PMC:7352545 / 65825-67654 JSONTXT 9 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T637 0-100 Sentence denotes SAs are predominant surface determinants for pathogen attachment, adherence and entry to host cells.
T638 101-213 Sentence denotes Eleven representative vertebrate virus families utilize SAs as initial entry receptors or as attachment factors.
T639 214-342 Sentence denotes Interaction of virus with SA-containing glycans is complex because virus SA-binding lectins are inherently of very low affinity.
T640 343-442 Sentence denotes Viruses acquire enzymes to catalyze virion elution by regional depletion of binding receptors [56].
T641 443-498 Sentence denotes TM S glycoprotein recognizes oligosaccharide receptors.
T642 499-702 Sentence denotes Using cryo-EM technology and observed structures of S glycoprotein trimers of CoV OC43 complexed with 9-O-acetylated SA, S glycoprotein was demonstrated to mediate virus adhesion and entry to host cells.
T643 703-769 Sentence denotes All CoV S proteins show conservation in binding to 9-O-acetyl-SAs.
T644 770-821 Sentence denotes MERS-CoV also recognizes 9-carbon sugar SA species.
T645 822-856 Sentence denotes MERS-CoV S-1A binds to SA species.
T646 857-987 Sentence denotes For example, SAα2,3- over SAα2,6-linkages expressed in human erythrocytes and mucins are preferentially targeted by MERS-CoV S-1A.
T647 988-1075 Sentence denotes Binding is hence blocked by SA modification to 5-N-NeuGc and 7, 9-O-NeuAc species [73].
T648 1076-1278 Sentence denotes For example, impairment of ACE2 receptor glycosylation does not influence S-glycoprotein-ACE2 interaction, however, SARS-CoV-2 virus entry into respiratory epithelial host cells was downregulated [133].
T649 1279-1445 Sentence denotes Changes in ACE2 N-glycans do not apparently influence interaction with the SARS-CoV S glycoprotein, but instead, impair viral S glycoprotein-mediated membrane fusion.
T650 1446-1516 Sentence denotes The receptor glycan structures decide the entry of some human viruses.
T651 1517-1626 Sentence denotes Changes in ACE2 receptor sialylation influences interaction affinity between virus ligands and host receptor.
T652 1627-1724 Sentence denotes Inter-species or individual genetic variations such as drift and mutation may occur in SARS-CoVs.
T653 1725-1829 Sentence denotes This explains currently emerging differences in CoV responses within the same population such as humans.