CORD-19:02a009e42054081b441d0f4b203679c4b0cae38d JSONTXT 8 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
p1_all0 117-162 Intervention denotes Hantaan virus (HTNV) and Puumala virus (PUUV)
p1_all1 616-625 Outcome denotes Infection
p2_i0 1165-1169 Pharmacological denotes HTNV
p1_all2 1214-1252 Outcome denotes seroconversion and gradual weight loss
p2_o6 1214-1252 Physical denotes seroconversion and gradual weight loss
p2_o6 1261-1314 Physical denotes kidney function remained unimpaired and serum viremia
p1_all3 1301-1348 Outcome denotes serum viremia and viral dissemination to organs
p2_o6 1319-1348 Physical denotes viral dissemination to organs
p2_o8 1540-1556 Physical denotes renal impairment
p1_all4 1540-1604 Outcome denotes renal impairment, serum viremia or viral dissemination to organs
p2_o8 1558-1571 Physical denotes serum viremia
p2_o8 1575-1604 Physical denotes viral dissemination to organs