PMC:99051 / 5636-6523 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"99051","source_url":"","text":"Each of these methods clearly has its specific advantages, and often different subsets of differentially expressed genes are identified employing a certain method. For example, cDNAs that are not easily amplified by means of PCR are inadequately represented in PCR-based methods. DADA was designed in order to overcome specific shortcomings of established differential expression analysis technologies used today, e.g. the need to sequence all of the examined genes or the involvement of PCR steps. In addition, further cloning of the complete coding sequence of the identified genes of interest is facilitated by ending up with rather long (e.g. in comparison to the SAGE method) and multiple corresponding cDNAs comprising at least part of the coding sequence. DADA is a digital method which identifies and counts the abundance of genes by means of restriction fragment fingerprinting.","tracks":[]}