PubMed:12597716 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PubMed","sourceid":"12597716","source_url":"","text":"Generation of free radicals and/or active oxygen by light or laser irradiation of hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite.\nGeneration of free radical and/or active oxygen by light or laser irradiation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), which have been used for tooth whitening or root canal irrigation, was investigated using electron spin resonance spectroscopy combined with a spin-trapping technique. When H2O2 was exposed to light or laser radiation, the amount of hydroxyl radical generated changed according to the concentration of H2O2 and irradiation time. The amount of 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrrolidone-(2)-oxyl-(1) (DMPO-X) also changed in accordance with irradiation time. The amounts of hydroxyl radical generated from H2O2 after irradiation were in the order: plasma lamp \u003e halogen lamp \u003e He-Ne laser \u003e Yellow He-Ne laser. On the other hand, the amounts of DMPO-X generated from NaClO after irradiation were in the order: plasma lamp \u003e Yellow He-Ne laser \u003e halogen lamp \u003e He-Ne laser.","tracks":[]}