare, only recognized in dogs, 1-7 cm diameter firm nodules on the head and neck.
T3039 1000069-1000147 Epistemic_statement denotes These are thought to represent differentiation toward outer root sheath cells.
T3040 1000274-1000396 Epistemic_statement denotes Isthmic tricholemmomas are very rare, raised, alopecic papules and nodules <2 cm in diameter, recognized in cats and dogs.
T3041 1000502-1000587 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumors are usually <2 cm in diameter but on occasion can be very large and ulcerated.
T3042 1001151-1001304 Epistemic_statement denotes The outer layer of basal cells usually shows peripheral palisading and may abut the fibrous stroma or send out basal cell ribbons into a mucinous stroma.
T3043 1001688-1001750 Epistemic_statement denotes Malignant trichoepitheliomas have only been described in dogs.
T3044 1002058-1002155 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphatic invasion is considered an essential finding to confirm malignancy by some pathologists.
T3045 1002156-1002202 Epistemic_statement denotes Regional and pulmonary metastasis is possible.
T3046 1002382-1002468 Epistemic_statement denotes Other tumors or cysts simulating trichoepithelioma lack one or both of these features.
T3047 1002469-1002584 Epistemic_statement denotes Tricholemmoma is a rare, benign, and nonrecurring pilar tumor of the outer root sheath recognized in dogs and cats.
T3048 1002758-1002850 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumor cells have scant cytoplasm, oval nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli, and rare mitoses.
T3049 1002851-1002923 Epistemic_statement denotes Melanin may be present in the tumor cells and accompanying melanophages.
T3050 1002924-1002947 Epistemic_statement denotes Keratinization is rare.
T3051 1003042-1003183 Epistemic_statement denotes These are rare, welldemarcated masses in the dermis to subcutis composed of multiple lobules and trabeculae and areas of cystic degeneration.
T3052 1003447-1003697 Epistemic_statement denotes Pilomatricoma (pilomatrixoma, epithelioma of Malherbe, necrotizing and calcifying epithelioma) is an uncommon benign tumor of dogs and is believed to be derived from primitive hair matrix and thus shows incomplete differentiation towards hair cortex.
T3053 1004682-1004729 Epistemic_statement denotes Small zones of squamous epithelium may be seen.
T3054 1004730-1004823 Epistemic_statement denotes Small foci resembling rounded dermal papilla-like structures may be present in the cyst wall.
T3055 1004931-1005048 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic activity may arranged as islands, and radiating cords that may intersect or be associated with the epidermis.
T3056 1005240-1005333 Epistemic_statement denotes These are common in dogs and cats, seen occasionally in horses, and rare in cattle and sheep.
T3057 1005334-1005473 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are generally solitary, firm, raised alopecic nodules 1-2 cm in diameter, although they can sometimes be much larger and ulcerated.
T3058 1005771-1005854 Epistemic_statement denotes 6 -148) that may join or radiate from a large central aggregate (medusoid pattern).
T3059 1005855-1005924 Epistemic_statement denotes A mucinous stroma is frequently associated with the medusoid pattern.
T3060 1006019-1006051 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic figures may be numerous.
T3061 1006052-1006126 Epistemic_statement denotes Abundant collagen that may appear hyalinized is more common in dog tumors.
T3062 1006127-1006193 Epistemic_statement denotes This pattern is common in dogs and rare in cats and other species.
T3063 1006476-1006554 Epistemic_statement denotes Stroma is sparse and may be collagenous to mucinous and is of low cellularity.
T3064 1006555-1006589 Epistemic_statement denotes Keratin microcysts may be present.
T3065 1006631-1006839 Epistemic_statement denotes • Granular trichoblastoma is a rare variant with the same architecture as a ribbon trichoblastoma, but the neoplastic epithelial cells are larger and contain abundant, finely granular or vacuolated cytoplasm.
T3066 1007358-1007430 Epistemic_statement denotes As in nodular hyperplasia, perianal gland metaplasia is rarely observed.
T3067 1007431-1007479 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be compression of adjacent structures.
T3068 1007867-1007972 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic activity may be high in the basal reserve cells, but mature sebocytes are not mitotically active.
T3069 1008042-1008115 Epistemic_statement denotes These lesions, especially Meibomian epitheliomas, are variably pigmented.
T3070 1008171-1008404 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous and Meibomian epitheliomas may recur if incompletely excised; rarely, sebaceous epitheliomas have been reported to invade lymphatics and metastasize to regional lymph nodes and, in one case, lung and central nervous system.
T3071 1008405-1008472 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous carcinomas are rare malignant neoplasms in dogs and cats.
T3072 1008473-1008508 Epistemic_statement denotes Cocker Spaniels may be predisposed.
T3073 1008749-1008885 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebocytic carcinomas are multilobular dermal masses that are irregular in shape but well circumscribed and may extend into the subcutis.
T3074 1009055-1009144 Epistemic_statement denotes Neoplastic cells are pleomorphic with eosinophilic cytoplasm that is variably vacuolated.
T3075 1009229-1009267 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be atypical mitotic figures.
T3076 1009268-1009420 Epistemic_statement denotes Other possible features include ulceration, necrosis, cystic degeneration, squamous differentiation, keratinization, or occasional glandular structures.
T3077 1009984-1010112 Epistemic_statement denotes Malignant pilomatricomas (matrical carcinoma, pilomatrix carcinoma) are rare in dogs and not reported in other domestic species.
T3078 1010113-1010276 Epistemic_statement denotes They are locally aggressive and may invade bone, and have been reported to metastasize to multiple distant sites, including lung, central nervous system, and bone.
T3079 1010277-1010357 Epistemic_statement denotes This malignant variant is poorly circumscribed and may extend into the subcutis.
T3080 1011669-1011755 Epistemic_statement denotes Sebaceous gland tumors are common in dogs, uncommon in cats and rare in other species.
T3081 1013294-1013321 Epistemic_statement denotes Small ducts may be present.
T3082 1013991-1014102 Epistemic_statement denotes Nuclei are larger than those in benign lesions, slightly pleomorphic, and may have multiple prominent nucleoli.
T3083 1014188-1014245 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be small scattered foci of squamous metaplasia.
T3084 1014295-1014333 Epistemic_statement denotes Poorly differentiated tumors are rare.
T3085 1014447-1014535 Epistemic_statement denotes Neoplastic cells have eosinophilic to amphophilic cytoplasm that is variably vacuolated.
T3086 1014640-1014813 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphatic invasion must be diagnosed with caution because compression of reserve cells by lobular expansion may simulate a tumor embolus surrounded by lymphatic endothelium.
T3087 1014943-1014992 Epistemic_statement denotes Direct extension into the pelvic canal can occur.
T3088 1015057-1015120 Epistemic_statement denotes Epitrichial (apocrine) gland tumors can be benign or malignant.
T3089 1015121-1015210 Epistemic_statement denotes Adenomas are more common and occur in cats, dogs, and rarely in horses, cattle, and pigs.
T3090 1015276-1015312 Epistemic_statement denotes Cystic tumors may be blue to purple.
T3091 1015510-1015602 Epistemic_statement denotes Carcinomas more commonly occur on the legs and may be poorly circumscribed and infiltrative.
T3092 1015975-1016122 Epistemic_statement denotes Some cysts contain simple or branching papillary aggregates, and if this is a dominant feature, then the term papillary cystadenoma is appropriate.
T3093 1016123-1016165 Epistemic_statement denotes Small glandular structures may be present.
T3094 1016166-1016328 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, the majority of these tumors are on the head, including ear canal and eyelid (glands of Moll), and lesions may be multiple in Himalayan and Persian cats.
T3095 1016451-1016549 Epistemic_statement denotes Cystic cavities and glandular lumens may contain pale eosinophilic homogeneous secretory material.
T3096 1016550-1016656 Epistemic_statement denotes Complex (mixed) secretory epitrichial adenomas are analogous to complex and benign mixed mammary adenomas.
T3097 1016744-1016797 Epistemic_statement denotes There may be multifocal connections to the epidermis.
T3098 1016798-1016892 Epistemic_statement denotes They are commonly ulcerated, and margins may be infiltrative and can extend into the subcutis.
T3099 1017144-1017218 Epistemic_statement denotes They may be locally aggressive but reports of distant metastasis are rare.
T3100 1017219-1017371 Epistemic_statement denotes The cause of perianal gland tumors is unknown; however, they are known to be modulated by sex hormones and contain both androgen and estrogen receptors.
T3101 1017372-1017506 Epistemic_statement denotes Nodular perianal gland hyperplasia may occur as either discrete nodules of variable size or as a diffuse bulging ring around the anus.
T3102 1017821-1018028 Epistemic_statement denotes The gross appearance of perianal gland adenomas is of one or more raised rubbery masses that may grow to 10 cm or more in diameter, most commonly around the anus but can occur anywhere perianal glands exist.
T3103 1018424-1018615 Epistemic_statement denotes Distinguishing adenomas from hyperplasia can be difficult, but the main difference is that the lobular architecture is maintained in hyperplastic lesions, and adenomas may be highly vascular.
T3104 1018616-1018716 Epistemic_statement denotes Perianal (hepatoid) gland epitheliomas are rare tumors and may be benign or of low-grade malignancy.
T3105 1019562-1019600 Epistemic_statement denotes Multinucleated cells are usually seen.
T3106 1019658-1019729 Epistemic_statement denotes There is sparse to moderate stroma, and chondroid metaplasia may occur.
T3107 1019848-1019971 Epistemic_statement denotes Immunohistochemistry using specific cytokeratin such as CAM5.2, CK7/8, and CK13 may be necessary to support this diagnosis.
T3108 1020052-1020156 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumors of atrichial (eccrine) glands are extremely rare and occur only on the footpads of dogs and cats.
T3109 1020157-1020231 Epistemic_statement denotes These tumors are usually malignant, although a few adenomas are described.
T3110 1020232-1020334 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are usually poorly circumscribed, ulcerated, and may be seen as swollen pawpad(s) or digit(s).
T3111 1020335-1020440 Epistemic_statement denotes These are aggressive neoplasms that often recur locally and may metastasize rapidly to local lymph nodes.
T3112 1020481-1020587 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, they are infiltrative, have desmoplastic stroma, and may invade bone and cause bone lysis.
T3113 1020842-1020984 Epistemic_statement denotes Ceruminous glands can give rise to cysts, cystomatosis, adenomas, complex and mixed adenomas, and the malignant versions of these tumors (Fig.
T3114 1021197-1021318 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, foci of tumor cells may be found within the overlying epithelium, and secondary inflammation is more common.
T3115 1021319-1021374 Epistemic_statement denotes Stroma may be myxoid or have chondroid differentiation.
T3116 1021881-1021977 Epistemic_statement denotes The centers of the lobules may be irregularly cystic and partially lined by cuboidal epithelium.
T3117 1022687-1022761 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are generally solitary, frequently alopecic, and may be ulcerated.
T3118 1022848-1023033 Epistemic_statement denotes In general, these lesions are histologically similar to their benign counterparts, although they tend to be larger and less well circumscribed and have cytologic features of malignancy.
T3119 1023034-1023143 Epistemic_statement denotes Nuclei are larger and more pleomorphic; there may be loss of nuclear polarity, and nucleoli may be prominent.
T3120 1023169-1023206 Epistemic_statement denotes Atypical mitotic figures may be seen.
T3121 1023207-1023306 Epistemic_statement denotes Well-differentiated lesions do not produce a desmoplastic response, and lymphatic invasion is rare.
T3122 1023425-1023526 Epistemic_statement denotes The myoepithelial component of the complex adenocarcinoma usually has a benign histologic appearance.
T3123 1023527-1023597 Epistemic_statement denotes However, in some cases, it predominates over the epithelial component.
T3124 1023598-1023808 Epistemic_statement denotes On rare occasions, both glandular and myoepithelial components demonstrate features of malignancy, and the tumor is referred to as an epitrichial gland carcinosarcoma or mixed malignant epitrichial gland tumor.
T3125 1023889-1024048 Epistemic_statement denotes They have been reported in most species of domestic animals and many wildlife species, although they are most common in dogs, horses, and some breeds of swine.
T3126 1024049-1024114 Epistemic_statement denotes component may form whorls and fingerprint patterns in the dermis.
T3127 1024267-1024370 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic figures are rare, and in the dog, a mitotic index of <3 is reported to predict benign behavior.
T3128 1024615-1024693 Epistemic_statement denotes Fine melanin granules can sometimes be detected in low numbers of tumor cells.
T3129 1024852-1024950 Epistemic_statement denotes It is well described in humans but is rare in domestic animals and has been reported only in dogs.
T3130 1025487-1025615 Epistemic_statement denotes Malignant melanomas are generally tumors of older animals; however, they have been reported in juvenile animals of many species.
T3131 1025616-1025811 Epistemic_statement denotes Criteria for malignancy and prognosis are described in the introduction to this section; in the dog, a mitotic index of 3 or greater appears to be the most accurate predictor of a poor prognosis.
T3132 1025812-1025949 Epistemic_statement denotes In addition, several studies have indicated that the degree of pigmentation and the histologic pattern are not correlated with prognosis.
T3133 1025950-1026165 Epistemic_statement denotes Malignant melanomas can be composed of a variety of cell morphologies, including spindle cells, epithelioid cells, a mixture of spindle cells and epithelioid cells, signet-ring cells, or balloon cells (clear cells).
T3134 1026283-1026376 Epistemic_statement denotes Focal areas of chondroid or osseous metaplasia within the tumor may be seen on rare occasion.
T3135 1026582-1026712 Epistemic_statement denotes Various degrees of junctional activity may be present in the epithelioid cell form and in the mixed epithelioid-spindle cell form.
T3136 1027147-1027351 Epistemic_statement denotes An infrequent form of spindle cell melanoma, composed entirely of amelanotic spindle cells, can be impossible to distinguish from fibrosarcoma or neurofibrosarcoma without the aid of immunohistochemistry.
T3137 1027352-1027551 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the epithelioid and spindle cell forms of melanoma are usually pigmented to some degree, the uncommon balloon cell form and signet-ring cell form are usually unpigmented or poorly pigmented.
T3138 1027552-1027694 Epistemic_statement denotes current recommendation is to perform immunohistochemical labeling with Melan-A, PNL2, TRP-1, and TRP-2 as single antibodies, or as a cocktail.
T3139 1027695-1027857 Epistemic_statement denotes The mitotic index (MI) is a key prognostic indicator for clinical behavior of canine melanocytic neoplasms, and it should be determined on all melanocytic tumors.
T3140 1028096-1028132 Epistemic_statement denotes Ulcerated regions should be avoided.
T3141 1028294-1028486 Epistemic_statement denotes Currently, Melan A is the most specific immunohistochemical marker for melanomas, albeit not 100% sensitive, and has been shown to be useful in many species, including the dog, cat, and horse.
T3142 1028487-1028603 Epistemic_statement denotes Dogs with cutaneous melanocytic neoplasms that have an MI of >3/10 HPFs are expected to have shorter survival times.
T3143 1028604-1028862 Epistemic_statement denotes Nuclear atypia, presence of ulceration, and deep infiltration beyond the dermis are also associated with a poor outcome, and readers are referred to the publication by Smedley (2011) for more detailed information and a thorough review of prognostic features.
T3144 1029295-1029458 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, melanocytomas can be junctional (confined to the epidermis and dermoepidermal junction), compound (involving both epidermis and dermis), or dermal.
T3145 1029544-1029722 Epistemic_statement denotes They are moderately circumscribed but not encapsulated and may be composed of any melanocytic cell type, that is, spindle, epithelioid, balloon cell (clear cell), or signet ring.
T3146 1030071-1030234 Epistemic_statement denotes A report of a myxoma developing at the site of a subcutaneously implanted pacemaker in a dog raised the question of whether the implant may have induced the tumor.
T3147 1030452-1030554 Epistemic_statement denotes Cellularity is typically low, and the cells have small hyperchromatic nuclei and rare mitotic figures.
T3148 1030620-1030768 Epistemic_statement denotes Myxomas are difficult to differentiate from myxosarcomas because both are poorly circumscribed, locally infiltrative, and have low mitotic activity.
T3149 1030769-1030887 Epistemic_statement denotes However, nuclear and cellular pleomorphism is more apparent, and atypical mitotic figures may be seen in myxosarcomas.
T3150 1031390-1031508 Epistemic_statement denotes A large battery of immunohistochemical stains is necessary to differentiate the subtypes, but is generally not needed.
T3151 1031947-1032083 Epistemic_statement denotes They are usually solitary, slow-growing, multinodular masses that appear grossly well circumscribed and measure up to 25 cm in diameter.
T3152 1032163-1032345 Epistemic_statement denotes The tumors frequently recur following excision because of the difficulty in identifying tumor margins and inability to perform wide surgical excision because of anatomic constraints.
T3153 1032346-1032378 Epistemic_statement denotes Metastasis is uncommon, however.
T3154 1032993-1033106 Epistemic_statement denotes Aggregates of lymphocytes may be scattered within some tumors and are usually most prominent along the periphery.
T3155 1033107-1033341 Epistemic_statement denotes At the margins of the tumor, finger-like microextensions of tumor cells commonly infiltrate along fascial planes and are the reason many tumors are incompletely excised despite the clinical impression that they are well circumscribed.
T3156 1033838-1033934 Epistemic_statement denotes Adnexal structures are absent, and mononuclear inflammatory cells may be present in low numbers.
T3157 1034445-1034549 Epistemic_statement denotes Collagenous hamartomas are usually located in the dermis, but large masses may extend into the subcutis.
T3158 1034743-1034846 Epistemic_statement denotes Some veterinary pathologists believe that collagen hamartomas are actually fibromas of low cellularity.
T3159 1034847-1035174 Epistemic_statement denotes A syndrome called nodular dermatofibrosis, characterized by multiple cutaneous collagenous hamartomas, has been reported as a marker of renal epithelial neoplasia in German Shepherd dogs (see also the previous section Cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes).The condition is thought to be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.
T3160 1035252-1035324 Epistemic_statement denotes Nodules may number in the hundreds and are located anywhere on the body.
T3161 1035824-1035876 Epistemic_statement denotes They are usually alopecic and may be hyperpigmented.
T3162 1035877-1035927 Epistemic_statement denotes Large tumors may be ulcerated secondary to trauma.
T3163 1036073-1036274 Epistemic_statement denotes The fibroblasts have uniform, oval to elongate, bland nuclei that may be slightly larger than fibroblasts in the normal dermis and have fine chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli, and rare mitotic figures.
T3164 1036509-1036667 Epistemic_statement denotes Some tumors contain substantial amounts of mucinous or myxomatous matrix material in addition to the collagen, in which case the term fibromyxoma may be used.
T3165 1036817-1036979 Epistemic_statement denotes Myxomas (myxofibromas) are rare cutaneous neoplasms arising from fibroblasts or multipotential mesenchymal cells and containing abundant glycosaminoglycan stroma.
T3166 1036980-1037146 Epistemic_statement denotes They usually occur in adult or aged animals as solitary, infiltrative, soft masses that are poorly circumscribed and may extend along may be involved most frequently.
T3167 1037147-1037237 Epistemic_statement denotes Schwannomas are usually subcutaneous in dogs; in cats, they may be confined to the dermis.
T3168 1037553-1037661 Epistemic_statement denotes A delicate collagenous stroma is moderately abundant, and a mucinous matrix may be prominent in some tumors.
T3169 1037964-1038085 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic figures are uncommon in benign tumors but may be moderately numerous in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors.
T3170 1038086-1038243 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically and behaviorally, peripheral nerve sheath tumors may be difficult to differentiate from fibromas, well-differentiated fibrosarcomas, and PWTs.
T3171 1038244-1038427 Epistemic_statement denotes However, neural tumors express S-100 protein, myelin basic protein, neuronspecific enolase, and glial fibrillary acidic protein, whereas the other more common cutaneous tumors do not.
T3172 1038428-1038561 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors may arise within the peripheral nervous system (PNS) or within non-PNS soft tissue.
T3173 1038710-1038869 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumors arising within peripheral nerves have been shown to have higher S-100 and Olig 2 expression than peripheral nerve sheaths tumors arising in soft tissue.
T3174 1038870-1039130 Epistemic_statement denotes Immunohistochemical staining of granular cell tumors (granular cell myoblastomas) has demonstrated S-100 protein, myelin basic protein, and neuron-specific enolase within tumor cells, suggesting that they also represent a form of peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
T3175 1039321-1039428 Epistemic_statement denotes In veterinary medicine, this lesion is rare and occurs most frequently as a result of tail docking in dogs.
T3176 1040228-1040306 Epistemic_statement denotes The size of the tumors has been associated with increased relapse probability.
T3177 1040397-1040485 Epistemic_statement denotes Fortunately, cases in any profile with complete surgical margins typically do not recur.
T3178 1040536-1040626 Epistemic_statement denotes PWTs should be differentiated from fibrosarcomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, and hemangiosarcomas.
T3179 1040627-1040804 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous tumors of neural origin are uncommon in domestic animals but are likely under-diagnosed because of their histologic similarity to other more common tumors of the skin.
T3180 1040919-1041113 Epistemic_statement denotes Consequently, these tumors are histologically heterogeneous, and the histogenesis is frequently uncertain, resulting in various and confusing classifications and terminologies in the literature.
T3181 1041237-1041481 Epistemic_statement denotes The name peripheral nerve sheath tumor is a broad term proposed to include all tumors arising from peripheral nerves; however, because most tumors are composed of Schwann cells, the term schwannoma is appropriate for the majority of the tumors.
T3182 1041482-1041586 Epistemic_statement denotes Both benign and malignant forms occur; however, tumors that appear histologically benign commonly recur.
T3183 1041587-1041681 Epistemic_statement denotes Schwannomas are common in cattle but occur primarily in the heart and rarely involve the skin.
T3184 1041682-1041786 Epistemic_statement denotes A condition termed neurofibromatosis has been observed in cattle of all ages and may occur congenitally.
T3185 1043483-1043611 Epistemic_statement denotes These microscopic extensions of the tumor account for the difficulty in excising the tumor completely and resultant recurrences.
T3186 1043612-1043706 Epistemic_statement denotes Although collagen is the primary stromal element, mucin may also be produced in small amounts.
T3187 1043923-1044025 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, a mitotic index <9 was associated with greater survival than a mitotic index of 9 or greater.
T3188 1044201-1044487 Epistemic_statement denotes Poorly differentiated fibrosarcomas may be difficult to differentiate from a number of other mesenchymal and nonmesenchymal tumors, including malignant schwannoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, leiomyosarcoma, and spindle cell forms of amelanotic melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
T3189 1044646-1044792 Epistemic_statement denotes In small biopsies with a limited amount of tissue to evaluate, it may be difficult to differentiate fibrosarcoma from reactive granulation tissue.
T3190 1045692-1046019 Epistemic_statement denotes It was originally believed to be derived from malignant cells of monocyte-macrophage origin capable of acting as "facultative" traumatic neuromas are well-circumscribed nodules composed of haphazardly arranged myelinated nerve bundles of variable size randomly distributed within a relatively abundant connective tissue stroma.
T3191 1046020-1046122 Epistemic_statement denotes Fibrosarcomas are malignant tumors of fibroblasts that show no other evidence of cell differentiation.
T3192 1046123-1046163 Epistemic_statement denotes They commonly recur and may metastasize.
T3193 1046164-1046374 Epistemic_statement denotes Fibrosarcomas are undoubtedly over-diagnosed, as virtually any anaplastic highly cellular spindle cell sarcoma containing collagen is diagnosed as a fibrosarcoma when more specific histogenesis is not apparent.
T3194 1046375-1046673 Epistemic_statement denotes However, as immunohistochemistry has become a routine technique in most diagnostic laboratories, fibrosarcoma can be separated from other spindle cell tumors, such as peripheral nerve sheath tumor, leiomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, amelanotic malignant melanoma, spindle cell carcinoma, and others.
T3195 1046845-1046973 Epistemic_statement denotes They usually arise in the subcutis and are poorly circumscribed masses of variable size that may be soft to firm in consistency.
T3196 1047132-1047321 Epistemic_statement denotes Similarities have been noted between canine fibrosarcomas from presumed injection sites and feline postvaccinal fibrosarcomas, suggesting that postinjection sarcomas may also occur in dogs.
T3197 1047498-1047533 Epistemic_statement denotes Virus-induced fibrosarcoma is rare.
T3198 1048119-1048161 Epistemic_statement denotes These may arise in the dermis or subcutis.
T3199 1048369-1048564 Epistemic_statement denotes Epidemiologic evidence supports a relationship between vaccine administration in cats and the development of postvaccinal fibrosarcomas and, to a lesser extent, other sarcomas in injection sites.
T3200 1048736-1048987 Epistemic_statement denotes The mechanism of tumor development is unknown, but persistent injection-site-induced inflammation leading to deranged fibrous connective tissue repair response and eventual neoplastic transformation in genetically predisposed cats has been postulated.
T3201 1048988-1049077 Epistemic_statement denotes Alterations in oncogene and growth factor expression may be involved in the pathogenesis.
T3202 1049930-1049955 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic figures are rare.
T3203 1050145-1050237 Epistemic_statement denotes Smooth muscle tumors may be confused with fibromas, fibrosarcomas, or malignant schwannomas.
T3204 1050238-1050329 Epistemic_statement denotes In such cases, immunohistochemical staining for actin and desmin can confirm muscle origin.
T3205 1050330-1050422 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous tumors of skeletal muscle, rhabdomyomas and rhabdomyosarcomas, are extremely rare.
T3206 1050779-1050805 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic figures were rare.
T3207 1050866-1050940 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions can appear as red to purple macules, papules, nodules, or plaques.
T3208 1051105-1051152 Epistemic_statement denotes has been described in an immunocompromised dog.
T3209 1051153-1051365 Epistemic_statement denotes Multisystem progressive angiomatosis affecting the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and visceral surface of the abdominal organs, a syndrome resembling blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome, has been described in one dog.
T3210 1051446-1051629 Epistemic_statement denotes Hemangiosarcoma, the malignant form of a tumor of blood vessel endothelium, can occur in the skin as a primary site or as a result of metastatic disease from a primary visceral tumor.
T3211 1051847-1052122 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous hemangiosarcoma commonly recurs following excision and has the potential for widespread local invasion and metastasis; but in general, it appears to be less aggressive, has a longer clinical course, and prolonged survival when compared to visceral hemangiosarcomas.
T3212 1052123-1052229 Epistemic_statement denotes In contrast to the subcutaneous form, dermal hemangiosarcoma may be cured by wide surgical excision alone.
T3213 1052765-1052794 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic activity may be high.
T3214 1052795-1053041 Epistemic_statement denotes Frequently, portions or entire tumors are composed entirely of sheets or intersecting and anastomosing bundles of pleomorphic spindle cells, and they may be indistinguishable from fibrosarcoma or other poorly differentiated spindle cell sarcomas.
T3215 1053042-1053157 Epistemic_statement denotes The presence of slit-like spaces containing erythrocytes between tumor cells may be the only clue to the diagnosis.
T3216 1053158-1053246 Epistemic_statement denotes Immunohistochemical staining may be required to identify the cells in anaplastic tumors.
T3217 1053399-1053660 Epistemic_statement denotes However, immunostaining must be interpreted with knowledge of limitations of the procedure; in poorly differentiated tumors, very anaplastic cells may not express typical antigens, and immature reactive stromal endothelial cells may be mistaken for tumor cells.
T3218 1053661-1053743 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumors arising from endothelium of lymphatic vessels are rare in domestic animals.
T3219 1053744-1054025 Epistemic_statement denotes Both the benign, lymphangioma, and malignant, lymphangiosarcoma, forms occur in young animals, and it has been suggested that they represent lymphatic malformations resulting from a failure of connection between lymph vessels and the venous system rather than being true neoplasms.
T3220 1054026-1054193 Epistemic_statement denotes The skin and subcutis appear to be the most common site of tumors of lymphatic endothelium, and the caudal ventral abdomen and inguinal areas appear to be predisposed.
T3221 1054335-1054398 Epistemic_statement denotes Rarely, they occur as multiple clear turgid vesicles or bullae.
T3222 1054399-1054520 Epistemic_statement denotes It may be difficult to distinguish between lymphangioma and lymphangiosarcoma in this location, and they may be multiple.
T3223 1054552-1054775 Epistemic_statement denotes Benign cutaneous vascular lesions in horses frequently occur in animals <1 year of age, and some are congenital, raising the question of whether the lesions are true neoplasms or vascular malformations (hamartoma or nevus).
T3224 1054989-1055149 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions are most commonly located on the limbs and occur as a cauliflower or nodular mass or diffuse skin thickening that may become alopecic and ulcerated.
T3225 1055150-1055191 Epistemic_statement denotes The lesions may recur following excision.
T3226 1055636-1055661 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic figures are rare.
T3227 1055662-1055824 Epistemic_statement denotes Subcutaneous tumors are usually well circumscribed, whereas those in the dermis may not be as well defined and may incorporate adnexal structures within the mass.
T3228 1056181-1056312 Epistemic_statement denotes Solar-induced dermal hemangiomas of glabrous skin are located in the superficial dermis and may be associated with solar elastosis.
T3229 1057367-1057498 Epistemic_statement denotes DCs and macrophages have overlapping functions in that both can function as antigen-presenting cells and can act as effector cells.
T3230 1057724-1057914 Epistemic_statement denotes The morphologic features of neoplastic or abnormally reactive histiocytes are similar and can mimic tumor cells of different histogenic origin or be confused with granulomatous inflammation.
T3231 1058276-1058419 Epistemic_statement denotes More than 70% of CCH occur in dogs <4 years of age and are most often found on the head (pinna), but can occur anywhere on the body at any age.
T3232 1059210-1059339 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis is often attenuated or ulcerated, and associated edema may lead to vertical rowing of tumor cells near the surface.
T3233 1059340-1059397 Epistemic_statement denotes Ulceration is associated with infiltrates of neutrophils.
T3234 1059398-1059439 Epistemic_statement denotes The intact epidermis may be hyperplastic.
T3235 1059547-1059706 Epistemic_statement denotes Nuclei are centrally located, round to oval, indented or convoluted with vesicular chromatin, and most often have a single nucleolus that may be inconspicuous.
T3236 1059783-1059912 Epistemic_statement denotes The base of the tumor may have infiltrates of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes, a sign of host-mediated spontaneous tumor regression.
T3237 1059913-1059997 Epistemic_statement denotes Infiltrates of lymphocytes may also be found in perivascular or periadnexal regions.
T3238 1059998-1060219 Epistemic_statement denotes In older lesions, the lymphocytic infiltrates may be more extensive than the remaining tumor cell infiltrates, leading to a misinterpretation of primary inflammatory process or inflamed nonepitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma.
T3239 1060351-1060544 Epistemic_statement denotes As the function of LCs is to capture antigen and migrate to regional lymph nodes, regional lymph nodes may be enlarged but are not painful and should regress to normal size after tumor removal.
T3240 1060545-1060657 Epistemic_statement denotes histologically because the histologic appearance may not correlate well with the biologic behavior of the tumor.
T3241 1060658-1060742 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumors that appear histologically benign commonly recur and may be locally invasive.
T3242 1060838-1060945 Epistemic_statement denotes They are poorly defined and difficult to remove completely, resulting in poor wound healing and recurrence.
T3243 1061077-1061190 Epistemic_statement denotes They may contain only small amounts of proteinaceous fluid and low numbers of erythrocytes and/or lymphoid cells.
T3244 1061191-1061318 Epistemic_statement denotes The connective tissue stroma separating the vascular spaces is loose or edematous and may contain aggregates of lymphoid cells.
T3245 1061458-1061655 Epistemic_statement denotes Ulceration, hemorrhage, granulation tissue proliferation, and inflammation are frequently present because of the chronic clinical course and may result in misdiagnosis when a small biopsy is taken.
T3246 1061656-1061759 Epistemic_statement denotes It may not be possible to differentiate a poorly differentiated lymphangiosarcoma from hemangiosarcoma.
T3247 1062422-1062511 Epistemic_statement denotes The tumors are markedly infiltrative, difficult to completely excise, and commonly recur.
T3248 1062512-1062531 Epistemic_statement denotes Metastasis is rare.
T3249 1063142-1063223 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may wax and wane, and the minority of cases of CRH spontaneously regress.
T3250 1063224-1063405 Epistemic_statement denotes Many times, the lesions are slowly progressive and require long-term management with immunomodulatory therapy and often lead to death, particularly if there is systemic involvement.
T3251 1063406-1063616 Epistemic_statement denotes Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) complex includes a number of distinct syndromes: hemophagocytic HS, articular/periarticular HS, central nervous system HS, dendritic cell leukemia, and feline progressive histiocytosis.
T3252 1063740-1063841 Epistemic_statement denotes Histiocytic sarcomas can be localized, affecting one site, or disseminated (malignant histiocytosis).
T3253 1063988-1064037 Epistemic_statement denotes The condition occurs in dogs and is rare in cats.
T3254 1064406-1064464 Epistemic_statement denotes Mild nonregenerative anemia and hypercalcemia may be seen.
T3255 1065385-1065542 Epistemic_statement denotes It is unclear whether the disseminated histiocytic sarcoma represents metastasis of a primary lesion or multicentric malignant transformation of histiocytes.
T3256 1065692-1065737 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous involvement is rare with this form.
T3257 1066145-1066210 Epistemic_statement denotes They may also express E-cadherin, lysozyme, CD11d/CD18, and CD54.
T3258 1066211-1066352 Epistemic_statement denotes Affected dogs may have hundreds of raised, red, alopecic, and ulcerated cutaneous papules and nodules that are histologically similar to CCH.
T3259 1066353-1066417 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may involve mucocutaneous junctions and the oral cavity.
T3260 1066418-1066544 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions are generally limited to skin and draining lymph nodes initially, but spread to internal organs can also occur rarely.
T3261 1066973-1067107 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, lesions are similar to those of CCH; however, individual lesions may be larger extending into the subcutis and muscle.
T3262 1067108-1067241 Epistemic_statement denotes Also there may be a high degree of cellular atypia with more anisocytosis and multinucleated cells and a lack of T-cell infiltration.
T3263 1067242-1067271 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphatic invasion may occur.
T3264 1067679-1067773 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may wax and wane, disappear and reappear in other locations, or spontaneously regress.
T3265 1068195-1068342 Epistemic_statement denotes It generally affects young to middle-aged dogs, and although it was first described in Bernese Mountain dogs, it has been described in many breeds.
T3266 1068428-1068531 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinical signs may include anorexia, weight loss, conjunctivitis, chemosis, and stertorous respiration.
T3267 1068532-1068567 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions and signs may wax and wane.
T3268 1068838-1069015 Epistemic_statement denotes Dermal interstitial DC and T cells infiltrate blood vessel walls in the mid-dermis, leading to lymphohistiocytic vasculitis, which may cause vascular compromise and infarction .
T3269 1069016-1069063 Epistemic_statement denotes Lymphocytes may comprise 50% of the infiltrate.
T3270 1069064-1069146 Epistemic_statement denotes Smaller numbers of neutrophils, plasma cells, and eosinophils may also be present.
T3271 1069295-1069389 Epistemic_statement denotes Older lesions extend into the more superficial dermis and may have a periadnexal distribution.
T3272 1069775-1070001 Epistemic_statement denotes As heavy accumulations of mast cells may occur in a variety of parasitic, mycotic, allergic, and idiopathic inflammatory syndromes, caution is warranted; however, sheets of mast cells are not present in these other conditions.
T3273 1070002-1070223 Epistemic_statement denotes Multiple spontaneously regressing mast cell tumors have been reported in young dogs, cats, pigs, calves, foals, and humans, suggesting the underlying process may have been mast cell hyperplasia rather than true neoplasia.
T3274 1071137-1071232 Epistemic_statement denotes Ulceration in large or traumatized tumors may bring the skin surface in contact with the tumor.
T3275 1071266-1071393 Epistemic_statement denotes Edema may be very severe, giving the tumor an appearance that macroscopically and microscopically resembles acute inflammation.
T3276 1071637-1071697 Epistemic_statement denotes Degenerating collagen may incite granulomatous inflammation.
T3277 1071698-1071749 Epistemic_statement denotes Collagen flame figures may be found in some tumors.
T3278 1071750-1071896 Epistemic_statement denotes In dogs, mast cell tumors (MCTs) account for 15-20% of skin tumors and are the most frequent malignant or potentially malignant tumor of the skin.
T3279 1072205-1072346 Epistemic_statement denotes The macroscopic appearance of canine mast cell tumors varies widely with their stage of progression and degree of histologic differentiation.
T3280 1072347-1072514 Epistemic_statement denotes Well-differentiated tumors most often appear as a rubbery, nodular nonencapsulated variably alopecic dermal mass 1-4 cm in diameter that clinically resembles a lipoma.
T3281 1072515-1072717 Epistemic_statement denotes Poorly differentiated tumors tend to achieve a large size more quickly, are less circumscribed, and often associated with inflammation and edema of the surrounding dermis and possible satellite lesions.
T3282 1072819-1072943 Epistemic_statement denotes Other clinical signs may occasionally result from the release of histamine or other vasoactive products from the mast cells.
T3283 1073058-1073209 Epistemic_statement denotes Histamine release stimulates the specific H2 gastric parietal cell receptors, resulting in increased acid secretion and perhaps local mucosal ischemia.
T3284 1073210-1073306 Epistemic_statement denotes Ulceration follows and may lead to fatal cytologic atypia with numerous bizarre mitotic figures.
T3285 1073467-1073581 Epistemic_statement denotes Mitotic activity is high, and phagocytosis may be evident, although it is much more profound in hemophagocytic HS.
T3286 1074391-1074457 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may wax and wane, but there is a poor long-term prognosis.
T3287 1074561-1074696 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, lesions consist of a diffuse dermal infiltrate of morphologically normal histiocytes that may extend into the subcutis.
T3288 1074697-1074728 Epistemic_statement denotes The epidermis may be ulcerated.
T3289 1075031-1075101 Epistemic_statement denotes Congenital histiocytosis is a very rare condition of neonatal piglets.
T3290 1075102-1075177 Epistemic_statement denotes Multiple cutaneous macules, papules, and plaques may be widely distributed.
T3291 1075416-1075482 Epistemic_statement denotes A few lymphocytes, plasma cells, and eosinophils may be scattered.
T3292 1076461-1076537 Epistemic_statement denotes Additional studies have corroborated the importance of a MI in grading MCTs.
T3293 1076664-1076774 Epistemic_statement denotes High proliferation indices (Ki-67, AgNOR) have been associated with a worse prognosis and poor survival times.
T3294 1076775-1076890 Epistemic_statement denotes The mast/stem cell growth factor receptor (protooncogene c-kit, CD117) appears to be involved in MCT tumorigenesis.
T3295 1076950-1077073 Epistemic_statement denotes Hypotensive shock from massive synchronous degranulation, as may occur with cryosurgery, is a rarely reported complication.
T3296 1078140-1078259 Epistemic_statement denotes The mitotic index (MI) appears to be a distinct The tumor is not encapsulated and is most often confined to the dermis.
T3297 1078260-1078317 Epistemic_statement denotes Collagen degeneration and stromal proliferation are rare.
T3298 1078546-1078651 Epistemic_statement denotes The tumor mast cells resemble histiocytes, and the lesion may be mistaken for granulomatous inflammation.
T3299 1078652-1078703 Epistemic_statement denotes Toluidine blue or Giemsa staining may be equivocal.
T3300 1079164-1079221 Epistemic_statement denotes The tumors may be hyperpigmented, alopecic, or ulcerated.
T3301 1079333-1079512 Epistemic_statement denotes Although in some respects resembling such lesions as cutaneous onchocerciasis, habronemiasis, or eosinophilic granulomas, none of these 3 is characterized by sheets of mast cells.
T3302 1079776-1079913 Epistemic_statement denotes In pigs, mast cell nodules have been described as tumors and as multifocal inflammatory aggregates, perhaps in response to Eperythrozoon.
T3303 1080056-1080240 Epistemic_statement denotes In cattle, scant data suggest that the cutaneous tumors are usually multiple and are associated with visceral mast cell aggregates, although purely cutaneous tumors have been reported.
T3304 1080566-1080619 Epistemic_statement denotes Cattle of any age, including calves, may be affected.
T3305 1081182-1081284 Epistemic_statement denotes Activating mutations in KIT as well as aberrant c-kit expression has been demonstrated in canine MCTs.
T3306 1081748-1081870 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumors with mutations in exon 8 or 11 have an increased likelihood of therapeutic success with tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
T3307 1082114-1082236 Epistemic_statement denotes Increased cytoplasmic staining is associated with increased rate of local recurrence and decreased survival time (see Fig.
T3308 1082349-1082515 Epistemic_statement denotes The surgical guidelines for MCTs suggest that these tumors be resected with surgical margins of 2-3 cm laterally and one tissue plane in depth to minimize recurrence.
T3309 1082516-1082770 Epistemic_statement denotes Wide margins are probably not needed for low-grade MCTs, In one study, 29% (15/51) of low-grade tumors had a histologic margin of 3 mm or less, and only 4% (2/51) recurred locally; 36% of high-grade tumors with complete surgical margins recurred locally.
T3310 1083027-1083215 Epistemic_statement denotes The metastatic potential of feline cutaneous MCTs is very low (~5%), and those destined for behavioral malignancy are easily detected by anisocytosis, hyperchromasia, and mitotic activity.
T3311 1083216-1083278 Epistemic_statement denotes An MI of >5 has been shown to negatively affect survival time.
T3312 1083279-1083430 Epistemic_statement denotes Apparent recurrence at the surgical site or elsewhere in the skin is seen in 25-50% of cases, but most of these probably represent multicentric origin.
T3313 1083624-1083766 Epistemic_statement denotes Mast cell tumors in cats appear as one or several firm, raised pink, alopecic papules ranging in size from millimeters to several centimeters.
T3314 1083767-1083895 Epistemic_statement denotes Less commonly, the tumor appears as a poorly defined area of swelling resulting from an infiltrative rather than nodular lesion.
T3315 1084025-1084207 Epistemic_statement denotes Histologically, the cells are usually extraordinarily uniform, polygonal to round, and grow in a diffuse sheet interrupted only by small clusters of lymphocytes and rare eosinophils.
T3316 1084411-1084556 Epistemic_statement denotes Even with metachromatic stains, such as Giemsa or toluidine blue, cytoplasmic granules may stain poorly, yet ultrastructurally they are abundant.
T3317 1084811-1085027 Epistemic_statement denotes CTCL frequently causes ulcers, and verification of the epitheliotropic nature of the neoplasm can be difficult; however, a neoplastic lymphocytic component that abuts the ulcerated epidermis suggests epidermotropism.
T3318 1085981-1086239 Epistemic_statement denotes Because the neoplastic population is often the minority population, the mitotic index should be evaluated carefully, taking into account the fact that the majority population is non-neoplastic small T lymphocytes with normal morphology and low mitotic index.
T3319 1086357-1086479 Epistemic_statement denotes The mixed nature of the population can lead to this tumor being mistaken for inflammation, or a neoplasm of T lymphocytes.
T3320 1086480-1086663 Epistemic_statement denotes T-cell-rich B-cell lymphomas in the horse appear to be histologically the same as the neoplasm referred to in the older literature as equine cutaneous histiolymphocytic lymphosarcoma.
T3321 1086664-1086858 Epistemic_statement denotes Angiocentric lymphoma (lymphomatoid granulomatosis) in the skin is usually a cutaneous manifestation of pulmonary lymphoma; however, it is thought to occur rarely as a primary cutaneous disease.
T3322 1086859-1086967 Epistemic_statement denotes Although well described in humans, this form of lymphoma has been reported infrequently in domestic animals.
T3323 1087251-1087389 Epistemic_statement denotes The neoplastic cells are medium- to large-sized lymphoid cells that can have a histiocytic appearance, with a cleaved or reniform nucleus.
T3324 1087390-1087501 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflammatory cells such as eosinophils, plasma cells, and small lymphocytes may accompany the neoplastic cells.
T3325 1087742-1087842 Epistemic_statement denotes The angiodestructive nature of the neoplasm can result in multifocal necrotic or infarctive lesions.
T3326 1088130-1088302 Epistemic_statement denotes This condition is rare in humans and was originally thought to be a proliferation of endothelial cells, which lead to the original name of malignant angioendotheliomatosis.
T3327 1088303-1088362 Epistemic_statement denotes At present, it has been reported rarely in the dog and cat.
T3328 1088363-1088547 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinically, the skin lesions appear as plaques and nodules, and histologically vessels in the dermis and subcutis are partially or completely filled with large atypical lymphoid cells.
T3329 1088548-1088702 Epistemic_statement denotes In humans, the intravascular neoplastic cells are of B-lymphocyte origin; however, in dogs, the majority of cases so far have been of T-lymphocyte origin.
T3330 1089123-1089268 Epistemic_statement denotes Pseudolymphomas in humans can be due to many antigenic stimuli, such as drug eruptions, arthropod or tick-bite reactions, and contact dermatitis.
T3331 1089448-1089556 Epistemic_statement denotes Differentiation between benign inflammatory lesions and early cutaneous lymphoma can be extremely difficult.
T3332 1089557-1089729 Epistemic_statement denotes Although immunophenotyping can distinguish between T-cell and B-cell lymphomas, methods to distinguish between recognized in humans and has been reported rarely in the dog.
T3333 1089888-1090009 Epistemic_statement denotes This may represent an early form of CTCL, as it is unclear if there is a true difference in clinical behavior in the dog.
T3334 1090010-1090121 Epistemic_statement denotes In cats, cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma is very rare and tends to be a more challenging clinical diagnosis.
T3335 1090217-1090272 Epistemic_statement denotes Adnexal involvement may be less common than in the dog.
T3336 1090511-1090611 Epistemic_statement denotes The majority of the lesions appear as solitary areas of alopecia with scaling, erythema, and ulcers.
T3337 1090612-1090741 Epistemic_statement denotes Skin lesions are frequently located on the lateral thorax but may also be found on any region of haired skin or the nasal planum.
T3338 1091011-1091220 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the disease tends to be very slowly progressive, infiltration of internal organs by lymphocytes may occur along with clinical signs of systemic disease, such as lethargy, inappetence, and weight loss.
T3339 1091705-1091880 Epistemic_statement denotes Inflamed nonepitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma is form of cutaneous lymphoma in dogs that can be difficult to differentiate morphologically from cutaneous reactive histiocytosis.
T3340 1091977-1092071 Epistemic_statement denotes Lesions may be found on the mucocutaneous junctions of the face, extremities, neck, and trunk.
T3341 1092586-1092670 Epistemic_statement denotes Although the clinical course is variable, the median survival time is only 9 months.
T3342 1092921-1092995 Epistemic_statement denotes In the horse, it appears to be the most common form of cutaneous lymphoma.
T3343 1093398-1093514 Epistemic_statement denotes Mammary gland carcinomas in the cat may also metastasize to the ventral abdominal tissues by using similar pathways.
T3344 1093515-1093595 Epistemic_statement denotes Primary epitrichial gland carcinoma of the skin may be difficult to distinguish.
T3345 1093791-1093953 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous metastasis of internal tumors is rare in cats and have been reported in association with mammary adenocarcinoma and digestive and respiratory carcinoma.
T3346 1094191-1094244 Epistemic_statement denotes Clinically, the lesions are suggestive of paronychia.
T3347 1094382-1094465 Epistemic_statement denotes Bony lysis of the third phalanx may be evident radiographically and histologically.
T3348 1094644-1094810 Epistemic_statement denotes Abdominal surgeries to remove transitional cell, colonic, or prostatic carcinomas have the potential for implantation of tumor cells in the skin at the surgical site.
T3349 1094811-1094883 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumor cells may also reach the skin via retrograde lymphatic metastasis.
T3350 1094971-1095078 Epistemic_statement denotes Tumors metastatic to the skin A variety of tumors can metastasize to the skin, but the process is uncommon.
T3351 1095079-1095160 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous metastasis may be the first sign of an undiagnosed visceral malignancy.
T3352 1095996-1096199 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous metastasis of transitional cell carcinoma is uncommon in dogs; however, it has been reported to occur after previous abdominal surgery for TCC and to occur through lymphatics and blood vessels.
T3353 1096200-1096335 Epistemic_statement denotes Transepidermal metastasis has been suggested, because in most cases, cutaneous lesions are in close proximity to the vulva and prepuce.
T3354 1096336-1096416 Epistemic_statement denotes Some believe neoplastic cells from the urine may seed eroded urine scalded skin.
T3355 1096417-1096606 Epistemic_statement denotes Cutaneous lesions appear as plaques, papules, and nodules and most often occur in the perineal, inguinal, or ventral abdominal dermis or subcutis in dogs with or without history of surgery.
T3356 1096671-1096740 Epistemic_statement denotes Visceral hemangiosarcomas may metastasize to the subcutis in the dog.
T3357 1096741-1096865 Epistemic_statement denotes Subcutaneous hemangiosarcomas, particularly if multiple, should prompt the clinician to search for a primary visceral tumor.
T3358 1096866-1096932 Epistemic_statement denotes Metastatic tumors may be fairly well differentiated or anaplastic.
T3359 1096933-1097018 Epistemic_statement denotes Mammary gland carcinomas in the dog may metastasize to the dermis of the inner thigh.