PMC:7324763 / 13884-15993 JSONTXT 12 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T86 0-100 Sentence denotes Unsurprisingly, cancer patients are at a significantly increased risk of severe COVID-19 (105, 106).
T87 101-170 Sentence denotes Elderly patients are also more susceptible to viral infections (107).
T88 171-334 Sentence denotes Mouse studies highlighted how a decreased number of circulating mature NK cells in aged animals paralleled with increased susceptibility to viral infections (108).
T89 335-476 Sentence denotes Studies in humans suggest that although NK cell numbers can actually increase with aging, NK cell activity declines significantly (109, 110).
T90 477-796 Sentence denotes Przemska-Kosicka et al. investigated NK cell function in response to seasonal influenza vaccination in young and old populations and observed quantitative and qualitative changes associated with impaired responses in the NK cell population and this was associated with poor seroconversion in the older population (111).
T91 797-1037 Sentence denotes Additionally, obesity, which has been shown to cause systemic NK cell dysfunction (112, 113), has also been linked to increased COVID-19 severity and could be the reason behind the high prevalence of severe COVID-19 in younger people (113).
T92 1038-1150 Sentence denotes In short, NKD and individuals with reduced NK cell numbers or function are more susceptible to viral infections.
T93 1151-1340 Sentence denotes Unsurprisingly, the CDC has already highlighted a higher risk of infection and severity of COVID-19 in older individuals and individuals with comorbidities such as obesity and cancer (114).
T94 1341-1704 Sentence denotes However, this point is still controversial as a systematic review showed that primary immunodeficiencies are not linked with increased COVID-19 severity (115), but these data have to be interpreted keeping in mind that a large part of COVID-19 pathology is caused by excessive immune activation, which is arguably harder to reach in immunocompromised individuals.
T95 1705-1915 Sentence denotes Given the paradoxical role of the immune response in COVID-19 patients, it would be extremely useful to be able to rely on immunological functional biomarkers that could predict the outcome of disease severity.
T96 1916-2109 Sentence denotes Such assays are readily available for determining NK cell activity, e.g., NKVue™, and there is therefore an opportunity to conduct studies that would link NK cell functions to disease severity.