PMC:7102583 / 16922-18753 JSONTXT 14 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T114 0-100 Sentence denotes The integrity of the vascular endothelial barrier is crucial in the immunoregulation within alveoli.
T115 101-322 Sentence denotes Severe inflammation and immune responses induce epithelial and endothelial cell apoptosis, as well as increasing the production of VEGF, which aggravates edema and the extravasation of the immune cells from blood vessels.
T116 323-437 Sentence denotes Experimental evidence suggests that melatonin mediates the suppression of VEGF in vascular endothelial cells [62].
T117 438-572 Sentence denotes Based on clinical reports of COVID-19, patients with severe ALI/ARDS may also have an increased risk of sepsis and cardiac arrest [2].
T118 573-693 Sentence denotes Published reports indicate that the application of melatonin may ameliorate the septic shock via the NLRP3 pathway [63].
T119 694-842 Sentence denotes Specifically, melatonin may a have preventive effect against sepsis-induced renal injury, septic cardiomyopathy and liver injury [[64], [65], [66]].
T120 843-1092 Sentence denotes It was also reported that melatonin had benefits in patients with myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, hypertensive heart diseases and pulmonary hypertension, and probably functions via the TLR4/survivor activating factor enhancement pathway [67].
T121 1093-1291 Sentence denotes Moreover, melatonin exerts neurological protection by reducing the cerebral inflammatory response, cerebral edema and brain-blood barrier permeability under a number of experimental conditions [68].
T122 1292-1476 Sentence denotes In the ICU, deep sedation is associated with increased long-term mortality, and the application of melatonin reduces sedation use and the frequency of pain, agitation, anxiety [69,70].
T123 1477-1579 Sentence denotes Also, a recent meta-analysis showed that melatonin improves sleep quality in patients in the ICU [71].
T124 1580-1831 Sentence denotes Thus, the rationale for the use of melatonin in COVID-19 patients not only focuses on the attenuation of the infection-induced respiratory disorders, but also on an overall improvement and prevention of patients' wellbeing and potential complications.