PMC:7455777 / 7704-9191 JSONTXT 11 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T47 0-148 Sentence denotes Viral infection is often associated with cell death, and numerous molecular pathways have been proposed to explain the neurovirulence of HCoVs [10].
T48 149-292 Sentence denotes For example, parthanatos, caspase independent-apoptosis and programmed necrosis pathways may be involved in the neuropathogenesis of HCoV-OC43.
T49 293-571 Sentence denotes These molecular pathways can also interact with one other by sharing the same cellular factors (such as calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction or endoplasmic reticulum stress, excitatory amino acid toxicity), and active compounds (such as reactive oxygen species) (Fig. 1).
T50 572-670 Sentence denotes However, it remains to be determined whether and how SARS-CoV-2 affects the function of CNS cells.
T51 671-775 Sentence denotes Fig. 1 HCoVs probably exhibit neuropathological consequences through multiple routes. ① Direct invasion.
T52 776-889 Sentence denotes After invasion, the production and release of virus may induce cell death by several pathways. ② Immune response.
T53 890-1104 Sentence denotes The virus can lead to over-activation of host immune response, releasing a large number of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines (e.g., IL-6, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-8, IL-17, G-CSF, GM-CSF, IP10, MCP1, CCL3, and TNF).
T54 1105-1223 Sentence denotes Cytokine signal pathways will subsequently induce the cell death and tissue damage. ③ Neuroendocrine-immune crosstalk.
T55 1224-1339 Sentence denotes Aberrant release of neuropeptides from the infected neurons may act at the endocrine glands, such as adrenal gland.
T56 1340-1487 Sentence denotes These neuropeptides might cause anomalous release of glucocorticoids and other peptides, which may contribute to the dysregulation of immune system