PMC:138691 / 8664-9738 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2373 0-3 DT denotes The
T2375 4-9 JJ denotes final
T2374 10-20 NN denotes experiment
T2377 21-29 VBN denotes reported
T2378 30-32 IN denotes by
T2379 33-39 NNP denotes Davies
T2380 40-42 FW denotes et
T2381 43-45 FW denotes al
T2382 46-47 -LRB- denotes [
T2383 47-49 CD denotes 26
T2384 49-50 -RRB- denotes ]
T2376 51-53 VBZ denotes is
T2385 54-66 RB denotes particularly
T2386 67-76 JJ denotes important
T2387 77-81 IN denotes with
T2388 82-89 NN denotes respect
T2389 90-92 IN denotes to
T2390 93-106 VBG denotes understanding
T2391 107-110 DT denotes the
T2393 111-120 NN denotes mechanism
T2394 120-121 -LRB- denotes (
T2392 121-122 NNS denotes s
T2395 122-123 -RRB- denotes )
T2396 124-131 IN denotes through
T2398 132-137 WDT denotes which
T2399 138-143 NN denotes BRCA2
T2397 144-152 VBZ denotes promotes
T2400 153-158 NN denotes RAD51
T2402 158-159 HYPH denotes -
T2401 159-168 JJ denotes dependent
T2403 169-182 NN denotes recombination
T2404 182-183 . denotes .
T2405 183-299 sentence denotes The localization of RAD51 was examined in CAPAN-1 cells, the same human tumor line examined by Moynahan et al [24].
T2406 184-187 DT denotes The
T2407 188-200 NN denotes localization
T2409 201-203 IN denotes of
T2410 204-209 NN denotes RAD51
T2411 210-213 VBD denotes was
T2408 214-222 VBN denotes examined
T2412 223-225 IN denotes in
T2413 226-231 NN denotes CAPAN
T2415 231-232 HYPH denotes -
T2416 232-233 CD denotes 1
T2414 234-239 NNS denotes cells
T2417 239-241 , denotes ,
T2418 241-244 DT denotes the
T2420 245-249 JJ denotes same
T2421 250-255 JJ denotes human
T2422 256-261 NN denotes tumor
T2419 262-266 NN denotes line
T2423 267-275 VBN denotes examined
T2424 276-278 IN denotes by
T2425 279-287 NNP denotes Moynahan
T2426 288-290 FW denotes et
T2427 291-293 FW denotes al
T2428 294-295 -LRB- denotes [
T2429 295-297 CD denotes 24
T2430 297-298 -RRB- denotes ]
T2431 298-299 . denotes .
T2432 299-534 sentence denotes It had been shown previously that the small amount of truncated BRCA2 protein expressed by CAPAN-1 cells was mislocalized to the cytoplasm, consistent with the fact that the truncation protein lacks a nuclear localization signal [28].
T2433 300-302 PRP denotes It
T2435 303-306 VBD denotes had
T2436 307-311 VBN denotes been
T2434 312-317 VBN denotes shown
T2437 318-328 RB denotes previously
T2438 329-333 IN denotes that
T2440 334-337 DT denotes the
T2442 338-343 JJ denotes small
T2441 344-350 NN denotes amount
T2443 351-353 IN denotes of
T2444 354-363 VBN denotes truncated
T2446 364-369 NN denotes BRCA2
T2445 370-377 NN denotes protein
T2447 378-387 VBN denotes expressed
T2448 388-390 IN denotes by
T2449 391-396 NN denotes CAPAN
T2451 396-397 HYPH denotes -
T2452 397-398 CD denotes 1
T2450 399-404 NNS denotes cells
T2453 405-408 VBD denotes was
T2439 409-421 VBN denotes mislocalized
T2454 422-424 IN denotes to
T2455 425-428 DT denotes the
T2456 429-438 NN denotes cytoplasm
T2457 438-440 , denotes ,
T2458 440-450 JJ denotes consistent
T2459 451-455 IN denotes with
T2460 456-459 DT denotes the
T2461 460-464 NN denotes fact
T2462 465-469 IN denotes that
T2464 470-473 DT denotes the
T2466 474-484 NN denotes truncation
T2465 485-492 NN denotes protein
T2463 493-498 VBZ denotes lacks
T2467 499-500 DT denotes a
T2469 501-508 JJ denotes nuclear
T2470 509-521 NN denotes localization
T2468 522-528 NN denotes signal
T2471 529-530 -LRB- denotes [
T2472 530-532 CD denotes 28
T2473 532-533 -RRB- denotes ]
T2474 533-534 . denotes .
T2475 534-706 sentence denotes Davies et al showed CAPAN-1 cells to be defective in nuclear localization of RAD51, raising the possibility that RAD51 is normally carried to the nucleus by binding BRCA2.
T2476 535-541 NNP denotes Davies
T2478 542-544 FW denotes et
T2479 545-547 FW denotes al
T2477 548-554 VBD denotes showed
T2480 555-560 NN denotes CAPAN
T2482 560-561 HYPH denotes -
T2483 561-562 CD denotes 1
T2481 563-568 NNS denotes cells
T2485 569-571 TO denotes to
T2484 572-574 VB denotes be
T2486 575-584 JJ denotes defective
T2487 585-587 IN denotes in
T2488 588-595 JJ denotes nuclear
T2489 596-608 NN denotes localization
T2490 609-611 IN denotes of
T2491 612-617 NN denotes RAD51
T2492 617-619 , denotes ,
T2493 619-626 VBG denotes raising
T2494 627-630 DT denotes the
T2495 631-642 NN denotes possibility
T2496 643-647 IN denotes that
T2498 648-653 NN denotes RAD51
T2499 654-656 VBZ denotes is
T2500 657-665 RB denotes normally
T2497 666-673 VBN denotes carried
T2501 674-676 IN denotes to
T2502 677-680 DT denotes the
T2503 681-688 NN denotes nucleus
T2504 689-691 IN denotes by
T2505 692-699 VBG denotes binding
T2506 700-705 NN denotes BRCA2
T2507 705-706 . denotes .
T2508 706-899 sentence denotes It is possible that RAD51 may alternatively be capable of BRCA2-independent transport, but mislocalization of BRCA2 to the cytoplasm may sequester RAD51 and block its normal mode of transport.
T2509 707-709 PRP denotes It
T2510 710-712 VBZ denotes is
T2511 713-721 JJ denotes possible
T2512 722-726 IN denotes that
T2514 727-732 NN denotes RAD51
T2515 733-736 MD denotes may
T2516 737-750 RB denotes alternatively
T2513 751-753 VB denotes be
T2517 754-761 JJ denotes capable
T2518 762-764 IN denotes of
T2519 765-770 NN denotes BRCA2
T2521 770-771 HYPH denotes -
T2520 771-782 JJ denotes independent
T2522 783-792 NN denotes transport
T2523 792-794 , denotes ,
T2524 794-797 CC denotes but
T2525 798-813 NN denotes mislocalization
T2527 814-816 IN denotes of
T2528 817-822 NN denotes BRCA2
T2529 823-825 IN denotes to
T2530 826-829 DT denotes the
T2531 830-839 NN denotes cytoplasm
T2532 840-843 MD denotes may
T2526 844-853 VB denotes sequester
T2533 854-859 NN denotes RAD51
T2534 860-863 CC denotes and
T2535 864-869 VB denotes block
T2536 870-873 PRP$ denotes its
T2538 874-880 JJ denotes normal
T2537 881-885 NN denotes mode
T2539 886-888 IN denotes of
T2540 889-898 NN denotes transport
T2541 898-899 . denotes .
T2542 899-1074 sentence denotes Support for the hypothesis that the observed mislocalization of RAD51 is an indirect consequence of the BRCA2 defect requires reintroduction of functional BRCA2 into CAPAN-1.
T2543 900-907 NN denotes Support
T2545 908-911 IN denotes for
T2546 912-915 DT denotes the
T2547 916-926 NN denotes hypothesis
T2548 927-931 IN denotes that
T2550 932-935 DT denotes the
T2552 936-944 VBN denotes observed
T2551 945-960 NN denotes mislocalization
T2553 961-963 IN denotes of
T2554 964-969 NN denotes RAD51
T2549 970-972 VBZ denotes is
T2555 973-975 DT denotes an
T2557 976-984 JJ denotes indirect
T2556 985-996 NN denotes consequence
T2558 997-999 IN denotes of
T2559 1000-1003 DT denotes the
T2561 1004-1009 NN denotes BRCA2
T2560 1010-1016 NN denotes defect
T2544 1017-1025 VBZ denotes requires
T2562 1026-1040 NN denotes reintroduction
T2563 1041-1043 IN denotes of
T2564 1044-1054 JJ denotes functional
T2565 1055-1060 NN denotes BRCA2
T2566 1061-1065 IN denotes into
T2567 1066-1071 NN denotes CAPAN
T2568 1071-1072 HYPH denotes -
T2569 1072-1073 CD denotes 1
T2570 1073-1074 . denotes .
R1467 T2373 T2374 det The,experiment
R1468 T2374 T2376 nsubj experiment,is
R1469 T2375 T2374 amod final,experiment
R1470 T2377 T2374 acl reported,experiment
R1471 T2378 T2377 agent by,reported
R1472 T2379 T2378 pobj Davies,by
R1473 T2380 T2381 advmod et,al
R1474 T2381 T2379 advmod al,Davies
R1475 T2382 T2383 punct [,26
R1476 T2383 T2379 parataxis 26,Davies
R1477 T2384 T2383 punct ],26
R1478 T2385 T2386 advmod particularly,important
R1479 T2386 T2376 acomp important,is
R1480 T2387 T2386 prep with,important
R1481 T2388 T2387 pobj respect,with
R1482 T2389 T2388 prep to,respect
R1483 T2390 T2389 pcomp understanding,to
R1484 T2391 T2392 det the,s
R1485 T2392 T2390 dobj s,understanding
R1486 T2393 T2392 nmod mechanism,s
R1487 T2394 T2392 punct (,s
R1488 T2395 T2392 punct ),s
R1489 T2396 T2397 prep through,promotes
R1490 T2397 T2392 relcl promotes,s
R1491 T2398 T2396 pobj which,through
R1492 T2399 T2397 nsubj BRCA2,promotes
R1493 T2400 T2401 npadvmod RAD51,dependent
R1494 T2401 T2403 amod dependent,recombination
R1495 T2402 T2401 punct -,dependent
R1496 T2403 T2397 dobj recombination,promotes
R1497 T2404 T2376 punct .,is
R1498 T2406 T2407 det The,localization
R1499 T2407 T2408 nsubjpass localization,examined
R1500 T2409 T2407 prep of,localization
R1501 T2410 T2409 pobj RAD51,of
R1502 T2411 T2408 auxpass was,examined
R1503 T2412 T2408 prep in,examined
R1504 T2413 T2414 nmod CAPAN,cells
R1505 T2414 T2412 pobj cells,in
R1506 T2415 T2413 punct -,CAPAN
R1507 T2416 T2413 nummod 1,CAPAN
R1508 T2417 T2414 punct ", ",cells
R1509 T2418 T2419 det the,line
R1510 T2419 T2414 appos line,cells
R1511 T2420 T2419 amod same,line
R1512 T2421 T2422 amod human,tumor
R1513 T2422 T2419 compound tumor,line
R1514 T2423 T2419 acl examined,line
R1515 T2424 T2423 agent by,examined
R1516 T2425 T2424 pobj Moynahan,by
R1517 T2426 T2427 advmod et,al
R1518 T2427 T2425 advmod al,Moynahan
R1519 T2428 T2429 punct [,24
R1520 T2429 T2425 parataxis 24,Moynahan
R1521 T2430 T2429 punct ],24
R1522 T2431 T2408 punct .,examined
R1523 T2433 T2434 nsubjpass It,shown
R1524 T2435 T2434 aux had,shown
R1525 T2436 T2434 auxpass been,shown
R1526 T2437 T2434 advmod previously,shown
R1527 T2438 T2439 mark that,mislocalized
R1528 T2439 T2434 ccomp mislocalized,shown
R1529 T2440 T2441 det the,amount
R1530 T2441 T2439 nsubjpass amount,mislocalized
R1531 T2442 T2441 amod small,amount
R1532 T2443 T2441 prep of,amount
R1533 T2444 T2445 amod truncated,protein
R1534 T2445 T2443 pobj protein,of
R1535 T2446 T2445 compound BRCA2,protein
R1536 T2447 T2441 acl expressed,amount
R1537 T2448 T2447 prep by,expressed
R1538 T2449 T2450 nmod CAPAN,cells
R1539 T2450 T2448 pobj cells,by
R1540 T2451 T2449 punct -,CAPAN
R1541 T2452 T2449 nummod 1,CAPAN
R1542 T2453 T2439 auxpass was,mislocalized
R1543 T2454 T2439 prep to,mislocalized
R1544 T2455 T2456 det the,cytoplasm
R1545 T2456 T2454 pobj cytoplasm,to
R1546 T2457 T2439 punct ", ",mislocalized
R1547 T2458 T2439 advcl consistent,mislocalized
R1548 T2459 T2458 prep with,consistent
R1549 T2460 T2461 det the,fact
R1550 T2461 T2459 pobj fact,with
R1551 T2462 T2463 mark that,lacks
R1552 T2463 T2461 acl lacks,fact
R1553 T2464 T2465 det the,protein
R1554 T2465 T2463 nsubj protein,lacks
R1555 T2466 T2465 compound truncation,protein
R1556 T2467 T2468 det a,signal
R1557 T2468 T2463 dobj signal,lacks
R1558 T2469 T2468 amod nuclear,signal
R1559 T2470 T2468 compound localization,signal
R1560 T2471 T2472 punct [,28
R1561 T2472 T2434 parataxis 28,shown
R1562 T2473 T2472 punct ],28
R1563 T2474 T2434 punct .,shown
R1564 T2476 T2477 nsubj Davies,showed
R1565 T2478 T2479 advmod et,al
R1566 T2479 T2476 advmod al,Davies
R1567 T2480 T2481 nmod CAPAN,cells
R1568 T2481 T2484 nsubj cells,be
R1569 T2482 T2480 punct -,CAPAN
R1570 T2483 T2480 nummod 1,CAPAN
R1571 T2484 T2477 ccomp be,showed
R1572 T2485 T2484 aux to,be
R1573 T2486 T2484 acomp defective,be
R1574 T2487 T2484 prep in,be
R1575 T2488 T2489 amod nuclear,localization
R1576 T2489 T2487 pobj localization,in
R1577 T2490 T2489 prep of,localization
R1578 T2491 T2490 pobj RAD51,of
R1579 T2492 T2477 punct ", ",showed
R1580 T2493 T2477 advcl raising,showed
R1581 T2494 T2495 det the,possibility
R1582 T2495 T2493 dobj possibility,raising
R1583 T2496 T2497 mark that,carried
R1584 T2497 T2495 acl carried,possibility
R1585 T2498 T2497 nsubjpass RAD51,carried
R1586 T2499 T2497 auxpass is,carried
R1587 T2500 T2497 advmod normally,carried
R1588 T2501 T2497 prep to,carried
R1589 T2502 T2503 det the,nucleus
R1590 T2503 T2501 pobj nucleus,to
R1591 T2504 T2497 prep by,carried
R1592 T2505 T2504 pcomp binding,by
R1593 T2506 T2505 dobj BRCA2,binding
R1594 T2507 T2477 punct .,showed
R1595 T2509 T2510 nsubj It,is
R1596 T2511 T2510 acomp possible,is
R1597 T2512 T2513 mark that,be
R1598 T2513 T2510 ccomp be,is
R1599 T2514 T2513 nsubj RAD51,be
R1600 T2515 T2513 aux may,be
R1601 T2516 T2513 advmod alternatively,be
R1602 T2517 T2513 acomp capable,be
R1603 T2518 T2517 prep of,capable
R1604 T2519 T2520 npadvmod BRCA2,independent
R1605 T2520 T2522 amod independent,transport
R1606 T2521 T2520 punct -,independent
R1607 T2522 T2518 pobj transport,of
R1608 T2523 T2510 punct ", ",is
R1609 T2524 T2510 cc but,is
R1610 T2525 T2526 nsubj mislocalization,sequester
R1611 T2526 T2510 conj sequester,is
R1612 T2527 T2525 prep of,mislocalization
R1613 T2528 T2527 pobj BRCA2,of
R1614 T2529 T2525 prep to,mislocalization
R1615 T2530 T2531 det the,cytoplasm
R1616 T2531 T2529 pobj cytoplasm,to
R1617 T2532 T2526 aux may,sequester
R1618 T2533 T2526 dobj RAD51,sequester
R1619 T2534 T2526 cc and,sequester
R1620 T2535 T2526 conj block,sequester
R1621 T2536 T2537 poss its,mode
R1622 T2537 T2535 dobj mode,block
R1623 T2538 T2537 amod normal,mode
R1624 T2539 T2537 prep of,mode
R1625 T2540 T2539 pobj transport,of
R1626 T2541 T2526 punct .,sequester
R1627 T2543 T2544 nsubj Support,requires
R1628 T2545 T2543 prep for,Support
R1629 T2546 T2547 det the,hypothesis
R1630 T2547 T2545 pobj hypothesis,for
R1631 T2548 T2549 mark that,is
R1632 T2549 T2547 acl is,hypothesis
R1633 T2550 T2551 det the,mislocalization
R1634 T2551 T2549 nsubj mislocalization,is
R1635 T2552 T2551 amod observed,mislocalization
R1636 T2553 T2551 prep of,mislocalization
R1637 T2554 T2553 pobj RAD51,of
R1638 T2555 T2556 det an,consequence
R1639 T2556 T2549 attr consequence,is
R1640 T2557 T2556 amod indirect,consequence
R1641 T2558 T2556 prep of,consequence
R1642 T2559 T2560 det the,defect
R1643 T2560 T2558 pobj defect,of
R1644 T2561 T2560 compound BRCA2,defect
R1645 T2562 T2544 dobj reintroduction,requires
R1646 T2563 T2562 prep of,reintroduction
R1647 T2564 T2565 amod functional,BRCA2
R1648 T2565 T2563 pobj BRCA2,of
R1649 T2566 T2562 prep into,reintroduction
R1650 T2567 T2566 pobj CAPAN,into
R1651 T2568 T2567 punct -,CAPAN
R1652 T2569 T2567 nummod 1,CAPAN
R1653 T2570 T2544 punct .,requires