PMC:1253828 / 11574-13036 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3326 15-31 CHEBI_SO_EXT:oligonucleotide denotes oligonucleotides
T3327 37-45 GO:0097617 denotes annealed
T3328 74-79 PR_EXT:000005958 denotes Csrp1
T3329 159-164 PR_EXT:000005958 denotes Csrp1
T3330 241-246 PR_EXT:000005958 denotes Csrp1
T3331 323-328 PR_EXT:000005958 denotes Csrp1
T3332 405-409 PR_EXT:P04386 denotes Gal4
T3333 490-495 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T3334 496-499 PR_EXT:000010925 denotes Mt1
T3335 500-508 SO_EXT:0000167 denotes promoter
T3336 609-618 _FRAGMENT denotes synthetic
T3338 623-632 SO:0000993 denotes consensus
T3337 633-641 SO:0000351 denotes sequence
T3339 735-740 PR_EXT:000011059 denotes Ndrg1
T3340 813-818 PR_EXT:000011059 denotes Ndrg1
T3341 891-896 PR_EXT:000011059 denotes Ndrg1
T3342 1000-1005 PR_EXT:000014662 denotes Sepw1
T3343 1095-1100 PR_EXT:000014662 denotes Sepw1
T3344 1179-1187 PR_EXT:000015124 denotes Slc39a10
T3345 1273-1281 PR_EXT:000015124 denotes Slc39a10
T3346 1358-1379 PR_EXT:000000133 denotes Specificity protein 1
T3347 1370-1377 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes protein
T3348 1381-1384 PR_EXT:000000133 denotes Sp1
T3349 1386-1393 CHEMINF_GO_EXT:chemical_binding_or_bond_formation denotes binding
T3350 1394-1402 SO_EXT:biological_sequence denotes sequence
R2088 T3337 T3336 _lexicallyChainedTo sequence,synthetic