[Syringocele of the Cowper's gland]. Siringocele de la glándula de Cowper. OBJECTIVE: To report an additional case of syringocele of Cowper's glands and briefly review its etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. METHODS/RESULTS: A 26-year-old male consulted for a recent voiding syndrome and chronic postvoid dribbling. A voiding cystourethrogram demonstrated a syringocele, which was confirmed during endoscopic treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Syringocele or cystic dilatation of Cowper's gland duct usually has a congenital etiology. There are four morphological types: simple, perforated, imperforate and ruptured. Diagnosis is made by voiding cystourethrography and confirmed by endoscopy. Transperineal ultrasound was also utilized for the diagnosis. Treatment is by endoscopic incision.