In Model 2, perceived risk, anxiety, negative emotions, and blame attribution have positive effects on beliefs in conspiracy theories, whereas perceived control has a negative effect. These results match the hypotheses. Analytic thinking negatively affects beliefs in conspiracy theories, but the relation is not statistically significant. They are all negative attributes, meaning that more larger efforts are needed to effectively decrease negative mood and perceptions in the COVID-19 pandemic. From this perspective, because an individual’s perceived sense of control is a psychological variable that plays a role in decreasing beliefs in conspiracy theories, it is necessary to strongly empower people to see the more positive sides of situations. In addition, beliefs in conspiracy theories are related to external blame attribution, in which people place responsibility for COVID-19 on other people rather than on themselves. External rather than internal blame attribution reinforces beliefs in conspiracy theories. This finding implies that an emphasis on individual responsibility in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic is important to enable people to attribute blame internally. Among the six variables in Model 2, the most influential variable is negative emotions, followed by anxiety, perceived control, and perceived risk. This result suggests that an emotional rather than a rational approach is needed to reduce beliefs in conspiracy theories during the COVID-19 pandemic.