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PubMed:16128949 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-75 Sentence denotes Thrombosis in inflammatory bowel diseases: role of inherited thrombophilia.
T2 76-87 Sentence denotes BACKGROUND:
T3 88-196 Sentence denotes Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are characterized by an increased risk for venous and arterial thrombosis.
T4 197-381 Sentence denotes Although the pathogenetic mechanisms of this predisposition are unclear, a possible role of inherited risk factors for thrombosis in determining this predisposition has been suggested.
T5 382-386 Sentence denotes AIM:
T6 387-535 Sentence denotes To evaluate the role of factor V Leiden (G1691A) and G20210A prothrombin gene mutations in determining the occurrence of thrombosis in IBD patients.
T7 536-557 Sentence denotes PATIENTS AND METHODS:
T8 558-741 Sentence denotes Forty-seven IBD patients (30 ulcerative colitis and 17 Crohn's disease) with a positive history for thrombosis (9 at arterial sites and 38 at venous sites) were enrolled in the study.
T9 742-857 Sentence denotes For each patient, two non-IBD subjects matched for sex and age, type, and site of thrombosis were used as controls.
T10 858-1005 Sentence denotes Peripheral blood DNA specimens were amplified by PCR using appropriate primers and analyzed by restriction analysis on agarose gel electrophoresis.
T11 1006-1073 Sentence denotes Statistical analysis was performed by means of Fisher's exact test.
T12 1074-1082 Sentence denotes RESULTS:
T13 1083-1289 Sentence denotes The total number of subjects with one or both mutations was significantly lower in IBD patients with thrombosis than in control subjects (12.8%vs 29.8%, respectively; p= 0.035, OR = 0.34, 95% CI 0.13-0.90).
T14 1290-1454 Sentence denotes The total frequency of the mutated alleles was also significantly lower in IBD than in controls (7.4%vs 16.5%, respectively; p= 0.041, OR = 0.40, 95% CI 0.17-0.96).
T15 1455-1684 Sentence denotes Prothrombotic mutations were particularly unfrequent in IBD patients with active disease at the time of thrombosis compared with patients with quiescent disease (8.0%vs 36.4%, respectively; p= 0.057, OR = 0.15, 95% CI 0.02-1.01).
T16 1685-1697 Sentence denotes CONCLUSIONS:
T17 1698-2020 Sentence denotes The major inherited risk factors for thrombosis are significantly less frequent in thrombotic IBD patients than in thrombotic non-IBD subjects, suggesting that acquired risk factors play the most relevant role in determining thromboembolic events observed in IBD patients, particularly during active phases of the disease.
T1 0-75 Sentence denotes Thrombosis in inflammatory bowel diseases: role of inherited thrombophilia.
T2 76-87 Sentence denotes BACKGROUND:
T3 88-196 Sentence denotes Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are characterized by an increased risk for venous and arterial thrombosis.
T4 197-381 Sentence denotes Although the pathogenetic mechanisms of this predisposition are unclear, a possible role of inherited risk factors for thrombosis in determining this predisposition has been suggested.
T5 382-386 Sentence denotes AIM:
T6 387-535 Sentence denotes To evaluate the role of factor V Leiden (G1691A) and G20210A prothrombin gene mutations in determining the occurrence of thrombosis in IBD patients.
T7 536-557 Sentence denotes PATIENTS AND METHODS:
T8 558-741 Sentence denotes Forty-seven IBD patients (30 ulcerative colitis and 17 Crohn's disease) with a positive history for thrombosis (9 at arterial sites and 38 at venous sites) were enrolled in the study.
T9 742-857 Sentence denotes For each patient, two non-IBD subjects matched for sex and age, type, and site of thrombosis were used as controls.
T10 858-1005 Sentence denotes Peripheral blood DNA specimens were amplified by PCR using appropriate primers and analyzed by restriction analysis on agarose gel electrophoresis.
T11 1006-1073 Sentence denotes Statistical analysis was performed by means of Fisher's exact test.
T12 1074-1082 Sentence denotes RESULTS:
T13 1083-1289 Sentence denotes The total number of subjects with one or both mutations was significantly lower in IBD patients with thrombosis than in control subjects (12.8%vs 29.8%, respectively; p= 0.035, OR = 0.34, 95% CI 0.13-0.90).
T14 1290-1454 Sentence denotes The total frequency of the mutated alleles was also significantly lower in IBD than in controls (7.4%vs 16.5%, respectively; p= 0.041, OR = 0.40, 95% CI 0.17-0.96).
T15 1455-1684 Sentence denotes Prothrombotic mutations were particularly unfrequent in IBD patients with active disease at the time of thrombosis compared with patients with quiescent disease (8.0%vs 36.4%, respectively; p= 0.057, OR = 0.15, 95% CI 0.02-1.01).
T16 1685-1697 Sentence denotes CONCLUSIONS:
T17 1698-2020 Sentence denotes The major inherited risk factors for thrombosis are significantly less frequent in thrombotic IBD patients than in thrombotic non-IBD subjects, suggesting that acquired risk factors play the most relevant role in determining thromboembolic events observed in IBD patients, particularly during active phases of the disease.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 165-195 HP_0004936 denotes venous and arterial thrombosis
T2 176-195 HP_0004420 denotes arterial thrombosis


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16128949-3#24#39#gene2153 411-426 gene2153 denotes factor V Leiden
16128949-3#61#72#gene2147 448-459 gene2147 denotes prothrombin
16128949-3#135#138#diseaseC0021390 522-525 diseaseC0021390 denotes IBD
24#39#gene2153135#138#diseaseC0021390 16128949-3#24#39#gene2153 16128949-3#135#138#diseaseC0021390 associated_with factor V Leiden,IBD
61#72#gene2147135#138#diseaseC0021390 16128949-3#61#72#gene2147 16128949-3#135#138#diseaseC0021390 associated_with prothrombin,IBD


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T0 411-426 gene:2153 denotes factor V Leiden
T1 428-434 disease:C0584960 denotes G1691A
T2 448-459 gene:2147 denotes prothrombin
T3 428-434 disease:C0584960 denotes G1691A
R1 T0 T1 associated_with factor V Leiden,G1691A
R2 T2 T3 associated_with prothrombin,G1691A