Outside of the UK, a similar modelling from France32 (which went into lockdown at a similar time the UK on 17 March) predicted the peak in daily IC admissions at the end of March. Interestingly, however, when dissected by region, the peak in IC bed demand varied by roughly 2 weeks. Swiss modelling similarly predicted a peak in hospitalisation and numbers of patients needing IC beds in early April, after lockdown implementation commenced on 17 March.33 US modelling36 disaggregated by State also highlights the peak of excess bed demand varies geographically, with this peak ranging from the second week of April through to May, dependent on the State under consideration. The modelling based in France also cautioned that due to only 5.7% of the population having been infected by 11 May when the restrictions would be eased, the population would be vulnerable to a second epidemic peak thereafter.32