PubMed:25552259 / 1493-1828 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T13 0-335 Sentence denotes We hypothesize that preferable terminal fucosylation of N-glycosidic chains containing repeating lactosamine units of the GPC Gerbich variant could be an explanation for why the EBA-140 ligand does not react with GPC Gerbich and an indication that the EBA-140 interaction with GPC is distinctly dependent on the GPC N-glycan structure.
T13 0-335 Sentence denotes We hypothesize that preferable terminal fucosylation of N-glycosidic chains containing repeating lactosamine units of the GPC Gerbich variant could be an explanation for why the EBA-140 ligand does not react with GPC Gerbich and an indication that the EBA-140 interaction with GPC is distinctly dependent on the GPC N-glycan structure.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
_T33 97-108 FMAID:196787 denotes lactosamine
_T34 97-108 FMAID:82792 denotes lactosamine


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8 122-125 denotes GPC
T9 213-216 denotes GPC
T10 277-280 denotes GPC
T11 312-315 denotes GPC


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3 40-52 denotes fucosylation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5 186-192 denotes ligand


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15 31-39 denotes terminal
T16 260-271 denotes interaction


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18 325-334 denotes structure


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-GlycanStructures-B_T3 97-108 denotes lactosamine


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-GlycanStructures-B_T2 97-108 denotes lactosamine


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
PD-GlycanStructures-B_T3 97-108 denotes lactosamine


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
EnjuParser_T228 0-2 PRP denotes We
EnjuParser_T229 3-14 VBP denotes hypothesize
EnjuParser_T230 15-19 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T231 20-30 JJ denotes preferable
EnjuParser_T232 31-39 JJ denotes terminal
EnjuParser_T233 40-52 NN denotes fucosylation
EnjuParser_T234 53-55 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T235 56-68 JJ denotes N-glycosidic
EnjuParser_T236 69-75 NNS denotes chains
EnjuParser_T237 76-86 VBG denotes containing
EnjuParser_T238 87-96 VBG denotes repeating
EnjuParser_T239 97-108 NN denotes lactosamine
EnjuParser_T240 109-114 NNS denotes units
EnjuParser_T241 115-117 IN denotes of
EnjuParser_T242 118-121 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T243 122-125 NNP denotes GPC
EnjuParser_T244 126-133 NNP denotes Gerbich
EnjuParser_T245 134-141 NN denotes variant
EnjuParser_T246 142-147 MD denotes could
EnjuParser_T247 148-150 VB denotes be
EnjuParser_T248 151-153 DT denotes an
EnjuParser_T249 154-165 NN denotes explanation
EnjuParser_T250 166-169 IN denotes for
EnjuParser_T251 170-173 WRB denotes why
EnjuParser_T252 174-177 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T253 178-185 NN denotes EBA-140
EnjuParser_T254 186-192 NN denotes ligand
EnjuParser_T255 193-197 VBZ denotes does
EnjuParser_T256 198-201 RB denotes not
EnjuParser_T257 202-207 VB denotes react
EnjuParser_T258 208-212 IN denotes with
EnjuParser_T259 213-216 NNP denotes GPC
EnjuParser_T260 217-224 NNP denotes Gerbich
EnjuParser_T261 225-228 CC denotes and
EnjuParser_T262 229-231 DT denotes an
EnjuParser_T263 232-242 NN denotes indication
EnjuParser_T264 243-247 IN denotes that
EnjuParser_T265 248-251 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T266 252-259 NN denotes EBA-140
EnjuParser_T267 260-271 NN denotes interaction
EnjuParser_T268 272-276 IN denotes with
EnjuParser_T269 277-280 NN denotes GPC
EnjuParser_T270 281-283 VBZ denotes is
EnjuParser_T271 284-294 RB denotes distinctly
EnjuParser_T272 295-304 JJ denotes dependent
EnjuParser_T273 305-307 IN denotes on
EnjuParser_T274 308-311 DT denotes the
EnjuParser_T275 312-315 NN denotes GPC
EnjuParser_T276 316-324 NN denotes N-glycan
EnjuParser_T277 325-334 NN denotes structure
EnjuParser_R229 EnjuParser_T228 EnjuParser_T229 arg1Of We,hypothesize
EnjuParser_R230 EnjuParser_T247 EnjuParser_T229 arg2Of be,hypothesize
EnjuParser_R231 EnjuParser_T247 EnjuParser_T230 arg1Of be,that
EnjuParser_R232 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T231 arg1Of fucosylation,preferable
EnjuParser_R233 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T232 arg1Of fucosylation,terminal
EnjuParser_R234 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T234 arg1Of fucosylation,of
EnjuParser_R235 EnjuParser_T236 EnjuParser_T234 arg2Of chains,of
EnjuParser_R236 EnjuParser_T236 EnjuParser_T235 arg1Of chains,N-glycosidic
EnjuParser_R237 EnjuParser_T236 EnjuParser_T237 arg1Of chains,containing
EnjuParser_R238 EnjuParser_T240 EnjuParser_T237 arg2Of units,containing
EnjuParser_R239 EnjuParser_T240 EnjuParser_T238 arg1Of units,repeating
EnjuParser_R240 EnjuParser_T240 EnjuParser_T239 arg1Of units,lactosamine
EnjuParser_R241 EnjuParser_T240 EnjuParser_T241 arg1Of units,of
EnjuParser_R242 EnjuParser_T245 EnjuParser_T241 arg2Of variant,of
EnjuParser_R243 EnjuParser_T245 EnjuParser_T242 arg1Of variant,the
EnjuParser_R244 EnjuParser_T244 EnjuParser_T243 arg1Of Gerbich,GPC
EnjuParser_R245 EnjuParser_T245 EnjuParser_T244 arg1Of variant,Gerbich
EnjuParser_R246 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T246 arg1Of fucosylation,could
EnjuParser_R247 EnjuParser_T247 EnjuParser_T246 arg2Of be,could
EnjuParser_R248 EnjuParser_T233 EnjuParser_T247 arg1Of fucosylation,be
EnjuParser_R249 EnjuParser_T249 EnjuParser_T247 arg2Of explanation,be
EnjuParser_R250 EnjuParser_T249 EnjuParser_T248 arg1Of explanation,an
EnjuParser_R251 EnjuParser_T249 EnjuParser_T250 arg1Of explanation,for
EnjuParser_R252 EnjuParser_T261 EnjuParser_T250 arg2Of and,for
EnjuParser_R253 EnjuParser_T257 EnjuParser_T251 arg1Of react,why
EnjuParser_R254 EnjuParser_T254 EnjuParser_T252 arg1Of ligand,the
EnjuParser_R255 EnjuParser_T254 EnjuParser_T253 arg1Of ligand,EBA-140
EnjuParser_R256 EnjuParser_T254 EnjuParser_T255 arg1Of ligand,does
EnjuParser_R257 EnjuParser_T257 EnjuParser_T255 arg2Of react,does
EnjuParser_R258 EnjuParser_T257 EnjuParser_T256 arg1Of react,not
EnjuParser_R259 EnjuParser_T254 EnjuParser_T257 arg1Of ligand,react
EnjuParser_R260 EnjuParser_T257 EnjuParser_T258 arg1Of react,with
EnjuParser_R261 EnjuParser_T260 EnjuParser_T258 arg2Of Gerbich,with
EnjuParser_R262 EnjuParser_T260 EnjuParser_T259 arg1Of Gerbich,GPC
EnjuParser_R263 EnjuParser_T251 EnjuParser_T261 arg1Of why,and
EnjuParser_R264 EnjuParser_T263 EnjuParser_T261 arg2Of indication,and
EnjuParser_R265 EnjuParser_T263 EnjuParser_T262 arg1Of indication,an
EnjuParser_R266 EnjuParser_T270 EnjuParser_T263 arg2Of is,indication
EnjuParser_R267 EnjuParser_T270 EnjuParser_T264 arg1Of is,that
EnjuParser_R268 EnjuParser_T267 EnjuParser_T265 arg1Of interaction,the
EnjuParser_R269 EnjuParser_T267 EnjuParser_T266 arg1Of interaction,EBA-140
EnjuParser_R270 EnjuParser_T267 EnjuParser_T268 arg1Of interaction,with
EnjuParser_R271 EnjuParser_T269 EnjuParser_T268 arg2Of GPC,with
EnjuParser_R272 EnjuParser_T267 EnjuParser_T270 arg1Of interaction,is
EnjuParser_R273 EnjuParser_T272 EnjuParser_T270 arg2Of dependent,is
EnjuParser_R274 EnjuParser_T272 EnjuParser_T271 arg1Of dependent,distinctly
EnjuParser_R275 EnjuParser_T267 EnjuParser_T272 arg1Of interaction,dependent
EnjuParser_R276 EnjuParser_T272 EnjuParser_T273 arg1Of dependent,on
EnjuParser_R277 EnjuParser_T277 EnjuParser_T273 arg2Of structure,on
EnjuParser_R278 EnjuParser_T277 EnjuParser_T274 arg1Of structure,the
EnjuParser_R279 EnjuParser_T277 EnjuParser_T275 arg1Of structure,GPC
EnjuParser_R280 EnjuParser_T277 EnjuParser_T276 arg1Of structure,N-glycan


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7 316-324 denotes N-glycan
T10 97-108 denotes lactosamine