This question is around your actual experiences of the preventive measures you have practiced in the Umrah this year, where Never is the lowest and Always is the highest. Choose the right response for each item. Preventative Measures Never F (%) Rare F (%) Sometimes F (%) Often F (%) Always F (%) ⮚ Using umbrella or hat ⮚ Using sunblock creams ⮚ Drinking at least eight cups of water ⮚ Wearing face masks in crowded areas ⮚ Sufficient sleep ⮚ Avoid crowded areas Using insect repellent spray Use of personal tools (razor blades) without sharing with others Dispose used tissue in waste bin Washing hands with water, soap or antiseptics ⮚ after coughing and sneezing ⮚ before eating or preparing food ⮚ after using the bathroom