[Peripheral retinal neovascularization and sarcoidosis: two case reports]. Néovascularisation périphérique et sarcoïdose. Peripheral retinal neovascularization occurs in approximately 10% of cases of sarcoidosis. Its pathogenesis is unknown, but it probably results from retinal ischemia and/or inflammation. In cases of peripheral retinal neovascularization associated with sarcoidosis, sickle cell disease should be considered, even if sarcoidosis is histologically proved: new vessels seen in sickle cell disease and sarcoidosis may have a very similar pattern. We present two cases with histologically proven sarcoidosis who developed peripheral neovascularization: the first one had no associated disease and new vessels were likely to be related to sarcoidosis; in the second case, hemoglobin electrophoresis revealed hemoglobin SC, and provided diagnosis of sickle cell hemoglobinopathy.