Sexual orientation correlates with baseline characteristics but shows no moderating effects of dissonance-based eating disorder prevention programs for women. This study provided the first test of whether sexual orientation (categorized as heterosexual vs. sexual minority) is associated with baseline eating disorder risk factors and symptoms, moderated the intervention effects of variants of the dissonance-based Body Project, or moderated the relation of baseline risk factors to future change in eating disorder symptoms. A total of 680 women with body image concerns were randomized to clinician-or peer-led Body Project groups, the eBody Project, or educational video control and completed assessment of eating disorder risk factors and symptoms at pretest, posttest, and at six-, 12-, 24-, and 36-month follow-up. Results indicated that sexual minority women had significantly higher negative affect and impaired psychosocial functioning at baseline, but did not differ on other eating disorder risk factors or symptoms. We found no evidence that sexual orientation moderates the effects of the Body Project on risk factor or symptom change over follow-up or the relation of baseline risk factors to future change in eating disorder symptoms. Overall, sexual minority and heterosexual women differ on two, less specific eating disorder-related risk factors at baseline, but did not differ in response to different versions of the Body Project or the relations of risk factors to future symptom change.