Synthesis and characterization of selected heteroarotinoids. Pharmacological activity as assessed in vitamin A deficient hamster tracheal organ cultures. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of 4,4-dimethylthiochroman-6-yl methyl ketone 1,1-dioxide and ethyl (E)-p-[2-(4,4-dimethylthiochroman-6-yl)propenyl]benzoate. There is reported the first four members of heteroarotinoids, the names of which are ethyl (E)-p-[2-(4,4-dimethylthiochroman-6-yl)propenyl]benzoate (1b), ethyl (E)-p-[2-(4,4-dimethylchroman-6-yl)propenyl]benzoate (1c), ethyl (E)-p-[2-(4,4-dimethyl-1-oxothiochroman-6-yl)propenyl]benzoate (1d), and (E)-p-[2-(4,4-dimethylchroman-6-yl)propenyl]benzoic acid (1e). IR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR data have been recorded for each compound and support the structural assignments. To provide a firm basis for comparison purposes of future analogues, an X-ray analysis was performed on a single crystal of ethyl (E)-p-[2-(4,4-dimethylthiochroman-6-yl)propenyl]benzoate (1b) and a precursor 4,4-dimethylthiochroman-6-yl methyl ketone 1,1-dioxide (18). These data for the heteroarotinoid 1b revealed that the two aryl ring systems were nearly perpendicular in each of the two molecules present in the unit cell (86.37 degrees and 84.17 degrees, respectively). The space group for both molecules was P1 in triclinic systems. Unit cell dimensions (at 15 degrees C) are as follows: for 1b, a = 20.568 (6) A, b = 14.760 (3) A, c = 7.679 (2) A, alpha = 113.33 (2) degrees, beta = 79.45 (2) degrees, gamma = 79.98 (2) degrees, Z = 4; for 18, a = 9.292 (5) A, b = 9.291 (5) A, c = 7.951 (3) A, alpha = 102.16 (3) degrees, beta = 77.49 (3) degrees, gamma = 79.60 (4) degrees, Z = 2. The sulfur-containing ring is in a distorted half-chair in 1b and the methyl carbon C(12) is shown to be trans to H(13) at the C(11)-C(13) bond. The biological activity of these arotinoids was determined in the tracheal organ culture assay and compared with trans-retinoic acid for ability to reverse keratinization in vitamin A deficient hamsters. The ester 1b displayed activity about one-half log unit less than that of the reference while 1c and 1e had activity nearly one log until less than trans-retinoic acid. The sulfoxide was the least active of the heteroretinoids.