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NameTDescription # Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

381-400 / 590 show all
ASCO_abstracts asco abstracts sample dataset28 Kalo332023-11-29Testing
LitCoin-PubTator-for-Tuning A set of randomly selected PubMed articles with PubTator annotation. The labels of PubTator annotations are converted to corresponding labels for LitCoin as follows: 'Gene' -> 'GeneOrGeneProduct', 'Disease' -> 'DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature', 'Chemical' -> 'ChemicalEntity' 'Species' -> 'OrganismTaxon' 'Mutation' -> 'SequenceVariant' 'CellLine' -> 'CellLine'14.2 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29
SCAI-Test A small corpus for the evaluation of dictionaries containing chemical entities. Publication: http://www.scai.fraunhofer.de/fileadmin/images/bio/data_mining/paper/kolarik2008.pdf Original source: https://www.scai.fraunhofer.de/en/business-research-areas/bioinformatics/downloads/corpora-for-chemical-entity-recognition.html1.21 KCALBC ProjectYue Wang2023-11-28Released
JF-test A test corpus for exploring this service9Johan Fridjohanf2023-12-03Testing
GlyCosmos6-Glycan-Motif-Structure Automatic annotation by Covid-19_Glycan-Motif.107 KJin-Dong Kim2024-07-25Developing
Glycosmos6-GlycoEpitope Automatic annotation by PD-GlycoEpitope.19.9 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Developing
Glycosmos6-MAT Automatic annotation by PD-MAT.263 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
CORD-PICO Automatic annotation of the CORD-19 dataset with PICO categories. The corpus was automatically labeled with an LSTM-CRF model trained on human-annotated PubMed abstracts from https://github.com/bepnye/EBM-NLP. Currently, titles and abstracts only are annotated using Population, Intervention and Outcome labels, as well as more fine-grained labels such as Age, Drug, Mortality and others.69.6 KSimon Susterssuster2023-11-27Developing
blah6_medical_device BLAH6 hackathon project to annotate medical device indications in premarket approval statement summaries. The documents in this project serve as a corpus of premarket approval (PMA) statements that have undergone quality control. In particular, we have (1) removed non-ascii characters, (2) fixed some text segmentation errors, and (3) fixed some capitalization errors.0Stefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Beta
CellFinder CellFinder corpus4.75 KMariana Neves, Alexander Damaschun, Andreas Kurtz, Ulf LeserMariana Neves2023-11-27Released
LitCoin_CellLine CellLine113Yasunori Yamamoto2023-11-29Developing
GlycoBiology-PACDB cGGDB-based annotation to GlycoBiology abstracts3.03 KToshihide Shikanaishikanai2023-11-27Testing
GlycoBiology-cGGDB cGGDB-based annotation to GlycoBiology abstracts36Toshihide Shikanaishikanai2023-11-28Testing
TEST-ChemicalEntity ChemicalEntity : Annotated by PD-MeSH2022_CHEBI_tuned-B827yucca2023-11-29Beta
LitCoin-Chemical-MeSH-CHEBI ChemicalEntity: Annotated by PD-MeSH2022_CHEBI_tuned-B3.84 Kyucca2023-11-29Testing
Colil Colil (Comments on Literature in Literature) is a search service for citation contexts utilized in the biomedical domain. Colil searches for a cited paper in the Colil database and then returns a list of the citation contexts for it and its relevant papers based on co-citations.3.34 KDBCLSToyofumi Fujiwara2023-11-28Testing
UCDIT_TEST colitis link91.6 Kalo332023-11-27Testing
BioASQ-sample collection of PubMed articles which appear in the BioASQ sample data set.0BioASQJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Testing
genia-medco-coref Coreference annotation made to the Genia corpus, following the MUC annotation scheme. It is a product of the collaboration between the Genia and the MedCo projects.45.9 KMedCo project & Genia projectJin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Developing
CyanoBase Cyanobacteria are prokaryotic organisms that have served as important model organisms for studying oxygenic photosynthesis and have played a significant role in the Earthfs history as primary producers of atmospheric oxygen. Publication: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W12-24301.1 KKazusa DNA Research Institute and Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS)Yue Wang2023-11-26Released
NameT# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

381-400 / 590 show all
ASCO_abstracts 28 Kalo332023-11-29Testing
LitCoin-PubTator-for-Tuning 14.2 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29
SCAI-Test 1.21 KCALBC ProjectYue Wang2023-11-28Released
JF-test 9Johan Fridjohanf2023-12-03Testing
GlyCosmos6-Glycan-Motif-Structure 107 KJin-Dong Kim2024-07-25Developing
Glycosmos6-GlycoEpitope 19.9 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Developing
Glycosmos6-MAT 263 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Developing
CORD-PICO 69.6 KSimon Susterssuster2023-11-27Developing
blah6_medical_device 0Stefano Rensitherightstef2023-11-29Beta
CellFinder 4.75 KMariana Neves, Alexander Damaschun, Andreas Kurtz, Ulf LeserMariana Neves2023-11-27Released
LitCoin_CellLine 113Yasunori Yamamoto2023-11-29Developing
GlycoBiology-PACDB 3.03 KToshihide Shikanaishikanai2023-11-27Testing
GlycoBiology-cGGDB 36Toshihide Shikanaishikanai2023-11-28Testing
TEST-ChemicalEntity 827yucca2023-11-29Beta
LitCoin-Chemical-MeSH-CHEBI 3.84 Kyucca2023-11-29Testing
Colil 3.34 KDBCLSToyofumi Fujiwara2023-11-28Testing
UCDIT_TEST 91.6 Kalo332023-11-27Testing
BioASQ-sample 0BioASQJin-Dong Kim2023-11-28Testing
genia-medco-coref 45.9 KMedCo project & Genia projectJin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Developing
CyanoBase 1.1 KKazusa DNA Research Institute and Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS)Yue Wang2023-11-26Released