Study Questionnaire Dear pilgrim, The General Administration of Community Participation at the Saudi Ministry of Health and the voluntary Vision Medical team invite you to participate in a research project around the experiences of preventive measures among Umrah pilgrims in 2019 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Participation in this survey research is entirely voluntary. You can choose not to participate and there are no consequences. You may also withdraw your consent to participate at any time, your participation is completely anonymous and confidential.                                I agree to participate ( )                             I do not agree to participate ( ) 1-  Your Age? ⮚ <20 y ⮚ 20 ≤ 35 y ⮚ 35 ≤ 50 y ⮚ 50 ≤ 60 ⮚ 60 or more 2-  Your nationality                                      (    ) 3-  Your Sex ⮚ Male ⮚ Females 4-  Your Marital status ⮚ Widow ⮚ Single ⮚ Married ⮚ Divorced 5-  Your Level of education ⮚ Illiterate ⮚ Read/write ⮚ Primary/secondary ⮚ High school or above 6-  The type of chronic disease you have: ⮚ Diabetes mellitus ⮚ Hypertension ⮚ Cardiac disease ⮚ Central nervous system ⮚ Psychological/mental disorders ⮚ Immunocompromised travelers (sever-moderate) ⮚ Disabilities (visual-hearing -physical) ⮚ Others 7-  Your history of vaccination (before travel) ⮚ Not vaccinated ⮚ Influenza vaccine ⮚ Hepatitis A virus vaccine (HAV) ⮚ Hepatitis B virus vaccine (HBV) ⮚ Rabies vaccination ⮚ Meningitis vaccination ⮚ Poliomyelitis ⮚ Pertussis 8-  Duration of stay in Makkah ⮚ <1 week ⮚ 1 week ≤ 2 week ⮚ 2 week–or more 9-  Duration of stay in Madinah ⮚ <1 week ⮚ 1 week ≤ 2 week ⮚ 2 week–or more 10-  Did your receive health education on preventive measures to be practiced during Umrah and Hajj ⮚ No ⮚ Yes ⮚ No, self-education 11-  The site of receiving health education ⮚ In homeland ⮚ During arrival ⮚ At the residence inside KSA 12-  Did you find the health education that you received beneficial for you to practice appropriate preventive measures during Umrah? ⮚ Yes ⮚ No ⮚ To some extent 13-  The sources of Health Education ⮚ Press and publication ⮚ Family and friends ⮚ Lectures ⮚ Social media (Facebook–Instagram–Twitter–Snapchat) ⮚ Travel medicine clinics ⮚ Health care providers ⮚ Saudi Ministry of Health web site ⮚ Other web sites 14-  This question is around your actual experiences of the preventive measures you have practiced in the Umrah this year, where Never is the lowest and Always is the highest. Choose the right response for each item. Preventative Measures Never F (%) Rare F (%) Sometimes F (%) Often F (%) Always F (%) ⮚ Using umbrella or hat ⮚ Using sunblock creams ⮚ Drinking at least eight cups of water ⮚ Wearing face masks in crowded areas ⮚ Sufficient sleep ⮚ Avoid crowded areas Using insect repellent spray Use of personal tools (razor blades) without sharing with others Dispose used tissue in waste bin Washing hands with water, soap or antiseptics ⮚ after coughing and sneezing ⮚ before eating or preparing food ⮚ after using the bathroom 15-  Please can you indicate the availability of the following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) with you PPE Brought It from Homeland F (%) Was given from Al Hamla F (%) Not Available F (%) Face Masks Personal tools (razor blades) Sanitizers/gel 16-  Please can you rate your level of satisfaction of the services offered by ministry of health, including medical care of all types. ⮚ Very satisfied ⮚ Satisfied ⮚ To some what ⮚ Dissatisfied ⮚ Very Dissatisfied                                       Thank You, Research Team