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Below is a list of pre-registered, automatic annotation services which are interoperable with PubAnnotation.

If you do not know an applicable annotation service to your purpose, you may want to take a look at PubDictionaries, which is a highly customizable, dictionary-based text annotation service.

Name DescriptionMaintainerUpdated_at

41-60 / 82 show all
PD-MeSH2022_C_and_F03_plus_FN-B MeSH C and F03 terms + FNs of PD_MeSH2022_C_and_F03-B that appear in two or more documentsyucca2021-12-22
PD-MeSH2022_C_F03_plus_allFN-B MeSH2022 C and F03, plus all false negativesyucca2021-12-22
PD-MeSH2022_CHEBI_tuned-B MeSH2022Chemical (Descriptors and Supplementary Concepts that have Tree Numbers beginning with D but not not D12, D13 or D17)+ CHEBI (excluding terms that match (\W|\d)*|\W*\w\W* , manually tuned yucca2021-12-23
PD-MONDO PubDictionaries annotation with the MONDO dictionary.Jin-Dong Kim2021-10-31
PD-MONDO-B PubDictionaries annotation with the MONDO dictionary. Asynchronous protocol.Jin-Dong Kim2020-12-23
PD-NCBIGene Jin-Dong Kim2021-12-22
PD-NCBITaxon Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-16
PD-NCBITaxon-B Jin-Dong Kim2021-12-06
PD-NGLY1-deficiency-B A batch annotator for NGLY1 deficiencyJin-Dong Kim2020-04-04
PD-ORYZAGP Annotator based on PubDictionary OryzaGP Oryzabase URIlarmande2021-01-26
PD-ORYZAGP2022-SYMB Annotator based on PubDictionary OryzaGP2022 Oryzabase URIlarmande2022-08-10
PD-ORYZAGP-B larmande2021-01-26
PD-ORYZAGP-MSU Annotator created with OryzaGP dataset and MSU URIlarmande2021-01-22
PD-ORYZAGP-MSU-B Annotator created with OryzaGP and MSU URI in Batch modelarmande2021-01-22
PD-ORYZAGP-MSU-SYMB larmande2021-07-08
PD-ORYZAGP-MSU-SYMB-B larmande2021-07-08
PD-ORYZAGP-RAPDB OryzaGP pub dictionary based on RAPDB URIlarmande2021-07-09
PD-ORYZAGP-RAPDB-B annotator based on OryzaGP_RAPDB pub dictionary with batchlarmande2021-01-22
PD-ORYZAGP-RAPDB-SYMB larmande2021-07-08
PD-ORYZAGP-RAPDB-SYMB-B larmande2021-07-08