PMC:7326681 / 10014-13349 JSONTXT 11 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T70 0-18 Sentence denotes Treatment Approach
T71 19-163 Sentence denotes Many guidelines have common points in approaching breast cancer treatment, but patients are recommended to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
T72 164-376 Sentence denotes Unless a complication, such as an abscess, infection, requires urgent treatment, surgery should be postponed for at least three months due to atypia, prophylactic/risk-reducing surgery, and benign breast disease.
T73 377-505 Sentence denotes ER expressing types of atypical hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma in situ can be treated with tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors.
T74 506-699 Sentence denotes Although the main treatment of DCIS is breast-conserving surgery with or without whole breast radiation therapy, or alternatively, mastectomy, treatment management has changed due to pandemics.
T75 700-843 Sentence denotes In this pandemic period, it is important to specify the hormone receptor status in DCIS-compliant core biopsies taken in the treatment of DCIS.
T76 844-969 Sentence denotes ER + DCIS patients should be treated with endocrine therapy primarily and they should be checked via telehealth periodically.
T77 970-1084 Sentence denotes ER- DCIS patients with low volume and low risk of invasive disease can be followed periodically without treatment.
T78 1085-1207 Sentence denotes If ER- DCIS is high grade, large volume or palpable, reassessments of patients using telemedicine should be more frequent.
T79 1208-1385 Sentence denotes In DCIS with microinvasion, the treatment approach, such as ER + invasive cancers is shown in ER + DCIS patients, while patients with ER- are treated like ER- DCIS patients.[12]
T80 1386-1532 Sentence denotes Generally, patients with early-stage breast cancer undergo primary surgery (breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy) with or without radiotherapy.
T81 1533-1746 Sentence denotes Following local treatment, adjuvant systemic therapy may be recommended based on primary tumor characteristics, such as tumor size, stage, lymph node involvement, ER/PR status, and expression of the HER2 receptor.
T82 1747-1857 Sentence denotes However, in the pandemic period, some priorities have also changed in the treatment of invasive breast cancer.
T83 1858-1977 Sentence denotes ER+ early breast cancer patients should have neoadjuvant endocrine therapy before surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic.
T84 1978-2130 Sentence denotes The decision of selection between Tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors depends on patients’ premenopausal or postmenopausal situation and hormonal status.
T85 2131-2272 Sentence denotes If the patient is not postmenopausal, sequential evaluation of hormonal status is recommended to consider an alternative endocrine agent.[12]
T86 2273-2474 Sentence denotes The rate of pathologic complete response (pCR) is higher in HER2 overexpressing (HER2+) and triple-negative (TN) breast cancers, and less frequent in the more common hormone- receptor-positive cancers.
T87 2475-2709 Sentence denotes As a result, TN and Her2 + breast cancer patients with T2 or larger tumor or LN involvement are candidates for neoadjuvant therapy, and there was no significant difference in the approach in these patients during the pandemic process.
T88 2710-2815 Sentence denotes Patients with T1N0M0 disease also encouraged to have NAC before surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic.[12]
T89 2816-2918 Sentence denotes Patients who are having NAC are at increased risk for COVID-19 infection because of immune deficiency.
T90 2919-3017 Sentence denotes For the most part, symptoms of COVID-19 are the same in cancer patients as the general population.
T91 3018-3200 Sentence denotes Medications in breast cancer patients receiving NAC can suppress the development of a fever or other symptoms, and COVID-19 disease may remain asymptomatic until they develop sepsis.
T92 3201-3335 Sentence denotes If the patient tests positive for COVID-19 while receiving cancer treatment, we need to stop treatment until the patient recovers.[13]