PMC:7014672 / 2215-3068 JSONTXT 9 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17 0-115 Sentence denotes In January 2020, an increasing number of cases confirmed to be infected with 2019-nCoV were detected outside Wuhan.
T18 116-250 Sentence denotes For 88 cases detected between 20 and 28 January, the travel history (to and) from Wuhan is known, as well as their symptom onset date.
T19 251-364 Sentence denotes Their ages range from 2 to 72 years of age (information missing for four cases); 31 were female and 57 were male.
T20 365-471 Sentence denotes During this initial stage of the epidemic, it is most likely that these travellers were infected in Wuhan.
T21 472-566 Sentence denotes Consequently, their time spent in Wuhan can be taken as the duration of exposure to infection.
T22 567-720 Sentence denotes Of these 88 cases with known travel history, 63 were Wuhan residents who travelled elsewhere and 25 were visitors who stayed in Wuhan for a limited time.
T23 721-853 Sentence denotes By taking the date of symptom onset and travel history together, we inferred the possible incubation period for each of these cases.