> top > docs > PubMed:32019667 > spans > 461-551 > annotations

PubMed:32019667 / 461-551 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T80 0-11 NN denotes Importation
EnjuParser_T81 12-16 IN denotes from
EnjuParser_T82 17-24 NNP denotes Beijing
EnjuParser_T83 25-28 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T84 29-37 NNP denotes Shanghai
EnjuParser_T85 38-43 MD denotes would
EnjuParser_T86 44-48 VB denotes lead
EnjuParser_T87 49-51 TO denotes to
EnjuParser_T88 52-58 JJR denotes higher
EnjuParser_T89 59-62 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T90 63-73 JJ denotes widespread
EnjuParser_T91 74-78 NN denotes risk
EnjuParser_T92 79-82 IN denotes for
EnjuParser_T93 83-89 NNP denotes Europe
EnjuParser_R80 EnjuParser_T80 EnjuParser_T81 arg1Of Importation,from
EnjuParser_R81 EnjuParser_T83 EnjuParser_T81 arg2Of and,from
EnjuParser_R82 EnjuParser_T82 EnjuParser_T83 arg1Of Beijing,and
EnjuParser_R83 EnjuParser_T84 EnjuParser_T83 arg2Of Shanghai,and
EnjuParser_R84 EnjuParser_T80 EnjuParser_T85 arg1Of Importation,would
EnjuParser_R85 EnjuParser_T86 EnjuParser_T85 arg2Of lead,would
EnjuParser_R86 EnjuParser_T80 EnjuParser_T86 arg1Of Importation,lead
EnjuParser_R87 EnjuParser_T86 EnjuParser_T87 arg1Of lead,to
EnjuParser_R88 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T87 arg2Of risk,to
EnjuParser_R89 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T88 arg1Of risk,higher
EnjuParser_R90 EnjuParser_T88 EnjuParser_T89 arg1Of higher,and
EnjuParser_R91 EnjuParser_T90 EnjuParser_T89 arg2Of widespread,and
EnjuParser_R92 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T90 arg1Of risk,widespread
EnjuParser_R93 EnjuParser_T91 EnjuParser_T92 arg1Of risk,for
EnjuParser_R94 EnjuParser_T93 EnjuParser_T92 arg2Of Europe,for


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7 0-90 DRI_Background denotes Importation from Beijing and Shanghai would lead to higher and widespread risk for Europe.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 44-48 CHEBI:27889 denotes lead


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T7 0-90 Sentence denotes Importation from Beijing and Shanghai would lead to higher and widespread risk for Europe.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
tok91 0-11 NNP denotes Importation
tok92 12-16 IN denotes from
tok93 17-24 NNP denotes Beijing
tok94 25-28 CC denotes and
tok95 29-37 NNP denotes Shanghai
tok96 38-43 MD denotes would
tok97 44-48 VB denotes lead
tok98 49-51 TO denotes to
tok99 52-58 JJR denotes higher
tok100 59-62 CC denotes and
tok101 63-73 JJ denotes widespread
tok102 74-78 NN denotes risk
tok103 79-82 IN denotes for
tok104 83-89 NNP denotes Europe
tok105 89-90 . denotes .
lookup32 17-24 location denotes Beijing
lookup33 29-37 location denotes Shanghai
lookup34 49-51 country_code denotes to
lookup35 83-89 location denotes Europe
event4 44-48 OCCURRENCE denotes lead