> top > docs > PubMed:8548604

PubMed:8548604 JSONTXT

[Concomitant therapies in the clinical trial in Alzheimer's disease]. Medicación concomitante en los ensayos clínicos de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Existing information has been revised regarding the accompanying medication (permitted medication) for patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD) who have been treated in a clinical study. Information obtained shows a highly variable attitude in the various clinical studies carried out on this illness. This fact, together with our limited knowledge of the psychotropic effects of many drugs frequently used on elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease has resulted in the impression that there are no unanimously agreed-upon guidelines as regards the prescription of this type of medication. The data afforded by the revision suggests certain guidelines for the suitable prescription of accompanying medication in clinical studies of Alzheimer's disease.

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