Evidence for Deleterious Hepatitis C Virus Quasispecies Mutation Loads that Differentiate the Response Patterns in Interferon-based Antiviral Therapy.
Viral quasispecies (QS) has long been considered to affect the efficiency of hepatitis C virus (HCV) antiviral therapy. Yet a correlation between the QS diversity and treatment outcomes has not been established conclusively. We previously measured HCV QS diversity by genome-wide quantification of high-resolution mutation load in HCV 1a patients achieving sustained virological response (1a/SVR) or null response (1a/null). The current study extended the work into HCV 1a patients experiencing relapse (1a/relapse, n=19) and genotype 2b patients with SVR (2b/SVR, n=10). The average mutation load per patient in 2b/SVR and 1a/relapse was respectively similar to 1a/SVR (517.6 ± 174.3 vs. 524 ± 278.8 mutations, p=0.95) and 1a/null (829.2 ± 282.8 vs. 805.6 ± 270.7 mutations, p=0.78). Notably, deleterious mutation load, as indicated by the percentage of nonsynonymous mutations, was the highest in 2b/SVR (33.2 ± 8.5%) when compared to 1a/SVR (23.6 ± 7.8%, p=0.002), 1a/null (18.2 ± 5.1%, p=1.9 x 10-7) or 1a/relapse (17.8 ± 5.3%, p=1.8 x 10-6). In the 1a/relapse group, continuous viral evolution was observed with excessive accumulation of deleterious load (17.8 ± 5.3% vs. 35.4 ± 12.9%, p=3.5 x 10-6), supporting the functionality of Muller's ratchet in treatment-induced population bottleneck. Taken together, the magnitude of HCV mutation load, particularly deleterious mutation load, provides an evolutionary explanation for the emergence of multiple response patterns as well as an overall high SVR rate in HCV genotype 2 patients. Augmentation of Muller's ratchet represents a potential strategy to reduce or even eliminate viral relapse in HCV antiviral therapy.