ENG_NER_NEL_Diana | | | 461 | | dpavot | 2023-11-29 | Uploading | |
PT_NER_NEL_pruas | | | 334 | Pedro Ruas | pruas_18 | 2023-11-30 | Uploading | |
tagtog | | OpenAccess annotations coming from tagtog.net | 0 | tagtog | tagtog | 2015-02-23 | Developing | |
guideline annotations | | 5 guideline annotations with custom vocab | 0 | | Tiffany Leung | 2015-11-07 | Developing | |
Annotation-Euglena-Enzymes | | | 0 | | Shuichi Kawashima | 2016-06-13 | Developing | |
BioMedLAT | | Annotation of 643 questions from BioASQ with the Lexical Answer Type (LAT) and headword. | 0 | | | 2016-09-23 | Developing | |
新着論文レビュー | | 新着論文レビューに関するアノテーション。 | 0 | Database Center for Life Science | Yasunori Yamamoto | 2019-02-04 | Developing | |
TextMining-in-bioinformatics | | TextMining in bioinformatics | 0 | | Aohnewug | 2020-04-21 | Developing | |
SMAFIRA_Feedback_Labels | | | 0 | | zebet | 2021-01-21 | Developing | |
bionlp-ost-19-BB-rel-ner-test | | | 125 | | ldeleger | 2023-11-24 | Developing | |
PT_NER_NEL_Diana | | | 318 | | dpavot | 2023-11-24 | Developing | |
updated_tagging_age_PMA_annotations | | | 1.94 K | | laurenc | 2023-11-26 | Developing | |
KAIST_NLP_Annotation11 | | | 4.88 K | | kaist_nlp | 2023-11-26 | Developing | |
ENG_RE_mabarros | | | 193 | | mabarros | 2023-11-26 | Developing | |
bionlp-ost-19-BB-kb-train | | | 3.45 K | | ldeleger | 2023-11-26 | Developing | |
SMAFIRA-Case-Studies-21494637 | | From: https://github.com/SMAFIRA/c_corpus/blob/master/SMAFIRAc_0.4_Annotations.csv | 0 | | zebet | 2023-11-26 | Developing | |
bionlp-ost-19-BB-kb-dev | | | 1.89 K | | ldeleger | 2023-11-26 | Developing | |
Training_Data_English_ja_en | | | 0 | | wmtbio | 2023-11-26 | Developing | |
bionlp-ost-19-BB-norm-ner-test | | | 125 | | ldeleger | 2023-11-27 | Developing | |
PMA_Manual | | Manually annotated examples of medical device PMA approval statements | 204 | Stefano Rensi | therightstef | 2023-11-27 | Developing | |