Site of airway obstruction in asthma as determined by measuring maximal expiratory flow breathing air and a helium-oxygen mixture.
Because maximum expiratory flow-volume rates in normal subjects are dependent on gas density, the resistance between alveoli and the point at which dynamic compression begins (R(us)) is mostly due to convective acceleration and turbulence. We measured maximum expiratory flow-volume (MEFV) curves in asthmatics and chronic bronchitics breathing air and He-O(2). In the latter and in some asthmatics, MEFV curves did not change, indicating that R(us) is mostly due to laminar flow. Therefore, the point at which dynamic compression begins must be further upstream than in normal subjects and the site of obstruction must be in small airways. In other asthmatics, flow increased normally indicating obstruction in larger airways. The response to He-O(2) did not correlate with initial values of pulmonary resistance, the initial MEFV curves or the response to bronchodilators. We conclude that the site of airway obstruction varies among asthmatics and that the site of obstruction is not detectable by measurement of the usual parameters of lung mechanics.