PubMed:3920090 / 62-64 JSONTXT

Results of HMG (Humegon)-HCG therapy in 6096 treatment cycles of 2166 Japanese women with anovulatory infertility. The effects of HMG (Humegon)-HCG therapy in 6096 cycles in 2166 Japanese women with anovulatory infertility were examined. The rates of ovulation, pregnancy, the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, multiple pregnancy, abortion, and malformations in the newborn were recorded, and the possible factors of multiple pregnancies were analyzed. Ovulation occurred in 73.2% of the cases and 64.5% of the treatment cycles. Pregnancy occurred in 23.0% of the cases and 8.6% of the cycles. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome with grade I of WHO definition or more was observed in 10.3% of the cases and 5.3% of the cycles. The incidence of the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome was high in amenorrheic patients, who respond to progestin with bleeding. The multiple pregnancy rate was 20.5%, of which 13.0% was twins and 7.5% triplets or more. The abortion rate was 22.0%, and the abortion rate in multiple pregnancy was significantly higher (P less than 0.05) than that in singleton pregnancy. The external malformation rate was 1.68% in the 594 newborn who could be examined. No significant differences were found in maternal factors, the treatment schedule, or the ovarian response to treatment in singleton and multiple pregnancy groups. This survey revealed that the efficacy and the incidence of adverse effects of Humegon-HCG therapy in a large number of Japanese women were not different from those in Caucasians except for a lower rate of multiple pregnancy, and no special causative factors for multiple pregnancy were found.

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