PubMed:10704527 / 58-68 JSONTXT

Adaptation of FACE methodology for microanalysis of total hyaluronan and chondroitin sulfate composition from cartilage. Protocols for analyzing the fine structure of hyaluronan and chondroitin sulfate using fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis of 2-aminoacridone-derivatized hyaluronidase/chondroitinase digestion products were adapted for direct analysis of previously characterized cartilage-derived samples. The chondroitin sulfate disaccharide compositions for fetal and 68 year human aggrecan from FACE analyses were DeltaDi4S (50%), DeltaDi6S (43%), and DeltaDi0S (7%); and DeltaDi4S (3%), DeltaDi6S (96%), and DeltaDi0S (1%), respectively. The nonreducing terminal structures included predominantly 4S-galNAc with minor amounts of 6S-galNAc and Di6S for the fetal aggrecan sample and, in addition, included 4,6S-galNAc in the 68 year aggrecan sample. FACE analysis of a proteinase K digest of rat chondrosarcoma tissue gave an internal disaccharide composition for its chondroitin sulfate chains of DeltaDi0S (7%) and DeltaDi4S (93%) with no DeltaDi6S and DeltaDi4, 6S detected, while DeltaDiHA from hyaluronan was 5% of the total. Analysis of nonreducing terminal structures indicated the presence of 4S-galNAc (51%), galNAc (27%), and Di4S (22%) with no 4,6S-galNAc or Di6S detected. Unexpectedly, FACE analysis detected putative linkage oligosaccharide structures from the chondroitin sulfate chains including both unsulfated (85%) and 4-sulfated (15%) linkage oligosaccharides. Finally, the number averaged chain length estimated from the ratio of the molar fluorescence of the Deltadisaccharides to that of the nonreducing termini or the linkage oligosaccharide structures was calculated as approximately 16 kDa. A tissue glucose concentration of 0.72 g/l was also measured. These results for both samples as determined by FACE analysis were similar to results previously reported, using more labor and time intensive procedures, validating the FACE protocols.

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