PMC:1253828 / 3832-4017 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1417 7-16 JJ denotes important
T1418 17-20 NN denotes MTF
T1419 20-21 HYPH denotes -
T1420 21-22 CD denotes 1
T1421 23-29 NN denotes target
T1416 30-35 NNS denotes genes
T1422 36-39 VBP denotes are
T1414 40-48 VBN denotes involved
T1423 49-51 IN denotes in
T1424 52-55 DT denotes the
T1426 56-62 JJ denotes lethal
T1425 63-72 NN denotes phenotype
T1427 72-73 . denotes .
T1429 74-78 IN denotes With
T1431 79-82 DT denotes the
T1433 83-86 NN denotes Cre
T1435 86-87 HYPH denotes -
T1434 87-91 NN denotes loxP
T1436 92-103 JJ denotes conditional
T1437 104-112 NN denotes knockout
T1432 113-122 NN denotes technique
T1438 122-124 , denotes ,
T1439 124-126 PRP denotes it
T1430 127-129 VBZ denotes is
T1440 130-138 JJ denotes possible
T1441 139-141 TO denotes to
T1442 142-152 VB denotes circumvent
T1443 153-156 DT denotes the
T1445 157-166 JJ denotes embryonic
T1446 167-173 JJ denotes lethal
T1444 174-183 NN denotes phenotype
R750 T1416 T1414 nsubjpass genes,involved
R751 T1417 T1416 amod important,genes
R752 T1418 T1416 nmod MTF,genes
R753 T1419 T1418 punct -,MTF
R754 T1420 T1418 nummod 1,MTF
R755 T1421 T1416 compound target,genes
R756 T1422 T1414 auxpass are,involved
R757 T1423 T1414 prep in,involved
R758 T1424 T1425 det the,phenotype
R759 T1425 T1423 pobj phenotype,in
R760 T1426 T1425 amod lethal,phenotype
R762 T1429 T1430 prep With,is
R763 T1431 T1432 det the,technique
R764 T1432 T1429 pobj technique,With
R765 T1433 T1434 nmod Cre,loxP
R766 T1434 T1432 nmod loxP,technique
R767 T1435 T1434 punct -,loxP
R768 T1436 T1437 amod conditional,knockout
R769 T1437 T1432 compound knockout,technique
R770 T1438 T1430 punct ", ",is
R771 T1439 T1430 nsubj it,is
R772 T1440 T1430 acomp possible,is
R773 T1441 T1442 aux to,circumvent
R774 T1442 T1430 xcomp circumvent,is
R775 T1443 T1444 det the,phenotype
R776 T1444 T1442 dobj phenotype,circumvent
R777 T1445 T1446 amod embryonic,lethal
R778 T1446 T1444 amod lethal,phenotype