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PubMed:2692107 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 442-451 HP_0012740 denotes papilloma
T2 648-668 HP_0009725 denotes tumor of the bladder
T3 648-653 HP_0002664 denotes tumor
T4 648-679 HP_0009725 denotes tumor of the bladder will later
T5 694-708 HP_0009725 denotes bladder cancer
T6 702-708 HP_0002664 denotes cancer
T7 988-998 HP_0012740 denotes papillomas
T8 1083-1093 HP_0012740 denotes papillomas
T9 1187-1196 HP_0012740 denotes papilloma


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TI1 79-88 HP:0012740 denotes papilloma
TI2 99-108 HP:0030731 denotes carcinoma
AB1 442-451 HP:0012740 denotes papilloma
AB2 545-554 HP:0030731 denotes carcinoma
AB3 920-929 HP:0030731 denotes carcinoma
AB4 1187-1196 HP:0012740 denotes papilloma
AB5 1222-1231 HP:0030731 denotes carcinoma