PMC:7456455 / 1168-3825 JSONTXT 12 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11 0-207 Sentence denotes COVID-19 infection presents a risk of severe clinical outcome due to a dysregulated inflammatory syndrome [1,2] generated by Mononuclear Phagocytes [3], a major source of pro-inflammatory secretion products.
T12 208-433 Sentence denotes Evidence from influenza [4,5] and previous SARS and MERS [6] patients, indicates that blood monocytes respond to tissue encounters in a two-stage mechanism of activation [7], which is not specific to the initiating infection.
T13 434-560 Sentence denotes This is particularly relevant in COVID-19 where age and predisposing comorbidities enhance the risk of a severe outcome [8,9].
T14 561-742 Sentence denotes Tests are available to detect infectious virus and anti-viral antibody, but RNA alone is not proof of active infection and antibodies may not neutralize, but enhance infection [10].
T15 743-911 Sentence denotes In order to stratify patients at risk of a hyperinflammatory storm and prolonged recovery, we developed a novel blood test to assess their level of monocyte activation.
T16 912-1022 Sentence denotes It uses the canonical CSF1R–CSF1 growth factor receptor [11], to characterize all monocytes in blood, Fig. 1 .
T17 1023-1274 Sentence denotes Further steps include measures of priming during haematopoiesis along myeloid differentiation pathways mediated by CSF2R [12] and CSF3R, and testing their full activation potential by selected stimuli, in vitro, as surrogates of activation in tissues.
T18 1275-1465 Sentence denotes Tests can also be used to evaluate macrophage contributions to efficacy of vaccines, anti-viral and anti- inflammatory agent trials, to diminish the risk of treatments and facilitate repair.
T19 1466-1534 Sentence denotes Fig. 1 Monocytes represent a window between bone marrow and tissues.
T20 1535-1796 Sentence denotes Blood monocytes are circulating intermediates between haematopoiesis in bone marrow and recruitment to tissues in response to turnover of resident macrophages of embryonic origin, and to increased demands following tissue inflammation, infection and malignancy.
T21 1797-1947 Sentence denotes The CSF1 Receptor is a pan-monocyte marker expressed by all subsets of monocytes defined by CD14, CD16 and DCs, lacking both of these antigen markers.
T22 1948-2145 Sentence denotes Together with CSF2R and CSF3R, these three lineage differentiation markers enable identification of distinct streams of monocytic, granulocytic and Dendritic cell types of monocyte differentiation.
T23 2146-2342 Sentence denotes In response to the prototypic TH1 or TH2 cytokines, IFNγ and Interleukin 4/13, monocytes are polarized to distinct M1-like, classically activated, and M2-like, alternatively activated macrophages.
T24 2343-2458 Sentence denotes Each becomes fully activated by further local phagocytic stimulation by microbes and apoptotic cells, respectively.
T25 2459-2612 Sentence denotes CD40 and CD64 are M1-like markers, where CD40 is for detecting TLR4 pathway and CD64 is for detecting IFNγ activation, while CD200R is an M2-like marker.
T26 2613-2657 Sentence denotes Other markers can be introduced as required.