PMC:7276840 / 6467-7247 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T44 0-228 Sentence denotes Whatever the reason for this patient's or that of others to delay seeking medical attention during this pandemic, the concern remains that this delay will lead to increased morbidity and mortality in the coming weeks and months.
T45 229-372 Sentence denotes There most certainly are many others like this patient, who have suffered or will suffer a catastrophic complication due to delay in treatment.
T46 373-685 Sentence denotes Metzler et al 2 posits that if 40% of people are not seeking care for acute coronary syndromes, and assuming 40% of those untreated people suffer a significant complication or death, the effect of COVID‐19 pandemic on non‐COVID related health of our population may be even more devastating than COVID‐19 itself.
T47 686-780 Sentence denotes And this case just highlights the fact that this assumption may not be too far from the truth.