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NameTDescription# Ann. AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

61-80 / 590 show all
c_corpus Documents included in the c_corpus: https://github.com/SMAFIRA/c_corpus/blob/master/SMAFIRAc_0.4_Annotations.csv107 K2023-11-29Released
oger-json-test Test corpus for testing OGER web service97.6 KNico Colic2023-11-29Testing
GlycoBiology-FMA FMA ontology-based annotation to GlycoBiology abstracts96.3 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
UCDIT_TEST colitis link91.6 Kalo332023-11-27Testing
craft-ca-core-ex-dev Development data for CRAFT CA shared task, core concepts + EXTENSIONS. This project contains the development (training) annotations for the Concept Annotation task of the CRAFT Shared Task 2019. This particular set of concept annotations is the "core+extensions" set. See the task description for details, but this set contains annotations to concepts that appear in the original 10 Open Biomedical Ontologies used for annotation PLUS annotations to extension classes created using the core concepts.90.2 KUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campuscraft-st2023-11-29Released
GlyCosmos6-Glycan-Motif-Image 87.8 KJin-Dong Kim2024-07-30Developing
GENIAcorpus multi_cell (1,782) mono_cell (222) virus (2,136) protein_family_or_group (8,002) protein_complex (2,394) protein_molecule (21,290) protein_subunit (942) protein_substructure (129) protein_domain_or_region (1,044) protein_other (97) peptide (521) amino_acid_monomer (784) DNA_family_or_group (332) DNA_molecule (664) DNA_substructure (2) DNA_domain_or_region (39) DNA_other (16) RNA_family_or_group (1,545) RNA_molecule (554) RNA_substructure (106) RNA_domain_or_region (8,237) RNA_other (48) polynucleotide (259) nucleotide (243) lipid (2,375) carbohydrate (99) other_organic_compound (4,113) body_part (461) tissue (706) cell_type (7,473) cell_component (679) cell_line (4,129) other_artificial_source (211) inorganic (258) atom (342) other (21,056) 78.9 KGENIA ProjectYue Wang2023-11-29Released
CORD-PICO Automatic annotation of the CORD-19 dataset with PICO categories. The corpus was automatically labeled with an LSTM-CRF model trained on human-annotated PubMed abstracts from https://github.com/bepnye/EBM-NLP. Currently, titles and abstracts only are annotated using Population, Intervention and Outcome labels, as well as more fine-grained labels such as Age, Drug, Mortality and others.69.6 KSimon Susterssuster2023-11-27Developing
Preeclampsia-compare 67.2 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
NGLY1-deficiency A collection of PubMed abstracts that may be related to NGLY1 deficiency.60.5 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
craft-ca-core-dev Development data for CRAFT CA shared task, core concepts only. This project contains the development (training) annotations for the Concept Annotation task of the CRAFT Shared Task 2019. This particular set of concept annotations is the "core" set. See the task description for details, but this set contains only annotations to concepts that appear in the original 10 Open Biomedical Ontologies used for annotation. (That is to say, it does not contain any annotations to extension classes).59.8 KUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campuscraft-st2023-11-29Released
FSU-PRGE A new broad-coverage corpus composed of 3,306 MEDLINE abstracts dealing with gene and protein mentions. The annotation process was semi-automatic. Publication: http://aclweb.org/anthology/W/W10/W10-1838.pdf59.5 KCALBC ProjectYue Wang2023-11-26Released
PMA_MER PMAs annotated using MERpy.58.9 KStefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Developing
Preeclampsia A collection of titles and abstracts of "Preeclampsia"-related papers. They were extracted from PubMed using the MeSH term "Preeclampsia" and specifying the language to be "English, on 11th September, 2017. The texts were then annotated by PubDictionaries using the dictionary "Preeclampsia".58.7 Kcallahan_tiff2023-11-29Developing
jnlpba-st-training The training data used in the task came from the GENIA version 3.02 corpus, This was formed from a controlled search on MEDLINE using the MeSH terms "human", "blood cells" and "transcription factors". From this search, 1,999 abstracts were selected and hand annotated according to a small taxonomy of 48 classes based on a chemical classification. Among the classes, 36 terminal classes were used to annotate the GENIA corpus. For the shared task only the classes protein, DNA, RNA, cell line and cell type were used. The first three incorporate several subclasses from the original taxonomy while the last two are interesting in order to make the task realistic for post-processing by a potential template filling application. The publication year of the training set ranges over 1990~1999.51.1 KGENIAYue Wang2023-11-26Released
genia-medco-coref Coreference annotation made to the Genia corpus, following the MUC annotation scheme. It is a product of the collaboration between the Genia and the MedCo projects.45.9 KMedCo project & Genia projectJin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Developing
OryzaGP_2022 41.3 Klarmande2023-11-24
FirstAuthor_s 新着論文レビューで疾患名のあるレビューにおけるUniProtIDと薬剤等化合物日化辞ID (Japanese)39.3 KAikoHIRAKI2023-11-29Developing
biosemtest test submitting Peregrine annotations35.6 KMark Thompsonmarkthompson2023-11-29Testing
GO-BP Annotation for biological processes as defined in the "Biological Process" subset of Gene Ontology35.4 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
NameT# Ann. AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

61-80 / 590 show all
c_corpus 107 K2023-11-29Released
oger-json-test 97.6 KNico Colic2023-11-29Testing
GlycoBiology-FMA 96.3 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
UCDIT_TEST 91.6 Kalo332023-11-27Testing
craft-ca-core-ex-dev 90.2 KUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campuscraft-st2023-11-29Released
GlyCosmos6-Glycan-Motif-Image 87.8 KJin-Dong Kim2024-07-30Developing
GENIAcorpus 78.9 KGENIA ProjectYue Wang2023-11-29Released
CORD-PICO 69.6 KSimon Susterssuster2023-11-27Developing
Preeclampsia-compare 67.2 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
NGLY1-deficiency 60.5 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
craft-ca-core-dev 59.8 KUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campuscraft-st2023-11-29Released
FSU-PRGE 59.5 KCALBC ProjectYue Wang2023-11-26Released
PMA_MER 58.9 KStefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Developing
Preeclampsia 58.7 Kcallahan_tiff2023-11-29Developing
jnlpba-st-training 51.1 KGENIAYue Wang2023-11-26Released
genia-medco-coref 45.9 KMedCo project & Genia projectJin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Developing
OryzaGP_2022 41.3 Klarmande2023-11-24
FirstAuthor_s 39.3 KAikoHIRAKI2023-11-29Developing
biosemtest 35.6 KMark Thompsonmarkthompson2023-11-29Testing
GO-BP 35.4 KDBCLSJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing