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PubMed:8265240 JSONTXT

Primary small cell carcinoma of the pancreas. A 59 yr old male presented with abdominal pain and jaundice. CT scan showed a tumor in the pancreas with secondaries in the liver, peri-pancreatic lymph nodes, vertebral bone marrow and subcutaneous tissue of the neck together with a cervical lymph node. The patient died after 2 wks and autopsy revealed complete replacement of the pancreas by tumor. Careful dissection of both lungs failed to show any tumor. A diagnosis of primary small cell carcinoma of the pancreas was made. Review of the literature indicates that this type of carcinoma accounts for about 1% of all pancreatic cancers and is commoner in elderly males who have a history of cigarette smoking. There is usually a rapid progression of disease and widespread dissemination, especially if untreated. Some success has been obtained with chemotherapy.

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