[Biomarkers in breast cancer with high over-expression of HER2 protein]. Marcadores biológicos en carcinomas mamarios con alta sobreexpresión de proteína HER2. INTRODUCTION: The predictive value of the HER2 protein over-expression in order to the breast carcinomas response to dexorubicin and Herceptin therapy has been proved. DAKO Herceptest pretend to be a tool in the identification of patients for whose Herceptin might be an option. In one breast carcinoma serie studied in our laboratory we detected a high over-expression of HER2. Only four cases were recurrent tumors. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the breast carcinoma serie assayed with DAKO Herceptest by the expression of other prognostic or predictive markers (hormone receptors, Ki-67, p53, tumoral ploidy) that are routinely tested in our laboratory. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 97 consecutive mammary carcinomas recieved between July and October, 2000 in the ABC Medical Center's Surgical Pathology Department of Mexico City, were analyzed with DAKO Herceptest, and for estrogen/progesterone receptors, p53, Ki-67 and tumoral ploidy. RESULTS: We found HER2 over-expression in 46.3% of the cases tested. The 47.6% of this subgroup showed hormone receptors negative immunophenotype, 89.7% high cellular proliferation index (Ki-67), 72.5% of p53 expression, and tumoral aneuploidy in 72.9%. CONCLUSIONS: The high expression of desfavorable prognostic and/or predictive factors for mammary carcinomas in the casuistic, suggest that the population in study have a particularly aggressive phenotype, where the over-expression of HER2 protein results in concordance and it is not related with tumoral relapse.