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PubMed:9809377 JSONTXT

[Childhood multiple sclerosis]. La sclérose en plaques chez l'enfant. Multiple sclerosis begins before the age of 17 years in 0.4 to 0.5% of the cases, but the diagnosis is exceptionally made before the age of 10 years. Female predominance is more marked in early onset multiple sclerosis. The general features of the disease (clinical expression, progression, prognostic) and the findings of complementary explorations are comparable with those found when the disease begins in adulthood although acute onset and signs of brain stem involvement have been reported. The diagnosis must be made with prudence, especially when progression is slow from the beginning. An analysis of the influence of infective environmental factors and puberty has not provided new insight. Corticosteroids can be used in case of flare-ups. Management requires a multidisciplinary approach to maintain appropriate educational activities.

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