PMC:7252096 / 56761-57560 JSONTXT 8 Projects

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T385 0-799 Sentence denotes To review the data presented: (1) we found that expression of the cellular entry receptor for SARS-CoV-2, ACE2, is primarily restricted to type II pneumocytes in the lung, absorptive enterocytes within the gut, and goblet secretory cells of the nasal mucosa; (2) ACE2 and TMPRSS2 co-expression in respiratory tissues is consistently found only among a rare subset of epithelial cells; (3) we observed similarities in the cellular identities and frequencies of putative SARS-CoV-2 target cells across human and NHP cohorts; (4) we observe increased expression of ACE2 during SHIV and TB infection of NHPs, and HIV/TB co-infection and influenza infection of humans compared with that in matched controls but caution that none of the datasets presented here were designed to answer this specific query.