Susceptible individuals become exposed to the virus at a rate governed by the force of infection λg, and individuals are non-infectious in the exposed category. A proportion δ move from exposed to symptomatic infection and the remaining to asymptomatic infection, both at the latent rate η. Individuals leave both the asymptomatic and symptomatic compartments at rate μ. All asymptomatic individuals eventually recover and there are no further stages of disease: the rate of leaving the asymptomatic compartment is therefore equivalent to the infectious period, μ. A proportion of symptomatic individuals γg go on to develop severe symptoms which require hospitalisation, but not IC. Once requiring hospitalisation, we assume individuals are no longer infectious to the general population due to self-isolation guidelines restricting further mixing with anyone aside from household members (if unable to be admitted to hospital) or front-line NHS staff (if admitted to hospital). Individuals move out of the acute hospitalised compartment at rate ρ, either through death, being moved to IC at rate ϵ, or through recovery (all remaining individuals). A proportion ωg of patients requiring IC will die at rate ψ, while the rest will recover.