PubMed:10021901 / 0-20 JSONTXT

Thromboembolic phenomena in patients with hereditary factor XI deficiency. Factor XI deficiency is an hereditary coagulopathy that is usually associated with milder tendency to bleeding with comparison to hemophilia A. While the failure of stable fibrin clot formation may lead to bleeding, it is speculated that the same process may provide a protection against thrombosis of injured arteries due to atherosclerotic plaque rupture. Whereas 2 studies indicate that hemophiliacs have decreased mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases, there is no similar data regarding factor XI deficiency patients. In here we report about 3 patients with severe factor XI deficiency who have a long-standing history of thromboembolic phenomena: 2 patients with myocardial infarctions, and one patient with transient ischemic attacks. We discuss the possible role of factor XI in thrombosis, and whether its deficiency may protect patients from thromboembolic phenomena.

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