Model calibration Using the available data (table 1), we define ranges for all parameters in our model and sample all parameters simultaneously between these minimum and maximum values assuming uniform distributions using Latin hypercube sampling (statistical method for generating random parameters from multidimensional distribution) for a total of 100 000 simulations. We used maximum likelihood estimation on total cumulative cases and cumulative deaths with a Poisson negative log likelihood calculated and summed over all observed and predicted points. For i observed cases Xi (from data) and i predicted cases Yi (from simulations of the model), we select the best 100 parameter sets which maximise the log likelihood ∑Xilog⁡(Yi)−Yi from the total sample of 100 000 simulations. The best 100 samples were taken as part of a bias–variance trade-off (online supplemental information, sensitivity analysis), and the qualitative inferences would not change with other choices of sample size. For each data point (taken from cases and deaths), we calculate this log likelihood and weight each according to the square root of the mean of the respective case or death data. This ensures that we are considering case and death data equally within our likelihood calculations.