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PubMed:24637390 JSONTXT 44 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE-old TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
SS1_24637390_1_0 112-135 expanded denotes O-Acetylglucuronoxylans
SS2_24637390_1_0 137-141 abbr denotes AcGX
SS1_24637390_1_1 228-241 expanded denotes xylopyranosyl
SS2_24637390_1_1 243-247 abbr denotes Xylp
SS1_24637390_4_0 818-839 expanded denotes degree of acetylation
SS2_24637390_4_0 841-843 abbr denotes DA
AE1_24637390_1_0 SS1_24637390_1_0 SS2_24637390_1_0 abbreviatedTo O-Acetylglucuronoxylans,AcGX
AE1_24637390_1_1 SS1_24637390_1_1 SS2_24637390_1_1 abbreviatedTo xylopyranosyl,Xylp
AE1_24637390_4_0 SS1_24637390_4_0 SS2_24637390_4_0 abbreviatedTo degree of acetylation,DA