PMC:7074424 / 4864-6385 JSONTXT 12 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T22 0-215 Sentence denotes CoV attaches to the target cells with the help of spike protein–host cell protein interaction (angiotensin converting enzyme-2 [ACE-2] interaction in SARS-CoV[14] and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 [DPP-4] in MERS-CoV[15]).
T23 216-336 Sentence denotes After the receptor recognition, the virus genome with its nucleocapsid is released into the cytoplasm of the host cells.
T24 337-670 Sentence denotes The viral genome contains ORF1a and ORF1b genes, which produce two PPs that are pp1a and pp1b,[16] which help to take command over host ribosomes for their own translation process.[17] Both pp1a and pp1b take part in the formation of the replication transcription complex.[16] After processing of PP by protease, it produces 16 NSPs.
T25 671-1070 Sentence denotes All NSPs have their own specific functions such as suppression of host gene expression by NSP1 and NSP2, formation of a multidomain complex by NSP3, NSP5 which is a M protease which has role in replication,[17] NSP4 and NSP6 which are transmembrane (TM) proteins,[18] NSP7 and NSP8 which act as a primase,[16] NSP9 – a RNA-binding protein, the dimeric form of which is important for viral infection.
T26 1071-1521 Sentence denotes Induction of disturbance to the dimerization of NSP9[19] can be a way to overcome CoV infection.[20] NSP10 acts as a cofactor for the activation of the replicative enzyme.[21] NSP12 shows RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity, NSP13 shows helicase activity, NSP14 shows exoribonuclease activity, NSP15 shows endoribonuclease activity, and NSP16 has methyltransferase activity.[18] All NSPs have an important role in replication and transcription.[18]